The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 07, 1903, Image 1

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Nebraska Loses, at Minneapolis
by 4 to 13 Score.
NebrasKa' basket ball reprcsenta-
tivcs succumbed last night to tho foot
ball tactics of tho Minnesota agricul
tural college by a score of 4 to 13.
Tho playing was of tho rough and tum
ble order, and tho Nebraska men re
port' "bum oflicials" aB partially re
sponsible for tho discouraging outcome.
Tonight the flvo meets Minnesota, and
it is hoped a better clasB of playing
and more Impartial officials may en
able tho Cornhuskers to retrieve their
Jew (geological VCebtaska
Interesting and Valuable Information Derived from the State Survey
Tho state-of Nebraska te h rfcfr field f about- 250 cute bslf-tone;. zineu etch-
Girls Basket Bali.
Tho girls' basket ball matches Sat
urday afternoon will bo open to univer
sity girls only. No admission will be
charged. The first game will be called
at 2:30. Tho various iine-ups will bo
a follows: "Midgets" Margaret Pills
bury, Edna King, forwards; Harriet
Mitchell (captain), IniByCverett, con
ters; XdeloKoch, NelloVSchleslnger,
guardf . .Second, team--Emma Shinbur,
Ethel Ames, forwards'; Ina Glttlngs,
Ruth Woodsmall, centers; Margaret
McCutcheon, Ruth Bryan, guards. First
team Minnie Jansa, Cora Scott, for
wards; Pearl Archibald, Edith Craig,
centers; Alice Towne, Elva Sly, guards.
.The positions for the alumnae team
are not known. Thoso expected to take
part are Misses Eleanora Miller, Ger
trude Macomber, Hannah Pillsbury,
Zora Shields, Ida Taylor, Marie Ken
nedy. The officers for cue afternoon
will be Miss Helen Woodsmall, referee.
Misses Anno Barr and Adelloyd Whit
ing, umpires.
Senior. Committees,
President Tollesen has completed his
list of committees for the senior class
as follows:
Members of Class Athletic Board
Walter Hlltner, William McGreachln,
James Ferguson.
Basket Ball Team Erie Spafford,
manager; Walter Leonard", captain.
Program Committee MiBses Edith building
for tho geologist, although people havo
been accustomed to regard our Btate as
of little geological value, while they
look to the Rockies, the regions of the
Great Lakes and the New England
states as the only appropriate places
to study history as recorded by naturo
herself, yet Nebraska, with its broad
prairies and rolling foothills, Is geolog
ically Just as important, from many
points of view, as are the mountainous
states. A lack of appreciation for our
native advantages has como about, no
doubt becauso no geological surveys
have ever been made of the state, and
consequently little is gonerally known
about what our environments really
are. Since 18H, however, a survey
has been carried forward by the state
geologist, Professor Barbour. Since
tho work has had to done without sal
ary, oftontlmea at a personal outlay,
progress has necessarily been slow.
In spite of the great difficulties that
had to be "overcome tho first survey
of the state has been completed and
a report of the same is contracted to
appear on March 15th. While the re
port can not glvo definite figures and a
full description of very mile in the
state, it will still be very complete,
considering the time and money spent
in making the survey. Nearly every
county has been visited, and some of
them many times. Many of the most
interesting portions have actually been
driven over by team and surveyed by
the mllo.
Tho hydrography of Nebraska has
been studied by both the engineering
and geological departments. Thousands
of records of wells and streams havo
been secured, and gaugoings of all the
Important rivers have boon made to
ascertain the available water supply
at various seasons of tho year. Every
important quarry, clay pit, sand pit,
and gravel bank has been vlBited, mea
sured and photographed. Such re
sources as our supply of sand, gravel,
and clay may seem of small Import
ance to the unthinking person; but, as
a mattor of fact, tho real value of these
materials can not Tie estimated. Enor-
mouB amounts of clay, sand, lime and
stone are already being
Lathrop, Chairman; Eliza Meier, Mar
garet Loomis, Anna Miles; MeBsfs.
George F. Miles, Fred Llpp, ' Edward
Rowe, R. T. Hill, Wm. Stevenson.
Ivy DaySamuel Anderson, .Laura
Woodford, Myrtle Roberta, Mabol Tho
mas, CharfoVEUchle, Marvin Har
Class Mempirlal-Thomas Maxwell,
ahaIrman;Lottto Weldy, isalel Trum
Delt Anna Magulre, Archie Waters,
George Lee.
Senior Party2 Newton Bildkley,
chairman .Sadto Fowler, Gertrude An
derson, Edna Gund; Edlth Behest;
Leonard Hart'or, Horace Filley Guy
Petefs, Minnie ,Gulle, JKoVert Smith.
SnekTpay--JohV Tobln, chairman;
Clara Walker,, Jeatf MtiLennan, Elytf
Sly? Lawrence "Bruiier, DeWltt Han
son, George ShTdlerT ' ' . ' V ;
shipped, and these Industries have not
yet been pushed at all. In the matter
of sand Nebraska puts out epough caoh
year to make a solid train reaching
from Lincoln to Omaha; and of flint,
which up to the present year Was a
waste product, largo quantities are now
being used as ballast. The flint quar
ry, located at Wymoro, were opened
by Atwood & Co. last year and the
first order amounted to 50,000 tons. Al
though Nebraska Is a prairie state, it
Is not lacking' In building materials.
