s Pfl 5IW , I ' J" -, 'I (I- ", .J'. -- ". ' r ( .f T , f 1. ,,.-!' .:- " v V. m "'S Gbe atl? tfWDraSrUn ? l lV'. id ' "r ilK Sj PffPp X : . fe..4 , r, ' B.1 ( m g. r ar; i -..'- l', 51; fr yv- T V : ?, V V SI r .St.. 'D m- MSA t L&U 1". , , war3 A . :V. 5,-tf Ti 't L '. -Vi 'S tti K' N, CLARY Tel. A1035. C1GAPS and NEWS. Ill N. 11th Street Capital Novelty Works bicycles and repairing of alt kinds. Key fitting. Tel. F 592 23J So. Uth University Bulletin JUNIORS. Class meeting Monday, March 16, at 10 a. m. in the old chapel. Anna Van Zandt, Pres. FORBES STABLES LIVERY BAGGAGE AND CAB LINE CARRIAGE9 FOR PARTIES Barn 1J25-J3I PSt. Phon 550 Is life worth living? Pooplowhoeat at the COOPER & HART PALACE DINING HALL It doponds on tho llvor. live well. T130 N 81. Phone 496. SENIORS. The class party commit tee will meet Thursday at 10 a. m. In U. 20G Chairman Committee. LOST A copy of Lecky's "Amer ican Revolution." Finder please return to mo or leave at Nebraskan office. M. W. Ryan. WESTERN GLASS & PAINT Go. ee 12th & M 8ts. LINCOLN, NEB. FRESHMEN: All men who Intend to try for the track team are requested to hand in their names and the oventB in which thoy expect to take part Im mediately. This is Important. Names may be placed In Dr. Clapp's box at tho postofflco. J. F. Tobln, Capt. Journal Reports. As evidence that the little folks sometimes get at tho heart of things oven better than many of their elders, a momber of the faculty quotes the fol lowing Interesting conversation be tween a Nebraska mother and her nine-year-old daughter: Little Daughter "Mamma, papa is a tyrant, Isn't he?". Mother (surprised) 'Why, makes you think that?" Daughter "Because he's an lute ruler.'" Mother "An absolute ruler?" Dauehter "Well, he is a tyrant, aryway." Mother(smlllng to herself) "What makes you call him a 'little tyrant?' " Daughter "Because he rules ovor a little domain." Mother (wondering what the child means) "Why, how do you make that out?" Daughter "Why, ho rules over nls llelds, mamma, his fields." what 'abso- littlo I California I A GOOD PLACE TO EAT E. J. FRANCIS, Successor to FRANCIS BROS. Meals all hours day or night, J6c and upwards. Caterer or lunches and banauets. Phone FJ050 J21 N. th St The following numbers will bo given Thursday, March 12, at 5 o'clock In tho chemistry lecture room: Zelt f. Anorg. chemle Dr. White and Mr. Vavra Annalen MIsb Fossler Chemical News Mr. Long Jour. f. Prak. Chem Mr. Hlltner !! PERSONALLYlCONDUCTED " Circumstances Alter Cases.' BICYCLES At U price and guaranteed to be the lowest. TALltING MACHINES Of all make, and told at pricet at which others dare not. THE VYITTMANN COMPANY, 211-213 South Eleventh Street. INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME Coltrcll S Leonard, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the dps, Gowns and Hoods to University of Ne braska, University of Minnesota, Univer sity of Chicago, Uni versity of Omaha, Cornell. Yale, Har vard, Princeton, Le land Stanford, U. of P., Welesley, Bryn Mawr, and the others. Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc, upon request. Resolutions. Since an All Wise Providence has seen fit to visit the homo of one of our numbor, Miss Rose L. Wirt, and has taken from her a dearly beloved mother, be it therefore Resolved, That the Delian society extend to her their deepest, most heart felt sympathy in her sad bereavement; and, be it further Resolved, That a copy of this resolu tion bo Bent to her, and that a copy be published in the Dally Nebraskan and placed on the records of the Delian Literary society. Committee. tuiZLVWwr jGKBSMB ,'nM rrT I l jM I The chemistry