The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 05, 1903, Image 1

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Vol n.
No. 99
Off to Minnesota.
New Cadet Officers.
Uhc Bail?
Gadot Organization Once More
ih Vigorous Activity.
During tho past week the band haa
boon completely reorganized, and no
apprehension need now bo felt In re
gard to Its progress In the future.
Matters hove so shaped themselves that
all misunderstandings have been
cleared away and the presont outlook
Is most oncouraglng. Absoluto har
mony has been established between the
hand and tho military department, the
demoralizing complications thai arose
last fall having been amicably settled.
Most of the old men who left tho band
for various reasons last fall have now
returned and are making their presence
. felt Tho long period of inactivity
BoemB to have stimulated the spirits
of tho players so that the Interest in
practice Is all that could bo desired.
Tho band la now fully up to Its old
standard In membership, which in
cludes twonty-two players, and after a
week of hard practice promises soon to
attain to Ita former high standard of
excellence. In tho future special at
tention will be given by the band to
the spclal side of University life, and
a series of dancing parties will be held
in the armory under. Its auspices. As
"fe? 'n commltteo to nave charge of the
; V necessary arrangements, President
Pepperburg has appointed tho follow
ing: M. P. Campbell, chairman; It. H.
Jenno, master of ceremonies; F. Fair
man, A. Hayman, J. L. Clark, D. M.
Clark, and Mr. Cornell. It is hoped
that tho arrangements for tho first of
these dances may be perfected so that
It will take place In about two weeks.
Tho proceeds will be used for tho pur
chase of music and instruments. In
order that npthing may be done to lm-
pede tho progress of tho band, now that
it is onco more established upon a
firm footing, tho military department
has excised from its classes on Friday
all members of tho. band "who were
formerly obliged to attend. Accord
ing to present plans, practice will be
lield In the band room throe dayB of the
" week, and on the campus tho other two
If tho weather permits.
. A concert will be glVen In chapel Fri
day morning by tho revived organlza-
" tlon and thl8 will be tfio place for
every student to be. present and show
'r his appreciation" of the faithful work
that has been done tp give the Univer
sity a good and efficient band.
1 A'
Modipal Society.
,. Ii B. Sturdy vant, '02 will read a
;& t paper onv"Cpnsangtflneous-.Marriages''
I' JlI t igovmeaicai society iuih vAUurtmuy)
.' Jj&jgk "evening,.. All interested in medicine
$T tt ianrtMti-variouBvbranchea are cordially
.-:?, " -
Kesfcaurant'Umque, 1228 O street,
i .'.r - - "i l i '
4'Bu' du1fcrmnVl28l'b. 'Phones, 47
'.-'.'vcr T. ..VtYtrAo T,1A1 rA..nnln' Puna
ifc. '..
Tho basket ball team leaves at 1:45
this afternoon for Minnesota, expect
ing to arrive In Minneapolis tomorrow
morning at 7:30. Nebraska meets tho
Agricultural Collego of Minnesota Fri
day night and Minnesota University
Saturday night. The following men
will make the trip: Captain Hewitt,
Elliot, Hlltner, Benedict, Hoar, and
Arrangements have been made
whereby the Nebraskan will receive u
telegraphic report of Friday night's
game. The outcome will appear in
Saturday's issue. The team will prob
ably return Sunday night.
By orders from tho military depart
ment, promotions were mado from the
different companies of tho battalion to
fill the offices of company E, the fifth
company which has been organized
temporarily but of delinquent cadets.
Corporal E. B. Loomis of company A
was mado sergeant, and Privates L. W.
Turner, A. J. Ludden, and Q. E. Jen
nings were promoted cqrporals.
Private C. E. Miller of company B
was promoted a sergeant. In company
D, Corporal J. M. Klecknor was pro
moted a sergeant and Private O. H.
Walker corporal. Corporals W. C.
Ramsey of company C and J. B. Ches-
Stanford 's
P r i z e
The Leland Stanford Girls' Glee Club prize of $10 for tho beat Stanford
song has been awarded the following verses and chorus:
I. II.
Youngest of the colleges, we raise our Now all Ufa Is fair and free, our blood
voice to theo; flows full and red,
Let thy pillared arches echo clear Pride of youth Is ours to givo and
and Btrong hearts of cheer,
'Till the Coast Range flings tho sound While we sing the Stanford spirit that
across the peaceful sea, shall live and Bpread,
Alma Mater, dearest mother, hear Through the changeless love of those
CampUs Gleanings.
