-c" 4 ttbe Dallp Hebraeftau lV 1 4 Jr. V , H-'a a & J'. v . ' wr r fr Br? c rot5 i tf-r p k, i- & K ? "-s &-; '''... 1.1a. flfc' THE SCHOOL WORLD. Items of Interest from Various ' American Schools. The faculty of Columbia University has added a course of automobile me chanics to the curriculum. Mr. Morris K. Jeaup, of Now York, has given $10,000 to the endowment fund of the library at Princeton University. Mr. James Stlllman, of Now ork City, has given $100,000 to Harvard Univer sity for tllo ondowraent of a profes sorship in comparative anatomy. The Univorsity of Pennsylvania has received $100,000 from Dr. E. W. and Clarence H. Clark for a chair in as syriology, to which Dr. Hilprecht has been appointed. Loland Stanford has Just dedicated a' magnificent memorial church, build ctl in honor the University's founders. The Daily Palo Alto marks the event by a Bplendidly Illustrated special edi tion devoted to the church budding and the dedication oxorciBca. The University of California will dc voto $425,000 in tho construction of a Hall of Physiology to bo completely equipped with research laboratories, salt water aquaria, etc. Professor 'Jacques Loob will havo chargo of this department, tho duties of which ho as sumed January 1, 1903. boon as consistent In his work or haB turned out as many first-class teams as Phil King has In the time ho has been with Wisconsin. The board did not tako kindly to the Idea of putting foot ball coaching so strongly upon a pro fessional basis. This Idea of salaried coaching Is tho main point of differ ence between football in the east and In tho west Head coaches at Yale and Harvard are always graduato and receive no salary. The assistant coaches aro graduate players and In nearly all cases their services are gratis. The fact that an eastern coach gets a chanco to holp mako a team at his Alma Mater Is considered ample pay for "his services. If Wisconsin picks her Isslstant coaches from among her old graduates, she will then have a complete graduato system and hor action will bo one that should be fol lowed by a constantly Increasing num ber of the western schools. Each In stitution would always have a few old players who would bo willing to mako a little sacrifice for a couple of months In the fall and tho system should prove as successful In tho west as it has In tho east. HEARD IN THE LATIN CLASS. Tho Yale Club of Chicago has es tablished four annual scholarships at Yale Univorsity In tho academic and scientific departments. They amount to $600 each and aro to be given to students resident In Illinois. Tho ben eficiaries will glvo notes for the amounts of the scholarship payablo at Intervals after graduation. Tho trustees of the Carnegie Insti tute Jn tholr first annual meeting hold in Washington on November 25, 1902, voted tho following appropriations: $200,000 for grants for research, $40. 000 for publications. $50,000 for ad ministration and $100,000 to bo placed In tho reserve fund. The new book containing the reports of various com mittees and other material of general intorest Is in course of preparation. Professor Latin: "What Is 'pos sum'." Freshman (eagerly): "An animal that felgna death so cleverly that It deceives even experienced " But tho rest of his explanation was lost in the rudo hilarity of his classmates. 'M- what Is a test Professor: caso?" M .: "A test case Is one brought to see how much the lawyers can make out of It." Drake Delphic. Dr. Wharton (making a Sunday morning announcement): "Tho Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. aro endeavor ing to improve tho spiritual life of the University. They need our holp." Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Hortor, of New York City, havo given $25,000 to Johns HopklnB University to found a lecture ship in the medical department for the purpose of promoting a better knowl edge of the researches of foreign In vestigators In medical science. Emi nent Investigators are to bo invited oack year to deliver lectures. The CQsamlttee to seloct lecturers will con sist oi Drs. William H. Weloh, Wil liam Osier, and John J. Abel. The Doard of Trustees of the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Me chanic Arts, at a recent meeting, de cided to erect a central building for administration and general purposes, at a cost of $225,000; an agricultural building at a cost of $200,000; a fire proof addition to tho Agricultural hall 6Q by 100 feet; a pavilion for agron omy and animal husbandry to cost $50,000, and a suitable heating plant to cost $65,000. The sums aro to bo derived from tho one-fifth mill build ing tax granted by the general assembly. 