The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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A connolidntlon of
Tho Hcaporlnn, Vol. 01, Tho Nobnwlmn, Vol. 12,
Bcarlot and Croam, Vol. 4.
MannginR Editor C. E. Pkiuunokii
Bnfllnofw Manager J. K. MonniHON
Olronlntor - - A. a. Sommrnicn
Nowh Win. Crwo
Boclotj Win. A. Shock
Athlnflo A. I. Myorfl
Lltorary John D. Hlco
Oflloo: 200V4 UnlvorHlty Hall. Phono A 1230
Post Offlco: Station A, Box in, Lincoln
Entorod at tho poHtoflloo at Lincoln, Nobnwka,
oh Hccond oliuut mall niiittor.
Convocation Dotes
Program for the Week:
Tueaday Mr. A. L. Blxby: Original
Wednesday Supt W. K. Fowler.
"Cincinnati Meeting Section N. E. A."
Thursday Miss Howell: Reading.
Friday Musical program.
Chaplain for the week, Rov. L. P.
Musical program for today:
Mr Kimball, Inter-mezzo by Ire;
Hosana by Woche.
Three trlaa violin, 'cello, and piano
by Miss Hagenow, Miss Elecho, and
Mr. Kimball.
Two soiigB by Mr. Starr "BeBt of
All," by Moir; "The Gay Hussar," by
Yesterday's Exercises:
Those who attended convocation yes
terday morning had the pleasure 'of
listening to an account of the famous
Andrews raid by D. A. Dorsoy. Mr.
Dorsoy was a member of tho plucky
band participating In this remarkable
movement, being one of eight sur
vivors of the raid still living, and the
only one residing in Nebraska. The
knowledge- of this fact added Interest to
his account. The expedition was or
ganized early in 1862, under the au
thority of Major Gonoral Ewoll, who
was operating in Tennessee. It was of
a Becret nature and was planned and
led by a gentleman of the name of An
drowB, who was a spy in General
Ewell'B servico. It started on tao even
ing of April 7, 1862. There wero twenty-four
in the party, all dlsgulBed as
citizens. Shortly after starting An
drews explained tho nature of the ex
pedition to his followers and pointed
out tho dangers that would be Incurred.
They were to plunge into tho onemy'B
country and truBt to fortune for their
safety. Although they were given the
privilege of returning to tho Union
lines if they so desired, none took ad
vantage of the offer. Tho band split
up into squads of threes and fours and
proceeded to Chattanooga. They
crossed the river to tho depot on that
side and purchased tickets for Mariet
ta, Georgia. Only twenty of tho party
arrived there, as two had beon obliged
to turn back, and two enlisted In tho
Confederate army as a means of safety,
and in time managed to desert to the
Union lines again. At Marrletta the
party got off on the left side of the
train. Despite the fact that there was
a camp of 4,000 Confederates nearby,
they managed to cut the train and get
away with the engine and three box
cars. Andrews and the engineer and
fireman took possession of the engine.
The enemy were dumfounded. Two
miles out tho party cut the wires and
tore up a section of tho track. An
drews passed as one In charge of pow
der for Beauregard's array. Being a
native of Kentucky and a typical
Southern gentleman, his deception
worked to perfection. The object of
the raid was to burn tho bridges south
of Chattanooga. General Mitchell was
supposed to bo marching from Ala
bama to meet the party, but delayed on
tho way. Meanwhile tho enemy were
In close pursuit, having pressed a coal
car Into Bervlco, which made pretty
good time on the down grade. When
they came to the break in tho track
they wero dumped out, but Bet the car
on again and continued the pursuit.
They finally secured possession of an
engine, which they Boon abandoned for
another one at Kingston. From that
point the chaso becamo a hot one.
Five engines were used by tho pur
suers during the race, which lasted for
about a hundred miles. So close were
tho pursuers that It was Impossible to
burn any bridges at all. The Confed
erates, however, got a message through
to tho general at Chattanooga, but
neglected to give tho numbers of the
party. Thinking that a much larger
force was at work than there really
was, the general sent the greater part
of his array to Intercept them. Had
Mitchell pushed forward then he
would have been able to eat a late din
ner In Chattanooga, as the place was
practically deprived of its dofenders.
The engine finally ran out of fuel and
tho party took to the woods, but were
all picked up. Eight were executed,
but tho rest escaped with their lives.
Thus onded one of the most remarka
ble expeditions known to tho civil war.
Spring Music Festival.
Tho Bprlng music festival, the basis
of which Is the full Thomas orchestra
of Chicago, will bo one of the greatest
musical affairs ever held In this c.ity.
There will bo a chorus of 200 voices.
