The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 10, 1903, Image 1

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No. J02.
No Beloit Game This Year.
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Warner Wishes Library Collec
tions -Better Classified.
A bill "t6 define the nature and
scopo of tho Nebraska state library,
the University of Nebraska library and
the Nebraska historical society
library." Introduced by C. J. Warner,
was passed in committee of the wholo
by tho lower house of tho legislature
last Thursday by a voto of 34 to 27.
The bill, if it bocomea a law, will
classify tho threo libraries and Indi
cate tho specific lines upon which each
library is to bo built up. Thirobject of
tho, statute is to prevent -wasteful ex
penso of administration in caring for
duplicates, to secure tho greatest re
turn" for the-mofler'exbndedtorendep
tho libraries belonging to tho state
moat easy and effective for consulta
tion ,m t lif foundation f pr ,futuro
Intelligent and economic co-operation
in their administration."
Section oho prdvides that "the Ne
braska state library shall bo exclu
atrely. a jlBrary for lawbooks and pub
lic deckmentsr 'such as' reports,
statutes," digests, tcgai. periodicals, law
books on all subjects necessary to a
complete law library. Section two
provides that "the library of the Ne
braska Stato Historical society shall
collect only (1) all books, newspapers',
periodicals and printed matter of any
kind printed In Nebraska, (2) all books,
printed matter, maps or charts relat
ing to Nobraska history or to the his
tory of any civil division of which Ne
braska may have been at any time a
part, (3) all publications of historical
societies in other states, (4) all county
andtown histories In any of the U. S.
and all U. 8. local history such aB his
tories of churches, societies, anniver
saries, dedications, etc., (5)' geneology,
heraldry and peerago; -registers- of
births, deaths, baptisms a.nd marriages
and all books relating to family his
tories, (6) western travel and explora
tion, (7) western Indians and ethnol
ogy." 8octlon three makes the library of
tho University of Nebraska a general
reference library in all subjects not
assigned by the provisions of the act
to the state library and the library of
the historical society.' The University
library will riot be allowed to add to
its collection any books In the subjects
assigned to tho other libraries except
so far as such books may be required
to supplement instruction given in the
University. By this section, tho divi
sion Uaee are clearly and definitely
djawn between the University library
and the other two libraries.
The fourth section gives each of the
librarians power to transfer bookd.not
belonging In his library to the other
two libraries.
The bill, it muBt be remembered, is
.not .yet a law. tt must pass both
houses of the legislature before It can
Mfjput Into the statute books of the
jsiate. It has merely passed th(j com
mittee pt the whole, which recom
mendVit to. the house, and that on. not
ft vwx,daclalvo vote $4 to 27.
- Rsa&araiit- Unique, 1228 0 street
The Nebraska Jilne will not have tho
opportunity of meeting Beloit college
Its old baseball rival, this year. This
will be Regretted by both institutlonsr
This game was Included in the prob5
able schedule printed some time ago
but bad to be called Off owing' to inS
ability to arrange the date satisfadtor
illy for both teams. The date will
doubtless be filled 'with sbme other
team located between QalesbUrg and
Notre Dame.
The manager of. the .freshman basket
ball team names thq following as mem-
Jjera of the jtrjjshman ltoam: Horn,
Krako Clark. Reld, Klmmell, BentleyV
Thurlm, Mathewson, Smith.
The second of tho scries of Inter
class games will bo played Thursday
pvenln. As the Pershlps drill at 7:80,
the gme will, not be called" until 8:30.
Ten cents admission ,wlll bo charged to
defray, expenses of tho game. Your
tea'tnneeds your support, so come out
and help them from the Bide lines.
Tickets may be secured from members
of tho teams. Tho Juniors will prob
ably arrange a gamo td be played be
tween tho halves. The wlnnors of this
match' will try conclusions with the
victorious juniors for the class cham
pionship. The Palace Barber Shop; 8 chairs.
Campus Gleanings.
F. 8. Baker Visited Over Sunday at
his- homo In Ewlng.
L. J. Posplsll visited over Sunday
at his home in Spragiie.
Miss Jeanette Burllngame enjoyed a
visit from her father Saturday.
MIbb Mildred Clark Is back in school
after a week's encounter with tho grip!
Fiegenbaum's Pharmacy, 13th and 0.
"College Spirit" cA g.a i n.
cX". . A ' '.r -,' ' v 'v'jf.",'ry ' '"F7T;-....v ' I - TS
Mr. &smm$!JiBMB&& :.r:wi!T-.1K. sa?
--L'tr. :,'.i-'.ji. a'2.v..j-' -!;.! -.iv. :.ii-" '..- -i v-. vrv.-i
";. ""T ; iiuiiliiliii" mMiTi ,u,k.ut Miw
"artttom imijmkm-. MjmMimiSUi
i..ti-,ii2-v-' w'wjw mtJiLTi. -i :;::?- ': '-i A.w?.Tr;
iMug-in. ijui m, i. fc in nm, uiutafi ainiliBt W. MMKL ..M J TWM ff.t.1Uf.
solution of that Blghtmare question u lnite"? "Coiiego spirit" cannot corn-
"What is college spirit?" when
Sympoalumlcus opened for him
prospect of more sleepless nights
plain of tho generosity if Mr. Cynicus
finds also a fow kraks In the line of
mental operations of the "professor"
Once upon a time ai.certainpioCessoM'whtr'hrolunteered to explain the terin
idertook to fill this long-suffering "college spirit." There Ib too much
mortal with a generous growth of
"college spirit," and so subjected him
to a long oration and peroration on
football and football enthusiasm;
"for," said he. "football enthusiasm Is
the seventeen times purified essonco of
collego spirit." But the heart of Cyn
icus remained cold. With a sudden in
spiration (supposedly) tho professor
asked: "Have you ever been In love?"
