The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 17, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Gbe H)ail mcbraeftan
A PoiiHollrlntlon of
Tlio HcHporlnn, Vol. 81, Tho NubriiHknii, Vol. 12,
8onrlt and Crmni.Vol. i
MnnnKinir Editor C. B. PitTulTNrtr
DuMincKS MivnnKijr - l. P. l)i;pi
NllWH .... V,, f'nuf.
HoHcty Wm. A Hlioolc
Athlotle --- - A. I. Mvth
Litnrnry John D Itloo
20fl' UnlviTKlty Hull. Phono A 12.T0
Pot Olllr... Htatlon A, fio.i ID, Mnrolii
Kntorl lit the iontoincint rtMioln, NchniHku,
iix hi!oik1 iliinH mall mnttT
Staff editorials.
But fow wordn nood to bo added to
the announcement made on the first
page of todny'H Ismie. The present
management toolc hold of the paper
when It vaH In desperate financial
BtrnltB, nnd Bought to rally to It tho
necessary advertising support. That
It did not sucreed In so doing needs
no farther announcement. Of the uni
versity and student support, however,
we hnv'e little criticism to offer. With
the possible exception of the Journal
ism deportment. University interests
have stood vnllantly behind these last
endeavors at saving the Dnlly. The
editorial stafT, one nnd nil. hnvo re
sponded nobly nnd self-sacriflcingly to
the call of tho managing editor, and
have signified a most grateful willing
ness to nccompnny him to the pro
verbial "last ditch." Alumni have
been liberal In their answers to re
quests for literary contributions. Now
subscriptions have been unexpectedly
numerous, and stops few. Many words
of commendntion hnvo been given, and
but few of criticism. The only disap
pointment has been the attitude of
Lincoln business interests, and the
present effort Is mainly directed
toward the changing of that. For the
temporary suspension we ask a liberal
patience, and for the resulting nd
vertlpenientH we solicit a careful
student consideration.
Kansas-Nebraska Debate.
From the Kansas Debating Council
word came yesterday requesting that
the Kansas-Nebraska debate be put
forward two weeks earlier than last
year to April 10. Secretary Paul, on
behalf of the debating board, replied
that, on account of other Interstate
debate arrangements, Nebraska re
gretted that she could not agree to the
change of date. It 1b supposed that
tho ColQrado-Nebraska debate at Colo
rado Springs will take place the first
week In April.
The greatest year in the history of
cadet uniform sales. As usual, other
houses made a cheaper bid, and as
usual we have made the uniforms,
ears of our way of doing business will
win every time. Palno.
Dr. IJentz, bennst, Eleventh and 0.
A Successful Day.
(Continued from page 1.)
gram comprised nlno events The
gymnasium was crowded until stand
ing room was at a premium. Dr.
Clapp, Dr. White bnd Mr. Lane acted
as Judgos The nrosram wris an ex
ceptionally fine one. both from the!
sinnupoini ot numbers taking part nnd
of tho records made. Martin put the
shot 89 ft.. 11 In., breaking last year's
recdrd held by Rrev by 2 ft., 8M; In.
Benedict nnd Johnson came within 3
In. of last year's outdoor record In
pole vnultlng. Both tied nt 10 ft., 4
In., and Johnson won the tOBs for first
place. Johnson and Corr tied for sec
ond place on the fence vault at 6 ft . 4
in., and JohnBon won a second toss.
Tho Phi PsI'b won the rolay race. The
basket-ball game ended 13 to 7 In
favor of the first team. Only seven
minuto halves were played. Honors
were about evenly divided In tho first
half, but in the second the first team
was In possession of the ball most of
tho time.
Winners nnd their records:
Rprlnt Cheney. 1st; Bender, 2nd.
Running high Jump Leonard, 5 ft.
fi In.; Benedict, 5 ft. 4 In.
Shot-put Martin, . ft. 11 In.; To
bln. 39 ft. 4 In.
Pole-vault Johnson nnd Benedict,
10 ft. 4 in.
