V" n.r 2 "f v.. SATURDAY NEBRASKAN 3 ,' tev LH J'U '? V w - Ube 2)all IRebraeUan A conwiUdjitlon of Tlio Henporlnn, Vol. HI. Tho Nebraflknn, Vol. 12, Bcfcrltt and Crown, Vol. 4. Manning Kdltor 0. E. Pjciwritorn - P. P. Vvrrr BuMnJXut Mnttsgor ABflOCIATK JCDTTOItfl Now Win. Ciwo Bocloty Wm. A. Shock Athletic A. I. Myors Lltornry John D. Rio OOlcu! 203'4 UnJvorBity Hull. Phono A 1290 Pout Ortloc: Station A, Box 1H, Lincoln Entered at tho pontofltac nt Lincoln, Nobnwkn, as woorul cliuw mall inattur. items. It Is hlB belief, however, that tho editorial page should reflect stu dent sentiment, and arrangements have now been made whereby the pa per's editorials, with the exception of the Tuesday Issue, will be supplied by the student members of The Nebras kan staff, the new regime being par tially inaugurated today. The Saturday Nebraskan. The Nebraskan makes today its first effort In a new line practically tho addition of a weekly university paper to its regular daily Issues. Upon this Saturday number k is hoped to con centrate the alumni and other out-of-town circulation, as rapidly as possi ble Tho Dally will be more and more confined to purely news of the day, while Saturday's issue will contain ar ticles tending more toward a record of tho week's progress. With the ex ception of advortlBing columnB, to day's paper will probably pass as a fair sample of what may be expected from our Saturday offorts. If the ex periment proves acceptable and with in bounds of reasonable attainment, It will be made a permanent feature. Thereforo wo ask such expressions of University opinion as may aid us in determining its acceptability. Tho price of tho Saturday issue alone will be twenty-live centB tho semes ter, and to it tho attention of students and graduates leaving tho university either temporarily or permanently is especially dirocted. The attention of our exchanges Is respectfully called to the fact that, with tho exception of those published dally, the Saturday Issue alone will be sent, it being believed that this ar rangement will bo just as satisfactory to thep;'VhIle working quite an econ omy''of mailing expenses to ourselves. Tho success of tho Nebraska basket ball team, on its western trip, Is no ticeable. A clean sweep is being made of Colorado, which ought to con vince our neighbor state that Ne braska can play basket ball quite as artfully as she can manage a debate and as Bkilfully as she can handle tho pig skin on the gridiron. The proud smile on the faces of tho Senior girls, who have been seen trudging down the Btreet with large! pasteboard boxes, will be accounted for next Friday morning when tho girls appear in a body at convoca tion, dressed In caps and gowns. Tho question naturally arises among tho boys as to whether they shall wear gowns at commencement time or not. Some have asserted that they would not, others that by all means the en tire class should wear the college dress on that occasion. There Ib noth ing to compel any person to dress In a certain coBtume, but no one should at tempt to mar the great event of the year, because of personal dislike for college caps and gowns. Commence ment is a rare occasion and some pe culiar dress to distinguish the gradu ates is In perfect keeping with the time. The wearing of a uniform drcsB at commencement exercises Is a pop ular and long-practiced custom. lino most proficient Success has re warded such efforts, as last year'B rec ord indicates. Tho difficulty now lies with tho student body Itself. All are anxious to see the Nebraska squads win out in the inter-state contests, but thoy fall to aid the work by giving firm support, either financially or with Individual encouragement and good wishes. Lost Friday and Saturday nights occurred the preliminaries for the inter-stato debates, which wore fairly well attended, and Wednesday night of next week will come off the Senior-Junior contest. These contests wore included In the series of debates arranged by the board at tho begin ning of tho debating season. Al though tickets for the entire series were sold for only 35 cents each, a small number compared with what ought to have been disposed, of were sold. It Is now up to tho students to attend tho debates and support the movement in every way possible. If such Bupport can be had there Is little doubt that laBt year's record will be duplicated. Convocation Dotes Program for the Week: Monday: Rev. L. P. Ludden. Another now feature Introduced into tho paper today 1b tho student editorial.- Sinco Tuesday, the managing editor, who Is In a small way con nected with tho faculty, has been the unwilling furnisher of tho editorial University people need considerable "drumming up" before thoy can be made to enter Into any new enterprise with spirit and enthusiasm. It took years to get them sufficiently inter ested in athletics to support a good foot ball team. Features of the uni versity are brought up one after the other, each receiving support In its turn, and until Its turn comes little attention seems to bo given it. For uie past two years an attempt has been made to give debating as prominent a place In tho institution as foot ball holdB. Every effort has been put forth to make Instruction along this 4HH44HH4HH4HH4' The Newest Ideas in Millinery L ARGE, flats, very light and dainty, of maline, taffeta or chiffonf The new backs are shaped to be very close to the head " The chiffon hats are tucked all over the crown and on both sides of the brim; the taffetas look as though they were shirred and corded; the artistically shaped maline or tulle hats are composed of hundreds and hundreds of narrow tucks Some large black chiffon hats are made of accord eon pleating It's as good as a Chinese puzzle to fig "ure out how it can be put on the hat so smoothly and so well. The taffeta hats come only in black but the chiffon and tulle are in black There are large bunches of chrysanthemums for trimming or wreaths of berries and leaves. Miller Paine lflfM$M$.