;- fc r'ST - 6 f " -, L- ' -j- - - - v ,, f- r 'V . .v ; feS K -f , .V1' !Jk THB ONLY U?nVBRSITY P A PER pjSf io4 Saturday 60c for h Sctnwtcr Saturday Ioe 25c forth Stmwtt? Uhe 5ail IFlebrashan TO-DAY'S WEATHER Fain mxJrU Unvr pratur. iv r VoI.IL UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY it, '903. No. 86. 4 "if 4 NOT CtMMINS Illness Prevents Iowa Governor SpeaKinf Charter Day. ho svBSTrnrra yet adbanged fob Chancellor Andrews Will Probably Secure Speaker in Chicago. Word was received at the executive office, yesterday morning, to the ef fect that Governor Cummins of Iowa, who was secured to speak at the Char day Day exercises could not fill the ap pointment, because of illness. The In ability of Governor Cummins to speak before the University people is a se rious disappointment and unless ar rangements can be speedily made for another speak&r the success of the ex erlcses may be much marred. The address was to have been on "Some Questions That Are Yet to Bo An swered." ' Chancellor Andrews is now in Chi cago attending the educational council called by President Harper, of Chi cago University, and will probably complete arrangements for another speaker whife there."" He left Ifcrisola - ooday and is expected to return to morrow, but may be delayed by the information from Governor Cummins. the telegram received by the chan cellor reads as follows: pes Moinea, Iowa, Feb. 9, 1903. E. Benjamin" AndrowB, Chancellor, Lincoln, Neb. Upon the direction of my physician I must leave homo im mediately fqr a two or three weeks' absolute rest I dm compelled there fore to cancel all my speaking engage ments for ths month. It is with deep regret I make this announcement, but It cannot he avoided. ALBERT- B. CUMMINS. U. N. books closing out at Oaborn's old book store. : !'!' ! ! '! -I1 'I' 'l1 'I1 'I' I' I j I WHITE VESTS Fancy vts arc in great demand "We have beautiful de signs iust in that we would like to snW.v you. Pices$J.5&tQ $4.00. jfc J & if h cMkgee 5? THeef i -ft- & aF i i '$ I' '!' 'If fr'rf'fr ! I' ! ) I '! ! : l !' ; '! ? ! ! ! ! SENIOR-JUNIOR DEBATE t Memorial HaU, Tonight J JO cents. 4. ! 1 ! ! ! I !' ?' 'I' " BASE BALL PROSPECTS. Fifteen Men 9how Up for Cage Work. Some New Ones. "A familiar thud In the men's locker room reminds the passers-by that the baseball season Is approaching. Cago work has begun in earnest and battery candidates take a work-out dally be tween 1:30 and 3 p. m. About twenty five men have already reported and been assigned ""lookers. About fifteen of these men are battery candidates. Among those who will try for the box are Captain Townsend, who needs no introduction; Sampson, a pitcher of several years' experience; Longa naecker, who twirled the sphere last year for Wahoo; Morse, of the Amer ican Indian team; Chase, of the Lin coln Y. M. C. A., and Hrubesky, of the .Geneva High School and city nine. Bender, lost year's Btar behind the bat and an all-around man, will. likely try for catcher. Other men who will work for this place are Whltcomb, of the '02 Friend team, and Carson, of Gene va. At present throe of last year's team havo declared their Intention of playing ball again this year. They areJ Townsend, Bender and Shimer. Shlmer will try for outflold; Olllo Mlckle. '02 fullback, will try for first, and Burg of last year's second team expects to try for loft or center field. Hereafter only three men will be al lowed In the cage at one time. The men will bo divided into squads and each three given fifteen minutes for practlco. , GEOLOGY GROWS; Books Have to Go to Library for Sake of Laboratory Room. Some changes were being carried out In the stack room of the horary yes terday. Books on one set of shelves were removed to other positions. This changing about was occasioned by the necessity of removing the geological library from Nebraska hall to the library oroper. The department of geology proper Is making such rapid progress that the matter of accom modating the large number of students enrolled In that department has bo come a vexing one. Over threo hun dred students are talcing work in geology, which is about eighty In ex cess of last year. To accommodate this large number the departmental of fice and library is to bo cleared of tables and books and converted into a laboratory. Another' motive for making the change lies in the fact that Nebraska hall Is not fire proof. The books, manuscript and photbgraphs bolonfelng to ttie department are very cotly, man or them rare,1 and some riotfcanable of bein-replaced' ifthe ex isting copies were' destroyed While tbe removal of the geoiogica nurary, to the' Library building will incon veriience'the department, it is felt that the'' change-will be anadvantge to the studente-and will insure' safety to the library itself. Wednesday's Letter IN AMERICAN MANILA. How the City and People Impress a Westerner. The following letter from Mr. J. F. Boomer, now in Aianlla, although not originally Intended for publication, will be of much interest to hlB friendB hore. Wo hope before the end of the semester to havo another letter giving later and more mature Impressions of the new American possessions, but give the following extracts from this as interesting records of first impres sions. Ed. Manila, Dec. 7, 1902. I confess I am still much