The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 10, 1903, Page 3, Image 3
rmif tSM " :i v r ?- T-, ( " . ( A, . . t ,. i -.Y jT U cC . v Zbc Bails IRebrasftan ?f ; 4 -i- t ; P k mvm? Coca and Personal UNIVERSITY CALENDAR: Wednesday, Feb. 11. Janlor-Scnlor debate, Memorial hall. February 13. Phi Delta Theta party, Walsh hall. Friday, Fb. 12. Phi Delta Theta dancing party at WalBh hall. Friday, Feb. 13. University Club Dance, Fraternity hall. Feb. 14-16. Midwinter Commence ment. Sat., Feb. 14. 81gma XI banquet and lectur. Mon., Feb. 16. Regular Charter Day exercises, Memorial hall, 8 p. m. Ad dress by Gov. Cummins, of Iowa: "Some Questions That Have Yet to Be Answered." February 20. Alpha Theta Chi par ty, Walsh hall. Saturday, Feb. 21. Olee Club con cert, Memorial hall. March 13. Company B hop, Frater nity ..all. Saturday "2" o'clock. Oliver Theater Pharmacy. Dr. Bentz, Dentist, Eleventh and O. Fiegenbaum'8 Pharmacy, 13th and O. U. N. books cloeing out at Osborn'a old book store. Closing out of U. N. books at Os born'a old book store. Let the Lincoln Transfer Co. haul your trunks. 'Phone 176. Dr. Ketchum, Oculist, Richards blk. Glasses fitted and guaranteed. Save by getting books while they last at Osborn's old book store. The R. & C. 'barber shop, 1144 0 St. Seven chairs. The finest in the city. Miss Jessie Robinson of Plattsmouth has registered for work In the Univers ity. Fred Dorman is starting investiga tions on "Superheated Steam" for his advanced degree in mechanical engin eering. The Merchants' Cafe wants two stu dent waiters of experience to serve two meals per day for board. Come at once. G. A. Johnson, who graduates at the coming mid-winter commencement, loft Saturday for a few days' visit at hs home in Oakland. Miss Margaret Gunnison, Trl Delt, who was obliged by ill health to dis continue her studies last fall, is in school again this semester. Wm. Engfer has been offered a po sition with Mayer Bros., and has dis continued his studies in the University. He expects to enter the law school next year. MIss Dot Druse, '02, who Is now teaching school at Friend, spent a few days in tho city last week, vlBTtlng with her folks and renewing old ac quaintances In the University. The Junior basket-ball team prac ticed "In the gymnasium Saturday af ternoon at 4 p. . m. A good practice woa held' and prospects are favorable for an excellent team. Wilbur O. Smith, '05, has withdrawn from the University in order to ac cept a position in the B. & M. car accountant's office. If his work per mlW, however, he intends to register for some of the evening seminars and lecture' courses, and so continue to make spmo progress toward gradua tion. George F. Miles, who took P. J. O'Gara'tf place as undergraduate as sistant ln the department of Botany, .and who Is specializing along tho line of diseases of fruit trees, made a trip through the eastern part of the state last week, Inspecting orchards In the '" vicinity of Auburn.- He returned Sat ' urday . . BASKET BALL NEWS. Team Returns. Detail Games. Losers at Cheyenne. The Nebraska basket ball team re turned yesterday after a very success ful tour through Colorado and Into Wyoming, and an absence of bIx days. The mon show the effects of a long trip and are glad to get back. They had expected to play In Donvor again last night, but the Highland Wheel Club, which they defeated a week ago, failed to furnish the $100 guarantee and offered only 80 per cent of the gate receipts. The Nebraska management of course refused to accept such terms and the team came on home. The boys won four succcsive games in Colorado and then lost to tho Busi ness Colleges boys of Cheyenne Satur day by a score of 28 to 42. But the loss of this game can bo largely at tributed to the worn oU condition of the team, the high altitude, and the slippery floor. Tho mon had lost all their snap, did not go into the game with their usual speed, and were un able to rally as they had tho night be fore at Greeley. Hero for tho first time the high altitude seemed to effect them, and they found themselves fre quently out of wind. The floor was tho slipperiest upon which any of tho play ers ever set