The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 19, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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ft b e E) a 1 1 s ttebrasfcan
be Dail IRebraeftan
Convocation tlotes
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A roiwolMiitlon of
Tljp Hmprrlmi, Vol 1)1, The Nelirnikiui. Vol. 12.
flenrlct unci Ureiim, Vol. 4.
V JXJ jBPiiifiQ7vfpnf1RWEE
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Mnnnidnir Editor
litMlncHH MminKcr
('. K I'mHiNdKit
J K. MnnrtifON
A. . HcmmniKH
Ncwn Win. ('
Hoclctv Wm A.HluM-k
Atlilctio A. I. Mvith
Literary Tolin D lllce
Program for the Week:
Thursday Miss Howell: Rending.
Friday Musical program.
Chaplain for Vie week, Rev. L.
I'ho A 12:W)
Htntlon A, Box 1(1, Lincoln
2U1'4 lInlvTMlty Hall
Post Olllci'
Entered nt the pontoft1ee at Lincoln, NcbrnHkn,
iih mvond Hiikh mull mutter.
Staff Editorials.
The Btudent who "means well" fre
quently lives beyond his means.
This Is the season of pre ailing tem
po, aiy Illness. Students should ho un
UHually careful In the care they take
of themselcs, and thus guard against
nn epidemic Several ascs of mumps
hae already hern reported. Care
should he exeiiscd on the pait of
students in not allowing this disease to
"A soft answer lurneth away wrath";
and fiom a hack seat It frequently
saves an embarrassing Hunk.
Tnlk ahout (lass spirit! At Monday
night's basket ball game (here were
only thiee seniors and some half do.en
lieshmcn piesent. Certainly some
thing was lacking somewhere. Those
tew present were very enthusiastic,
but the trouble was there were not
enough of them. There is still a
( hanre for the seniors to redeem them
mMvcb. Let them cheer up and show
themselves equal to the occasion.
A dollar in the appropriation bill is
worth two in the committee of the
Now that the baBeball men are out,
it Is the duty of every man who has
any ability In this lino to report on
the field at once, without being asked.
Nebraska must put out a winning ag
gregation. To do this will be a
weighty task. Only a few old men niv
back and several positions are open.
According to present indications com
petition will not be very strong for
the bases or infield. Fleldeis are ver
"Where there's a will, there's a
way;" but what of It when there are
two wills the Instructor's and the
Xhe Inss basket ball games have
not all been played. The champion
ship lies between the juniors and fresh
men. The juniors have a strong and
experienced team, but the under class
men put up a swift and snappy game,
and will probably give their opponents
a hard rub. The date of the final con
test has not yet been set, but the game
will probably occur the first of next
week. The freshmon refused to play
this week, aa they desired to have an
other week's practice before hazard
ing their chances for the championship.
Yesterday's Exercises:
State Superintendent Fowler ad
dressed the student body at yesterday's
convocation upon the subject of the
Cincinnati meeting of school superin
tendents, as follows: Three weeks ago
a rather remarkable meeting was held
In the city of Cincinnati where were
gathered several hundred school super
intendents and others high in educa
tional work, among them Mrs. Helen
L. drenfell of Colorado, the only lady
it preventative, and President Charles
V. Fllot of Harvard. The topics dis
cussed v4Me many and vnrious, such
ns the human scale of geography, the
best methodB of electing school boards,
the freedom of the teacher. Industrial
education In the rural schools, the Uni
versity of Oxford and the Rhodes
scholarships, co-education in high
schools and universities, how to util
ize fully the plant of a city school sys
tem, etc
The superintendents are, in the
main, a tine body of men. A majority
of them have worked up to the posi
tions they now hold by thoiough merit
and strong personality The position
ol principal of city schools in such
cities as Omaha and Lincoln is more
Impoitant than that of college presl-
I nt of a geneiation ago. All the col
leges In the land foity years ago did
not equal In point of attendance or in
number ol Instructors a like number
of high schools of the present day
More important still, however, is the
position of superintendent of a city
system ol schools. There are one hun
dred sixty-one cities Of the United
States containing a population of over
2.".n(i0, with the salaries of sup-iln-tendents
ranging from $2,000 to $10,000.