$$f4a Yesterday's Exercises: Tho announcement that the Deaf and Dumb Girls' sextette would sing at convocation yesterday attracted one of the largest crowds that has assem bled in Memorial Hall this year. And those who were fortunate enough to attend enjoyed a rare and unique en tertainment Of course the songs were sung in sign language, and the grace with which the yoiing ladies went through tho various movements won great ap plause from the appreciative audi ence. The teacher, Mr. Pope, ex plained that those who understood the sign language learn to appreciate the grace and rythm of the movement. Tho girls keep tlmo by watching the movement of the leader's lips. The first number on the program was "Nearer, My God. to Thee," and in responso to emphatic encores "Jesus, iover of My Soul," and "Just Beyond tho River" were Bung. Be fore the singing of the last number Mr. Pope reminded the audience that the deaf girls could not appreciate the .hand clapping, and suggested that waving of handkerchiefs be substi tuted. As a result a hearty Chautau qua saluto, which was evidently well appreciated by the entertainers, was given. Mr. Pope then asked one of the young ladles to address the audi ence in her sign language and she kindly favored the crowd with a short recitation which was greatly enjoyed by all present. Tho entertainment was indeed worthy of the largo attendance, and teachers as well as tho pupils are to be congratulated upon the splendid manner In which the latter acquitted themselves. The train on which the deaf girls camo from Omaha was late, but the convocation hour was extended and the Intervening time was occupied by speeches from prominent, men attend ing the Charities and Correction Con- i forenco. Mr. E. A. Popo, of the Omaha Deaf and Dumb Institute, spoke of the ex hibits that such schools will make at tho World's Fair. Every step is to be shown. Tho little child when he first enters school must be given tongue gymnastics to strengthen the tongue. He is then shown the -differ ent vibrations In order to regulate tho voice. By means of imitating tho teach or the child finally learns tho letters and words. When the deaf and dumb child enters schools ho does not know tho name of a single object, and tho teacher must begin with tho sim plest things, in order- to avoid con fusion. Sign language, said Mr. Pope, differs from all other languages, The deaf and dumb can commence as readily as we can. Tho Latin order of words is followed rather than tho English order. Mr. Popo gavo many illustrations which wore both inter esting and entertaining. Tho girls of the Institute make their own dresses, and the boys are taught different trades. In conclusion the speaker said the management expect to have at tho Fair classes from twenty-two states. Each state will send a class for a cer tain period. Tho .work that Is being accomplished will bo shown and the authorities will seek to Impress upon the public tho Tact that the education of the blind and deaf is not a char itable work, but that thoy are Just as much entitled to an education as their more fortunate fellow beings. Judge Lindsey, of the Denver Juven ile Court, was then introduced and spoke of the great work being accom plished by that Court. He said the Court was part of tho public school system and was established by tho law establishing compulsory education. Under the Denver system the child is treated as a child and not as a full grown man. While in other states If a child "swipes" a watermelon he 1b considered a burglar and subjected to the same hard rules that govern tho trials of older persons, In Denver he Is tried for "disorderly conduct" and not treated as a professional criminal. A small boy once asked Judgo Lind sey If he had ever stolen a watermel on. The Judgo replied that the court was not subject to cross examination. The Judge spoke very forcibly of tho great need of the bettor training of boys in the home. One out of every five boys, said ho. goes behind prison bars; and over half of those in jail are under the age of 23. The next speaker was Mr. E. A. Fredenhager of the Kansas Society for tho Friendless. He said the ma jority of criminals were capable of being reformed and it was a groat mistake not to distinguish between the ordinary law-breaker and tho profes sional criminal. Tho question of pa role or pardon should bo left with tho prison authorities and thoBe who are In a position vO know whether a man can be reformed. Tho term of the pro fessional thug should, be longer than that of a man who can be reformed. Mr. Fredenhager discontinued his re marks on tho arrival of the sextette. $3.00 commutation ticket for J2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. 13th St Students are cordially invited. Pershing'Spell Down. The Pershing Rifles had a business meeting and spoil-down Thursday . night in tho Armory. Ku8enHfir :f ris won out in the spoil-down. In tho ' business meeting a report of the hop committee was read and approved and a committee appointed to secure- a drilling match with either the Omaha Guads or the Thurston Rifles. The committee is composed of the com missioned officers and Russell Harris. The matter of buying medals for those who win in the spell-downs was dis cussed, nut nothing was done toward carrying out such a plan. d -,yu 2.' :V " if.'! i . 7i .. ,' IS? 'r,Jr il1 . ,, -Ml ,v I 4 i ( 4. ux ' 1n n jam. m xh i.aaj.i m . . TJkl 1 J - yyp v, V!"' ;' ?T , . K- ,IM'IIUWWW . .-itV .4jgriMni'"": A,'' Vjl . I B