The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 14, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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ttbe Da Up flebraahan
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Gbe Bails flebraeftim
, A consolidation of
The Hesperian, Vol. 01, Tho Nobrankan, Vol. 12,
Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4.
Managing Editor O. K. Pjcnflmoien
BnfllnoM Manatrcr .1. K. MnnmnoN
Olronlator - Ar.OvBornmBjcKr
Nowb Win. Cno
Society Win. A. Shook
Athlotio A. I. Mtpi-h
Literary John D. Hico
coi.urojt or MrnroiWK
Editor - Thou. TrnelHim
Manager R. c. Pnnter
Reporter T. E. Samnlo, J. M. V7nlnh, Fnd
Offlce: 200M Unlventlty Hnll. Phono A 1220
PoHt Office: Station A, Box 10, Lincoln
of University people would not concur
In opinions sot forth In any symposium,
and, Indeed, If you yourself differ rad
ically, mako It known oither through
tho Dally, which is at all times a
medium between the individual and
the public ns well as a newspaper, or
to the editors, whoso pleasure It is to
consider matters relating to the paper.
Entered' nt thu postoTlco rt Lincoln, Nebraska,
a Rcconrt clam mail mutter.
Staff editorials.
Nebraskan Mail Service.
Beginning today, a new system of
distribution will be begun by the mail
ing department of the Nebraskan.' The
papers may bo obtained at Station A
from the circulator, Mr. A. Q.
Schrelber, during the convocation
hour, but will not hereafter be placed
In tho student exchange. Those who
do not get their papers during convo
cation may obtain them after 11:30 In
their regular postofflce boxes, If they
have Biich, or at the general delivery
window. -If you have no box, and want
your Nebraskan, be sure and call ex
pressly for It, as It will be kept In a
separate apartment from your regular
general delivery mall, and may be over
looked If you do not expressly call for
Dy thlB method It Is hoped the an
noyance caused by the appropriation
of subscribe' papers by non-Biibscrlb-ers
may be prevented, and a more sat
isfactory distribution of the daily iasue
Remember the two Important points:
(1) You get your paper either from the
circulator during convocation hour, or
elBe from the postofflce after notice
the "after" 11:30; and (2) If you have
no postofflce box, you are to ask espe
cially for your Nebraskan, or you will
get your other mall only, and not your
There Is a tendency at this time of
year for students especially, whq grow
tired of confinement, to stir about In
the freBh hair and sun:hluf-.. That is all
right and perfectly natural, but the
tendency to walk over the soft- turf
of the campus should be restrained In
every student who Is loyal to the In
stitution. The appearanco of the cam
pus should be a matter of pride with
us .all, and each one can contribute ma
terially to Its good looks or to its un
tidy appearance. This Is both a duty
and an individual duty.
The symposiums that appear in the
Nebraskan from time to time are in
tended to bring out a representative
sentiment, usually from both the stu
dents and faculty. But while such Is
tho aim, it must bo remembered that
opinions which really represent the
feeling of the entire institution can
only be obtained by Interviewing a very
large number, and since it is quite
impossible to carry the questioning far
enough, it may happen that the articles
do not accomplish their purpose. When
such Is the case, however, resentment
should Indicate the mistake. If there
is nothing but approval, it Is fair to
conclude that the symposium has
struck the key note. So, If you have
a strong conviction that the majority
Convocation for Next Week.
Tuesday Mr. A. L. Blxby: Original
Wednesday Supt. W. K. Fowler.
"Cincinnati Meeting Section N. E. A."
Thursday Miss Howell: Reading.
Friday Musical program.
Chaplain for tho week, Rev. L. P.
The Platte Flood.
The state geological survey has been
deeply Interested In the .floods that
have this year been causing so much
damage In Nebraska. Dr. Condra, who
made a trip to Ashland and from there
to South Bend Wednesday, secured
some excellent photographs that show
plainly the effects of the Ice gorges and
the great volume of water that has
swept down the Platte, helped to swell
the Missouri and contributed toward
the overflow of the Mississippi. At
least two classes of students are Inter
ested In the floods this spring namely,
the geologist and the engineer.
