", -" 'v t. 4 1 " ;j pV. v iiv r ..' SATURDAY NEBRASKAN - 7" rK It 9 the Other Side "CHAR'CTER FEX. Tho superintendent of the city schoola sat tilted back in hla revolv ing offlco choir, hlB feet upon tho cor ner of the curtain-top desk, reading tho proceedings of "last-night's school board meeting" in the morning paper. Tho door opened suddenly and a tin dinner-pail grasped firmly In a big grimy hand was thrust Inside, fol lowed by tho owner. To thTJ superin tendent's polite "good morning" was V ' the response "mornln'," and tho man and the pall stood very stiff and still. "Do you wlBh to see me?" Inquired the superintendent, folding hla paper and wheeling round with has back to tho desk. "I want tub. see that there mun what we taxpayers gives two thou sand dollars a year tuh run thlBh schools an' expect 'em tuh run 'em." "I am the superintendent of tho city schools. What can I do for you? Won't you sit down?" Tho visitor did not move. "I hain't time tuh set down. Work In' men hain't es much use fur fine churs es somo folks hez. Whut 1 come fur Is, of you're thuh superin tendent, I want yuh folks tuh under stan' 'ut I won't hev my boysoln' tuh school whur youngsters is larn't tuh dlsrcspeck thur parents, an' thet's what they're beln' larn't mostly now adays near'a I cun make out." "Who Is your son's teacher?" "Why, thet hlgh-flyln' teacher yuh got hwer frum th' un'vors'ty hez 'em standln' on thur heads what time they ain't wrltin' insultin' stuff 'bout thur foikB an' talkin' 'bout proper vlttlen an scrubbin' up ev'ry day, an' readln' fool stuff 'bout 'socd-bables' an' 'water-babies' an Injuns wuth outlandish names sech us nobody never hurd uv before. "Now, I'd hev yuh understand thet I mean whut I say. I ain't a man az meddles with whut ain't my business an' I wouldn't be hyar now only ut I won't stand hevln' my boy lurn't tuh dlsrespeck me un' hla mother. Whut I want yuh tuh do Is tuh see tuh et thet sech proceeding 18 atopped. njpfj ivL it vl; m lVv$v lit Thet's what wo pay yuh fur, tuh run thuh schools right" "But, aro you sure your son la taught these thlnga at school?" "8ure? Reckon I know. Whuh ever heard o' 'char'ctor fox an' 'mood fox un thuh Lord unly knows whut uther 'fox' 'coptln' thot thur now teacher? Ev'ry body's talkin'. 1 ain't thuh unly one whuh won't put up with Bcch stuff much longer." "What is thero In tho study of 'character offects' and 'mood effects' that you object to? It may bo that you are mistaken as to the naturo of the work. Tho terms may need ex planation." The man drow a greasy, crumpled papor from his pocket and handed It to the superintendent. Looking him full In the faco, he added: "Read that un' see how yu'd like tuh be sized up thet way by yur own boy. Thet'B whut yur brag un'vers'ty teacher hez thuh scholars doln'." The superintendent unfolded the pa per and read: "Carcter Fox On pap tuk to bIIcob of Broad to wunst shore hes Hoglah won't give Me 10 cents to by a Ruber ball shozo hes mighty stinggy shoze he lize to cos he sed he had dont no money when I no beter. He makes mo cary his diner sum days when he cood do it hisself. Show hes lazzy and dldont wan't to and swared cos ther wuzzent no spun to eat tho borys. Shozo lies a mighty meen man." The supgrlntendent's head remained bent an instant after he had finished reading the paper, then he looked up and said: "I Bhall show this paper to Miss Bell. She will then understand what influence her work is having upon her school. I am Bure Bho will give you no cause for complaint in the future. I am very sorry this has occurred and If at any time hereafter you have occasion to talk over school matters, I hope you will feel perfectly free to come to mo with them. I regret ex ceedingly that parents and teachers do not get to know each other bet ter. I hope the time Is not far dis tant when thoy can work together for tho good of the children." "I'm 'blldged tuh yuh, Mr. Super intendent. I reckoned yu'd do thuh squar thing when yuh knowed. G'd mornln' tuh yuh," and the door closed before the visitor had time to hear