wmmwmwm iK v GbeBatlp-ttebraefcan -W1)' : ; ' k r, , - t , .-, H l-Vi ' , ', $ ft ii- .. v v - -' , 'i. ' IV.t V W r. r . tf r fc 6 C i i j i. . rvr ft lr i s " ' n3 t, ks . WE have the best of Writing Paper found in the city. A dozen kinds of Univer sity paper and envelopes --the finest kind of Jinen paper at 25, 35 and 40c. . . Bond, Plate, Crane's and Marcus Ward's Stationery . . . Writing paper for every fraternity and sorority in the University. . . At THE CO OP. 4HM-M,4SHHH4'HfM-M4H College Settlement. , --- CAPITAL CAFE A GOOD PLACE TO EAT OPEN ALL NIGHT, SMeals 15c and upwards E. J. FRANCIS, Successor to Francis Bros., Propr. J2I North Uth Street. Phone L J050 h"K-:'m-:wh-k i LSSf T The Italian Shoe ! T . Y I Is unexcelled for style, wear, X 5 nrtfl Tirrlsrnrtnchtin WI.W. IVlIIIIIIMIIJI,,, J Sold only by Z :. PERKINS & SHELDON 1020 O 8troot X H. W. Brown Drug & Book Co. - Have all the new books ;; of Tiction as soon as ;. issued They also , , . , ; make a specialty of Prescription work, and in that line are . ;; the oldest Druggists in the city. IfeVvVa Phone 68127 Sa Uth J Wanted: One Hundred Dollars to remove the last vestige of debt Many students of tho University have contributed very freely to the support of tho work of tho College Settlement Association. It is believed that every student In the University would aid the cause with-his or her mite were he acquainted with tho plans and almsof tho association." In the first organi zation It was mainly a student endeavor, and its workers wore all from the University. At present Professor Prevey has charge of tho University Settlement house, located at Twentieth and N streets. Tho board of managers consists of those citi zens of Lincoln, then members of the faculty, and four students. PLANS. The plans are far reaching, but call for more money and more workors. Classes in manual training in domestic science, in sewing, in home decoration, etc., are urklor way or in con templation. Uvening classes in every subject for which a call may be made by girl or boy at work during the day should find some competent instructor among the students ready to give one or two ovonlng per week. A small library is already pro vided; it should be increased as fast as possible. Game rooms exist In which the boys and girls of the neighborhood may find hotter attractions than thoso afforded by the streets. Also a free platform is planned for, where all social, moral, and Indus trial questions of the day may be discussed, and thus varying Interests come to understand each other better. NEEDS. ThlB brief outline of the work leads me to say, that to make this work posslblo the board must appeal to tho great mass of the students who have aided little or not at all for their dimes, quarters and half dollars to the extent of 100 dollars. As treasurer I wish to report In general tho financial conditions, and appeal to you all personally to help a worthy cause. In the futuro you will not miss the small donation you now make, while the sum of all your gifts may make. It possible to uplift many a boy or girl now struggling under discouragements astly beyond any you know or feel. FINANCIAL REPORT. For some three years the board of managers had been gath ering funds to erect a homo for the work. By Septomber 6, 1902, there had been collected in cash from citizens of Lincoln, members of tho faculty, and students of tho University, -730.58. Donations In labor and material of an estimated value of $322.23 had also been made, or a total of $2,052.81, which had been used In erecting tho home now owned by the associa tion, Btandlng on Its own lot. From September G, 1902, to" February 7, 1903, there was received by tho treasurer the fol lowing amounts: CONTRIBUTIONS 1902-3. From citizens of Lincoln $34.50 Net from MIbb Stone's lecture 94.55 Junlor-Sophomoro football games 22.10 Net "David Garrick" 95.75 Sales Memorabilia 21.45 Student collections 18.12 These sums have all been used in payments- on a debt of about three hundred dollars, necessitated In furnishing the house, putting In a furnace, and making the improvements and fittings for tho work. Within the lost few dayB, since February 7, about $135.00 has been given by the citizens of Lincoln. There Is yet needed to clear everything, furnish the basement, and equip for manual training and domestic sclonco, some $200.00. Will you, my fellow students, rally to the aid of this work onco more and give $100.00 of this amount? Yours for every good cause, H. W. CALDWELL. this week there will be located in tho University numerous tables at which to tho College Settlement fund will be received. Names and amounts will be recorded, and a list of the donors published In next Saturday's Nobraskan. Mako tho record clear tho $100 mark and relievo this University enter prise from the debt which handicaps it. ' Miss Hazol Herbert, of Omaha, Ib visiting at the University with hor sis ter Agnes this week. The following orders wore posted on the Pershing Rifles' bulletin board yesterday: Feb. 17, 1903. Order No. 3 The non-commissioned officers of the Pershing Rifles who ab sented themselves from tho special drill at 2 o'clpck Charter Day are re quested to either hand In their resig nation or an adequate and acceptable excuse. By order of CAPT. A. M. HULL. Columbia National Bank OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 OFFICERS John B. Wright, President J. H. "Weitcort, Vice-President Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-President P. L. HalL Cashier W. B. Ryona, Asst. Caabier Dr. J. R HAGGARD cPhysician and Surgeon Special attention paid to diseases of ietnales and rectal diseases. Rooma2i2 to 214 Richards Block. Rol- dnc 1 3 1 0 C Street. Of f c TcUphonc S35. Residence Tiphont L 984. THB ONLY UP-TO-DATB Billiard and Pool Parlor IN TOWN NO SALOON ATTACHED Tabic novrly covered Powell's, 145 North Uth St. Phone L 664 THE fIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CapHat $200,000; Surplus $100,000; "Profits $18,39; Deposits $2,598,093 S. H. Burnham. President A. J. Sawyer, Vlee-PrealWnt H. S, Freeman, CHf H. B. Evans, Assistant Cashier UNITKD BTATKS DIU'OBITOKY BOWLING ALLEY 8 ALLEYS Standard and regulation In every particular. I2IO O St. H.C.Thoma9, Proprietor Yule Bros Laundry 1 1514 O Street. Tel 754. Originators of the klea of sending work home satisfactory. 8txSSx$HS$is4x Tarts of each day varlouB halls of tho Btudont subscriptions cfMHM9MHMHMHHMfM M jUe3 AfyGrW - m HIGH GRADE EH0EDLATE5 i" BDNBDN5 Sold only by Harley Drug Co., 11th & 0 Ste GLEE CLUB CONCERT Memorial Hall, Sat Evgv Feb 2 J Admission, 25 cents WE HAVE MOVED To HO No. J3th Street, J We de liver anything for anybody. Prompt delivery, reasonable rates. The Globe Delivery Co Office pbone I J22j Residence 3890 j. .. t .; , ,. a ,3. .1 ,j, , ,t, , ,., t .3. T I Just receioed, a ; t ugvd smpment of the famous HALL j PEN, sold for - $1. I Absolutely auar- t anteed. , Samuel Hall 1123 0 St. i H M 1 si ' j (rl h (W tjfr . ? .' i W" -" y '' ' ,?' '' '' ' ' ' '8 '" IXXXDCi .). 4 ., a ., , ,f . a ,f , a .; a ,fr fr , ,j, , ,, , ,j, ' rWJJi f r;f A k V'. v '-IT ".-. I rDt aMaisBlMisMMMtJliiiiiaaaMtBsMll 1 n'-i - -