The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 06, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Gbe 2) ails fUbraeftan
Gbe Batty flebva0ftan
Gonvollrlntlon of
The HcHporinn, Vol.111. The Nobrnwkan, Vol. 12,
Bonrlnt and Crrani, Vol. 4.
MnnnKlnpr Editor
BuHlnoHfl Manager
C. E. PrtwniftKR
P. P. Dvrwr
Nown Win, Crow
8oclotv Wm. A. Bhock
Athlcflo A. I. Mtjth
Lltornry .... John D. IUc
Offlor: 20HM1 UnlvorHlty Hull. Phono A 1280
Pont Office: fltntlon A, Box 18, Lincoln
Entered lit the poatofTlco nt Lincoln, Nehraakn,
rn hcooiuI olniw mall inntter.
comply with your request. The same
thing may be offered In explanation of
the apparent failure of new subscrlp
tlonH to begin at once.
Convocation Dotes
Utah Students Strike.
Prefers Subscribers Pay to Pres
ent Staff.
Mr. Nielsen, formerly circulator for
The Nebraskan, wishes us to announce
that ho Is no longer officially con
nected with tho paper, and prefers that
people wishing to transfer cash to Its
treasury glvo the same to some mem
ber of tho regular staff listed at the
top of page "two, or to Mr. A. O.
Schrieber, the present circulator. Sub
scribers will assist us and relieve Mr.
NlelBen by complying with his request
and turning the silver tide directly in
to the hands of some member of tho
present staff. And of course we may
add that any and all remittances from
subscribers will be appreciated just at
this stage of tho NebraBkan's work.
(Idaho University Argonaut.)
Recently ten students of the Uni
versity of Utah were suspended for
throwing vegetables at the actors in
"The Ama7XnB," when presented by
tho Sophomore class. Two wagon
loads of vegetables are said to have
gone over tho footlights. Because the
faculty failed to reinstate these stu
dents tho entire sophomore class and
part of the freshman, nearly a hundred
In number, walked out and refused to
return before the beginning of the next
semester, when those- suspended will
bo reinstated. The safety of the edi
tor of tho College Chronicle, who took
sides with the faculty, was threatened,
anJ he had a number of the fellows
arreBted to be placed under bonds to
keep tho peace.
Program for the Week;
Hov. Bullock will lead tho week's
devotional exerciser
Friday: A. B. Popo, of Omaha Deaf
and Dumb Institute.
Monday: Rev. L. P. Ludden.
Means It.
An unwilling receiver of Tho Ne
braskan added to our yesterday morn
ing's mail the -following emphatic
"Please stop tho subscription of your
paper. I uald for U to tho end of tho
first semester. Do not send It any
longer, as I do not care to take it,
a,nd It won't bo taken from the ex
change. '
Really, wo are quite willing to stop
a subscription whenever ordered. Our
apparent hesitation in doing so comes
from the lack of close connections bo
tveon tho editorial and mailing rooms.
Don't feel put out if your paper con
tinues coming a day or two after
you'vo ordered It stopped, for as
quickly as possible we'll get around to
Large Registration this Semester.
Other Notes.
Tho new term of the School of
itluslc has begun very ausplclouBly
with a heavy registration of new
students, as the following list will in
dicate: Frank Hudson, Lincoln; Ver
nand Baird, Palmer; Leila May Avery,
Falrbury; Caroline Smith, Lincoln;
Cora and Florence Durban, Malvern,
la.; Ethel Hess, Bedford, la.; Agatha
Tatton. Lincoln; Belle Pickens, Pow
ell; Richard Clark, Lincoln; Helen
Addalr. Kearney; Gertrude Green,
Palmer; Neva Don Carlos, Colorado
Springs; Adda Beardsley, Cedar Rap
Ids; Ethel Haynes, Lincoln; Mrs. Hen
ry Koffman, Lincoln; Mrs. Grace Fer
ris, Lincoln; Mrs. Ida Morris, Lincoln;
Etta Relckers, Falls City; Maude Wil
son, Lincoln; William Jennings Bryan,
Jr., Lincoln; Luella Agee, Falrbury;
Fred Hanley, Mankato, Kans., and
Aura Hitchcock, Lincoln.
The next regular monthly recital
will be held on February 19.
Margie Guilfoil's parents of Hyan
nls, Nebr., have been visiting her this
W VI wd M rf rf
t inp NPWPQT rtMQ in Mi inprv
ARGE flats, very light and dainty, of maline,
taffeta' or chiffon, The new backs arc shaped
to be very close to the head. The chiffon hats
are tucked all over the crown and on both sides
of the brim; the taffetas look as though they were
shirred and corded; the artistically shaped maline or
tulle hats are composed of, hundreds and hundreds of
narrow tucks
Some large black chiffon hats are made of accord
eon pleating. It's as good as a Chinese puzzle to fig
ure out how it can be put on the hat so smoothly and
so well. The taffeta hats come only in black but the
chiffon and tulle are in black.
