MI.yTyW i.W MIJW"V "(."r.'t t"',Li' i. 'rififi G b e Daily ftebraelian T li Wc are still offer ing big bargains in broken lots of Shoes. PERSON f YHirOOTrA- ..aiH lpj 'mwaiwi j3 osr?r.3 WESTERN GLASS & PAINT Co. 12lh & M Sis. LINCOLN, NEB. Genuine Gas Coke $9.00 per ton Lincoln Gas & Electric Light Co. 1323 o St. OAIMTAL (AI K A GOOD PLACE TO EAT OPEN ALL NIGHT. SMcals 15c and upwards E. J. FRANCIS, Successor to Francis Bros., Propr. 121 North nth Street. Phone L 1050 INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME Cottrcll & Leonard, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods to University of Ne braska, University of Minnesota, Univer sity of Chicago, Uni versity of Omaha, Cornell, Yale, Har vard, Princeton, Ice land Stanford, U. of P- Wefrtiltv. Rrvn Mawr, and the others Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc., upon request. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC FOR J903 Edited by J. E. Sullivan Over 530 pictures of prominent American and foreign athletes. The only almanac published that contains a complete list of Ameri can Amateur Best-on-Records and complete list of Champions PRICE 10 CENTS For ia(c by all newsdealer and A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, Denver, Baltimore, Buffalo Spalding's complete catalogue of Athletic Sports sent free to any address "GOOD CAUSE FUND." Report on College Settlement Contributions. More Needed. The list of names of students who hnvr contributed to the support of the college settlement nppenrs below. It mny be t lint Home nnmrs have been omitted, but care has been taken to make the IIrI as complete as mnterlal at hand will permit. Several nanus appear as subscribers who are not marked "paid.'' so they have been omitted. The list contains 152 names, with a total contribution of $39.45. The collectors have, however, reported $40 SO, showing that the list Is not quite complete. There have been 1.349 Incidental fees paid this semester. There are about 170 laws who pay no Incidental fees. Hence there are about 1,520 students now on the campus. Of these, 150 have made a contribution to the work of the College Settlement. If the remaining 1,350 or more students will now send 10 cents each to the Dally Nebraskan or to Professors Taylor. Hill. Orumann or Caldwell, our treasury will be en riched $135.00. nnd you will all be helpers In a good cause. H. V. CALDWELL. Treasurer. Walton 25 Keyser 25 McCulloch 25 OrlllUh 25 Unknown 25 Wiles . 25 W. X. Y. Z 07 Friend 25 Qulnn 25 Fossler 1 . 82 F. Brookings fo A. Hrooklngs l.oo X. Y. Z C. II II. B Howen Myers Tu I leys Wellenslck Updyke Phipps Gregg .- Munsflcld Legio Schaper Lamb CaHh Rice Meier Ilenl I. Bengston Clark Abbott Uald Nelon Miller Mood Moore Bridge Streater Meer McReynolds M. Meeker Moore Holllster Fleming Kleckner Westover Kimball Eager O. Buckley Bowers Mattley Goodrich Hinkel Weed C. Yoder Sterling Miss B Engle Schock Stephen Cash Senior , Erford Her Ladyship , Smith I-ipp P. B. K Cronin Jackson Telle8on Cash Beardsley Elliott .08 .25 .10 . 25 . 25 .50 .50 .50 . 25 . 25 .25 .to .10 .10 .01 .10 .20 .20 .25 .5(1 . 25 .25 . 25 . 10 .25 .25 .2d . 25 . 15 .2d .05 .Id .25 .30 . 25 .50 .25 Cash 1.00 Me. You and Cash Unknown P. II. K C. F B. B Unknown Unknown Van Burg Whedon Synonymous Unknown Robinson Post A Friend Another Friend .... Two widows' mites. BIckTord Amspoker .lessen Cook Griffin Davis Reese Bennett Waters Exley Cash Clark Paul Borg Buck Vasey , King Leonard Stewart Van Zandt Bates McCune Ensign Ken yon Dann Ritchie Mellck Brush Voung Maxwell (T. . . Meier .v.. Berkey h . Smith . Brewster Harrison Mr. X. Y. Z A. B. C Ringer E. M. M Andeison Lightncr Potts Shldler Crooks Sims Mouck Bills Pt t rashak Newton ('. Hengston . . . . Haughowort Dungan Schlaifer Egge "... Walker Nebraskan Miss Lyon Cash .'