The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1903, Page 4, Image 4
?fW8 Wtt! Serfr? .'il vi, rr r - '.4 .. ' -' . ' lf . f. A 'Li' t ' '- . n .. o" f a ttbe DailP He tr aefca n Wt T e - ar J . -. A. ', if? ,' j . & SK s j. n ; . ax. ( CLAKY and NEWS. TcLArOJS. Ill N. Uth StrcC Capital Novelty Works 'Bicycles and repairing of all kinds. Key fitting. TeLF592 231 So. JJth FORBES STABLES LIVERY BAGGAGE AND CAB LIME CARNAGES FOR PARTIES Bam 1 125-1131 P St. F&ttM 550 H Hfe worth DA I I Or. It eke t HvtefT lALrHlt th llvtr. at Mm " DlnlNo Itvt kH. CWfER U I I I H30 NIL A MART II A L L pfetM 4f . WESTERN 6USS& PAINT CO. && nm m sit. umolN, Neb. A CTOOP PLACE TO EAT E. I. FRANCIS, Succor to FRANCIS B&OS. Meals all hours day or night, Vx and upwards. Caterer for lunches and banquets. Phone FJ050 J2JN. JJthSt BICYCLES At att prices and guaranteed to be the lowest. TALKING MACHINES Of S makes, and aold at prices at which other dan not. THE WITTMANN COMPANY, 311-213 South Eleventh Street. lng the things which give the Univer sity Us Influence. The greatest good to, the greatest number often results In tho greatest good to the Individual as well. Personally I do not feel that the time and money I devoted to tho University aro lost. I am sure I re ceived their equivalent. For University readers, it seemed to mo unnecessary to Justify these things, though I am aware that in some quar ters their advisability, at least, is ques tioned. But In addressing thi3 paper on "college spirit" to such readers I deomed it as unnecessary as I wish these arguments were. I trust and hope that we shall soon see a reawak ening of spirit, and from indications I believe tho time is coming when the student body as a Whole will have gained some realization of what "col lege spirit" is not tho same as mine, perhaps, for I do not wish to prescribe it to all; but some idea of What it means to the individual and to the University, or what it may mean. Then tho dayB of deficits, laclc of patronage, and internal dissension will be past. Do not, understand me as dictating this interpretation to all. Let each work out the meaning which appeals, to him as most logical and beneficial to all. And do not think me pessimistic, for I believe In the University, and am hope ful for her future. Still I do not con sider It pessimism or "knocking" to desire more and better spirit there. It Is desirable In my opinion, necessary and. I am sure, will come; and If I have any part, however slight. In hastening Its advent, I shall not con sider my appeal wasted. ALUMNUS '02. Tho graduatos of tho' State Univer sity of Iowa last year had their pic tures made In caps and gownB, thus giving to their individual group picture a uniformity which added charm to the genoral effect. Mr. T. W. Townsend, formally of tho Elite Studio here, was their photographer. Eat at Don's Cafe. Fiegenbaum's Pharmacy, 13th and O. Such weather discourages buying, but the warm sunny days are com ing and you will neecTa summer suit. Now is the time to make your selec tion at Palne's. Dr. Aley, chronic diseases, 1318 O. Dr. Bentz, Dentist, Eleventh and O. The men students simply must buy furnishings and clothes of us. because we give the Btylo and the price to please students. Tho Toggery, 1141 O. C. E. Brown, Dentist. Burr block. The Bully cigar students' delight. It may cost a trifle more to have the "Evans do your washing," but "Gee Whiz," the comfort the satisfaction. Don Cameron's for a square meal. INTERCOLLEGIATE BVDEAV OF ACADEMIC COSTUME Cettrcll & Leonard, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods to University of Ne braska, University of Minnesota, Univer sity of Chicago, Uni versity of Omaha, Cornell, Yale, Har vard, Princeton, Le land Stanford, U. of P.. Wele&lev. Brvn ,, -. ,. r - - Hawr, and the others. Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc upon request. ffl Athletic Board Meets. Lincoln Local Express transfers any old thing. 