Ganoung's "Faust" will be given In
concert form. There will be five great
soloists. Jeanette Durno of Chicago
will bo the pianiBt, and Mrs. Raymond
will be the director of the choruses.
University singers are Invited to be
come memberB of the chorus, tho first
rehearsal of which will occur Saturday
evening at 7:30. The festival will be
held April 20 and 21, In the auditorium.
No pains are being spared to make this
a great success, and all lovers of good
music will bo well to take advantage
of this rare opportunity.
Class Debate Postponed.
The next lnterclass debate will be the
one between the sophomores and fresh
men, and not between the juniors and
sophomores, as stated In yesterday'3
Issue. Owing to the ocpurrence of the
band's dance on the 21st, this debate
between the sophomores and freshmen
has been postponed until Saturday
evening, March 28th.
Spring Picnic.
Come to the spring picnic tomorrow
(Saturday) evening, March 14. Picnic
grounds will bo open at 6:30. Last
car will leave' for home at 10:30. Fif
teen centB admission will be charged to
tho grounds including supper. All who
wish to attend the picnic come to All
Souls' church, corner Twelfth and H
streets, at G:30 next Saturday evening.
Dr. Ketchum, Oculist, Richards blk.
Glasses fitted and guaranteed.
Burt's Sultorum, 1231 O. Phones 47
and B995.
Lincoln Shining Parlor, cor. 11th & O.
Porter's display 25c Papetrles. See It.
Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street
cs V'Jl v
Thoso expecting to teach next year,
who havo taken work In tho chorus
class, will find tho training received Lo
be of advantage In Becurlng a position.
Many schools prefer teachers who have
had musical training and who are ablo
to instruct the pupils In the rudi
ments of music. The chorus class gives
just such training as is required, and
for this reason as well as for many
others, is entitled to the attention of
all students in tho University who ex
pect to make teaching their future oc
cupation. Have C. A. Tucker, Jeweler, 1123 O,
fix It
The engineering society met Wednes
day evening in Mechanic Arts hall 211,
and listened to two student papers, one
on "Tho Slide Rule," by L. J. Pospisll.
and tho other on "Switch Boards," by
R. H. Oliver. In the business meeting
which preceded tho program the socloty
decided upon and ordered an official pin
for Its members.
Dr. Bentz, DentlBt, Eleventh and O.
W. R. JackBon presented the prelim
inary of his master's thesis on "Tho
Certification of Teachers In tho Various
Statos" to the seminar class last Tues
day evening. He will take IiIb master's
degree In Juno.
Flegenbaum's Pharmacy, 13th and O.
The weather department informs us
that our fine spring days will bo cut
off in short order by a cold spell and
I" " i in fr r if miuuuujilj.i 1,,-w -,
The Possibilities for Pretty Party-
were never so many as this spring. This, first, because the season is
to be a white season and there are remarkably handsome weaves to
take the place of color In both cotton and wool-lace stripes, silky mer
cerized figures, moire stripes, etc.
And second, beeause thoso who prefer some dainty touch of color
can Belect these same beautiful weaves enhanced by soft Dresdent and
Persian colorings or in combinations of white, black, and tints.
In our Dress Goods Department we are showing a large lino of
white goods with all-silk warp, giving tho goods a silky appearance
which does not disappear with wasting. The materials are Just as
handBome after being laundered as before.
White silk warp Persian
Lawns, 29 inches wide, at 25c,
50c, 35c, 40c, 50c and 60c.
White silk warp tissue, 29
inches wide, at 21c, 29c and 45c.
Miller & Paine
' in
On the Inside
Of some clothing is evidence o
the maker's desire to get 'through
with his job quickly.
No detects of that kind in our
cMade-to-Order Clothing
The "vitals" are carefully made
and finished and this will give
pecfect set and shape to the gar
ments until they are worn out
W. E Unland & Co.
1042 O St.
Discount Sale
of 'Books
This is our Annual Clear-
ing Sale, Best value in $
' uuuiui ever oiierea in
" Lincoln. Come in and i
see us.
J 27 South JJth Street "
f ! ! 4 i il l ! .ft ; ,, , ,;, ,;y
Mrs. . W. Petry
Phone 564 234 So. Hth St.
Keystone Gash Grocery Store
f29-J3!-!33 So. 13th St.
Lasch & Blake. Proprietors '
trMie $ot fa adf, insped theb saperh
rtock znd fioti fht dttrdcffyt prtdei.
MONARCH GOODS Up-le-dato Meat Market
A large lino of fancy weaves
in silk warp tissues, with neat
seeded patterns, little dots,
stripes, figures, and all-over laqe
effects, 35c, 45c, 50c, 55c, 60c, and
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