. . Cash .30 .01 .50 .25 .05 .05 .25 .25 .10 .05 .25 .25 .25 .10 .01 .05 .03 .50 .25 .25 .25 .10 .10 1.00 .20 .10 .25 .15 .15 .25 .25 .25 .25 .15 .25 .25 .25 .10 .40 .25 .50 .25 .10 .10 .10 .25 .25 .10 .10 .25 .25 .25 . 25 .15 .10 .25 .50 .50 .10 .50 .25 . 10 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .00 .50 .25 . 50 Total $31). 4i Likes Cornel (Continued from page 3.) issue of the "Daily Nebraskan" tu tell inc of the progress and success of tlie University of Nebraska. Her splendid football record this fall is known throughout the East, and Ne braska is now being given the recog nition she so long deserved. Cornell and the University of Nebraska were founded in the same year and have adopted the same principles and col lege policy. To my mind these two broad-minded institutions of learning have a splendid future before them. Sincerely, EARLE E. FARNSWORTH. '03. See Porter's ad about the clip cover. Late Society Notes. Thin Week HociMIr: Tuesday. Feb. 24'. Charles Stuart will give n dinner to the members or Phi Delta Theta. at his home, 1601 D street. Friday. February 27. Vlklhg party nt Walsh hall. Friday, February 27. The MlaBes Stuart will entertain at cards In honor of Misses Ashmun and Her. Saturday, Feb. 28. Beta Theta PI will give a banquet to its alumni. Saturday, Feb. 28. -Miss Adelloyd Whiting will give a kenslngton for Misses Oallathy and Jenkins. Saturday, Feb. 28. Misses Anne and Mellnda Stuart will give a konBlngton in honor of Misses Ashmun and Her. The junior members of the Y. W. C. A. will hold a reception In honor of the senior members of that organization nt the home of Dean Ward on the evening of Saturday, February 28th. Sigma Alpha Epsilon entertained about a dozen guests with a smoker given at the chapter house Saturday night. Dancing, music and cards were in order. Refreshments were served. Chi Omega was tendered a reception Saturday by Delta Gamma. The active members of all the sororities were in vited and the afternoon was spent in getting acquainted with the girls of the new sorority. White carnations dec orated the refreshment table and cardi nal and straw, the Chi Omega colors, were in evidence in the imrlor. Mrs. Sherman served the ices. The Union Boys was the only debat ing club which managed to meet last Saturday night. They discussed the question of woman's suffrage, after an Interesting and profitable parlia mentary scrap. Each member pledged himself to attend regularly hereafter, and several new members were initiated. Eat at Don's Cafe. Oliver Theater Pharmacy. Restaurant Unique, 1228 0 street. Don Cameron's for a square meal. Eat at Hendry's, 129 North Eleventh. $3.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. 13th SL Students are cordially invited. University Bulletin JUNIORS meet today at 10 a. m. in U. 20 to complete election of officers. UNION BOYS. Every member of the Debating club Is requested to .aUjud the Saturday evening meetlng.s'fegular ly nereauer. Visitors arealways wel come. J. M. Paul, vicetflresldent. ENGINEERING SOCIETY. A spe cial meeting of the Engineering Society will be held Thursday, February 2th at 8 p. m.. in M. 211. W. A. Layman', general manager of the Wagner Elec tric Manufacturing company, St. Louis, will deliver an illustrated lecture. All engineering students and members of the society are cordially invited to attend. Palace Dining Hall The largest And best equipped eating house n the city... Furnished rooms in connection DELL B. COOPER, MYRA HART, PROPRIETORS 1 130 N Street Lincoln, Neb. THE P. D. SMITH COAL CO. Carry all the best grades of domestic coals, among which you will find the Rex lump at $6.50; the Kem- merer, Wyo lump at $8.00, and the best Maitland you ever saw at $7.25. All Kinds of Steam Coal, the best money can buy. Office U40 O St., Phone 329 Yards 6th & NSts., Phone 376 " A " A A -" A "- A -"- A -- A -- A - A -- - -- .. .&...-. A. I -I--!- $--" 4 r'M -mmw$w ,f - J ' .' iW. .- -i t