The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 10, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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PlSjlll Ij I ll l , m ,0 tm.--Ar..,. JlM. rit-.J. J-.'iSiJ,l.'-,,',A .-iS'iy4JTWk.V'.
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Gbe Balls tflebraefean
A oonxnlldHtlon of
The HcflpctiAn, Vol. !U. Tin- Nclnukan, Vol. 12,
Bear lot and Cnum, Vol. 4.
Managing Editor C. E. Pjtiuttnoxn
DmilnoHA Mnnagor - - P. P. Duffy
Ncwp . - Win. Caw
Bocloty Win. A. Bhock
Athletic A. I. Myers
Utornry John D. Hlco
Omoo: XIIX Unlvorwlty Hull. Phono A 1280
Pont Offloti: Station A, Box in, Lincoln
Rnfonxl nt tho nontoffloo at Lincoln, NttUrnxkn,
an Hccond cliutM in nil matter.
Makes Plea for College Courses
in Neglected Subject.
Professor Dann, of the ancient lan
guages department, contributed a
very Interesting article to the Monday
morning Journal on "Art Education."
"It has been alleged that the spirit
of democracy Is Indifferent to the
highest form of culture," says Profos
sor Dann; "that art In particular can
not thrive save where tho wealthy and
leisured classes are segregated from
the general mass, and have established
standards of taBte which the average
man can neither reach nor appreciate;
and that especially among a people
like ourselves, bent on material ad
vancement, glorying In our strong
practical character, thinking always
of the actual, the visible, the palpable,
there Is little place for the spiritual,
small love for the beautiful, faint con
ception of the ideal. But aa genius
belongs exclusively to no one class so
culture need not bo the peculiar pos
session of the rich and idle.
As reasons why some knowledge of art
Is a desirable element In the educa
tion of the individual, and why a sys
tematic study of art and art-history
should have a well-defined place in the
curricula of our universities and col
leges, I will mention but three:
"First The study and practice of
art is a powerful aid in cultivating the
perceptive powers.
"Second Intelligent study of art
contributes greatly to tho clear under
standing of some other branches of
"Third That it affords a kind of
counterpoise to the scientific side of
education which now almost exclu
sively prevails. Especially In our col
leges, where everything that Is good
and "true and beautiful should be fos
tered and encouraged, it seems particu
larly appropriate that a high and en
nobling art should find a congenial
home; that our students should there
Imbibe a love for beauty that should
be an active and efficient leaven In
their future Intercourse with men and
women who have boen less favored."
W. T. Home Discusses Alaska
Before Botanical Seminar.
The botanical seminar met Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock In room 102,
Nebraska hall. The program consist
ed of two papers of a very interesting
character. The first part of the hour
was taken up by a discussion of "Va
riations in Chamaenerium Augustl
follum," by Mrs. Edith Clements; the
second part was devoted to a paper by
W. T. Home on "Vegetation of Kadiak
Island, Alaska." Mr. Home has Just
returned from the island of Kadiak,
which lies Immediately down the coast
from Cook's Inlet, and has brought
back with him a large variety of speci
mens of vegetation from that region.
His talk waB so interesting that ho was
given an hour on the next seminar
program in which to completo his discussion.
Convocation Dotes
Program for the Week:
Chaplain for tho week, Rev. F. W.
Tuesday: J. L. Marsh.
Wednesday: O. W. A. Luckey, "The
National Educational Association."
Thursday: Dop. Supt. J. L. McBrien,
"Some Things Lincoln Did."
Friday: Music.
Sunday Journal: The Young Peo
ple's Missionary Society of the Chris
tian churoh met Friday evening at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. A.
Williams, Twenty-sixth and It streets.
An unusually large number of young
people were preeent to hear Professor
Caldwell of the State University dis
cuss the negro problem. The talk by
Professor Caldwell was a clear and
highly Interesting discussion of this
important question. He commented
on the existing race antipathy between
the black and white and said the prob
lem could not be solved by amalgama
tion, separation or by extirpation, but
by developing the possibilities of tho
negro through industrial and intel
lectual education. Professor Caldwell
1b much interested In the problem. He
believes that the negro has possibili
ties, and that the white must live
side by side with him and by exercis
ing his altruistic tendencies gradually
lift the negro to a level that will make
him a factor In civilization. The talk
was much appreciated by the society.
Professor BesBey Is giving his class
in plant pathology the results of his
attempt at making a classification of
plant diseases. ThiB is one of the puz
zling problems In this department of
Botany, and the professor has at
tempted to do something towards Its
$3.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at
the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. 13th St.
Students are cordially Invited.
Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street.
Charming Cottons
for the Coming Season
There Is nothing that really delights a girl more than the beauti
ful thin goods for spring and summer.
