ft.'!, fa J T 1 U MOTW -1 'A' V ji- .4,' vr -'? -- "! w I v , 4-;. ttbc 2) a 1 1 1 ebraeftan A .. i. iH V s- x ' I - V P i : i it. p & t V fe & (i' fcU s . D the Week's Summary State Y. M. O. A. Convention. Tho annual state Y. M. C. A. con vention, which was held at Beatrice during tho latter part of last week and the foro part of this week, has been generally votod the moqt successful meeting of Its kind ever held In the state. There were 270 dolegatcs pres ent, seven colleges and academies be ing represented besides the state uni versity. No palnB were spared by tho citizens of Beatrice In providing suit able entertainment for tho visiting del egates. Tho church ladles took It uponi themselves to act as hostesses to all J tho delegates during their Btay, and1 the delegates all speak In high terms of the hospitable entertainment they provided. Tho ladles of each denom ination furnished a meal, and in ad dition provided social entertainment. Those who had charge of affairs were very fortunate In securing men of well known ability and established reputa tion to deliver addresses before the con vention. Among theBO were E. It. Rob inson, International boys' secretary of the Y. M, C. A.; George I. Coxhead, general secretary of the St. Louis as sociation ; Honry Ostram, the-'hoted southern evangelist, and John P. Hlllls of GreencaBtle, Ind., one of the lead ing vocaliBts of tho country. The most striking addrosses were delivered by Rev. Conley of Omaha, on "What 1b man?" and by Mr. Robinson, a prom inent leader In Junior Y. M. C. A. work. As a result of this convention, an as sociation will be established in Bea trice. Plans have already been formu lated for a now building, modern in every respect and to be provided with pool and billiard rooms, a bowling alley and rooms for various kinds of games. In addition the building will be pro vided with a gymnasium, bath rooms and modern lighting and heating appli ances. When completed It will cost in the neighborhood of $75,000. Grati fying reports of tho work being done at various parts of the state were re ceived and discussed. At York the Y. M. C. A. haB completed planB for a $75,000 building, which is now under construction. The debt on the prop erty of the Hastings association has been liquidated and affairs are in a very prosperous condition there. The Chadron railroad association has been completed and Is provided with efllclent apparatus of all kinds. New boys' de partments have been established at Lincoln, Hastings and Grand Island during the past year. Tho following permanent officers were elected: President, Dr. H. B. Ward Lincoln; vice president, J. H. Waterman, Lincoln; secretary, B. G. Lewis, state university; assistant sec retary, W. E. D. Young, Cotner; report er, C. E. Symonds, Wesleyan. Dr. Clapp will go to Superior Thurs day to 'give a gymnastic exhibition. Athlotlo Jottlns". Tho principal athletic events of this week are the two basket ball games at Minneapolis. Last night tho 'var sity met the agricultural college of the Minnesota University, and tonight tho game with Minnesota University comes off. A telegraphic report of the for mer is found in this Ibsuc Tho first of the class series of basket ball games takes place In tho armory tonight be tween the Juniors and sophomores. While progress is being made In track work, It could be greater, as the men are not turning out as well as they should. Pole vaulting and high Jump ers promise to be exceptionally good this year. The baaeball-pTtchers have now acquired the proper form of de livery and will be tralnod In curving next weok. Tho men are getting very anxious to lay off the diamond. With over twenty games in store they real ize that something must be doing soon. In the field of girls' athletics affairs are very active. The first team girls havo received their new suits of dark blue and red, which give them an at tractive appearance. Night practice was held this week and the 'varsit showed up in .fine form. This after noon the first team plays an alumnae five and tho midget tem will play the second 'varsity. Next week come the big games of the year. WHEN WILLIE CAME TO SCHOOL. Nttmoor I of a series of seven cartoons on Tho Advontures of Freshman, "Vyiljio i&odriit The senior baBket ball men held prac tice yesterday at 5 p. m. The U. of M. girls' basket ball team recently defeated Superior by Bcores of 15 to 11, and 9 to 7. At Cornell the 'varsity baseball Bquad recently numbered 81 . It has Just been cut down to 50. Like Nebraska, they are yearning for out-door practice. Coach Strang of Colorado college will award the best '03 batter a valua ble gold medal, and a business firm has offered a $10 fountain pen as a prize for the best fielder. Such ln d"ucements will no doubt add to the strength of the team. : ' v wmiiyv m rV-My v ' ' "' "Vwrj V zLJll -i 'i y U. of M. Dally. The Cornhuskers will Bond up a good