The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 06, 1903, Image 1

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Historical Society Badly in Need
o! BuQdinjt.
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A?tb to the Ltftetattire Igr
Necessary Appropriate.
Owing to the over crowded condition
of the rooms of the- State Historical
Society, efforts are being made to se
curo a needed appropriation from 'the
legislature. House Roll 266, introduced
by Representative Burgess, asks for
an appropriation of $35,000 to erect a
flre-ppoof building to bo used as a
library and museum by the society.
The bill requires, as a condition for the
appropriation, that tho city of Lincoln
shall convey to tho society by title,
satisfactory to the executive board, a
site for the proposed 'building, the:
site contemplated is tho north lialf of
Haymarket square. This site was given
to 'the Historical Society over thirty
years ago, but by subsequent act it
waVdonatod to tho cjty far a market
square It Is flow hoped tp get it back
into the hands of its original owner.
The proposed site will be very con
venient for tho use of students, as well
as for visitors to Lincoln.
The prospects of receiving the ap
propriation are justdtalrly 'good', al
though the need of '.additional room is
' fully" evident In 'the' present over
crowded condition of tho society
rooms. Students And others who have
mado use of the nqwapapersjand vari
ous other collections appreciate the
great Inconveniences of present ar
rangements Jil such friends of the
society Can contribute to tho success
of the cause by making known to
members of the legislature w4th whom
they are acquainted the great heed for
-further room. Many members of the
law-making body "have not come in
-touch with the actual condition of .af
fairs and information In the right di
rection will accomplish a great deal
of good.
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T. Will re you money and give you T
Gtttfs'ftalf soles ,
Iozdies' fotfsofes
Pint cUss sewed work,
You are Inyited. - 7
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Nebraska Swamps Colorado with
a Score of 37 to II.
The Nebraska basket-ball team con
tinued Its victorious march through
Colorado by defeating Colorado Col
lego at Colorado Springs Wednesday
night by a score of 37 to 1L This Is
a much better score than the ono of
the night before when Nebraska won
from Denver University to the tune
of 44 to 29. Captain Hewitt continues
his star work at center and Elliot did
some excellent work at right forward
In the last game.
Wednesday night's game was wit
nessed by a crowd of about three hun
dred. Nebraska's signals proved a
puzzle which their opponents wore un
able to solve and her team work was
good from start to finish.
The crwd was entertained between
halves by the Colorado College octette,
which is pronounced to bo a very fine
one. Colorado attributes their loss of
the game to the fact that one of their
best men, Churchill, was not in the
game. But this seems only an excuse,
as one man could hardly be able to re
verse such a score as 37 to 11. The
Cornhuskers are putting up a strong
game and we tope- that-they may bo
able to continue the good work. Tho
team Is not expected home until Tues
day. Dairy Herds Bulletin.
The Nebraska Experiment Station
has just issued Bulletin No. 76. This
giveB the records o fthe dairy herd
for the past five years. Tho bulletin
may be obtained free of cost by resi
dents of the State, upon writing to
the Agricultural Experiment Station,
Lincoln, Nebr.
Trom Otbtr Schools
Principal Taylor Writes Interest
ingly ot its Work.
Dear Nebraskan:
I frankly confess that your request
for a few words to Tho Nebraskan
regarding tne work nere at uates
Academy, though it sent a thrill of
pleasure to my heart, also sent a chill
dowjn my back; for it found me Just
"snowed under"' with things tor do.
The uninitiated have no Idea how busy
an Academy principal can be at times.
This institution was founded in 188.
,Durlng he years since it has had Bome
splendid men on Its faculty and has
done some splendid work; But the
school has always been hampered
tnrougn iacK or runqs. ana on tmsac -
cuuut, uireu Bo, xue inuuw
decided to put off the college work. The'
ambition now to. to make the school a
first-class Christian academy, like its
Junior Prom
At the Lincoln Hotel
New England prototype. And there
Is no real reason why this ambition
may not bo realized. This part of
the state offers a flno Held for Buch an
institution. In point of scholarship
tho peculiar function of this typo of
Bschool Is indicated by thn t&r that
every ono of our next year's class Is
a Qrebk student Without being a
fossil, this sort of school stands for
tho old lino classical education.
Another phase of tho work of a
school of this sort is ilustratod by the
fact that of the fifteen new nttiriAna
who have como to us since the holi
days, twelve are youns: men. montlv
farmer hoys over eighteen years of
age. Most of those, of course, plan to
como for only a few months and take
work In the common branches or the
business course, 'a hero is no place for
them in the average district or high
school. But not infrequently among
such wo find ono who, quite uncon
scious of the fact himself, has the real
spirit of the scholar in him. He is
drawn to higher learning as naturally
as steel Is lifted by the magnet The
Academy provides the optimum con
ditions for tho quickening of that
spirit A single "discovery" of this
sort think what it means, not only
iu iuo iiimviauai nimseir, but to so
ciety! The changes of the post few years
havo reduced the school in many ways.
I trust wo have reached "bed rock."
My work Just now Ib largely founda
tion work. But It is well worth doing
and I hope It may be done well. It
would be a distinct loss to tho edu
cational system of our commonwealth
If 4thls school and a reasonable num
bor like it should not bo permanently
established to, do their peculiar work.
I trust that aajreaEa gojr jmany
Gates graduates shah find their way
through college and Into the Univer
sity DrODOr. I think with nlaaour.
(my work-in the University last year;
MH uiieuxaore cpmesia longing to, go
back and finish tho course I was nur-
fluing-whlch longing I. trust may yet
be satisfied. Meanwhile I must give
,myselt to the work in and. With
fet .wishes for the opntihue'd prosper-
Mh, ot thoTTniVnrkltv .l,.-.i,SJ
ity of thTJnivprs.lty. andbe8i)eaking
, mnt
The first Saturday Nebraskan
will appoar tomorrow noon or
early afternoon, it is possiblo
the confusloh of handllpg an
eight-page edition for the first
tltno may cause a littler delay, but
every effort will bo made to got
tbo papor in tho postofflco by
noon. The Saturday features,
subject to any changes necessary,
will be as follows:
"Against tho Tldo" a short
Zu C1 M. Glover.
"The Woek in Llncoln"-a
studont Bummary" of tho week's
events in tho city.
"iUPlv.er8Uy Prpgnesa" edi
torial discussions of University
affairs for the past weeTc.
"Departmental Notes"News
of the Becond semester In the
various departments.
"University 8ocloty" social
events of the University since
February 3.
"Tho Other .Sido"-humoroua
notes from tho University and
other schools. v
"Those of Other Days"
alumni notes.
Jn addition to these, the Satur
day number will contain the
regular dally news features. Al
together It will be an issue worth
takjng hopje to read at your
leisure, orwbrth sending to some
ouof town friend as a record of
the week's progress In Univer
sity life.
Good Health Cafe
I Says;
Eat to tfve
Bi the test
jl Our mqtto ki Evcrvthirio- Jn J
JJK&Y nkj&tvtil a state ,1
as poWbfe, "aSrSS
SWt orders ahd
Egfgson Tpasjt,afl hoars.
Good Hea llh Cafe
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