w. rrn '. ' jl " 'W , ' " " . ,i c fc- 'lV -"' i T-V .r '-v j. '! , ?- c ; ttbe 5 ft I ip ifle t r a'e ft a n li'i W.Ut r",J rHf' J :' V A t U :v fcI- w ri r :' 1 'Si Mm Sue CLARY C1GAPS and NEWS. Tel. A1033. HI N. 11th Street. FORBES STABLES LIVERY BAGGAGE AND CAB LINE CARRIAGES FOR PARTIES Bam IJ25-J13I P St. Phone 550 Palace Dining Hall The largest and best equipped eating house in the c.ty... Furnished rooms in connection DELL B. COOPER, MYRA HART, PROPRIETORS U30 N Street Lincoln, Neb. WcSTERN GLASS &, PAINT Co. 12th & M Sis. LINCOLN, NEB. Genuine Gas Coke $9.00 per ton Lincoln Gas & Electric Light Co. 1323 o St. BICYCLES At all prices and guaranteed to be the lowest. TALKINQ MACHINES Of all makes, and sold at prices at which others dare not. THE WITTMANN COMPANY, 211 2J3 South Eleventh Strcel. fBOH INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME Cottrcli & Leonard, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods to University of Ne braska, University of Minnesota, Univer sity of Chicago, Uni versity of Omaha, Cornell, Yale, Har vard, Princeton, Le land Stanford, U. of P.. Welidev. Rrvn Mawr, and the others. Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc., upon request. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC FOR 903 Edited by J. E. Sullivan The only alma nac published that contains a complete list of American Amateur Best-on-R e Co rda and complete list of Champions. PRICE 10 CENTS For sale by all newsdealers and A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, Denver, Baltimore, Buffalo Spalding's complete catalogue of Athletic Sports American ififc'V athletes. f ' sent free to any address Local and Personal In enp and gown they graduate, A hoot of seniors, grave, sedate, Remaining true to college lore. Traditions set long yearB beforo In proper style they emulate. For 'tis a present senior trait To find a dealer, compensate Him well, then leave the college door In cap and gown. Hack to the dealer ambulate And lcavo the toggery: for Fate May will the class of Nlneteen-four Should also stand upon life's shore, Its stormy seas to contemplate. In cap and gown. The Lantern. O The fnoulty of the agricultural school will entertain the students of that department this evening at the state farm. The University authorities are con sidering the question of repairs for the chemistry building and expect to apply to the legislature for an appropriation for tarrying out much needed changes. A very Interesting llttlo circular has been Issued by the Nebraska historical society, setting forth what the society has done In the last ten years, Its plans, some of Its methods of work, and Us present needs. The Cosmopolitan magazine is soon to publish an article on the "Suprem acy of State Universities " Nebraska University will be represented by n cut of a (ampiis photograph Int hiding the library building. Albert P. Brlgham, professor of geol ogy at Colgate, an old friend of Dr. Condra, Is getting out a volume on physiography and Ameiican history, and has written for a campus scene of the University of Nebraska A Weekly Open Period. As the University program since tho five-hour per week drill requirement went Into effect no longer offers any generally open period and as some such period Is necessary and demanded for mass and class meetings, conferences between students and Instructors, and othor similar ends, it Is, upon confer ence, deemed wise to devote all Mon day convocation periods to tho uses named. Beginning with next week, therefore, no convocation exercises of the usual nature will occur on Mon days. Memorial hall will be open every Monday morning from 10 to 10:30 for student rallies and class meetings, ap plicants being preferred in the order of their application. Heads of depart ments and other Instructors are re quested to be during that half hour in attendance as regularly as possible at their usual offices or rooms, that (students may conveniently meet them. One -Way Kates. To many points In the states of Cali fornia, Oregon and Washington. EVERY DAY The Union Pacific will sell One-way Colonist TicketB at the following rates from Missouri river terminals: $25 00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other Collfornla points. Tickets on sale Feb. 15 to June 15, 1903. Lacont's larger geology text, which is being revised by Professor Falrchlhl of Syracuse, N. Y., will contain a