Stones, bricks, mortars, and cements
havo, been tested as. to strength' and It
is found that they compare 'favorably
with those of other states andin some
cases they are '.even superior.
The "-report will "be illustrated by
logs and colored map. Financial- in
terests and Industrial opportunities
havo boon carefully looked after by
Professor Barbour in getting out tho
book, for tho ultimate aim of tho sur
vey is to loarn where and how tho state
can be developed industrially. The
report is made non-technical, so that
the farmer as well as the scientific man
can understand it and make use of its
Tho survoy reveals a rich diversity
of scenery, much of which is beautiful.
Topographically the state Is made up
of broken ranges, canyons, buttes and
in the western part, low mountains or
foothillB. Tho lowest part is tho -Missouri
bottom, the altitude of which Is
about 810 feet. -From this tho state
rises at an average of about eight or
ten foot to tho mile until tho western
limit 1b reached. Nebraska, without
mountain ranges and forest, has a
homeogenous climate. Its precipitation
comes largely from the Gulf of Mexico,
and is much moro favorable than is
generally supposed, tho annual rairt
fall being over twenty-threo Inches.
This amount does not sem great com
pared with that of many other states,
but the fact that a largo percentage of
it comes during tho spring and sum
mer gives Nebraska as good a growing
season as exists along the Atlantic
A noticeable feature of Nobraska Is
Its favorable situation with reforenco
to storm centers, which accounts for
the rare viBits of tornadoed. The aver
age annuhl temperature of the state
ranges from 40 to 60 degrees.
Tho report takes up a somowhat
lengthy discussion of the waterfalls of
tho state, which oven our own people
are accustomed to give no attention.
They praise tho beauties of other states
but do not realize that Nebraska la
really picturesque. Along tho Fremont
line, in the northern part of the state,
the scenery Is beautiful. About Val
entino are several excellent locations
for summer resorts. Tho scenery is
bold and well forested with evergreens.
Plenty of oeautlful lakes are, situated
there, but they are, under present con
ditions, too Inaccessible to bo used.
Tho best waterfalls in the state, tho
Arlkeo falls, about twelve miles east
of. Valentine, and with a fall of about
elghty-rfl'vo feet, can be reached only
by driving across the county.
Tho survey also discuses tho fact
that Nebraska Is not rich "in mineral
deposits, although drift gold is. found
in the sands "of the Platto and Iron,
topper, zinc, lead, and coar,;have been
found In small, quantities'. Themlrier'al
wealth of the slate lies ra'thVr-iif'lts
hon-metalllc beds; Tvhjch are 'rich hnd
extensive. 4 "
Class Qame Tonight.
Tho juniors and sophomores opon tho
class series of basket ball games to
night with a gamo in the" armory. Both
teams- havo made preparations for this
contest, whiclr promises to be aa In
teresting one. These two class teams
are considered tho strongest and tho
outcomo tonight will probably deter
mine which class carries off tho cham
pionship honors of '03. Tho sopohmoros
and juniors will likely attend in a body.
Ten cents admission will bo charged
to defray oxtm janitor fcos. If tho
gato recelptB of theso clas gameB aro
sufficient, caps will bo purchased for
tho championship team. Tlckots can
bo secured from members of tho teams
and classes or at tho door. Come out
and prove to tho Univorslty that thero
is Bomo spirit and enthusiasm yet in
tho University. T.ho line-up:
Juniors. Sophomores.
NoVes center. . .V. Thompson
Ludden ....;. ..forward Brown
Myers Sweeloy
Tyner ). . .guard Boers
Flamsburg ' Ldhmer
Blckford substitute Clark
Tho juniors met In IT. 206 yesterday
during convocation hour. As a quorum
was not present no business was trans
acted. Tho half hour was spent in stir
ring up interest and enthusiasm in to
night's basket ball game. Mossrs. Buck
ner, Tobln, Newton, Blckford, Myers
and Misses King, Meeker, Shinbur and
others wero called on far speeches, and
all responded In well chosen words. A
committee was appointed to make ar
rangements for tho class to attend in a
body and get as many juniors out as
possible. The chairman of (his "com
mittee will act as Jeader of tho rooters',
squad for tonight Tho juniors expect
a good representation to witness .the
gamo, and the team will no doubt re-,
celve tho proper support from the sldo
A number of new volumes have- been
added to tho library shelves for the
benefit of the American history de
partment These consist of McMastor'a
history In five volumes, Von Hoist's In
eight volumes, and tho works of Alex
ander Hamilton In seven volumes. Tho
latter set Is an exceedingly rare one
and was obtained with great difficulty,
being finally secured from a 2nd-hand
bpok dealer in Chicago. The former,
two sets are a welcome addition to tho
American history shelves, as they will
relieve the pressure by furnishing ad
ditional reference books for the larger
classes. , . . .
Don Cameron's for'a square meal.
Eat at Hendry'J, 129 North Eloventh.
Havo C, A. Tucker, Jeweler, 112af0,
AOurtspring ana summer, sultsare-ar-
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riving daily,, and. by: looking early you ; ?'
will get tho. choice of the -niafketV AH ;i- $
the,newstylfis are, Qtf.our, tables. B.'L. 'i J3
por't wJlPbe Illustrated by I '- . (Continued on page 8.) - Paine. .,. 1 v'v '-. ,'.. " ,, V; k. WH
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