'Phone 787. 44r4f4f4&44r&44 I Ti& lheBurMgtm Califoftik PERSONALLY CONDUCTED Excursions EVER Y THURSDAY, AND SATURDAY il Only $5 for a double berth and ft X $25 for a R.R. ticket I Z Lincoln to Los Angeles Call and get full Information. De pot 9ttt.andP.jareJClty Office Id to and O streets 4f&4t&4&&444 Farmers and Merchants Bank :! isthfcosts. :; Transacts a general banking business. Get ;! one of their steel home banks. fr4-'t-'441'lifrl'.,U''l!lt'M'l,l',t',frt'I' for Acceptable Ideas. State If teatMtoi. THE PATENT RECORD, Battlatre. ML ob price of the Patbkt Raootu LM IWUBUB. eWBPiaBKM. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC The regular monthly meeting of the athletic board was held last night and the usual large amount of business was transacted. The track manager was given authority to complete the ar rangements for the Sioux City trip. Fifteen men, including coach, mana ger and trainer, will be taken along. Nebraska will meet -the University of South Dokata at the above place on Decoration day. Members of the bas ket ball team were voted Jerseys In recognition of the good work they have done. The second baseball team was given the privilege of playing on three school days. In order to make Friday gameB possible. The board passed a resolution to the effect that, other things being approximately equal, it would favor, In the purchase of sup plies, advertisers in the Dally Ne-braskan. tfJtt.Jtl.ftAAJtAtAtAtAltAtAtAt lAfctfttfA 1 1 1 ftHtlfclVUfctAtfcg "T a The University Boqk Store JUST RECEIVED Fresh Lotoney Cream Cakes. Chocolate Cream Drops and Chocolate Stoanne. Clark and Harris Butter Cups and Tablets in all flaodra. Caramels, Peanuts and Frappe Tablets receioed fresh eoery day. Largely reduced prices on Unidersity Pins and' Hat Pins The University Book Store trrrrvrrrrrrerevrerve Lincoln Shining Parlor, cor. 11th & O. Eat at Hendry's, 129 North Eleventh. FOR J903 Edited by J. E, Sullivan Over The only alma- 530 pictures nc PuMtihed . YMbt ,'1t cooU,a OK a complete Ibt Vcaknnt vVi ! Amcr,cn American jAr V Amateur Best- gad AtVA on-Record , IV and complete .anfr Vi ,Ut ' cllTO- h ,'' aWV plons. Halrdresslng and manicuring at the PamouB. $3.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. l?th St Students are cordially Invited. PRICE 10 CENTS For sale by all nrwtdealtrs and A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago. Denver, Baltimore, Buffalo Spattkqc'a complete catalogue of Athletic Sports sent free to any address Ernest Thompson Seton at St. Paul's church In stereopticon lecture, Wednes day evening. Tickets, 25 and 50 cents. Little Gem hot waffles served at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 North 13th St. We have a large student patronage. Lives of Hunkers all remind us We can throw a bluff as far And, departing leave behind us Goose eggs for the registrar. Ohio Lantern. THE UNION PACIFIC 18 KNOWN AS he Overland foute If you lire needing Spectacles or Eye-glasses we can give you a perfect fit Eyes examined free. Hallett, Jeweler and Optician, 1143 O St.; 30 years' experience. AND IS THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO ALL PRINCIPAL WESTERN POINTS. 9-599 Vi Omaha THE UNION PACIFIC IS 204 miles shorter to . SeJt City 278 miles shorter to . Sa.n Frtxnclsco 27S miles shorter to . . Los Ansjeles 35ft miles shorter to . . . Portland 12 hours quicker to Salt Lrxke City 16 hours quicker to Se.n Fro.icJsco 16 hours quicker to . . . Los Angeles 16 hours quicker to Portland THAN ANY OTHER LINE. r V Electric JUgh ted Trains Daily I Full information checrliill furnished on i..lictio"ino . E. B. SLOSSON. Atrent, 1 .KJ?fi liT.', f -? i. r "y jr I ? -I v M v , j-i,' - . "-' J --.- -i ' s- f .. .jIi ti :-. u ' &b'; ..,..'' I ti1' ',1.' ,- ,l .,.,-' s, ' v .." f I5 :&wm: &j&afc j $$&,:&:', i - "n 2: -- - -, - j -r -m, ".- - - - -5t nj ttx- mtMKuVfifmtM . fell TCJtv Tipj i rv i