-t "t ,' anwrnn-MmfUlU'.!" - ,.' K"W''WWr A .'2 tr- --., .- ", "I' -, , " , i '.' ", v y . 'V" - l.. --, tttfe SWtfc b?4Jl ... . lv4 at-' CLARY CIGARS and NEWS. t. ! ! !" ! 'I t p ! t- 'I t-l' l ' ! . !' '! 'I-'1!: ! ! 't Ka S 'PEGLAL notice is called to a new assortment of Tel. A1035. HI N. Uth Street Doylo, '02, Criticize tho Union. J. EJ. Boyle, '00, whoso first work In economics was done In the University of Nebraska, and who now holds the t Papeterie in Bond, Satin and-tvTonseline, University Tablets and Envelopes, University Pins, Seals, Fobs and Hat Pins and Spoons. Jtist received a large assortment of Lowney Choc olates and Clark and Hearin Buttercup Tablets and Butterscotch Wafers. FORBES STABLES LIVERY BAGGAGE AND CAB LINE CARRIAGES FOR PARTIES Bam JJ25-J13I P St. Phone 550 Milwaukee Social Settlement scholar ship In social economics at Wisconsin University, is being much discussed by the Milwaukee press at present, bocause of tho following statement recently The Scarlet and Cream Store The University Book Store f , ,'-PJP."HWWWP..iii. - .. T &1 1 '';'' . . ; . -r. - . CJ7P3C VI viper juayz i i K i' IV ! A1- A' ifcJ r - IE' r . JT fc. ft ICUr- L i'1 A tot &' II Stow:--; w V s tlfo worth living? Peoplowhooat althe COOPER & HART PALACE DINING HALL It doponds on the livor. live well. 1130 N St. Phono 496. WESTERN GLASS & PAINT Co. 12th & M Sts. LINCOLN, NEB. Genuine Gas Coke $9.00 per ton Lincoln Gas & Electric LI 2 tit Co. 1323 0 St. made by him: "A negative opposition exists be tween the labor unions and the labor ing men of Milwaukee. The union la bel, the most powerful weapon the la bor organizations possesses, is neither respected nor recognized by tho ma jority of tho laboring men. The union label does not help tho Bale of union made goodB here, as in other cities, and In Milwaukee there Is little demand for union labor products." Mr. Boyle finds that tho morchants aro opposed to tho union label because it raises the price of their goods above that of their trust-supplied competi tors; that the women oppose it on both hygienic and economic groundB, and that laboring men ignore it because of the Increased price of labelled products. The Milwaukee Sentinel of February 28th, gives a column to a discussion of Mr. Boyle's announcement, accom panying it with a largo and excellent half-tone likeness of the ox-Nebras-kan. "Mr. Boyle," says the article, "was not actuated by hostility to the unions, but believed it is time that union men should have their attention called to actual conditions." 1 4s.i. .. ;. fr .. .;. .. .; ! ; ; ,3.4. :'I ! ! - BICYCLES At all price and guaranteed to be the lowest. TALKING MACHINIST Of all makci, and told at price at which other dare not. THE WITTMANN COMPANY, 211-213 South Eleventh Street. New Model No. 5 BLICKENSDERFER. The universal favorite with all classes of operators who desire a simple and speedy machine. More "BHcks" In use among editors and newspaper men In the Northwest than all the rest of the 8100 machines together. The only Typewriter on the market doing hundred-dollar work that Is sold at a popular price. Has a8 Keys, of 84 Characters and Letters; Portable, weighing but Six Pounds with case. Copies and Manifolds perfectly, 12 carbon copies being easily taken at one writing. New Model No. 5, 4o.oo net. On ten days ap proval to any responsible party In the Northwest Write for Illustrated Catalogue nad our monthly payment proposition. Address, Harger & Blish, Oeneral Agents, 904-910 Main Street, DUBUQUE, IOWA. Branch Office: 05-606 Sykes Block, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. VPWM Tht Highest Awanl' aninSejy.'botd Medal el ven to Typewriters at thtTfans- Mlsslstlppl Exposition. INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME CoUrcll 5 Leonard, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods to University of Ne braska, University of Minnesota, Univer sity of Chicago, Uni versity of Omaha, Cornell, Yale, Har vard, Princeton, Le Iand Stanford, U. of P.. Welesley, Bryn Mawr, and the others. Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc., upon request. H. T. Johnson, '00, whose letter from Columbia University appeared in Tho Nebraakan for February 23d, writes in a private letter the following bit of in teresting personal news: "The selec tion of the economic aspects of Jef ferson's Embargo as a thesis subject bids fair to make me more of a histo rian than an economist. Work under Buch men as we have here tends to make mo liberal. Seligman 1b an In dividualist, but he believes in the grad ual extension of government functions. Ho thinks that even now the United States should own the telegraph and telephone systems. Clark is still more of an Individualist In some respects, but ho looks forward to government ownership of railroads and official courts of arbltartlon. Glddings is a Fabian socialist avowed. Betweon them, I may becomo an "inefficient and dangerous economist" yet. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC FOR J903 Edited by J. E. Sullivan Oyr 530 picture of prominent American and foreign atb tea. The only alma nac publUhed that contain a complete Ut of American Amateur Be t-on-R c cor da and complete lUt of Charrf-plon. Cornell College (Iowa) Bulletin. Mr. U. 8. Parker, A. B., University of Nebraska, 1898, A. M., Harvard Uni versity, 1900, graduate student In tho University of Chicago, 1902, has been added to tho faculty during the last quarter in the department of eco nomics. Tho subject of Mr. Parker's theBlB, already submitted to the Uni versity of Chicago for the doctor's de gree Is "The Economic History of tho Hawaiian Islands." IMHklMlrtlfiVifilaimiJ Our foo returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion froo concerning tho patent ability of same. "How o obtain a patent" sen, upon request Patent secured through us advertised for sale at our expenao. Patents taken out through us receivo special notice without charge, :q The Patent Record, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VIGTQR J. EVANS & GO. (Patent Attorneys,) Evans BuUMMg, - Wfi Sffl&STON, W. Or THE UNION PACIFIC 18 KNOWN A8 1 he Overland ixoute AND IS THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO ALL PRINCIPAL WESTERN POINTS. 3 3 Via Omaha THE UNION PACIFIC IS PRICE JO CENTS Foraalc by all ncwadcklcn and A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago. Denver, Baltimore, Buffalo Spalding' complete catabgye of Athletic Sport atnt free to any addrea John Kind, who was awarded tho Karl Schurtz fellowship for this year at Columbia University, Is appointed as Instructor at that institution. The way in which graduates secure schol arships and honors shows the thorough training of tho University of Nebraska. 204 miles shorter to . 278 miles shorter to .. 278 miles shorter to 358 miles shorter to So.lt Ltvke City Se.n Fr&ncisco . . Los Angeles . . . Portland Oliver Theater Pharmacy. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street. Stelner's Gold Capsules. Positive cure for colds, grippe, aoute catarrh, headache, neuralgia and fevers. Prepared only by Stelner-Woem,pener Drug Co., Cor. 12th and O, Lincoln, Neb. 12 hours quicker to Stv.lt Ln.ke City 16 hours quicker to Sa.n Frexncisco 16 hours quicker to . . . Los Angeles 16 hours quicker to Portland THAN ANY OTHER. LINE.' Electric Lighted Trains Daily l Full information cheerful furnifthetl on application 10 I' A fE. B. SLOSSON, Agent.". " M. tr 7ZZ JA ... ' . '.. .......'-.. maBsaasrag : ': JL,ins'ir i Avcaaw.j'aacga r-1 m .rjj -n L.X '- an v! n vm t. ' . ft fel i- '.'?&! ' .T"t. - ..J p t TUl- (4 . A1 $ . mwjsk 13giSnSE2aa