tTrntams y V'ZrH? TFT vfWbffiWTHEn ,' f . I 'Barrett, J. C. Ibe Bail IFlebraekan a Vol.IL UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MARCH J3, J903. No. J05. Baker Instead of Kansas. h ar raSsg.r' fe&c The management of the girls' basketball- teams received a final message "Wednesday night from Kansas de manding "first team or none," and were compelled to reply, "none." To supply the place made vacant by the Kansas withdrawal, the offer of Baker "University has been accepted, and the games for Friday night will thereforo bo Haskell vs. Nebraska First Team, and Baker University (Kas.) vs. Ne braska Second Team. A match be tween Baker University and the U. of N. girls' team was almost arranged In 1899, then given up because Baker was accustomed to outdoor and Nebraska to indoor playing. The names and positions of the Has kell players have been received, and are as follows: Oma Waybourno (Wyandotte) and Mary HauBer (Cheyenne), centers. Alice Ma Cauley (Chippewa) and Amelia La Blssonnlere (Wyandotte), guards. Mamie Setter (Chippewa) and Irene Sarter (Clatsop), forwards. Against these will play the Nebras ka 'varsity team, captained by Miss Elva Sly, '03: forwards, Minnie Jansa, Cora Scott r centers, Pearl Archibald, Edith Craig; guards, Alice Towne, Elva Sly. The Indian team Is said to play a swift, clean game, and Is admittedly stronger than K. S. U. Society Programs Tonight. Falladlan. The Pollodlans will give a program on "The Beauties of Spring, from a Nogatlvo Point of View": Lincoln Sidewalks in Spring Earl Brlgham Beautiful Nebraska Spring. .S. E. Black Spring Fever Anna Moore The Grip Rena Nelson Woes of Childhood In Springtime. . Newell Elliot Union. Guitar Solo Mr. Daughters Reading Mr. Baldwin Vocal Solo Mr. Evans Something by Somebody Debate: Resolved, That woman's "suffrage should bo allowed. Affirma tive, Milek, Cowan; negative, "Walt man, Berkey. Vocal Solo Mr. Pfelffer Dollan. Instrumental Solo Mies Burkett Recitation Mr. Qulnn Reading Miss Wend Vocal Solos "The Shoogo Shoo," Mayhew, and "Lovely Spring," Coenen Mrs. Geo. Gird Ernest Thomson Seton will give one of his famous stereoptlcon lectures In St Paul's church Wednesday, March 18th. Admission 50c, children 15 and under 25c. Students are cordially in vited to attend. . The hats that fellows buy at the Toggery store these days are the very latest designs in young men's headgear. I GIRLS' BASKET Haskell vs. Baker Untbersity Armory, 8 o'clock ,mMjmj.ImjWS"Wj. The Pocket Book Case. Later developments appear to Indi cate that the letter published In yes terday's paper concerning a Btolen pocket-book was genuine In both ex planation and intention. The lnidalB attached to the letter, but not pub lished in the paper, have been found to correspond with those of an out-of-town young lady who was at the time visiting a University friend. So far as we can learn, thore is no inclination to push the Investigation any farther, and It is hoped the unfortunate incident may soon pass from University mem ory. Just why such a surprising Im pulse should have moved the young lady to commit the theft is wholly a mystery; but that it waB purely a momentary "fall from grace," and not any part of a deliberate course, ap pears quite evident. Meanwhile, petty thieving seems to go on with scarcely an interruption. When even steel rings are stolon from note book, and small quantities of pa per are taken therefrom, it is difficult to determino whether the theft is prompted by a desire for the property or by pure malaevolence. It Is to be hoped, In either case, that someone happens on the culprit or culprits soon, and through exposure or Its alternative succeeds In putting an end to this con stant annoyance. Dante Address. At the next meeting of the Graduate club, to bo held Saturday, March 21st, Rev. M. J. Stritch, dean of the college of literature of Crelghton University, will give an address upon Dante. Rev. Stritch is one of the best informed Dante scholars in the west, and the Graduate club counts itself especially fortunate In securing his services for this occasion. The meeting will bo held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sawyer, corner of Seventeenth and F. All local alumni are Invited. Wanted Two young men, hustlers, to act as partners with me in selling tailor-made clothes to students. I make the best clothes In Lincoln and want the student trade. Bumstead, 120 North 12th, Burr block. SENIOR THE LINCOLN- FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL J 7th, 9:30 $$S I2 1 I $,$,?