foot, and the cornhuskers slid about as If it were a skating rink, while the Cheyenne men wore vacuum shoo.i and could stand or stop at will. That Nobraska was certainly put at a great disadvantage at Cheyenne is made evident by the fact that her team defeated Greeley High School and tho Highland Wheel Club by large scores, while the former of these teams has defeated tho Cheyenne team twice, and the latter once by decisive scores. Al though we lost one game, the team is to be congratulated on the results as a whole. Nebraska made one hundred and sixty-one points, and had one hun dred and ten against her. The men report a delightful trip, and Bpeak well of tho treatment re ceived at all places. As the official record of the Chey enne game was lost, It is impossible to give a detailed account of Saturday uight's play. The Cheyenne center was a tower of strength to his team and did a good share of their goal throwing. Although he was bIx feet, four and one half Inches tall, Captain Hewitt suc ceeded in getting the ball the most of the time at center, but could not keep his opponent from throwing goals. Hoar played guard the first half and Benedict filled Ferguson's position at forward. This half ended 18 to 15 In favor of Cheyenne. In the second- half Hoar retired and Ferguson played his old position at forward, with Benedict at guard. Chey enne piled up 24 more points and Ne braska 13. The Cornhuskers would get the ball down to tho basket, which was hung differently than any other, and repeatedly throw too high for tho goal. The game was witnessed by a crowd of about 250,, among whom were form er Nebraska people, who cheered the wearers of the scarlet and cream from time to time. The men who made the trip were Hewitt (captain), Elliot, Fer guson, Benedict, Hlltner, Hoar, and Newton. Boulder, Colo., Feb. 5, 1903. Special Correspondence to the Ne braskan: Another scalp hangs at Ne braska's belt Tonight at the armory the Cornhuskers showed the Snow trodders a pace which was far too swift for the latter, who could with difficulty keep in sight of Nebraska's smoke. At Colorado Springs the floor was slick, but here at Boulder It was slicker, as it was already in shape for a dance which took place immediately after the game was finished. At half past eight the two teams went pnto the floor. The Nebraska team had the advantage of height and weight, al though handicapped by the condition of Captain Hewitt, who was laid up with a- bad cold. Ho, however stuck the game out and gave a very gdod ac count of himself. Boulder started the game by throwing a field goal Imme diately after the ball was knocked' off. Then It was that Nebraska took things in charge and commenced to "shoot" goals from all direction?. When the half., closed the score stood 22 to 4. The game up to this point had bee. as clean as the condition of the floor would permit, Colorado being the worst offender, more through Ignor ance of the game or through their not being called down in tholr daily prac tice, than from evil intentions. But In tho second half Colorado threw basket-ball to the winds and started In playing football, as this was the only means they had of keeping tho score down. It was tho roughest game that wo havo struck. A very good-sized crowd witnessed tho game, but showed their ignorance by hissing tho umpire on his rulings. Tho Boulder man agement said thev would clear 125 above all expenses, Nebraska's share oeing $75 and expenses. Tho line-up: Nebraska. Pos. Goals. Fouls. Hewitt (Capt.) C 1 2 Elliot F 1 8 Ferguson F 4 Benedict G 2 Hiltner G l Colorado. Bell C 2 6 Pendell F 1 Wolf F Andrews G Pate G 8coro 27 to 11. At Greeley tho Cornhuskers once more came out with flying colors, though victory hovered at first over the G. H. S. banner as if about to alight upon it. But as she almost touched it, she soemingly for the first time beheld the scarlet and cream. Her wings again beat the air as she sailed over the O. H. S. banner and alighted once more upon her old rest ing plac. At no other time on th trip has the Nebraska team received such a scare as tonight. All of the Information obtainable led to the be lief that G. H. S. was