at sea, and have little definite to say. I have been rather too much a part of the proces sion here to view it from" the stand point of an observer. I think I should hove wrltton when I arrived and my first Impressions wore very new. The natives hore have none of the qualities upon which western natives are built In tho nrst place they do not know what It Is to work. The great mass of tho population of these Islands, so far as work toward sub duing the soil and overcoming the in fluence of nature is concerned, are sav ages. They lack tho energy of body and mind and the continuity of pur- nnan fhnt holnnir to tipatiIa nf tho tflm- porate zone. They are mere children in methods, in breadth of view, in 'power to deal with problems of 'vlaily life. They have a high sense of re venge and almost no sense of what we call justice, and tho sense of right for right's sake, separated from any selfish motive, if met with at all in the race, is all too rnro. JubI at present Duslness here Is at a standstill. The fluctuation in the currency is responsible for much of it, and tho scarcity of workers is respon sible for more. Tho native will not work. That Is a general proposition with Its exceptions. Ho holds it de grading to work. Ho is not forced by the necessity of food and shelter to work, for ho can get the little rice ho eats, and fish he cats, and fruit ho eats, without work, and as for houses and clothing, nature doesn't demand them why should he work? Yet there Is much to be said in their favor. They are neither so bad nor so good as they are represented to be by the extreme parties at home. I think tho climate will protect the native against all but the Chinese. With unrestricted immigration and a fair show before the law, the Chinese would own this country In twenty-five years as against tho natives. As to tho work being done here by the government, I can say but little. On the whole, considering all the dif ficulties in the way, I consider it is creditable I think Oovernor Taft is a great man and as honest and wise as could bo asked. It is too soon to look for results. That the people here, the natives, are better looked after, that their needs are more full met, that the aro given more Justice and more mercy than they ever, know before, I have no doubt That the-admlnlstra-tlon as a whole is honest and clean thern is little room for question. At close range one sees much that is not ideal, much that is not satisiactory. Btit like imperfections in human na ture, that Is to be, expected. i As you may have heard', I have left thn educational department, and am In tho newspaper1 work. I have agodd, position, arid am drawing a good'sal arjflnold. My worki8yonthe court; 1 1 ao an ue cuuru iur uuv vv3r'?y . . . .. t. L i.- .n. '.lAnl tho municipal to tho supromo. Tho work Is Intensely Interesting and in structive. But the work Is pretty heavy, and my hours pretty long; and besides, I find I cannot do as much In this cllmato, even in tho colder sea son, as at home. I havo been located In Manila evor sjnqo coming hero, and so havo not boen able to make tho ob servations r should like In the pro vinces. I hopo to go home In tho early sum mer. 8o far as tho work and salary hero are concerned, I am well pleased; but the roughness of tho surroundings, and tho unhoalthfulnesB of the coun try, make it an undcslrablo placo for a home, and I feel that tho longer I stay tho moro I get out of touch with things in tho States. My health has been goo4, on tho whole, and I have no reason to complain. j: F. BOOMER. NO CLA88E8 MONDAY. Charter Day Exercises will Take Place of Recitations. Owing to Charter Day exercises and tho events of mid-year commencement, it is officially announced that no classes will bo hold Monday, tho 16th. The full program for Saturday and Monday will appear Jn tho Friday and Saturday Issues of The Nebraskan. Laws Make a Noise. The law students created some sen sation yesterday In tho law lecture room by a little "tiff" between tho senior arid Junior classes. While wait ing for the professor, who chanced to bo late, the Junior laws spent their timo at speech making. The- matter of base ball was under discussion when one of the senior law students, who Is taking 'work In the Junior year, attempted to speak. He was greeted with such derisive cries as "Put him out!" and when he insisted on being heard the whole class set up a' howl, A rush was made for the senior, but at this Juncture the senior Class poured in from the library to the assistance of their classmate, A genuine class flght would have ensued If the belated professor had not appeared and re stored order. Valentines The newest creations, from the best designers in the vnti.Jfye- KaVe' them in all prices from" one cent to $7.0CJust the things for parties, fine for friendship in fallible for love. imiM . ,i.k i. '-i'-. -J . m- . .. m ' -, i - tt!? SAMUEL HALL 'ff W , y i 0 '' w A . vs A. -i XiiA , 'I? , '. "vr- -J' V-v t '. T ; ! . - - -r i "V T . VtCv v,iSt fct.-;,v-i."l m .i,. i&5pW$v M ' fc Jt i 4Jmb K j ' j " r - i . . J1 -. t iti irfv' k. - jr mr . -' u lLi'r. - it && fe !it&i& &;Jmmmmmm SVI. W.At6. '?; "Lf-ii W-r-i 1 j?. 'Cf .".".- i V1. WtfWltM watM si iCariea,ir?K?4'j tti.ittSz2fri iji'miMra it 'ijj r i i ihuM i ?frniMii-iir"tf'-r-i'. '. ''n