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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1903)
4-v5tf;W.Vi.-&fe ?r3T2? -'. j I. f .' : ... ' ' '- ' . ? teas! . ,' s ft .' - i w 8 Saturfcas Ifoebraefca n t, I wGrr , i : JJ-Ii--,!-"J ! ; ! - -! ! fc : The wife of Everett B. Sawyer, '98, returned to Lincoln Wednesday nfter a visit to Elk Point, 8. D. THE OLIVER THEATRE Rn ! rv X Tuesday and Wednesday Nights - 'IS ''' 'tm those of Other Days J. The Shakespearean Actor f Mr. Walker Whiteside T Will present, on rid KZf, ? - (I iftk fcf, SWiS-f &,' STL r v "V'V. .. L tfis J Il"a T i Kz f V if T V- Its- -, CkA t l", fc tt'1 iir srv- 1 V t'Sft7.' r. rij M" yf'ii! .ft' ri.'V" ' IVf? Lr (V A. A 6v wt Dp mL mm m k n fast train m:t Miirja Dotwoon Ot. Loula and Itansan City and OKLAHOMA CATTY. DENBSOIM, S0iRB8AN9 Mr. Dorrlck N. Lenicr, '93. and wife, of Berkeley, Cal., have announced to their friends the hirth of a daughter on February 2. Esther Prey Boomer (Mrs. J. F. Boomer. '99) has gone to York to visit her ulster, Mrs. Jorgenson. She has been Hinging with success at Seward meetings. Alumni Bhould send copies of nil the'r publications ho that they may bo placed In the alumni collection being gathered by the secretary. Jay A. Bar rett. '88, at the rooms of the State Historical Society. FONT WORTH And principal points InToxnn and tho South wost. Thin train 1m now throughout and is court o up of iho flnost oqutpniotit, proYlded With oloctrlo Hjrhtn and nil other modorp travollntf oonvoulenoeu. It runa via our no oomplutod Red Kiiver EDsvislon. Evory appllarico known to raodorn o building and rallro.idlnc? ban boon craployot In tho mako-np of this sorvluo, inoludlnn; CaSe Ofoseirva&Son arsB ondor tho management of Frod. Ilarvoy. Full Information an to rates and all dotalla of trip via this now routo will bo ohoorfully furnlnhod, upon application, by any ropro wbuiuvo oi mo One of the alumni saw Mrs. I. D. Evans (Emma I,. Williams) at Kenc saw Thursday, where she lives. She was one of tho University students as long ago as 1874-7.r. and now has a daughter who is a junior in the University. Dally Iowan, Feb. 10: President MacLean, who has been confined to his bed by illness for the last two days, was sufficiently improved today to get up and attend to the most urgent of his correspondence. It is hopod he will ho able to be out by the last of the week. Tuesday Went. "Hamlet" Wednesday Nieht. "The Mer chant of Venice" f Prices $1.00. 75. 50 and 25 cents Jk$$$$s$$SkJ- Whether in "Bulks, "Bricks or Individual Moulds, FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAMS J Ire admittedly the finest Your patronage solicited, as we know we can please you. I THE FRANKLIN ICE CHEAM AND DAIRY CO. : OIUco und Factory, 133 South latliHtrcot I'liotio F20A : $$i$$$&& &&$&S&$$S$S IjnpW'M i I XSRX A I I WEBsrnrs a ucTvxuxrJ Prof. II. Kent Beattle, '98, now pro fessor of botany In the Agricultural College at Pullman, Wash., has been writing a series of valuable articles on "Nature Study," in the State College Bulletin published at that place. They might be copied with profit In the school Journals published In this part of the world. Jeremiah Rcbmann, '98, who spent two years In the Philippines In the "Fighting First Nebraska" regiment, anil who has been for a couple of years in the forestry bureau, is now In the Yalo Forest School. New Ha von, Conn. He writ oh that he has secured a good position in forestry work In Maine, and that he Is to go there some time In the spring. He has also been offered a good position with one of the great railroads of the southwest and is likely to accept after hlB en gangement In Maine Is concluded. NE.W EDITION