r4HRS rc - v: &rsw n "fi -Tt 'v n, ,rviiiil fTT an 1 1 1 I "i: ' . . i-.- .rr : : . . ji a M 1- "-" SFA H'o'C; it K ttbe Dailp fUbcaehah tt "t ' - , Dtpartmtntal In. the last nujpber of "Sclonce" Pro fessor Bessey has a rovlow of a recent botanical Work by prof. Conway Mc Millan (U. of N., '85). All of tho BtOdonta In plant pathol ogy arc taking work In general bac teriology In order to bo able to apply tho , tcchrilquo of this aubject to tho study of tbo parasitic fungi. JTho students in forestry are now taking Up the microscopic study of ptao, spruce, cedar, and other kinds (k coniferous woods, bo as to learn their essential characteristics. American history seminary 18a will make a special Btudy of tho negro problem this semester. A thorough In vestigation will bo made of the various phaaoa of tho question, and tho ener gies of tho Instructor and pupils will lio oxerted In attempting to form defl- Wm. Hand Browne recently resigned as instructor in electrical engineering la tho University of IlIInolB to accept a 'position aB technical editor of tho Electrical Engineer, New York City. Mr. Browne was for some time instruc tor in tho olectrlcal engineering de partment of this University, resigning in. 1898. A day or two ago Professor Bessoy sent a couplo of Diamond Willow stlclcB to Dr. Brltton, tho director of the New York Botanical Garden, for tb museum of that Institution. This w(wtorn willow is a great curiosity In tho east, and the sticks will no doubt attract a good deal of attention when they are placed on exhibition. Professor Morltz, of tho mathemat ical department, has been requested by the 8mithsonian Institution of Wash ington to furnish thorn with a copy of bis doctor's thesis on "Generalization of' tho Differentiation Process," which appeared in tho American Journal of SATURDAY'S SOCIETY. University Social Events too Late for Saturday's Paper. Miss Margaret Dovey of Plattsmouth Is plodged Delta Delta Delta. Arthur Jaynos, Phi Kappa Psi, camo down from Omaha Friday to attond tho Junior Prom and tho Phi Psi in itiation Saturday night. Miss Mablo Cox entertained tho Trl Delt girls Saturday- night at her home In tho city. Tho party was given in honor or Miss Dovey, who is visiting her cousin, MIbb Jeanette Palmor. The regular semi-monthly danco of tho Saturday Night Club was given Saturday evonlng at Walsh hall. The members of the club and their guests enjoyed tho good time that is a regu lar feature of their entertainments. The members of the Y. W. C. A. Bible Study department, together with some of their friends, enjoyed a very pleasant evening last Saturday from 8 to 10 p. m. In the Art Gallery. About sixty girls were presont and all do clared tho occasion a social success. Light refreshments were Berved and tho evening was Bpent in various social games. Mathematics during 1902. The article New." attracted considerable attention at tho Umo of Ita publication, and Is being preserved by all libraries carrying at all complete mathematical shelves. MIbb Zora Shields, of Omaha, was In itiated Into Kappa Alpha Theta lost Saturday night. Following the admin istration of the Initiatory rites, the annual banquet of the sorority was held in the ordinary at the Lincoln hotel. The docoratlons were In tho sorority colors, yellow and black. Yel low daffodils adorned the tnblpR nnd tho light was furnished by yellow can dleB In black candelabra. Water-color heads In black and yellow adorned th place cards. Dinner was succonrinH hv tho following toasts, Mrs. C. F. Ladd acting as toastmlBtresB: Martha Post "Kanna Alnha ThetA." Jean Tuttle "The Old Order and the .JU. Tho American history department has Just Bent In an order for a hun dred lantern slides, which will be made uso of from time to time in il lustrating various Important phases of certain courses, particularly such as the "westward movement" of Ameri can population from the coast to tho Mississippi valley, and the develop ment of American social life. Tho majority of tho slides are from tho collection of Professor Tumor, of Wis consin university. Tho class In quintlllian which was dropped from the Latin courses two years ago, has been revived under tho charge of Dr. Johnson. The book has hoon used to a considerable extent In tho education classes, as It treats of the home-training, education and the Instruction, by the rhetorician, of the youth of Rome. Quintlllian was tho first professor employed by the Ro man state and his work was unex celled by any of Its kind In Roman lit erature. There are many fine pointfl about tho work, which It is the Inten tion of the instructor to bring out attd emphasize. Marie Nettleton "Cairo of Cordu roy." Nellore Wilson "Rho." Laura Woodford "The Senior's Wall." Alice Towne "Vive la Compagnle." The girls present from out of tows were Misses Nellie Randall and Georgia aPtterson, Omaha; Ada Wilsey. Blair; Luella Brock, Hastings; Ella Wirt. Council Bluffs. W t t!T It may be of Interest to olectrlcal engineering students to know how such companies as the General Elec tric company, Schnectady, N. Y in struct and train their men for promo tion. F. L. Hunt, '02, in charge of the Inductor motor tests, says that in the wecjkiyymeettngs held by the heads of 'Sections In tho testing department, he -learns that the management wants to 'treat the Btudents as well as they can, , 'j.1 "w " " liiui ucjmi tiuum ior t,W$F' many r tne,r technical men. They 111 :1 .irk . liftVft out rinwn rnmilrnrl Innirllia r i,n $ :m'Wt '' tQ DQ nut ln on various tests and have 'J't"'- ovu mum uvcuuui Willi I UgUrU lO f'it.