'TSpffffff JC a , ' v - :n, " 'V'iffl? t uw Gbe ails tfUfcrasftan l & I I V- Tmmum V ,., -vWS J iNfr . I'JJ -4' 3St I. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 ii Cincinnati Shoe i Store '' We can sell you up- '.'. to - date shoes and ;: guarantee them. & '' Gioe us a trial. & In :" '.'. our Electric Shoe Ke- :; pairing Factory toe ; saoe you 50 on sol- :: :: ing J Wolfanger & Warthon X J 2 20 O Street -v I I I I 1 I I I I I i I LI II I I I I I I I II ; -fl I i I I 1 H i I 1 B I 8 I II I I I i I 11 B :: Good Health Cafe ii Says: Eat to live Eat the best X Our motto is: Everything in X nearly as natural a state X as possible, and free from grease. Short orders and I Eggs on Toast all hours. ; ; Good Health Cafe ; I- J 45 So J3tb St. ; rt 1 1 1 n 8 a i n 1 1 ii ii ii 1 1 1 1 1 We are still offer ing our reduced rates on all our Shoes. , d ,0W& '5 mosrMtr.Jfr aruur-roiu.fini Palace Dining Hall The largest and. best eaytpped eating house in the city J. .Furnished roohis.ln connection DELL'B. COOPER, TYRAHART, PROPRIETORS H3Q N Street Lincoln, Neb' Local and Personal UNIVERSITY CALENDAR: February 20. Alpha Theta Chi par ty, Walsh hall. Saturdny, Feb. 21. Gloc Club con cert. Memorial hall. March 13. Company B hop, Frater nity ..all. Saturday "2" o'clock. Oliver Theater Pharmacy.' Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street. C. K. Drown, Dentist. Burr block. Fiegenbaum's Pharmacy, 13th and 0. Eat at Hendry's, 129 North Eloventh. II. N. books closing out at Osborn's old book store. Closing out of U. N. books at Os born's old book store. Let the Lincoln Transfer Co. haul your trunks. 'Phone 17G. Dr. Ketehum, Oculist, 411 1 hards blk. Glasses fitted and guaranteed. Save by getting books while they last at Osborn's old book store. The K. & C. barber shop, 1144 O St. -Seven chairs. The finest In the city. A pessimist 1b a man whose views of life are In accord with his disor dered liver. E. Hallett, diamond merchant and jeweler, 1143 0 St., has the finest se lection of diamonds in the city. $3.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 nt the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. 13th St. Students are cordially invited. Little Gem hot wafllcB served at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 North 13th St. We have a large student patronage. The best Fountain Pen made is the S. E. Waterman's Ideal. E. Hallett, the jeweler, 1143 O St., has a line se lection. The Merchants' Cafe wants two stu dent waiters of experience to serve two mealB per day for board. Come at once. Don't be without time when you can buy a watch for $1.00 that keeps good time. You can see them in Hallett'B window, 1143 0 bt. Miss Louise Pound will speak to the girls of the Lincoln Academy at the Social Hour Club, Tuesday, at Mrs. Hodgman's. Address Before Sigma Xi. The lecture of Prof. L. L. Dyche of Kansas. University on "The Arctic Highlander," given Saturday night be fore the Sigma XI society, was attend ed by a large and appreciative audi ence of students and city people. The professor's numerous adventures and his wide experience as a hunter and explorer gave him prestige as a speak er and entertainer. His lecture Satur day night was really a summary of several lectures on his trip -to the northern part of Greenland In 1895 after Lieutenant Peary. The speaker confined his talk to the life and habits of the northern people. He said the Greenlanders are lntellfgont people, with all. the finer qualities of the hu man being.- Although they ore a flesh eating people, essentially, they, have not tho,- traits pf tho carnlverous ani mals...' They ate most affable, very kind and gontle. It is commonly thought that the Inhabitants of the fn.r nnrth urn nmnll In Htatura. that they;llYe on blubber and that -the?- dwell In )ce houses. But as a matter of fact they are of about" the average height and weight of Americans; they live on lean meat and Use the 'fat for lighting purposes."ahd tjiey live In caves anu scone nouses, except wnen they are on long hunting trips.- The lecture was illustrated with illdes froMj .photofraphs n.by Mr. Dyche hM: ?- -l t J THE OLIVER THEATRE . Tonight and Wednesday Night . The Shakespearean Actor T Mr. Walker Whiteside f ! Will present, on jf Tuesday Night. "Hamlet" f Wednesday Night. The Mer chant of Venice" : Prices $1.00, 7 5. 50 and 25 cent3 --:....:.: &&$$&$fr& Whether in ''Bulks, bricks or Individual Moulds, FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAMS Are admittedly the finest Your patronage solicited, as we know we can please you. THE FRANKLIN ICK CR1CAM AND DAIRY CO. Ofllco uiiri Fnrtory, 133 Kunth lath Mtrt-ut I'liono F 20ft . SjS$S$xsS CRESCENT BOWLING ALLEYS 134 N STREET Equipped with Brunswick Continuous cAlleys A Students' Headquarters cMofred The Omaha Bee says that the sheriff moved the business center of Lincoln two blocks east. He moved us. Here's where the students and professors meet and talk it over with Tommy. Hc'b wise. RIGGS' PHARMACY, 1321 O STREET ..H'HKH"M'4:H"H"H' WMMMVWMMMmMWWMMMMMMWWto For Your Library 500 "TITLES AT 50c EACH The Home Library. The Irving Library The Antique Library. Each book Illustrated with from one to ten fine cuts. Strongly and tastefully bound and printed In large, clear typo on good paper. -The authors are among tho best the world has ever known. Tho great novelists, poets, essayists, and historians are all represented. .No. matter how voluminous the work, the typo is always largo and clear. To make this possible some of the books contain 1,000 pages yet are no thicker than companion books with- 300 pages Another Strong Point . -' You can buy a 8et of nearly all tho standard romances, one volume at a time, arid know that every book is exacUy uniform with the one purchased before. , We carry no cheap Imitations, of these splendid -libraries. '. Lo'okTfor special -display at tlje first counter right aisle of uoolc de partment. Mmi& PiV - I . ; ' , AaV -fci- " i .M. -yJ.JI-M.m .J.;.j..;.:..;..j..;.j...j. t -- I 4mMMHH"HM"WKi' J VlMMMW'lanfti I The Independent Series. Tho Waldorf Library. 1 1 5 v a. 1 I ', , , " J ; .-.-.,- I . i'." -. , "j Am . f.i -4 A 'j '. v '? r ? 'i t i -1 t i . if ' 4 i 4 - zm .,'? , ..' Mil ' .M M v, . d . -'v s T. . J - S -J .,"" 't- J r" ''. a.rc'tt'.njrVd.", . iter j-" ;if . . 1 ,M . j - v 7 . .yAv . JiV It (J if :vzi KV3 . S-Jt !.JUV!CjUI is-ii "