Fonce-vnult Oraves. fi ft. fi In .:
Johnson nnd Corr. 0 ft. 4 in.
Running high kick Craves, 9 ft. 1V6
in.; Hewitt. 8 ft. 11 Vx In. )
Inter-fraternlty relay rac6 Phi
Kappa SI. 1st; Sigma Alph, 2nd.
Ropo-cllmb Grnves, 94 sec; Leon
ard, 9 sec.
Basket-ball lineup
Hewitt (Capt.).. . C Noyes (Capt.)
Ferguson F Myers
Elliot F Newton
Hlltncr C, Tyner
Hoar G Beers
Floyd Duncan, Myron Deronda Elson,
Sylvia Imogene FInlay, Theodore Wil
liam Fox, Alvln Walter Gilbert, How
ard Emerson Harry, qeorge Arthur
Johnson. Mabel Augusta Johnson. Lu
cinda Bills Loomls, Walter Frederick
Meier. Henry Gilbert Nelaon. Frank
Montgomery Richard, Osher Schlalfer.
Charles Elden Teach. Bertha Magdalen
Industrial College:
Bachelors of Science, 8 Irving
Emerson Brooke. Calvin Orrln Crano
Arundle Miller Hull, Emll Krasney,
Joseph Andrew Sargent, Henry Leo
Senger, Susan Alice Sparks.
College of Medicine:
Doctor of Medicine, 1 Harry Wil
liam Benfion.
University Teachers' Certificates:
Mattle AlJon. Clinton Marlon Barr,
Jnmes Floyd Duncan. Theodore Wil
liam Fox, Lucinda Bills Loomls, Henry
Gilbert Nelson. Carrie Nielsen. Frank
Montgomery Richard. Susan Alice
Sparks, Charles Elden Tench.
I California
Tho ICvonlng.
Dr. GuiiHuulus of Chicago delivered
the mid-year commencement oration
In Memorial hall last evening. He de
voted the greater part of his address
to a consideration of the Americanism
of Washington, and contended that the
two cardinal principles of American
Ism were truth and liberty. If Amer
icans continued to enrry out the ideals
of Washington success would crown
their efforts. We have the truth; It
is our duty to live up to It. Washing
ton's conduct points the way for
Americans. He believed In truth and
libeity; he saw and understood that
he Htood for everything that Christ
stood for in his work to Improve the
condition of the Individual man. He
wanted IiIb army to bo a Christian
army. His whole career In public life
Is a good example of true American
ism. Ho believed In permitting the
conscience to reign, and this Is neces
sary if we are to have buccosb
1)ociim C'oiifurrtMl.
Graduate School
Doctor of Philosophy, 1 Haven Met
calf. A. M.
Master of Arts. 1 Jesse Perry Rowe.
Bachelors of Arts, 17 Clinton Ma
rion Barr. Lucy May Clark, James
The University Book Store
Wq iiaoe in stock all Books and Materials used
aff the Unioersitij. jt Also Instruments used in
Mechanical Draining, Zoology, Botany and An
'atomy. j Tablets, Papeteries, Unioersitg Pin
Hat Pins, Fobs and Spoons, jt Waterman Foun
tain Pens in large quantity. & The Unioersity
Pen, the best dollar pen made.Get our special
prmes.on CiojlJEngineering Boohs.
The Scarlet and Cream Store
State Normal.
(Continued from pngo 1.)
girls In basket ball look forward to a
contest with the Lincoln high school
girls during the spring. The baseball
boys have already arranged a few
games with neighboring high schools.
Quite a number of pleasant events
mark the social life of the school dur
ing the present year. ' Near the be
ginning of tho year Mrs. Dr. Clnrk
assisted by a few members of the fac
ulty, gave a Hallowe'en party, the
guests entering masked and represent
ing historic personages. A little later
some of the lady members of the fac
ulty gave an overland tourist party,
the stations being indicated by enig
matic descriptions. The, Junior class
is planning to banquet the seniors In
tho near future. Even though the
routine life of the school is exacting,
yet much pleasure comes into It by
wny of these social diversions.