$2S BALL TONIGHT i First Team vs. Second Team t Tickets 50 cents kWHHHHMH"H"H''!' Warner's Library Bill May Pass. Our reporter Is informed that Mr. C. J. Warner's bill, drawing more clear ly the line between the Capitol, State Historical, and University libraries, is very likely to receive favorable con sideration at the hands of the legisla ture, and bo speedily enacted Into law. Mr. Herdman, of the Capitol library, is reported as endorsing the bill, and tho other two libraries, less affected by the provisions of tho bill, are reported as presenting no opposition to Its pass age. If passed, It will probably bo found necessary to Interpret tho "law books" clause as embracing Buch books as constitutional histories and records of convention and legislative proceed ings, such as Elliot's Debates and Madison's Journal. If this Is not dono, legislation and executive officials will probably find the usefulness of tho Capitol library for reference purposes much handicapped. A bill has also recently been Intro duced permitting tho state historical society to become tho storage place of valuable sta'te, county, and local rec ords of more than twenty years' exist ence, In case they contain historical material and are not in use In their present places of deposit. The bill, If favorably acted upon, will Increase the value of the historical society's library enormously for research work upon state history, and will appreciably aid several lines of work now under way, but handicapped by the scattered con dition of the original materials. Stu dents of Nebraska history hope the legislature may look with favor on this bill, especially as it adds no ex pense to the state budget, and Is opera tive only on consent of tho local offi cials, and so can produce no friction. If you aro needing Spectacles or Eye-glasses wo can give you a perfect fit. Eyes examined free. Hallett, Jeweler and Optician, 1143 0 St.; 30 years' experience. ?3.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. 13th St Students are cordially invited. Lincoln Local Express transfers any old" thing. 'Phone 787. PROM I I. X 'I I 1' 'X' 1 'I "l"! 1 1 ! I y t l-Sg Campus Gleanings. Unlvorslty Cnlondnr. March 13. Company B hop, Frator nlty ..all. April 17 Senior Prom. T. A. Green Is pledged Delta Upsllon. Miss Margaret Porter is on tho sick list F. C. Volck is confined to his room with sickness this week. Tho class In dairy husbandry II will meet at tho state farm Saturday. Ross Druhnor, law '01, now practic ing at McCook, spent Sunday with Uni versity friends. Tho fifth regular students' recital of tho school of music will bo held ono week from Monday In Memorial hall. Professor Bessoy has just finished a series of lectures on the structure and classification of tho orchids, before tho class In systematic botany. A new Y. M. 0. A. mission study class has beon organized and Is making a study of a work entitled "Tho Geog raphy of Foreign Missions." Hugo Honlg has returned to his work In tho University, after a week's recuperation at his homo In South Omaha from a spell of sickness. Mr. W. B. Cartmol, U. S. national bureau of standards, has completed hid report of tho past two years' researches and sent It to tho publishers. In general botany Professor Bessoy Is now lecturing on tho ferns. Tho class Is engaged in laboratory work on this interesting group of plants. Miss Bonnio Forbes, '02, who entered tho University tho first of this semester for graduate work, has gone to her nome at Fremont on account of ill health. Dr. Skinner of tho physics depart ment Is getting out a now vacuum pump which is a decided Improvement over other pumps from tho .standpoint of rapid and thorough evacuation. The regular meeting of tho Young Womon's Christian association will bo bold Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock in Union hall. Miss Alua Wilson will sing. All women Invited to bo pres ent A now baseball pitcher yesterday In creased tho already copious squad of Nebraska twlrlors. James Beltzer has registered, and declared his intention of trying for tho team of '03. Mr." Beltzer is a man of considerable ex perience, and filled tho box part of last season for McCook. The number of pitchers in proportion to catchers this year is very striding. The Palace Barber Shop; 8 chairs. Oliver Theater Pharmacy. Uu &A ,?? I. .71 ti ' . , S J ' .'3 Y iV -M v - i 4. f' :v v k"-"' .. S! ' i C&&i . 1 .-"" i for l- tf XM