'Twas In tho library long ago. We sat quite close and whispered low. With eyo upon the one with whom We must bo "qulot," or leave tho room. We sometimes laughed and sometimes talked, Seldom studied, and sometimes chalked Some unsuspecting propllt's coats. But oftoner wrote silly notes. Willlamotto holds memory ever dear, And tho wo will not long bo here. Wo recall our college days with Joy, When you wore a girl, I a boy. Willlamotto Collegian. If a body meet a body Comln' through tho hall. Caq't a body greet a body Not at all. at all? No'er a little word or Bmllo. Not a one. a ono? Must wo always scamper by On a little run? Royal Purple. ProfosBor: "Was Evan Harring ton's character fully developed at this time?" Studont: "No, sir." Professor: "If it wasn't developed, what was It then?" Studont: "Undeveloped." University of Wisconsin newspaper man lives a strenuous life. Tho Dally Cardinal announced on Friday its sus pension until tho end of examination woek. Saturday an Issue of tho paper appeared, full of all kinds of startling announcements, advertisements, and interviews. The Cardinal peoplo wore aa greatly surprised as anyone, but soon located the responsibility upon a rival paper, The Sphinx. It 1b declared to bo "tho biggest hoax ever perpe trated at tho university," and was ac complished by means of a "bogus" Cardinal staff and numberless editorial "forgeries." Ames (Iowa) Student: Tho idea pf paying a football coach $4,000 for about tqn weeks work u 1 not seem to take wejl at Wisconsin, and their athletic board has tendered the position of haq coach to Arthqr Curtis at a sal ary .Of ILCQO. Probably there Is not another ooach In the country that has Hero's to mathematics! Ohoko 'em down! Choke 'em down! Hero's to mathematics! Choke 'em down! Choke 'om down! Here's to mathematics! They will glvo you brain rheumatics, And you can't hold 'em down, No, you can't, can't, can't -Willlamotto Collegian. ZJniottsity Bulletin JUNIORS meet In U 206, Thursday, Fob. 12, at 10 a. m. Election of officers. Whether in 'Bulks, bricks or Individual Moulds, FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAMS Are admittedly the finest Your patronage ollclted, as we know we can please you. THE FRANKLIN ICE CREAM AND DAIRY CO. Oflloe and Factory, 133 Booth 12th Street 1'hono F205 will do better work for a longer time, with less exertion, than any other writing jt Jt machine. Thousands of satisfied users pro nounce It.... Perfectly Simple and I Premier I typewriter! Simply Perfect. Let it lighten your business burden. ILLUSTRATED CATALOSUC FRKC. The Smith Premier la especially adapted to the "Touch System " oi Typewriting. the Smith Premier typewriter Co. r -.aaaaaaaaaaaaa HIGH GRADE EHDC0LATE3 BDNBDN5 Sold only by Harley Drug Co., 11th & 0 Sts ENQUSH ISA. BngllBh 15a is re quested to meet in M. A. 207, Thursday, February 12th. SENIORS. Glass election, Tuesday, February 10th, at 1 p. m., In old chapel. Ralph W. Buck, President. New Model No. 5 w BLICKENSDERFER. " The universal favorite with all classes of operators who desire a simple and speedy machine. More "Blicks" in use among editors and newspaper men in the Northwest than all the rest of the 8100 machines together. The only Typewriter on the market doing hundred-dollar work that is sold at a popular price. PrfHMS a8 ,K9fs' ?f.!l Characters and Letters; Portable weighing but Six Pounds with case. Copies and Manifolds perfectly, w carbon -opies being easily taken at one writing. New Model No. 5, 40.00 net. On ten days ap proval to any responsible party In the Northwest Write for Illustrated Catalogue nad our monthly payment proposition. Address, y s Harger & Bush, CteaeraJ AgeaU. 904-910 Main Street, DUBUQUE, IOWA. Brmach Office : os-6o6 Sylcea Block, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Tn Highest Award and only dold Medal given to Typewriters at thoTraai Mlstlsslppl Exposition. e $40 W!L L I aO J THE UNION PACIFIC 18 KNOWN A8 i he Overland Roitte y AND IS THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO ALL PRINCIPAL WESTERN POINTS. 5 3 V Via Omaha THE UNION PACIFIC IS 204 miles shorter to . Se.lt Ltvke City 2 m,lf s shorter to . Sn Francisco 7A m,lf" "Sorter to . . Lo Angeles 5tt miles shorter to . . . Portland 12 hours, quicker to SoJt Lke City lo hours quicker to Se.n Frdnclsco 16 hours quicker to . . . Los Angeles 16 hpura quicker to Portland THAN ANY OTHER- LINE.' , !cMJetTrain$ Daily pT'1"1 Full information cheerfnlh furnhhed on annlicailoii 10 ( , E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. . I A t yft i-V iS . a 4k. V' i 2Kr4.' rfw . y "jO f .,--. r :, "-,rt- s.'. 'ii? 3 :- v'T "' fti&frfVjrf , SU?M T , 1 .S3, &1t J ' t. ' C'Jitv Qtiz-l- .-? '