There are large bunches of chrysanthemums for
trimming or wreaths of berries and leaves.
: Miller 6f Paine
Yesterday's Exercises:
Convocation yesterday consisted of
a music program of three numbers. An
unusually largo crowd of students at
tended to enjoy the music, which was
some of tho best and most compre
hensive that has been given at con
vocation this year. The following Is
the program:
Violin Solo Adagio from A Con
certo Strauss
Mrs. Chas. Hagenow.
Solo Jewell Song from "FauBt."
Besslo Burruse.
Two Pianos Allegro from Sonata
Ruth Johnson and Helnrlch Pfitzndr.'
t 1 1
California Ij
i r
Fir3t Impressions.
c-xcursions ij
I Ina The Partington
The view from tho lane is broken
by an old Iron fence, whose wide gate
is reached by a turn in the road. From
hero the scene is dreary enough to one
just fresh from early violet beds. It
is an old country grave-yard where
ghostly herbs attempt to fill the sunk
en graves, and gloomy pines refuse
sunlight to crumbling head-stones tnat
nature has forgotten to beautify.
So many passers-by thought; but
others, looking through the low
branches of the pines, saw a patch of
color beyond. . . . The rusty cate
complained peevishly at having Its re
tirement disturbed; but once Inside,
tho pine carpeted path gave a spring
ing lightness to tho step that the beat
en ways never knew. . . . Far over
by the opposite fence was a cluster of
lilac bushes, the perfume of whose
opening buds pervaded the air with a
strange out-of-place Bweetness. The
lilacs were only a scroen for a little
gate through which the path led Invit
ingly Into the woods. Oh, the spring
breath of the forest! The bright green
above, and below a marvelous mosaic
of exquisite tints; and the moist In
toxicating air overflowing with the
mystery of waking life!
Over the crest of the hill the path
crossed a rutted roadway, and in a
sudden valley on tho right, was a tiny
tumble-down house, surrounded by
sheds and chicken-coops and squealing
But aguln the path descended and
magnificent oaks hid the house from
sight; the hill sloped Irregularly
downward to a clear rivulet, that rip
pled over Its stony bed between deep
mossy banks where jack-ln-the-pulplts
were on equal terms with dainty
wood-violets and ferns. . . . And
above the rippling of the stream and
tho chirping of tho robin in the maple
overhead, came clear and shrill on the
air tho squealing of the pigs.
This Is a first walk In the country
of Robert Browning. The path leads
deeper and deeper Into tho woodB, a
wonderful vista reaching out on either
side, only a glimpse qf which could be
caught In the first hasty walk. But
the gllmpso la enticing and suggests
that tho path may bo followed again
and again, each tlmo with a more sat
isfactory result. Florence Fenner, in
tho Drake Delphic.
x J
J t Only $5 for a double berth said
A $40 for a R. R. ticket j
! Lincoln to Los Angeles jl
J Call and get full Information De- i
pot 9th and P afreets. City Office ' I
t JO to and O streets j
13.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at
the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. 13th St.
Students are cordially invited.
Cottrcll 5 Leonard, Albany, H. Y.
Makets of the Caps,
Gowns and Hoods to
University of 'Ne
braska, University of
Minnesota, Univer
sity of Chicago, Uni
versity of Omaha,
Cornell, Yale, Har
vard, Princeton, Lc
land Stanford, U. of
P., Welesley, Bryn
Illustrated bulletin,
Mawr, and the others.
samples, etc., upon request.
Trade Marks
CnDVomirre .
Anyone Mnauig a aKoicn ana description mar
qnlcklr nioertaln our opinion free whether aa
ItiToiiUon la probably patentable. Oommonlea-
tlonBitrlcUyconOUont&L HAHDBOW on fatento
sent free. Oldest nuodcy for bocu rtnjr Patents.
Patent tokon through Mnnn A Co. roeelre
rpteial notice, without charge. In tho
scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly.
TAnrest dr-
Tonne, 93
eolation of any olentlOo journal.
L-'V.:.i2ur!n0J2u,, L SoWbyaMnewadealeni.
MUNpCoiBVoafw,,, (jew York
Branch Offloe. 06 F BL. Waahliwrton. D. C.
Jhe Improved
The Standard
for Gentlemen
The Name "BOSTON
GARTER" is stamped
kon every loop.
Lies flat to the leg never'
iips, I ears nor Unfastens.
Bunplatwir BllkSOcn
. Muled tar-lr.trf ! I
9 BaBO.ntoaToo.,ibkm
Every Pair Warranted-
a . a T . V J J : i.l
k .. I ..,'. ' F..r'- 4,f ... .VJ'J
. i--.