easy. But they are not, as the score will show. The game opened fast and furious. G. H. S. threw a goal, and tho crowd went wild. A foul on G. H. S. gave Nebras ka one point, and she got one more a minute later for the same reason. G. H. S. took a brace, and when the half closed was In the lead by a score of 9 to 7. Although the ball was at the Nebraska goal the greater share of the time, It Just would not go through the basket. But the second half saw a change. Nebraska realised what she was up against and played accordingly. The game was as clean as could be in one so hotly contested. Nebraska soon took the lead, but was tied once In this half. Then the "shooting" of goals was In order, and thoy settled down to business. Though the game was marked by considerable fouling, the best of spirit provailed among the players and spectators. The game was played in the armory and the floor was already prepared for dancing, so it was rather slick. The floor above was supported by three steel trusses which hung down to within about eight feet of the floor. This was an obstacle which Nebraska hung upon more than once. There were several old Nebraska people present, and they cheereu on the war riors with all their might. Among others was Gibson, of last year's scrub football team. The crowd was very good-natured and cheered lustily when Nebraska scored, but went wild when Greeley High School made Its points. The referee was one of the best offi cials we have met on the trip. Tho line-up and record: Nebraska. Pos. Goals. Fouls. Elliot F 5 1 2 1 1 2 I Ferguson F Hewitt C Benedict O Hlltner Q Greeley. Lamb F Bailey F Nelson C Mo8her G McAfee G Score 25 to 15. Paul Plzey, '93, and law, '95, writes from Omaha under date of February 6: "Please send me bill for The Nebras kan to date and discontinue the paper,, as I am going to leave the city and for a time will be traveling around, so it would be hard work for the pa per to keep up with me. Am much Impressed with the appearance of the paper In Its new form and believe It Is bound to succeed If It keeps up to Its present 'standard. I am planning to spend the balance of the year along the Paciflo cojujt, primarily for the benefit of my health, secondarily, to secure a location for the practice of law." m4$4mttt4t Columbia National Bank OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Capital, $100,000.00 OFFICERS John B. Wright, President J, H. Wescotf, Vice-President Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-President P. L. Hall. Cashier V. B. Ryons, Ant. Cashkf Dr. T. R. HAGGARD 'Physician and Surgeon Special attention paid to diseases of females and rectal diseases. Rooms 2 12 to 214 Richard Block. Rl- dnc 13 10 o Street. UUicc Telephone 535. RjeMence Telephone L 984. THB ONLY UP-TO-DATE Billiard and Pool Parlor IN TOWN NO SALOON ATTACHED Tabic newly covered Powell's, 146 North llth St. peon L. 004 THE TIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN. NEBRASKA c.anitt aonnnot .?,n ttnn.nnn.j Trofits $18, 319 1 Deposits $2,598,093 S. H, Burnhm, Preeldent A. J. Sawyer, Vlce-PreeMeat H. S. Freeman, Caahler H. B. Bvaiu, AuUtant Caehicr UNITED STATUS DIU'OSITOKY BOWLING ALLEY 8 ALLEYS Standard and regulation In every particular. 1210 O St. H.C.Thomas, Proprietor Yule Bros.Laundty t5t40 Street. Tel 754. Originators of the Idea of sending work home satisfactory. CM I $50 REWARD For any caso of Piles that Ernsa fails to Ouro. Tho only non-poiBonouB Pile Ouro. Sprague Drug Co., Lincoln, Neb. S Vrrvrnrnr9iYrrYVVYnT9 CAPITAL CAFE A GOOD PLACE TO EAT OPEN ALL NIGHT, SMeols 15c And upwards E. J. FRANCIS, Successor to Francis-Bras,, Propr. m North JIth Street, if -I-' ."yi'ri SURPRISED &J TC it. JJ- -ti"iSjn 1i iut vuuiu ui cvcrvuut;r upon -learning out low prices on up-to-date Shoes 4 IT S rf Kjut anoe Line is complete IMN 1020 O 8trt& MMM'MMMfM ,"i Jt. Yi ? .'-isl l :J i . i (.j V ,4 'wl . ii i -M l-'l ,,Ui ' 'J- 1 r ' ' ''J ; S-r - 41 t ' A : , 1. v rfi "i" I i. f '..'! ' VJ i" .! '':$ U.'2i& ' y tJtJiVi V't-I - ' f: i." '? qV v -J'' & " ui . '- ism -3 tft ,Jf. u m . f f.Uv. i- ' ?& - , .. i""i .ifl'-il ,s' .. .' . 4. it i Tf a 2. .. J1&1L . . MkA PA