University Calendar.
Saturday, March 7. Sigma
Epsilon banquet at tho Llndoll.
Saturday, March 7 Tho Saturday
Night club will givo a party at Walsh
March 13. Company B hop, Frater
nity -all.
Saturday, March 14Dolta Gamma
banquet, at the homo of Miss Ruth
April 17 Senior Prom.
April 18 Delta Tau Delta banquet.
Howlson Crouch left for Nebraska
City Tuesday for a fow days' visit with
his parents.
Miss Dot Porter was sick during tho
fore part of tho week and unable to
attend classes.
our song.
Still shall we cherish
Tender lovo for three.
Faith that will not perish
It shall be.
Thy banner o'er us,
Thine the lovo that springs;
With this rousing chorus
Stanford rings.
who hold thee dear.
Though thy sons and daughters scat
ter far and wide away,
Still the old life beckons where the
old quad lies,
When the west Is robed in splendor at
' the close of day,
In the homeward wandering heart
this song shall rise.
We believe Nebraska can improve on this, and hope tho May announce
ment will give us a song having tho true western swing and dash. A col
lege song Is a difficult proposition, and even a $100 prize will not produce It
If the song genius is lacking; but wo covet at least a 100 per cent improve
ment on tho Stanford effort.
Cirls' Basket Bail.
?&5Portert. Memory . Bhortf .."Porter's
Tho secohd match Saturday after
noon, when the alumnae play the 'var
sity, will be between the "midget"
teqm and the University second team.
The "midgets" do not expect to win,
but will endeavor to give their taller
opponents practice for their next
week's match with Kansas University.
Night practice for tho two Univer
sity teams was hold Tuesday from 7
till 8 in tho armory. Tho first team
won by a decisive score, but playing
by both teams was swift and brilliant
For almost the first time the whole
'varsity team was out for practice,
wearing their new suits of dark bluo
and red. Thoy mado an attractive
slngton of company B were trans
ferred to company E and appointed ser
geants. Private Arthur Schrlbner of
company C was transferred to com
pany E and made a corporal. Sergeant
C. E. Bell of company D was trans
ferred to the new company and ap
pointed a first sergeant.
Dr. Aley, chronic diseases, 1318 O.
Clarence Langley, of Decatur, Is vis
iting with his brother, H. G. Langley,
at tho University.
R. A. Pembroko Is just recovering
from illness caused by the removal
of a tonsil two weeks ago.
, Ira G. von Foroll left Tuesday for
hlB home at Chester. Ho will' be out of
school for the rest of tho Homester.
Prof. A. L. Haecker of tho dairy hus
bandry department loft Sunday oven-
lng for Manhattan, Kan., where he la
doing special Institute -work this week.
Miss Louise Pound will addresB tho
local society of the Daughters of tho
American Revolution tomorrow after
noon on "American Literary Achievement"
Miss Rosa Bouton wlll'lecturo at tho
Capitol school next Friday on "Princi
ples of Cooking." Professor Davis will '
talk on "Manual Training" at tho samo
tlmo and place.
J. E. Boylp, '09, now holding a so
ciology scholarship- at tile University;
of Wisconsin, Is spending two "months '
at Milwaukee studying sociological,.
proDiems in preparation lor his thcBls,
Miss Hayden Is announced for lec
tures upon art on Tuesdays from 5to 6
o'clock, in the art gallery. No- admls-
slon Is charged, and all interested 'in
tho subject of art are cordially Invited
to attend.
Hairdresslng and manicuring at the
Famous. -
Let the Lincoln Transfer Co. haul
your trunks. 'Phono 176.
$8.00 commutation ticket or $2.70 at
the Merchants' j Caf o,117 No. 13th St.
Students arc cordially invited.
H .- a
Late Consulting Engineer to cArgentHieepiibtlc
Illustrated Lecture, "T-Vo Ye;af sin Afgeritm
Next Friday tho Un Ion' program will'
bo conducted by the;Unl6n,.glrlsi ' Tho
hare and hound: chase Yfllhbe postponed
on account ol. bad weather, "and" an
"at homo" party In thp form of" a Jap-e
aneso tea given 'instead,. " f.
The Eedagoglcal .cIubwHr'
nlght from 7 to 8 o'clock Tho hour
for-meeting has been ;pufc forward'6ri
accounf Qf the lectureHo-be 'glvenir
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