larger number,of cuts from the geological de pa! tment of Nebraska University than from any other institution In the United States. Bench Jones has been very 111 during the past week, being at one time threatened with pneumonia. Acting upon his physician's advice, he will discontinue his studies in the Unlvei slty for a time, and leaves today for his home In Dunbar. Since the arrival of a new member in the physics department, Dr. Brace Is discussing with him some very im portant problems which had before escaped the professor's observation. Dr Brace sayB the llttlo fellow is very ac tive nnd shows the true spirit of a physicist. H. E. Hai y is rejoicing oer tho re covery of IiIb overcoat, which mysteri ously disappeared from the elbak room In tho chemistry room Monday When ho first noticed Its disappear ance he at once Informed the police, who, after some llttlo investigation found the missing coat In one of the pawnshops in the city. Mr. P. R. Dullard, Brown '97, repre senting the Scarborough Publishing company, has written to Chancellor Andrews requesting the names of sev eral active and able students' who de sire lucrative positions during next seminar's vacation. An inquiry at the executive office will secure tho details of Mr. Bullnrd's offer for anyone de siring to make arrangements for such summer work. $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City. $20 00 to Butte, Anaconda and Helena. $22 50 to Spokane and Wanatchce, Wash. $25.00 to Everett, Falrhaven and New Whatcom, via Huntington and Spokane". $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Se attle. ' $25 00 to Ashland, Roseburg, Eugene, Albany and Salem, via Portland. Tickets on sale Feb. 15 to April 30, 1903 From Chicago and St. Louis propoi lionatoly low rates are In effect by lines connecting with the Union Pa cific to all above points. For full Information call on or ad dress E. B. SLOSSON. Don Cameron's for a Bqunre meal. University Bulletin JUNIORS meet today at 10 a. m. In U 20G. Important. FOUND. A copy of Tennyson's Poems has been left In the physical director's office. Owner can hnve, tho samo by calling for it. SENIOR BOYS meet for basket ball practice this afternoon at G o'clock. Every senior who plays basket ball at all is urged to come out. By order of Manager. LOST. One Cassell's large French dictionary, and one black leather cov ered Hill's pocket edition French dic tionary. Finder please return to Ne braskan office. SENIORS. ClasB pins ordered are being made up and will bo fitted with patent lock catches and engraved with out charge. Leave your name, written as you wish It engraved, at Co-op. Im mediately. O. T. Swun. LOCKERS Number 3, 5, 8, 12, 15, 1G. 17, 27, 32, 35, 3G, 44, 50, 55, 50, 58, 59, 61, 81, 88 and 95 are not accounted for in list In Physical Director's office. It these lockers are not accounted for before 6 p. ra. Friday, March 6th, the locks will be cut off. R. G. Clapp. Y. W. C. A. The annual business meeting of the Young Women's Chrls tlan Association for tho election of offi cers will be held in tho old chapel Tues day, March 10, at 5 p. m. It Is Impor tant that every member bo present. Anna Van Zandt, Vice-President. SENIORS. The committee on invi tation and programs of the senior class desire i. at those who have de signs to offer hand them to the com mittee at once, as it is necessary to come to some decision in order that we may not Jje late in getting out our programs. Committee. When going home, go easy, on tho Northwestern. Eat at Don's Cafe. THE UNION PACIFIC 18 KNOWN A8 he Overland Joute AND IS THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO ALL PRINCIPAL WESTERN POINTS. S 3 3 V Via Omaha THE UNION PACIFIC IS 204 miles shorter to . SeJt Ltxke City 278 miles shorter to . Sclfi Frtvncisco 278 miles shorter to . . Los Angeles 358 miles shorter to . . , Portland 12 hours quicker to Scv.lt Ltvke City 16 hours quicker to Stvn Francisco 16 hours quicker to . , . Los Angeles 16 hours quicker to Portland THAN ANY OTHER, LINE. S Electric Lighted Trains Daily 1 Full information cherrfulh furnished on application JO . E. B. SLOSSON, Acent.', I u r- - cSM ' K jfl W r, I V - -itk .,vij ' "4 k -" ' virt ! f-Vp-j . I MJ " ' --.- . v 'W -S--..V ;th;fh j. r, i v.7- ".. ,; ".' y T" $RttKrrx?l&.i- -u?g. USB rr :t ' t kA- i .t - V .u .' ; :',' ssHttarA ". rssimsfek- $&& c 3Ms K? r-fti mmmm m siasri'iw.frf. j f Pr2ji5ej , .