The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 07, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Saturday's Story
In Three Parta. Part I.
Thoro was one thing comforting
about Baby Dick, fragile child though
ho web; you could not look for a mo
ment Into the depths of his laughing
black pyefl, bo full of good, wholesome
earthly mlBchlef, without feeling that
ho had come to stay. He did not have
the look of those who die young. Two
of his baby cousln had rested their
golden heads upon my arm and smiled
calmly up into my eyes for awhile be
fore they went back to the golden
haired, smiling choir which surely wel
comed them gladly from our too-eager
earthly graBp. And then Baby Dick;
such a contraBt!
"Mouth Jlko a crowflsh," Bald my
brother, gazing at his son and heir
with mingled anxiety and pride, "no
chin to speak of, but plenty of check."
"If It's true," he went on, "that the
bomllest babies grow up the hand
somest, won't he bo a stunner when
he's grown?"
And bo ho was. But it took somo
twehly years to bring about the
change. HIb beautiful high"" forehead,
like hlB great-grandfather's before him.
his largo dark eyes, bo true to the
family type, reassured me. I knew
that Baby Dick would come out all
He had his little peculiarities, what
child has not? Ho wanted to manage
everything in his immediate vicinity,
but I've Boon older people with the
same ambition. No one ever accepted
punishment with bettor graco, and
less resentment and greater inflexible
determination to "do It again" than
Baby Dick. When three years old he
had an answer ready for everything
and never the one you expected him
to have. He was also a small poli
tician In his way, a sure sign of
genliiB. Ho accepted klsscB most
agreeably until he had gained the de
sired end, whether It were raisins or o
"big pansy blossom," and then he
straightway proceeded to rub off the
klBS. My mother would say, "Where's
my darling, Dick?" "Right here,
mommothor?" "Here'B somo candy
for my darling. Now where Ib he?"
"You ain't got none," dancing around
gleefully, "you ain't got none." And
then, by way of making up, "Let's go
play, mommother, let's go Bee the
grasshoppers ride the bicycles."
I It's up to you
0 buy the best when
within your reach, t
We are well supplied
H with every class of 1
Books, Drawing In- f
sirumenis, Mation
ery, which IS the
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Ho was a clever child, all the rela
tions said bo. 8ometlmes strangers
thought he was merely peculiar, but,
of course, thoy could not be expected to
know so well as tho family. I thought
that I remarked occasional traces of
oddity, but then somo people accuse
me of always finding out disagreeable
things. They attribute It to my be
ing an old maid, though I've seen some
very disagreeable people who were not
old maids. However, that's neither
hero nor there.
Well, as I waB saying, I noticed that
John, my brother, Baw tokens of pecu
liarity, too, but he would not let Baby
Dick be persecuted for them. Ah, well,
there came a time when he could no
longer stand between his boy and the
"Don't seem to notice him," John
would say, "he's playing dog now and
he'll bite you. Don't speak to him.
He won't talk now. Dogs don't talk.
He'll JuBt-bark."
Other times he would play at being
a horse, and scamper around on all
fours, kicking and whlnneylng. Some
times I couldn't very well discriminate
one part from another, without my
brother around to act as stage-manager
and Interpreter, but I saw that
Baby Dick lived In a land of make
believe that was all very real to him.
He had ono little play-trick that I
never saw in another child. He needed
no chair nor strings to play horse.
Ho would go out Into the center of
the room and throw his rope, hitch up
hlB horses and drive away, all with
empty hands and unseeing eyes. "I've
caught old Aleok, now, papa," "I'm
going to town, now, papa," and bo on.
Sometimes he would forget and do the
Bame thing over and over until John
would apeak to him gently and remind
Ho had an exaggerated Idea of his
own Importance, a falling by no meanB
uncommon; he thought that every
thing on earth was for the sake of
Baby Dick and Baby Dick's papa. Tho
little quiet baby girl, a couple of years
younger, never got to be much of any
thing but Baby Dick's sister, and had
no rights beyond protection for two or
three old cast-off playthings.
As Dick grew up and no longer
played dog and horse, everyone seemed
convinced that he had put aside child
ish things and become a man. I knew
better. I saw that he lovod his world
of make-believe no less than before.
He aBked me questions that puzzled
me. He gave me his confidence In a
most alarming manner. He had
thoughts of his own about heaven, his
faith was without belief. An Imagina
tion like his could not bo entirely be
reft of this fountain of all glorious
fancies, but his clear reasoning could
not accept the evidence of things un
seen. Thus he went on toward his early
manhood and all things on earth wore
beautiful and joyous to him. He
feared nothing, he hated nothing, and
best of all, he loved none. There was
nothing to disturb his healthy young
mind. He studied music and John's
eye grew bright with prido as he saw
his son do tho things he had longed to
do. But Richard soon Btopped hlB les
sons. Music was not a sufficient aim
in life to give one's whole ambition
He was sent to college, of course
we always go to college In our family
and groat things were looked for
from Richard. The flrst half-year his
record was surpassingly fine. The
home paper applauded vigorously, and
the village lads turned yellow when
his name was mentioned. The second
half year, he barely made his graces.