a startling question, the Initiated
ones will agree, especially because of
the past tense of the verb. Cynicus re
plied reproachfully that he had had no
trouble with the law; whereupon the
professor, seeing his listener had got
ten things slightly tangled, explained
that love did not necessarily have
anything to do with the law was In
fact noted for its lawlessness; that
only the "ego" and the alter ego" were
concerned in it. "College spirit,!' he
said, "Ib like love you must feel it
to understand Jt." Slowly Cynicus be
gan to dissolve, arid promised to try
'the thing on the "alter" (never mind
the declension.) Gratifying success
followed this venture, for soon a sojt
of growing sensation was experienced
somewhere between the stomach and
the clalcle. But tho sound pf "Eu
reka" had not died away whe.n sym
poslumlcus blew his. fierce trumpet
.blast, and said, "Nay, nay; thou hast
tt not!" Sp what Is a poor soul to do?
Well, Cynfcus said a heartrending
farewell over the gate post,, gathered
I together bis "ego," minus the. growing
sensaUpn, and is now ready to demand
satisfaction from the rude Mr. Sym,
postumlcus and his whole following.
Attention, guard! and have at them,
villain! .-.., ;
v "We are accustomed," says Mr. Sym
posiumlcus, "to speak of college spirit
as something that applies' txdaevery-
tho University on account of ill-
jjMMjnhas returned to resume -his work
FalSa Month's rest at' bis btime lu
suggestion, of the tln-horn-and-brass-band-processlon.
Judiciously mixed
with tho spirit which prompts those in
their early teens to give frequent evi
dence of their verdancy. Cynicus will
not now argue on the Intrinsic value
of these things, but contents himself
with asking if they constitute college
spirit." If so, Is it worth while to
make so much noise about It? Is there
any urgent need of a special shipment
of tenr-bottles to Lincoln?. "Such ac
tions," continues tho professor, "as
stealing, carrying books out of tho li
brary and getting away With valuables
in aHy manner should be suppressed."
Amen! But "true college spirit should
decry such thoughtless !! perform
ances and stamp them as something
vicious and ontlrely beneath" the tol
eranco of an Institution with the rank
of the University of Nebraska." Is
tho real article "true college spirit"
then so much like these "thought
less performances' that many cannot
tell tho difference? Cynicus" submits
that "true college spirit' must paste
on another label and let theae"thought
less performances" be dealt with In
police court, . where thieves are gen
erally supposed to receive their dues.
Let "college spirit" put Itself at the
service of the court.
. "A student," Continues Mr. Sympos-.
iumlcus, "interpreted the term , as
meaning 'that which puts .ginger into
the deadheads, pokes up the lazy,
opens the mouth of the modest and
the immodest f ,' puts wind Into, the
lungs-of.;professorsf that makes the in
structprs forget to assign extra long
lessons Just previous to a blgjgame of
football arid shakes 'the enhui'Care you
. .. (Continue o.n pago,2.) . . .
Miss Ida Taylor, '99, of Exeter,, was
one of tho out-of town participant In
f the Jaluinnac. basket hall game. Satur
day, and remained over Sunday fqr a
visit with university friends.
P. J. Donahue, law '03, left Saturday
for a short viBlt to his home at
Frank Richard, a Charter day grad
uate now teaching at Rpca, was a Uni
versity visitor Saturday.
R. J. Andorson, '00, Ib back at work
again after two weeks' trouble with a
jKrtatening complication of bronchitis
", . i
rL9&A -
"Tin mi in nil i n
. ."MP "f-rtXJ1 nniitta whn waa nhllornil In
tni" ' " "- ""0-
at the
"Bolcfiow, Mo.
Pearl McCoy, formerly assistant In
the physics department, and now In
stuctor in science at the Norfolk high
school, will return In June to take his
B. S. degree. He reports success and
prosperity in his. Nor folk-work,.
Chancellor Andrews spoke last Fri
day night to a Oreeley, Neb., audience
on "The Problems of Greater America.",
The locture was under the auspices of
tho Epworth League of that place, and
was well received. The chancellor will
address the State Reform Convention,
at St-, Paul's church Wednesday night
upon "The Bible and' Civil lzatlon."
Dr. White of tho chemistry depart-, ,
ment, who was called to his homo in.
Baltimore last week by tho Illness ofr, v
his father, has not yet returned. .Mr ',
Nelson and Mr. Hiltner have charge,,
of his classes during his absence. . .....
The Nebraskan's attention is called,
to a couple pf errors In last week's,
local Items. Miss Wlrth, whom tho
Nebraskan said lived In Lenox, Iowa,
Is a Lincoln resident, and merely ac
companied the body of her mother to
the latter's old home for its Interment
there. Miss Maud Smithy whom wo
reported as suffering irom the mumps,,
aa'roally afflicted ,witb. the;-tonlJltinV, -.
from which she has now sufficiently re- t
covored, however, to return to per, .
school work:
HaveC. L'Tucker, Jeweler, 1123 0,
fix t ,.- . . .. ,
Dr. BentZj Dentist, Eleventh and 0,-;
Dr. Aly.. -Cbrohic, .diseases 1818 6." ''.
Dob CameroH'sifor "a square meal."'wVV
TinimiriiffrnirT-iwirTrr mi A vwmTemF'ymrTmTTiwmMiMmittUHWw him n n riUBTiiBiTniiiiii iFanmif nrr
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