department Is in re ceipt of a communication from the civil servico commission calling for laboratory assistants. Persons inter ested should consult theso bulletins. Don Cameron's for a square meal. '02 Now Husband "Mawla!" His Better Half "Yes?" '02 N. H "These tilings aw deuced heavy." H. B. H. "Why, you used to carry twice that many books home for me every night last year, and say you liked It, too." Roflectlvo silence. Excursions tia. The 'Burlington jl uniy $o for a aouoie oenn ana i $25 for a R. R. ticket Lincoln to Los Angeles J EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY :r ! ' Call and get full information. De- pot 9th and P streets. Qty OHice u 10 ana kj streets Burt's Suitorum, 1231 O. and B995. Phones 4 Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street The Bully cigar students' delight. 1 KthjWiWM MWWaJ Have C. A. fix it. Tucker, Jeweler, 1123 O, Dr. A. A. Knlpo, physical director of Iowa University, has resigned. Mr. Knlpo will engage In writing in New York city. He has coached Iowa slnco 1898. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC Prop. "Do they have societies at tho Indian school?" Senior. "Sure. Haven't you ever heard of Indian clubs?" Willamette Collegian. Halrdresslng and manicuring at the Famous. HftiVtlSI yubscriDt.'.cm for acceptable Ideas. State If patented. THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. Md. pneo ot tho Patbnt Rboobd tUOQ per annum. fiamplcftlYeo. THE UNION PACIFIC Porter's display 25c Papetrles. Boo It. Harvard won tho intor-colleglato hockey championship February 28th by -defeating Yale by a score of 5 to 1. This is tho first time Yale has lost in four years. Oliver Theater Pharmacy. 18 KNOWN AS 1 he Overland joute FOR J903 Edited by J, E. Sullivan Over The only a(ma- 630 picture J jVC nc Pub"bd . Vmm" ,'iat contains UK complete Uat prominent vVK oI Anut,cn American isV AmateurtUat nd 3A on-Rcorda JLJ Uet of Cham- ta ICV ploru, PRICE 10 CENTS Pot al tor all ncunsleta and A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Hcw York, Chicago ,Denvex,- Battiinotey Spaldlnjj'i complete catalogue of Athletic Sport sent free to any addresa "Your boy," said tho professor, "Is a perfect dunce, and knows absolutely nothing." "How do you know, sir, that my son knows absolutely nothing?" roared tho Irate father. "Because, "sir," ropllod the Prof essor, serenely, "he's in one of my classes." AND IS THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO ALL PRINCIPAL WESTERN POINTS, nn Via Omah THE UNION PACIFIC IS 204 miles shorter to . So.lt Lcwke Ofy 279 miles shorter to . Sun FrtvncUco 278 miles shorter to . . Los Angeles 35ft miles shorter to . . . Portland Piegeiibaum'B Pharmacy, 13th and O. At fowa tho Junior class recently de cided to extend Its officers' terms to one year. The customary 'period every where is one semester, and one term of ofltctf only. , l I. I ! M I- Lincoln Shining Parlor, cor. 11th &0. 12 hours quicker to Sa.lt Lake City 16 hours quicker to Stun Frtvncisco 16 hours quicker to . . . Los Angeles 16 hours quicker to Fdrllandr THAN ANY OTHSK- LINE. 1 ' "' ' j ; i n t mi ...J Electric Lighted Trains Daily Pull, information chefTfullr futriihe 6t diiiliAitl6hto E. B. SLOSSON, Agent,'. ! is ! tf" - - r.J rtfc; 4 :j f T 1 . .-' v &.'. WJi... ' t,v E37- t. r- i 7:. tj7fa&& jgPtMoHtlC-i-'tt' V .- . ... La - V ft. y; T-'-Vi .r .rr - : HMUHfiJLd ffiAm -w.vy': Ci.'i Sommirxamt ilik't'Jmi'imiuli&ilim&i "ttMakarMiMtinMpsjaMriiMiasaBMaMiaAsaiSiHMMMtoLaSMiiafl nUll M iirtLAIi xxiHZrW,JL:2.L:iLX:i3m, &'"? WXBffBtM&Ji&LL3ir A.-' ' if jft Vj f JcLijm'ysx'KL-i. flit Ti vwwj&mv'tiyj? iilniteMbi ii I" i mi