The differences between the views of
the superintendents of the eiust and of
the middle or central west were ery
marked. The question was asked.
"What should be the features of a
modern elementary school building?"
and upon this question the men of the
east exhibited general ignorance, many
.it' llimn ..tnfl.. I1...I I. .,
i mi-Hi nuiuiif, tiun n was rror uie
part ol a superintendent's duties to in
foi in himself upon the subjec ts of heat
ing, entilation, lighting, etc, ol school
buildings; while the men of the west
displayed a knowledge of these sub
jec ts and held them as important as
methods of instruction.
If you are preparing for educational
work. Superintendent Fowler advised
In conclusion, study all the influences
which tend to educate the child, and
develop his physical. Intellectual and
spiritual organization. The teacher,
the text book, the School houses and
their appurtenances, all should be
made objects of study and reflection by
the future superintendents and super
visors and principles of schools.
flriPt 'J
You must soon decide what
kind of a suit you are going
to buy and where to buy it.
M you knew what a difference
there is in the way clothes are
made and then knew the
many points of superiority in
ours, you wouldn't be long in
deciding. The only way to
KNOW is to SEE them and
compare them with the best i
you can find. They are ready
for you. Suits $10 to $30.
-:;-:-:--;.-..-. .;. ..
University Bulletin
LOST A Sigma Chi pin.
1 11 1 11 to chapter house. A.
Please re
.1. Coats.
SOPHOMOUK baseball men report
em field this morning at chapel time
Yale is discussing the question of
how to bring the freshmen, who now
"form a little conUnunlty by them
selves," according fyo the Yale News,
Into closer touch with the remainder
of' the university, without breaking
down time-honordd class lines.
Burt's Sultorium, 1231 0.
and B 995.
Phones 47
ALL freshmen who can and are will
ing to play base ball will meet on the
base ball field Saturday morning at !
o'c loc k. All freshmen be sure and get
orrt Committee.
ALL freshmen who intend to enter
the freshman-sophomore debate must
band their names to the president ol
the freshman class before Thiusday
eening, March 19.
Professor Barber Is busily engaged
in reading the proof of the new Hale
and Buck Latin grammar that is being
printed by (linn &. Co, of Boston. He
read the manuscript before it went to
the printers, and is now on the fourth
arrcl last reading of the proof. Tlu
giammar was gotten up by Hale and
Buck of Chicago Unieisit, and the
indications are that it will become the
most popular Latin grammar In the
counti v.
We can save you
money and give
you a hand
some shoe.
Eat at Don's Cafe.
Let the Lincoln Transfer Co.
your trunks. 'Phone 176.
Say Porter's School Supples fast as
you can seven times. You'll make no
fool of yourself.
The Thfophaiilan literary society
of Wesleyan will pay the Delians a re
turn visit Friday evening. Holding in
mind the hospitable treatment accord
ed to them upon their recent visit to
the Wesleyan society, the Delians will
spare no pains in providing suitable
entertainment for their visitors.
i2I3 osriEEr.Jfr
"Do you know any news?" asked tlu
Nebraskan reporter of the professor.
"Yes," growled the professor, "but 1
won't give it to you."
"I didn't ask you to give it to me,"
replied the reporter; "I just wanted to
find out If you knew any."
The Palace Barber Shop; 8 chairs.
If you are needing Spectacles or
Eye-glasses we can give you a perfect
fit. Eyes examined free. Hallett,
Jeweler and Optician, 1143 O St.; 30
years' experience.
The Bully cigar students' delight.
Dr. Bentz, Dentist, Eleventh and 0.
Jhc Improved .
The Standard
for Gentlemen
The Name "BOSTON
GARTER" Is stamped
Ion every loop.
Have C. A. Tucker, Jeweler, 1123 O,
fix It.
$3.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at
the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. l?th St.
Students are cordially Invited.
It., n.i i. il i
iwi 10 we leg never '
ups, lean nor Unfastens.!
. Mmlled on receipt of nrit 1
-, ULU.. UJ1.A-
"ery pair Warranted-
h 1
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