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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1903)
rwGwsa W h V P8SB wevuism vr&f? 1 1 PTm -OS? fr,r - rff T IbeSDatlp IFlebraefcan VoLIL UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, MARCH J4, J903. No. J06. MA zr kc te i IV " I I N V nSSft r NEBRASKA VICTORIOUS. First and Second Teams Win from Haskell and Baker. The Nebraska girls' basket ball team remains Undefeated, and Coach Pound has reason to take great pride in her tcjam of '03. The swift and plucky Has kell Indians went down in defeat last night at the hands of Nebraska, by the overwhelming score of 42 to 8, The second team took Baker University Into camp to the tune of 22 to 1. About three hundred people witnessed the games. Coach Plank of the Haskell team refereed both games In a very satisfactory manner. This is the first time a man has ever officiated here at a girlB' game. But little cheering was done for either side. The senior girls, attired In their class gowns, ushered. Baker brought nine people and 'Has kell eight. 'The event was pronounced the finest exhibition of its nature which over took pjace In the gym. While both games were one-sided, each had very fine fea tures on both sides. Tho team work and pool deliberation of the Indian players brought out considerable ap plause, as did also the plucky manner in which they fought to the last. The sensation of the other game was when after time had boon called at the end. of the game Miss Weley saved a shut out for Baker by throwing a foul. Mlsa Jansa made a wonderful record at for ward, having 30 of the 42 points to her credit Miss Everett made the most points for the second team, throwing 4 goals. The Indian girls were all small, and Nebraska had a great advantage In height, as well as in the fact that our court la ahout one-third larger than Haskell's. The other two teams were about evenly matched in- physique. The 'varsity made 21 points in each half, and Haskell 4. The first half of the game with Baker ended 14 to 0 in favor of the second five. In tho second half Baker tooR a decided brace and held their opponents down to 8 points, but the hall repeatedly refused to enter tho basket for them. Nebraska threw 20 goals and Haskell 4. Tho second team threw 10 goals and Baker none. The Games In Detail. Play began at 8:20 with the local team throwing for the sotfth goal. Ivas Everett threw a goal in less than 30 secdnds and the scoring had begun. Miss Glttings Boon added 2 more for the second team, and Ave minutes later MIsb Everett found the basket from tho side line. Nebraska fouled and Baker missed the foul. Miss Ames soon threw a pretty goal. Baker was fouled Miss Shlnbur throw .the foul, and the score stood 9 to Q. Some rooters cheered Baker and the Methodists braced, and It seemed for a few min utes as If the tables would be turned; but the plucky Nebraska guards would not permit a goal. Miss Everett finally- came to the rescue with another goal. Baker fouled, And Miss Shinbar added a point for the second Blx. Time 'was soon called and the score stood 14 0 for the 'varsity. Then came the first half of the big game. Mlss'Jansa started the Bcoring -with a goal 'In less than one minute. Each side wan soon fouled alternately and; Nebraska netted one point and Haskell none. Miss Setter made the v , first score for the Indians with a goal "f torn Held. Miss Jansa increased Ne brasKay8 score by 4 points, and Miss Craig1 soon followed her example with 4 more, which Miss Jansa duplicated, and the sc6ro was 15 to 2. Then Miss Hauser. located the badket and Haskell had. 4 points. MIbb Jansa piled up two more. a'Haakell held and .JJebraaka missed tho foul. Mlas Jansa Throw the longest gpal of the evening "from the center' of the field, and repeated the dose from a closer point. Haskell fduled and MIbb Jansa missed the bag- eei21,t,tIS Senior MONDAY NH &K eitYfA5?4V - FrehrrMV Basket Ball 4 1 RCH16 ARMORY, 8 P. M.-MISSION JOc. X iJ&WrlHr$r1Hrl!rH ket. The half ended 21 to 4 for Ne braska. The other teams came on at once. Baker had been far outclassed in the first half, but now took a decided brace. MIbs Bryan succeeded Miss Woodsmall at guard. In this half Ne braska missed five fouls out of five and Baker threw ono out of 4. After some fouling on both sides, Captain Shlnbur led out with a nice goal. The gamo progressed with no further scoring. After a tirno Miss Ames, forward, threw two consecutive goals. No more points were made in tho next few minutes, and then the clever center, Miss Ever ett, found the basket from far out in the field. No more goals were thrown. Afteu a series of fouls and five min utes of hard play, time was called Just after tho umpire's whistle had sounded for a foul on the second team. Haskell this time made the foul count and saved a shut out. Score, 22 to 1. The Haskell girls came on the field with the determination of rotrievlng themselves, but odds were too great against them. This time there were only five on a side. Haskell fought fiercely against her strong antagonists, but to no avail. The half was an exact repetition of tho first In the matter of scoring. Haskell's attempts for goal fell short as usual. Misses Jansa and Scott made all the points for Nebraska, the former making 13 and the latter 8 Miss Sorter did the scoring for Has kell, making two goals. Time was called and the score stood 42 to 8 In Nebraska's favor. For Nebraska Miss Jansa made 30 points, Miss Scott 8 and Miss Craig 4. For Haskell, Miss Sorter made 4 points, Miss Hauser and MIbb Sutter 2 each. For the second team, Miss Everett made 8 points, Misses Shlnbur and Ames 6 each, and Miss Gittings 2. The line-up: Baker. Second Team. Forwards. Helen Riley Emma Shinbfir (C.) Gertrude Weley Ethel Ames Centers. Dorothy Klnzeor Ina Gittings