A1.L WHITE holds the place of honor. And there never were such
white goods as there are this year.
PlqueB, Satin-Finished Damask
Oxfords Embroidered Mulls
Madrases Heavy Vestlngs
Dimities Etc., Etc.
in lace stripes canvas weaves, bisket weaves, momle weaves, and bo
on. Then nearly every piece ha3 thrown to the surface a gleaming
mercerized design that looks llko silk. These heavier white goods
for early spring wear are prlcel from 15c to $1.00 a yard.
Shirt walBt patterns of fine Swiss, with handsomely embroidered
front and turnovers for collars and tuffs 13.00 to $5.00 each.
THE COLORED COTTONS, beautiful In weave, delicate In color,
and lustrouB in finish, are appropriate for any use you have in mind
afternoon dress, evening gown, fancy waist, or shirt-waist suit. The
..tables In our dress goods section aro given over to the display of
Jp.dB of pieces. Come early and get new Ideas while the selection
fCir . jf?&kzu. Si CXI
Yesterday's Exercises:
Rev. Luther P. Ludden addressed
the students at convocation yesterday
on "It." His remarks were In part as
I stood down at the corner of 11th
and O Btreot8 tho other day, watching
the people as ihey thronged by. Mov
ing quickly among the crowd was a
group of University students, with
their wonted push and hurry; and as
thoy crowded past with the same de
termined air, some one standing near
me said: "Look at them go. Don't
they Juat think they are it." And that
which was said in derision is in reality
a fact, for tho bright, active, pushing
students of this university are "it."
Vory few people seem to realize that
these yars of peaceful and abundant
prosperity, in which our contipent 1b
making such rapid strides forward, are
in reality tho pivotal times upon
which the nation's future will turn,
and you will be the men and women
who will have hold of the great helm
as It turns out the destinies of man
kind. And I say of you aa we iiBed
to say in the old game of tag, "you
aro It." Under the mighty whip and
spur of electricity and steam the pos
sibilities of the future are tremendous.
Ten years of time when you are "it"
will be equal to and surpass fifty years
of timo when your grandfathers were
Again the university is "It," not only
In athletics, but in the high standard
maintained in scholarship and equip
ment, and the island taken among the
great institutions of learning in our
Then again, Nebraska is "it." I am
not going to enlarge upon this thought.
I simply Bay in passing, that I do not
believe that we fully appreciate our
great empire of a state that homes
us, that protects ub, that educates us;
and I doubt whether, when we have
pondered upon its magnitude we will
have a full "realizing sense" of It, or
understand fully what is meant when
some one says: "Yea, Nebraska is
H.' "
But again, the United States Is "it."
It was Gladstone who said In his "Kin
Beyond the Sea: "Tho United States
is a natural base for the greatest con
tinuous empire established by man.
She will probably become what we are
now, tho head Bervant In the great
household of the world, the employer
of the employed, because her Bervlce
will bo the the most and the ablest."
But we are "it" by comparison in some
things that I do not like. The United
States is "it" In her combinations.
Good whiskey makes men bad, but
bad men make good whiskey. Wo have
a congress of 400 men to make laws
and a supreme court of nine to set
them aside. A girl that goes wrong is
marked as an outcast and her male
partner goes on as a gentleman. Men
vote for a thing one day and then
spend 364 days cursing it.
With you, then, rests a part of the
possibility of changing much of this,
for you are "It." When Napoleon
drew up his troops under the shadow
of the pyramids, pointing to the latter
he said to his soldiers: "Remember
that from yonder heights forty centur
ies look down upon you." From the
great pyramid top of opportunity we
look down on forty centuries, with
power to help mould the destiny of
unborn millions. Yet we occupy the
Gibraltar of the ajjes, for we are "it"
and we command the world's future.
jl California jj
II lifHffl i
The Municipal League of the city is
circulating membership cards among
he members of the faculty and the
resident voting students. Qultd. a
number of signatures have already
been secured to this pledg'e of "non
partisan, clvll-servlce-reform" cora
palgns for city officers.
C. E. Brown, Dentist. Burr block.
i; Wa The 'Burlington.
1 i
Only $5 for a doable berth And
j! $40 for a R. R. ticket i
Lincoln to Los Angeles j!
Call and get full information. De- J
pot 9th and P streets. Gty Office
W to and O streets
Cottrcll S Leonard, Albany, N. Y.
Makers of the Caps,
Gowns and Hoods to
University of 'Ne
braska, University of
Minnesota, Univer
sity of Chicago, Uni
versity of Omaha,
Cornell, Yale, Har
vard, Princeton. Le
land Stanford, U. of
". welesley, Bryn
Mawr, and the others. Illustrated bulletin,
samples, etc., upon request.
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