W. R. H.
I fc . .
In Saturdr i night's debate between
Doane and C.'eighton, Doane won by
two to one. The question was. "Re
solved. That the government of the
United States, assuming it has the con
stitutional right, should compel the
arbitration of disputes between labor
and capital " Doane upheld tho nega
tive. The judges were Messrs. T J
Doyle and Schuyler W. Miller of Lin
coln, and Mrs. W G. Hastings of Wll
ber. A large and enthusiastic crowd
was present at the contest, and liberal
ly applauded the good polntB made by
both sides.
l H "Vf icmnc
lia The Turlington
HnUi tK U. o JU1 L IL f
Z $40 for a R. R. ticket
Lincoln to Los Angeles J
Call and get full Information. De
pot 9th and P streets. City Office
JO to and O streets
Cottrcll S Leonard, Albany, N. Y.
Makers of the Caps,
Gowns and Hoods to
University of Ne
braska, University of
Minnesota, Univer
sity of Chicago, Uni
versity of Omaha,
Cornell, Yale, Har
vard, Princeton, Le
land Stanford, U. of
P., "Welesley, Bryn
Illustrated bulletin,
Mawr. and the nthrr.
samples, etc., upon request.
This Is All.
Today's Issue makes no pretense of
being a newspaper. It is published
merely to make the nnnouncnmnntn
contained on other pages, and to show f
ine amount of advertising on which
It has been attempting to exlBt. The
uds contnlned in today's paper repre
sent the total support of Tho Nobr: s
kan for live issues a week. They just
slightly exceed the amount necessary
for one duy's number. Multiply the
amount by about five, and you will
have what must be obtained If the pa
per Is to be continued.
Senior Class Roll.
The senior class roll Is being made
up for the Sombrero, and will bo In
The Nebrnakan ofllce, on tho second
floor of the main building, from 10 to
12 O'clock," OI1 TllOBdaV. WeMnnnrlnv
and Thursday of this weqk. All sen
iors are requested to call and sign the
ro11- Committee.
Trade Marks
CfiDvoinuTo Jfc,
Anyono Bonding a sketch nnd description may
quickly nscortnln our opinion froo whothor an
UonaHtrlctlyconUdonUaL UAunnnnv
OldOflt acODOT for linnirTtlir .n lm.
.i.....i. . -7"r " "
Invention la probnbly imttmtablo. Communlca,
'""J. HANDBOOK on I'atcnU
'7 lur nocuring
frit lfnnn tm t
tixeial notice, without chargo. In tho
flunt frnn
Pntonln takon
r tor Bocurlnffpatenta.
jh Munn A Co. rocolve
Scientific Hmcilcan.
A hn.n(1ftnmnlv-HltiatNtn4 Aki. . .
cuUUon of any oloiUIUo Journal. Torms. Ma
j - 4 iiiui iiiiiiiliih. m i - ruiiii rtWHii , i
- fcf a uii iiunniiiuiinni
' - -V iiunDUUUIum,
& Rfl.301 Broadway. Npu Ynrlf
Branch Offlco. 626 If BU. WaahlDKton. D. C.
Zlniuersity Bulletin
SENIOR CLASS meeting Wednes
day, February 18. Important business.
C. C. Tellesen, Pres.
meet Tuesday, February 17, In U. 206,
for election of officers.
Training 21 will meet today at 10:20.
Annie L. Barr.
JUNIORS. - All hatB ure now here.
Call for them between 8 and 12 Tues
day pr Thursday at L. 102 without" fail.
Jhe Improved
The Standard
for Gentlemen
The Name "BOSTON
juii every loop.
Uei flat to the leg never
a1ip5. I ears nor Unfastens.
I Mailed on rtcelpt of price. I
luau. raoBT 00.,Mk,
... -.-.., ,
tvcRY pair Warranted-
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