WEBSTER'S INTEBNATIONAL Dictionary A Dictionary of ENGLISH. Biography, Geography, Fiction, eto Now Plates Throughout 25,000 New Words Phrases and Definitions Prepared under the direct ouperviaion of W.T. HARRIS Ph.D., LL.D., United States Commissioner of Education, assisted by a large corps of competent specialists. IV.ich Bindings 2364 Pages 5000 Illustrations v Heard in the Corridors. "Not much ! " "otherwlBO em ployed" "after tho pattern of a per cent" "really a mediocre type of mind" ;'Say Ideal?" "department ruled out" "not cul tural" "got to have breath" "depth to comprehend Infinities" 'roots give the only solid foundation" "got to look for wisdom through a lens" "my first defeat "sort o' wilts a fellow.' New Model No. 5 ni irvDMcnDncon The universal favorite with all classes of operators who desire a simple and speedy machine. More "Blicks" In use among editors and newspaper men in the Northwest than all the rest of the $100 machines together. The only Typewriter on the market doing hundred-dollar work that Is sold at a popular price. Has 28 Keys, of 8.1 Characters and Letters; Portable, weighing but Six Pounds with case. Copies and Manifolds perfectly, 12 carbon copies being easily taken at one writing. New Model No. 5, S40.00 net. On ten days ap proval to any responsible party In the Northwest Write for Illustrated Catalogue nad our monthly payment proposition. Address, . Harger & Blish, Oeneral Agents, 904-910 Main Street, DUBUQUE, IOWA. D ranch Office ; 05-606 Syke Block. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. The Highest Award and only Gold Medal given to Typewriters at the Trans- Mississippi Exposition. 1 $40 1 iRC. -- University Bulletin lf" 'I' he I nti r national -.Otis fn st issued in iSqo, siKceeiling the " Unabridged." The New Edition of the International io:j issued in Oetober, goo. Get the latest end be it. We also publish Wcbstcr'a Collegiate Dictionary Willi ( .loMTiry I Soillitli Words anil Pliriiei. " 1'irtt il.iin i 1 ijuahty, Lccoiid clas in tlie." i'pecimc pa",c, clc. (.1 both boo',.k r.tnt on nppheutipit. .yi;.iiun..iMoj. Trerarucs D..t.1t.1 tCOUiOlATE m. ujuui DKTiOcUXYi Sorimifield. Mass. THE SOPHOMORE CLASS will meet Tuesday. Fehruary 17, In U. 20G, for eleetion of officers. THE ENGLISH CLUB will meet this (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock In Miss Hayden's studio. JUNIORS. All hats are now here. Call for them between 8 and 12 Tues day or Thursday at L. 102 without fall. THE UNION PACIFIC 18 KNOWN A8 he Overland Joute AND IS THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO ALL PRINCIPAL WESTER.N POINTS. 3 S 5 V Via Omaha THE UNION PACIFIC IS 204 miles shorter to . 278 miles shorter to . 278 miles shorter to 358 miles shorter to L&ke City So.n Frsvncisco . . Los Angeles . . . Portland UNIVERSITY "WANTS." I The Nehraskan will print under this head Bueh purely University "wants" bb may be brought It, at the rate of five cents per Ibsuo for not over five lines. TYPEWRITERS. One Caligraph and one Hammond, second-hand, In good shape, for sale at $5 each. Ad dress Box 1180, Station A. 12 hours quicker to City 16 hours quicker to So.n Fro.ncisco 16 hours quicker to . . . Los Angeles 16 hours quicker to Portland THAN ANY OTHER, LINE. Electric Lighted Trains Daily K " l.i4-i-. t A Full Inforniatlop cheerfiill furnNhed on ii'ilica(lon 10 Cv P t -,. jls. ui.vuwvn, ngem. 1 j iPWPMg.ljfefrfrgynHlilMW j.ja.j .; JLiiijayaalajaiajaMaJa n Y ' 'I1',,!1 ,"'"' ''! I lM MLlliJuA aaaiaaaaaaawaaaiaaaariaaTv-awMtaae'iBYMg i ij aaMJawaiiay"v,'J-'ii i iimiiiiaiHii'i r i i n i'mhi' 1- f" '" y.Lla'i''iwi-iiiwaia TwisJ f M i i J l Li VI .? ! . . ?-i 4 iQ . "A.1 w . ., -m m '111 1 , - 5. ri