aggregation of basket ball men and the game will be a two sided affair. Nebraska" has hand led a rather extensive schedule In good ghape so far this season. Tho Haskell Indians and the University of Colorado and other neighbors of Nebraska were defeated handily by them. The profeBBor was In a reminiscent mood and with IiIb usual completeness and vivacity of narration he related the following Incident, which occurred In one of his Latin classes twenty years ago: One morning while he was seated at his desk, a big, overgrown fellow of about forty . years of age, who was noted for his stupidity, came lumbering in some minutes before class time and seated hlmBelf In his accustomed place. Opening hlB book ho stared fixedly at the pago for several minutes, with such a puzzled expres sion upon hlB face that it was evident something was weighing on his mind. The professor observed him In silence for some tlmo and then asked If ho could enlighten him In any way. "Well, profeBsor," he Bald, "I would like to have you toll me what book of Titus this Is that wo are studying." "What book of Titus!" exclaimed tho professor, and It was evidently his turn to bo puzzled. "Yes, sir; what book of Titus," replied the other, as he Btuffed his hands into his pockets and pursed his lips with an air of the greatest confidence. "Can't you be more explicit and tell me what you mean?" asked the professor. "Well, here's the point," was tho reply. "Hero Is the title TIT1 LIVII. Now, I want to know what numeral does LIVII stand for." Fdr some minutes the pro fessor was deprived of his composure, and ho at the same tlmo wondered what Titus Llvy would think If hn could see his surname mistaken for a numeral. "What was hlB object In making that long western trip?" "He Intended writing a history of the Platte river, and started- out to find the sources." Burt's Sultorum, 1231 O. Phones 47 and B995. Willie arrives with his Pa at the opening of the school year, and Is con ducted to the registrar. The sights Impress him immensely. Knox College Student celebrates the sixty-sixth birthday of that Institution with a rich special edition with a poster-supplement, "Vision of the Founders." MK"iHWHH'" "Is it true that the four-hour . drill regulation Is unconstitutional?" asked the private of his neighbor. "Certajnly," was the reply. "Any drill whatever 1b against my constitution." When going home, go easy, on the Northwestern. The Bartram house of Philadelphia, a unique memorial of pre-revolutlon-ary days, Is described and Illustrated In a paper In the March Delineator. John Bartram, tho builder, was a farmer who turned his attention to botany, and eventually became tho most fa mous American botanist of his day. HIb house was frequented by uiustrl ous men, among them the founders of tho republic. It 1b an excellent ex ample of colonial architecture, of good proportion and homelike appearance. Tho Interior arrangements exhibit tho qualntness and simplicity of the times. As would be expected, the garden Is of especial Interest, containing rare varieties of flowers, shruba and trees, some of tho latter having attained a great height and age. Prof. "What class of people make tho best mathematicians?" Student. "The southern negroes." Prof. "How do you make that out?" Student. "Because they multiply so rapidly." Lincoln Local Express transfers any old thing. Phono 787. PlanB have been completed for tho opening at Kansas City of a liberal university, which will remove there from Sllverton, Ore. The college will be in charge of Thaddeus B. Wakeman, formerly of New York, and a personal friend of Col. Robert G. Ingersoll. Lec tures will be begun this spring and the regular classes will be lneUuted next fall. If there are any Cbtcofote Chips thai are better than oars ive have not seen them If you have, come in and tell us about them. t 1 Wmwelfs t I3ih &&C.206 So. I lib St 1426 0 St. HMH-MH-MMHHHf 'V ! ! : .; ; ; .j, ;, , ,j, , ,j, , ,j, , lf , Why Cough? There are a good many people coughing these days who could Just as well not cough at all. Many people endure a cough pa tiently because they have beea disappointed hy worthless cough remedies and dp not realzie that there aro other remedies which are wholly entitled to confidence. , Our White Pine Tar is ono of those remedies. We have abundant reason to know that this preparation is far su perior to cough remedies usually sold, and while it will not cure every cough, it comos as near to it as anything that modern science can devise. You can use it knowing that there is at least nothing bettor, that It quickly cures 90 per cent of all ordinary coughs and that if it falls in your' case we shall cheerfully refund tho money. Two sizes, 25 and 50 cts. RIGGS THE DRUG CUTTER x. - - " A r: V m '4 ! ! . fr .;. A ,, , ,;, , ,i, i ,j. 4 ., ft"5 ' ' MmM'k , M.V l;.v:""iWJU.'acrTrTBBtaBaBi -n' i i i i i r.r'.V'r'ir4syiwwi;LJi voCi.sitfejMSa&B