Katherine Kelley Ines Everett Guards. Lillian Cary Miss McCutcheon Ruth Enyeart Ruth Bryan Substitutes. Maude Fisher Ruth Woodsmall Haskell. . First Team. Forwards. Mamie Setter Minnie Jansa Irene Sorter Cora Scott Centers. Mary Hauser Pearl .Archibald Oma Wrybourne Edith Craig Guards. Alice McCauley Alice Towne MIbb LaBIssonnloreElva Sly (Capt.) Officers: Referee, M.r. U. S. G. Plank (Haskell Institute); umpires, Miss Miss Flora Tlchnor (Omaha Y. W. C. A.), Miss Gertrude Macomber (Omaha High School). Patronesses: Mrs. E. B. Andrews, Mrs. W. J. Bryan, Mrs. C. E. Beasey, Mrs. E. H. Barbour, Mrs. C. F. Badd, Mrs. A. R. Mitchell, Mrs. G. L. Rhodes, Mrs. L. A. Sherman, Mrs. H. C. Swear lngen, Mrs. W. O. Thomas, Mrs. H. B. Ward. If you are needing Spectacles or Eye-glasses we can give you a perfect fit Eyes examined free. Hallett, Jeweler and Optician, '1143 O St.; 30 years' experience. Po sec ior-Freshmen Monday. tHe second of the series of lnterolae.-i games will bo played Monday evening. The game will be called at 8:30, imme diately after the evening gym claBs. Both teams have been practicing the past week and considerable enthusiasm Is being manifested In this game. Class spirit is an essential concomitant of University spirit, and this is an excel lent opportunity to show you still have a little of the former. Although this Is really a post-season series of games, the Inclemency of the weather has pre vented active work in other sports, so basket ball still has tho floor. GIvo your fellow classmen your support. The line-up is as follows: Leonard (Capt.)...F Krake Golden F..Mathewson (C.) Milek C ,.. Horn Spafford O 7f . . Clark Buck G ,A Reid Noted Reader April 7. One of the rarest treats University people will have an opportunity to en joy this year will undoubtedly be the reading to bo given Saturday evening, May 7th, by Mrs. Jessie Eldrldge South wick, one of the most accomplished elo cutionary artists of the country. In ad dition to her natural genius, Mrs. Southwick enjoys the advantages of preparation and equipment coming from many years of practical class room experience in the well known Emerson College of Oratory at Bos ton, In which Institution she has been instructor- In dramatic and Shake spearean Interpretation. Mrs. Southwick appears In the Y. M. lecture course April 0th, and while here will be the guest of Miss Howell, at whoso special request Mrs. Southwick appears before a University audience. There will be no admission fee charged at the reading, and it is hoped that University people will turn out en masse. Further particulars will be given In later issues of the Nebraskan. This has been another week of good development and progress In baseball work. The pitchers have all acquired good form and are now twirling the sphere as speedily and scientifically as they are able, with one new man regis tered as a candidate. They will be ready to do good hard' work as soon as outdoor practice begins. Progress in track work' is not what it might be, as the men do not turn out as well as thoy should. Nevertheless, many men are getting Into snapo for field work as soon as the weather permits. Noth ing has- as yet been done In regard to tennis. ' Porter's display 25c Papetries. See It Campus Gfoanings. University Calendar. April 17 Senior Prom. Dr. Bolton was an Omaha business visitor Thursday. Mr. E. H. Clark, of tho executive office, Is down with the grip. Dr. Gain's class In veterinary science, formerly held at tho state farm, 1b now meeting at the University. Mr. Blackmail of tho historical so ciety delivered a lecture on "Indian Customs" Friday evening at the church at Belmont. The University Dramatic club will render two small plays on Wednesday evening of next week in tho old chapel. Everybody 1b welcome to attend. Photographer Hamilton took a pic ture of the Palladlan basket-ball team yesterday. This team won the Ipter soclety championship. Tho picture will be hung In Pal hall and will probably appear in the Junior annual. A day or two ago a specimen of tho "rattle-box," a poisonous plant of the Missouri river bottoms, was sent to tho botanical department for examina- -j V .-- . ,i. I,. , . tion. It produces a- serious disease among horses when eaten In hay or In the field. Professor Bessey Is lecturing to his class In plant pathology on the dis eases of forest trees. There are more diseases of tho native forest treea than Is supposed by most people, and it Is to these diseases that much of the rotting of timber is due. The Palladlan Boys will d'lscuss the following question this evening: "Are union men Justified In refusing to work with non-union men?" Affirmative Morrow, Anderson; nogatlve Clark, Le Groh. Tho Union club will discuss the question: Resolved, That the tariff should bo removed from trust-made articles. Affirmative Baldwin, Lud den; negative Black, Strayer. Every one Interested 'In debating and parlia mentary training will find the work of the clubs especially helpful. Professor Nesbitt, the eminent teach er of "French In Five Weeks" without homo study or drudgery, gives his Jree opening lecture In the First Christlau church, corner Fourteenth and M streets, next Thursday and Friday at 10:30 av m., 4:30 and 8 p. jn. each day. The regular course begins t Monday, March the ,23rd. Professor'. Nesbitt comes to- Lincoln from Omaha, where he so successfully taught a $asg of four hundred pupils, that. 'they' have guaranteed to him. a -.largjj class or advanced work In the. French classics. He will return to-Omaha after glylng a Ave weeks' .course ,Jn conversational French In this cfty." Y6u are cordially InvUed to attend the free opening lectures. -ffl -v r'4 j Wi Burt's Sultorum, 1231 O. Phones 47 ' ' and B995. " .;' 1 : l ' . ' , , J"'i : r- - y , ,j jlV i J ,-- . -v , i ktf''i alB&&fl ssam