- transferrins from one teat tn nnntimr r-rvv4i ; . ,:..,.. ,--.... . IfswrlD&fA'-r"11 MUYW ,wtey inaugurated tnree six- aww-t n,y.. $ n tv rt.L .'month factorv- coursea Whlnh nrn In l1f tondo4 $obe preparatory, one for en- IMl'commercial departments. SHv.ftitIS.i.'. Little Gem hot waftlea served at the erohamat-CaCa- 117 North 13th SL ,ny.e navo a large student patronage. WW LkiiS? Phi Kappa PbI held Initiation Sat urday night at their chapter house, 1005 K street. Dan M. Lennon, Bur dotte Lewis, Alexander Hltchman and Louis Folts were taken into the fra ternity. Following tho Initiation a banquet was served In tho dining room and several of the active and alumnae members responded to toasts, as fol lows: "Our Mothers" J. D. Ringer "Phi Knppa PbI" Q. shedd "A ReBumo" j. j. Ledwlth "Freshman's Trials" A. H. Scribner "As Others 8ee Ub" E. H. Allen "Our Standing" R. e. Dumont "In the Sweet Now and Now" C. Oberlles Tho following were present: Messrs. C. H. Gere, Allesworth, Oberlies, Mer cer, G. Shedd. H. Shedd, Haecker, Clark, Collott, Ringer. States, Douglas, Scribner. Harris, JayneB, Ledwlth, Allen, Buckley, Ramsey, Hubbard, Bross, McCulloch, Southwlck, Christie, Engel, Lohmer, Cook, Dumont, Morri son, Pre8cott, Shimer, Reed, Crandall, Hargreaves, Folts, Hltchman, Lewis, McLennen. Students, do you want to earn some money? If so, address J. H. Loper, Lincoln, Nob. University Bulletin JUNIORS meet in U 200, Thursday, Feb. 12, at 10 a. m. Election of offi cers. ENGLISH 1$A. English 15a is re quested to meet In M. A. 207, Thursday, February 12th, SENIORS. Class election, Tuesday, February 10th, at 1 p. m., In old chapel. Ralph W. Buck, President Charter Day Address. The annual address before tho So ciety of tho Sigma XI haa como to be regarded aB one or the most interest ing and profitable features of the Chartor day celebration at the Univer sity. The executive committee fools confident that the address this year will not fall below the high standard that has been maintained in tho past. Whllo these lectures must . bo upon some scientific topic, the subject is al ways one of general Interest and is treated in such a manner that it can bo appreciated by any person of ayor ago Intelligence. The address this year will be given by Prof. L. L. Dyche, of the University of KansaB. The subject will be "The Arctic Highlander." There is prob ably no man In this country who is bettor acquainted with the animals of North America, or who knows more of the conditions under which the people live than Professor Dyche. Ho is not only a scientific man of recognized ability, but ho 1b also a famous hunter of large gamo and has had many thrlllng adventures. He has been all over tho continent from Mexico to Alaska and Greenland. In 1895 he spent five months on the Atlantic coaBt studying the country and Its life, and collecting specimens as far north as Cape Sabine, tho spot made memorable by the starving of most of the members of .ue ill-fated Greeley Arctic expedition. On this trln he secured hundrodR of vnlnnhlo specimens, including Arctic hlrrfH. wnl- ruBes, Beals, polar bears, reindeer, narwhals, and a largo amount of eth nological material from native Esqiil mos illustrating the lifo history of teso people. The lecturo will be llltistrated with fifty or more lantern slides made from photographs taken by Professor Dyche himself whllo on this trip to northern Greenland, and will be giveh In tho University chapel Saturday evening, February 14, at 8 o'clock. There will bo no admission fee, and everyono is moBt cordially Invited to attend. All of the students in plant pathol ogy aro taking work In bacteriology and bacteriological methods, since this is now made one of the requirements for entrance to pathological work In Ike government service. J. L. Sheldon 1b giving tho instruction, and finds his hands full with tho large class that has reported for work. t"1 ' ' Dining The largest Atid best equipped eating house in the city... Furnished rooms in connection DELL B. COOPER, MYRA HART, PROPRIETORS J 130 N Street Lincoln, Neb. for acceptable Ids. fitete If pateatei. THE PATENT RECORD, liHtaiMlU t)riOA f Clin tAfmV B&nAM 1 AA porannonu ftamplttftet. ft?1 win ITnhTi.l. II. -H CRESC'ENT BOWLING ALLEYS 134 N STREET Equipped with Brunswick Continuous Mleys iLs HIGH 0RADE CHDCQLATE5 BDNBIINS Sold only by Harley Drug Co., 11th & 0 Sts JHE UNION PACIFIC 18 KNOWN A8 J he Overland Route AND IS THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO ALL PRINCIPAL WESTER.N POINTS. 33 Via Omiha THE UNION PACIFIC IS 2At ml shorter to . So.lt Lvke City am,,f9 shorlor to Sun Fro.ncl.co c mlIf 8 shorter to . . Los AnIes 555 miles shorter to . . . Portland 12 hours quicker to Suit Luke City 16 hours quicker to San Francisco 16 hours quicker to . . . Los Angeles 16 hours quicker to Portland THAN ANY OTHER. LINE. Electric Lighted Trains Daily IV ' I P..II l..r : . ' I. " "nun ciicfmni iurntheu on ai.iIlct)6(Mo , E. B. SLOSSON, Ageut. . d I'. IdTr; rmm: ' j'i i 7,i" a ,s 'in v ?.Tlfcrafv.3 n -. AU IT ," ' f tJ - - ",? Tr i-"m &m . yw? i St ' it"