The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1903, Image 1
Mpf mfSHrwurn'rvX' wiSftan r fMl A.'P" f "V-. ' - . 5e Jl" -."! ' j.. t '..wv.: ; JvnMi 'xmr " - .: v"o, '7,.7Y' , V- . ' .,'" r- ' "" V'?'" ,u. -"' , -, '-U-. -;r, -: ji ,u - t ; ' ' - L "V kk.-'i- A .lfl C. v''-. -" rry J.-?: .krL lit ' i. l - 1 ?. : I. - kl 0' Is p 1 1 ls t s IFlebraekan -- c- :ym W '31 - rirt s m ?ffl :rw W;.'. Vol. n. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH Ut J903. No. JQ3. CMS. XTbe atls u mz&t iVi If. H &.! r : y No Second Team. According to latest developments In girls' basket-ball, -both Kansas teams -wish to meet the Nebraska 'varsity team Friday night. Kansas Univer sity, especially, sends word that while accepting and planning to come, it must insist on playing the first team, and no other, that night. It prefers, in case of winning, the namo of hav ing defeated the Nebraska team. In fact, it makes "no second team" a con dition of coming. In view of this and the necessity of playing a strong team against Haskell, the strongor Kansas team, It has been decided to do away with "first" and "second" teams alto gether Friday night The matches will then bo Kansas State University vs. Nebraska, and Haskell vs. Nebraska. Possibly some nlayers may be crossed over from one team to the other until tho original 'varsity is unrecognizable, giving Nebraska two fairly strong teams, instead, of one stronger and one weaker team. In any caso tho objec tlonable . "second" team will bo done away with for Uie night. This seemed more satisfactory than to call off the match with Kansas University alto gether, "and' substitute a match with Nebraska "Wcsleyan, the only alterna- tlvo outside of giving up tho original tT I match with Haskell. Meanwhile the second team has Btilt been showing tip- poorly at practice, exhibiting slow and weak team work, much aimless throw ing, and general disorganization. Its players arc good individually, but do not ,aB yot get. on well as a team. Those coming from Kansas University will be Alice Rose, Edna HenrlckB, forwards;' Jessamino Connely, Grace Itoyle, centers; Bessie Eckley, Jessie. Morton, guards; Jessie Bennett, sub stitute; Rachel Mentzer, manager. f?w !- .r. n ' V The Gorham press of BoBton has Is sued circulars announcing the immedl-. ato publication of a collection of poemB, "April Twilights," by Miss Willa fllebort Cathor. Miss Cather is a native of Nebraska and a graduate of the University in 1895. She went to Pitts burg, where she now resides, shortly after, her graduation. She was em ployed for several years on the Ladles' Home Journal, and later as telegraph editor on tho Pittsburg Leader. Miss Cajther haa,hl pOeihp or stories flubjj Ished In most or tno leading maga zines of tho country; She has many frienda in Lincoln,D,na throughout the suite whofwli$be pleased to learn of tho Publication jafc her first volumo of poems, " Aiiow experiment- class, which meets every Saturday afternoon In the dairy Moratory, has been established at the state farm. "i ' . . jDr, AJey, ctirorilc diseases, 1318, 0. " . ' ' , . G. E. Brown Dentist Burr block. prf Bentzr DentiBt, Eleventh and p. OW, Ke&hum, , 'OcullatpIoharda blip. Oiasses "fitted and guaranteed. "?&! -! t :: ' .' j: , X Iqnt; you moiyourhlrte, .cpUartf :ndlicufte "done'' with'" medium' flniah. Robbins Favors Publicity. Prof. C. A. Bobbins of tho law school s.oke before the Candle Light club of the city Monday night on the sub ject of "Federal Legislation for Pub licity In Corporate Affairs." The sub ject was thoroughly covered, especially from tho logal point of view, and tho purposo and tendency of present legis lation fully explained. Professor Rob bins expressed his own opinion as de cidedly In favor of publicity as ade quate remedy, making tho following argument for that policy: "Wo can destroy the corporations, or the government may own them, or tho government may control them. Wo have laws In most states against over capitalization and against discrimina tion in rates and prices as to public utility corporations, against official misconduct, and against bribery. Tho greatest need 1b information as the baBls of the enforcement of theso laws. The principle of publicity In corporate management Is already accepted as to banks, Insurance companies and build ing and loan societies and while the law governing these corporations has not prevented all loss it Is unquestioned that It has very much Improved those lines of business." Changes in Tennis fcules. (Cornell Dally Sun.) The annual meeting of the United States National Lawn Tennis assort: atlon was held In New York this week. The committee to revise the rule on "let" balls, decided to make no change In the present rule, but the rule In re gard to servlco was altered so as to conform to the one now In use In England. The rule now reads: "The server shall servo with both feet be hind the baso line, and within the limits of the imaginary continuation of the ccnter-s'ervlce and side lines. He shall place both feel upon the ground Immediately before serving, and shall not take a running or walk ing start. He shall deliver tho service from the right and left courts alter nately, beginning from the right in each of the service games, even though odds be given or owed." , It was also decided to call a fault on tho server If he misses the ball en tirely in serving. The rulo concerning the changing of sidey was amended bo as to permit special agreement he reon players. A request has come to the depart ment' of botany from the bureau of forestry for the Philippine islands, fp'r several well-trained foresters to take charge of some.o'f 'tlie work .now open ing up on the Islands. Tho salaries range from $900 to $2,"4Q0 per year. With transportation paid, Hero is'a chance, for our; forestry students. - Class Game Postponed. The Benlor-freshman game has. been postponed until Monday, March 10. The postponement Is made necessary by the delay of the freshmen in adver tising their men. Tho lists of men as given Ih yesterday's Nebraskan presage a hard fought game. Tho freshmen are all men who have had high school training, and most of them havo prac ticed In the basket-ball squad regu larly this season. The senior players have not practiced as regularly as their opponents, tuit they will doubtless re gain their old time form beforo the game. The manager of tho freshman basket ball team wishes to add the name of Corlett to the freshman squad. Base Ball Progress. Baseball enthusiasts may rest as sured of one thing, and that is that when tho season arrives Nebraska's twlrlers will be In unusually good condition and ready to do good hard work from tho start. The .men havo now had a month's dally practice In the cage. Material la so plenty that competition Is very strong and every candidate has beep . doing, .his best. EVery"Tman has developed, and some have made great Improvement. Espe cially 1b this truo since Coach Gordon began his work. The pitcbere no long er deliver the sphere In an awkward fashion and all are now throwing in goo'd form. This weok harder work will bo done than over. The men will be allowed to throw their best and tho coach will Instruct them In curving. A diamond will bo laid off at the earli est opportunity. Dr. Kuhlmann, of the European hist ory department, Is distributing tho Just-printed copies of his thesis pre sented to the University of Zurich (Switzerland), for his doctor's degree last sprjng. The thesis Is entitled "In fluence fof the Breton Deputation and the Breton Club in the French Revo lution, April to October, 1789," and makes a neat-looking monograph of about ninety pages. It Is the outcome of personal investigations by Mr. Kuhl--raan of original and unprinted docu ments found in the large French 11 brarles r i. A high grade ycutter from the east Suite at $25.00 and up. .A.apeVjIalty,of the1 Vale cut for students this Is the' latest atunt at The Toggery, 1141 O. Lincoln Local Express transfers any. old .thing. Phone 787. In the current number of the Amer ican Quarterly, Prof. Paul H. Grum mann, of the German department, has a lengthy article, upon "Sunderman and; Hauptmana, anjl their latest plays, 'Es Lebe das I&ben' and Der Rote Hahn.' " "An Interesipg coincidence is the ap pearance of, Professor Grummann's ar ticle during the same month in which Mrs. Patrick Campbell will appear at the Oliver, in ' iis Lebe das Lebon," or, in Englishr'Thp Joy of Living." . Eat at bon's Cafe. - 77 - 1 1 'fi Flogenbaum's pharmacy, 13th and Or Eat at Hendry's. 129 North Eleventh. The-Palace. Barber Shop: 8 chains Campus Gleanings. University Calendar. March 13. Company B hop, Frater nity uall. April 17 Senior Prom. If the pleasant Weather continues botanizing will begin In a few days. Prof. A. L. Haecker Is attending a farmers' instltuto meeting at Rushvlllo this week. Tho band has boon provided with a number of new pieces and Is practicing them this week.' Misses Ida Klnyon and Carrie Wurts are among tho latest victims of tho mumps- opidemlc. Professor Nicholson has, responded favorably to the request of the medical society for a speech beforo 'thdra dur ing April. Professor and Mrs. T. M. Hodgman will give dinner parties Thursday and Friday evenings of this weok.. Twenty-four guests will be present each evening. Prof. H. W. Caldwell lsrt being, groomed for the racVfbr member of tho board 61 education on tho fusion ticket. University people will appre ciate an opportunity to vote for the professor. Tho Initiation of the recently-elected seniors into the Nebraska Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa will take placo next Satur-' day evening at the residence of Prof; T. M. Hodgman. Supper will be served at 0:30 to the seniors-elect and the ac tlvo members of tho chapter, number ing some seventy In all. After tho banquet the Initiation services will be held, followed by the usual social features. Mr. E. E. Blackman of the state his torical society, secured several valuable acquisitions for th6 society's library and museum on his recent visit t6 Millard. Most important among them was a find of five barrels of old news papers, found in tho garret of Dr. Harvey Link, and containing files of the Omaha Herald from 1870 to' 1880. : Another relic obtained 'was "the skull, with horns attached, of the last buffalo killed on the Plalfe. Last week Dr. White of the chem- .v. istry department learned of Ihe aeri- - $. qus Illness of his father, who lives in Baltimore, and started east. i at once,' " but arrived at the' old homo nlyto. - .' find his father had already-died, v Yes- ' terday Professor NJcholdon fecelvcd , "; communication from J0r. Wh'Itrf atat- Ing'thaf; his nipther, who was quito . low' at the time of fhe funeral, wai en tirely overcome, and' had i followed her -husband to the grave, beinglafd to rest Iait Sunday." The -Dally Joins. D, White's inftny frienda la tendering ' heartfelt sympathy In this double; be-v ; . j i - ii i r BurW Sultprumr33; Q. Phonea! anq &, . ti --, .W?"J .'j,S e t-"l3nU m W f . T J LJ W. ;im .?? ' V. vva i" r ', v., . 'itk XU. ';s -n . , - tfl -.- f J - ' Z. r: r . -y I r ,;a ; ."v I ?i A3 '' X-? ' - M -- v i. m l !-',. ( .;' -.. ., , w hona..' -v.' 'y$m L.- '? t .'"' ' 4 ' . , ".-,;!.-., a:-R; .:-, '' ' ' X. a j r---,- 1.' fc Jt1 "- jri r v , . . , . - W-tCM m