tho superintendent's reply. H. S. Mr. P. (shortly after tho death of Frank Norrla): "Mlaa B., did you know Frank NorrlB died last week?" Mlaa B.: "Goodnes8, no; -who was he, anyhow?" Mr. P.: "Why. the' author of "the Octopus." Mlaa B.: "Oh, yes! that PopulUt paper." It was Just before 8 o'clock Tuesday morning. With half a dozen books under her arm and hoavily bundled from ankles to chin agalnBt the cold, she had just reached tho Unl. gate. After pulling her way for a dozen blockB through snow a foot deep with drifts upwards to four feet, alio wa8 panting nervously, and fatigue was hanging heavy on her limbs as she drew her feet out of the snow behind and planted them as deep again in that ahead. A husky, six-foot medic, kicking tho snow head-high before him as he I plowed his way along, hesitated as he stopped up behind the faltering co-ed. "Excuae mo, Mlaa, bul you're about to drop a book," he said with a hu manitarian sympathy, known only to medics. - The lady turned, drew another long breath, and w.h a coy smile strug gling through the lines of fatigue and complaint on her pretty face, said: "Yea, well I'm about to drop dead." H. H. L, Life la full of trials and the law yers are glad of it Drake Delphic THE FIRST OF THE MONTH. , ' t Will it coino? " Anything in Jt? Hooray I Pnrduo Kxponont. FOOTBALL MAN. Tho wild young man of Borneo haa come back to college. Ho Isn't keen on culture; he Isn't Btuck on knowledge. Book "ologleB" and "lams" are built, ho knows, to cramp So elocts the football course and takes it on the campus, He isn't long on Intellect; he's rather short on classes; But he's a perfect wonder on tackles, kicks and passoB. For Grecian roots In musty tombs ho doesn't go n-huntlng, But you'd forgive his Ignorance If you ever saw his punting, He doeBn't like professors, mere book worms and cockroaches; He has a special trainer and gets hla lore from coachos; He takes that coaches' word for law and even hoods conjectures, And when tho coach yells, "Hold the ball!" it's Just aa good aa lectures. His cap and gown aro on the wall, his books beneath tho table; To servo football and learning tho wild man lan't able. Shin pads, nose guards, spiked shoes and such like gearing These aro his academics, in aspoct from cheering. With him tho pallid cast of thought Is not the proper fashion; Black eyes and broken noaea and hair a la Clrca8slan, A Fiji, a chrysanthemum, a bogle man, a savage, And the earth lookB on and trembles when ho begins his ravage. For midnight oil he has, we fear, most Ignominious uses A balm for kicks and cuffs and knocks, a liniment for bruises. Ho knows a think or two about reduc ing a luxation. But that's about the limit of his high er education. His college course la Innocent of mat ters too scholastic; He gets somo wholesome exerclao, not mental, but gymnastic. He lan't much on reading, and he's not to apry at .thinking. But he learna to tako a lot of bumps without aB much as blinking. The Western Fellow. Columbia, Mo. First Junior (on way home after tho Prom.): "You have a pensive look. What did Bhe say?" fc Second Junior: "Wrong that time. It's an expensive feel I have. Got just fifteen cents left" Qulektr tteurtd OBTAHTXD. orm ra stra wm unn Bna modal. Iklteh rr nhnta. I1K dticriptlon forfrMrttMrtutopaUBUbUltr. 41-TAQI HAHS-BOOK ruu. ConUlm nfcrtne! and foil tnfornuiilon. WUTS FOB OOFT 07 0T7B BTX0Z1X. u"- 11 u u moit lltxrel propotltloa titt mad br iKlnt.itto.n,e'' aBd nrxTo nsovib BUD R Utoit appllag for paUat. AddrtM t H.B.WILLSOrUCO. TATCNT LAWYERS, uproitBUf., WASHINGTON D. C. shoe. OHESTY i " iB BJ .tfSBBBBBBBBH iM' f5 1 lW I xbBmBBBBBb BbpX' jt tw fr Sr .P"" H fsl til jBBBnSnwNn JbBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBbW. AtF BsttaJkrAlJIYBB Otir Shoe T&de is based on honesty.. Let us shoe you PERKINS $ SHEUTON i'1020 O fttraftt 7' . . v I ui m v- J 'A - h ; , fl ,J? W: ' y J-ti . L.m ...J' M. r "-tf ' ; 9 ' ' 1 - 11 ,.f. y ... i . , i fV" II v ,' a y ' r,:MmmMmMrX:Smt. J yim "iflf r, t XT r lW Mfajfr-fofr'wS.. JfV: -' r J.i . MaXsri. ,