Ho had decided that It wasn't beet to
be a college grind.
Never shall I forget that first glad
vacation when he came bo often to
visit his old auntie and we planned
out a magnificent novol that should
put all my shadowy little Btorles to
shame. Richard put all the life, the
novelty, tho vehemence Into the work,
and I oh, I did little, I Just took out
whatever there was too much, of.
He wrote It himself, and It was a
beautiful book, but people said it was
a pity ho hadn't held out as well as
he had begun.
How eagerly I looked forward to
that second summer! I had longed to
write out tho full Joy and bitterness of
human life, Richard should do it for
me and bo much more, skilfully. He
came home, however, with his head
full of other things. When I spoke
about the new book, he laughed at me.
His book was not a masterpiece, he
said, and he would do nothing but
what was of tho best. That writing
books was, after all, not an end suf
ficient unto the life of man and worthy
of his whole, untiring energy. I am
not Bure but that he was right. Book
making is a flimsy occupation, a cari
cature of real life, and hiB book whb
only gained by giving all of life and
soul and hopes and struggles to one
sole end and aim".
Well, as I said, that second summer,
Richard came home with some new
ideas. He had been studying a good
deal of literature that year and read
ing a great amount of poetry and
things of that sort about love, and he
used to come and taiK them over with
"You miiBt have had lovers In your
day. I suppose," he said, "I have a
notion that you weren't bad looking,
and you have such nice "ways."
. And from the past I seemed to hear
the echo of the childish voice, "Right
hero, mommothor, right here's your
darling," but I told him. Everyone
always did what Richard wanted thorn
to do.
"Well," Bald I, coldly, "all I know
about It Is this, there are two men I
wish I'd never met; ono of them I
loved and tho other ono loved me.
And looking back, I can't see any
great difference between them, except
that one had blue eyes and the other
had brown, and ono was studying to
bo a lawyer and the other to be a
minister. And I trust that on the
wide plains of tho blessed where kind
angels grant our every wish that I
may never meet either one of them."
"Didn't he care for you, Aunt Mar
ian?" "He had the love of heaven in his
heart, and when one loves heaven
over much he loses sight of earthly
Richard was rather reticent about
his own love affairs. It was not from
himself that I learned when ho found
the Ideal for his poetic affections In
tho protty, blue-eyed daughter of the
oil-king, our local Great One. What
was tho Jarring noto In their sweet
song of love I never knew, but she
had arisen from the foreign laboring
class, his fathers were gentlefolks as
far back as tho "family tree" recocded.
Her father was rather Inclined to
laugh at out family tree, called It a
pedigree. Richard was essentially a
creature of Ideals. Amy had been
trained In an extremely practical man
ner, and she took It for granted that
such persistent love-making led to es
tablishing a home. She didn't have
many poetical fancies, but she was a
good little house-maid and she wearied
Richard with the many little detallB of
a home, which, truth to tell, he never
meant to build.
Then he went back to school again,
and forgot her, but every vacation he
was haufltcd by those big insistent
blue eyes, tlresoihely faithful, from
pew or social group, always turned
toward him, demanding what had
never been hers, the practical, every
day love of the dreamer. This lasted
for two years and to Richard's credit
be It said,, he never spoke of her
evident attempt to appropriate
him, nor seemed to notice any other
girl. But after a w.hlle she gave him
up voluntarily, she even did more than
that In tho years to come, she fol
lowed him from place to place to show
how completely she had given him up.
Her father bought a newspaper In or
der that they might proclaim how
completely they hated him, and all the
world was free to use that paper for
the same noble end and used It was
right willingly.
(To be Continued.)
Debating Club Tonight.
The Union boys' debating club will
debate the following question at their
regular meeting tonight:
"Resolved, That tho legislature of
the state- should enact a law regulat
ing the liquor traffic, embodying tho
features of the South Carolina dis
pensary law."
The affirmative will be sustained by
Black and Sawyer, tho negative by
Joyce and Wneeler.
The Palladlans, In this evening's
session, will discuss tho question: "Re
solved, That the demands of England,
Germany and Italy for rights as pre
ferred creditors of the Venezuelan gov
ernment, are unjust" Llghtner and
navely will support the affirmative,
Clark and Lee the negative.
Dr. Johnson remarks to The Ne
braskan that Mr. Philbrlck's state
ment In Tuesday's paper, "Germans
do not know the comforts of life in
their homes," needs explanation. It
is true that tno older houses in all tho
German cities lack what wo term
"modern conveniences," In the way of
furnace or steam heat, gas lights, bath
rooms, etc., but Germans do know and
enjoy the "comforts of home," or
home-life, even mere than their
rushed-to-death American cousins. It
was only the lack of modern conveni
ences that Mr. Philbrlck found made
an American's flrst week In Germany
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