The latter is Interested because of
the destruction of bridges along the
rivers and smaller BtreamB. H1b prob
lem will be to strengthen bridges that
Bpan such streams so that they will
not catch and hold the masses of Ice
and will yet be strong enough to sup
port the weight of traffic. The engineer
will probably try to solve this prob
lem by making bridges with fewer
spans, permitting the ice to pass
through more easily, for it seems that
no bridge can be constructed strong
enough to withstand the attack of such
masses of Ice as have lodged at the
bridges along the Platte this year.
The geologist Is interested because of
the rare opportunity given him to
Btudy the change of currents and the
removal of Islands, together with the
causes that led to the extraordinary
overflows. It Ib known that the Platte
has many old beds, some of which are
not easy to account for. The present
flood may aid to a considerable extent
In understanding former actions of the
river. The gorges at Intervals along
the river have caused overflows which
have cut entirely new channels, torn
away very substantial Islands and
swept off rich, productive soil that
covered the river bottoms.
The cause of tihese Ice Jams, and of
the consequent floods, lies in the large
quantity of snow on the mountain
slopes, which was melted off by a sud
den rise of temperature. The river
broke up from above Instead of begin
ning at the mouth, thus causing jam
after Jam of solid ice.
Dr. Condra photographed, with spe
cial care, the gorge at South Bond,
which carried away a part of the Rock
Island bridge. His photographs, some
of which will appear In the State Jour
nal tomorrow, show a veritable glacier
covering at least 160 acres.
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Metcalf last June. The new man is
Dr. Frederick DeForest Heald, now
professor of biology In Fairfield Col
lege, Iowa. Dr. Heald graduated from
tho University of Wisconsin, from
which he received the degree of mas
ter of science after two years of gradu
ate work In botany. He then went to
ermany, and after studying with Pro
fesfors Pfeffer and Fischer In the Uni
versity of Leipzig, he gained the de
gree of doctor of philosophy from that
old university. Under Pfeffer he
studied plant physiology, and since
Pfeffer is the foremost plant physiolo
gist In the world, his opportunities
wera of the best to perfect himself In
this department of botany. Likewise
Fischer is one of the greatest of living
bacteriologists, and Dr. Heald was for
tunate in being able to study with him.
After returning from Europe, Dr. Heald
was elected to tho chair of biology in
the college at Fairfield, Iowa, and here
he has remained In successful wor for
six years. Before going abroad he held
a fellowship in botany in the Univer
sity of Wisconsin for two years, and
was instructor in botany and zoology
in the summer school of that university
in the summer of 1895.
Dr. Heald is to assume his duties im
mediately after the June commence
ment, as he is to be one of the instruc
tors in the summer session In the Uni
versity of Nebraska. It is expected
that he will be "in residence" during
the remalndor of the summer in order
to become acquainted with the depart
ment, as well as to attend to the busi
ness of the department. As Professor
Bessey intends to be absent after the
first of July, It Is essential that some
competent botanist should be constant
ly on the ground. Dr. Clements Is to
be again in the Rocky mountains, from
about the first of June, so that the de
partment will need the attention of
Dr. Heald all summer.
Dr. Heald's title Is adjunct professor
of plant physiology and general bac
teriology, and accordingly he will have
charge of some or all of the work in
these subjects, and also of the pharma
ceutical botany. This will insure a
closer supervision of the laboratory
work In these subjects.
Professor Dann's clasB in Greek I
ilnlshea the Iliad this week and will
at onco proceed to the study of the
Odyssey. Ah Innovation In the method
of studying Greek was introduoed this
year In this glass, and is working out
to a successful end, having satisfied
the expectations of the instructor and
developed satisfactory results in the
class. Three days of the week have
been glvon up to the translation and
study of the Greek text, and the other
two devoted to a careful study of the
English version, all points bearing on
tho religion of the time being touched
upon, and the different books being in
vestigated and reviewed In sequential
order. The same schedule next year, It
Is hoped, will be so arranged as to
enable those who so desire to register
for the work In the English version,
without being required to take up the
study of the Greek text.
Uses printed matter.
We lead in swell
I tb Ivi Press ( 1
A i"r rt vi.ii. -u
" "v. ijlii) r.
New Botanical Professor.
At the meeting of the regents In Feb
ruary an additional Instructor in bot
any was elected, In order to fill the va
cancy made by the resignation of Dr.
CHE indioiduality of our
Spring Suits is attract
ing the eery best dressers.
We are ready to prooe to
you that none- fit like ours.
You can't buy better at any
Priced from $10 to $30.
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