"("i is iTSivr1 j . ii -T1" .c " " ' . ' r r "J ? just 2. v : a v ''ri- ,1 - -r f " if. $: 4 - 1 i , IE be TDnily fUbVaeftan 3 4 Com and Personal UNIVpRTY CAUPNPAR' Friday, Feb. 0. junior Prpro, Lin, cqIji hotel. Friday, Fob. 13. University Club Dance, Fraternity hall. Fob. 14-16, Midwinter Commence- IBat., Feb. 14 Sigma XI banquet. Mon., Feb. 16. Regular Charter Day exercises, Memorial hall, 8 p. m. Ad dress by Gov. Cummins, f Iowa: "8ome Questlopt? That Havo Yet to Be Answorod." Wednesday, Feb. 21. Glee Club con cert, Memorial hall. John L. Sheldon has completed his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Phllpsqphy, and It Is now in Professor Betsey's bauds for final correctipn and criticism. It deals with certain species I of, fungi which aro paraBltic on plants and produce diseases In them. Mr. Sheldon will come up In June for his degree. NEBRA8KA WINS FIRST GAME Denver Defeated 43 to 29, but Gets Another Chance. Saturday "2" o'clock. Indoor baseball practlco began yes terday afternoon. Ten battery candi dates reported apd too)?: a worK-out In the locker room pitching and catch ing. Practice has begun early and It is the purpose to get the mon In as good form as 'possible before the sea son begins. Among those who were out yesterday are: Morse, Thompson, Wilson, Bender, Gore, Whltcomb, and Captain Townsend. Oliver Theater Pharmacy. fiat at Hendry's, 129 North Eleventh. U. N. books closing out at Osborn's old book store. Closing out of 'U. N. books at Os born's old book store. Let the Lincoln Transfer Co. haul your trunks. 'Phone 176. "40t. Ketchum, Oculist, Richards blk. Classes fitted and guaranteed. Save by getting books while they last at Osborn's old book store. Dr. Prevey requests Tho Nobraskan to call tho especial attention of Uni versity students to the meeting of tho State Charities and Corrections Con ference, which began its sessions at St. Paul's church this morning. Interest ing papers on different phases of char itable work will bo presented during the day sessions, and special public ad dresses by outside men will occupy the two evening meetings. Everyone is cordially invited to attond. Tho R. & C. barber shop. 1144 O St. Seven chairs. The finest In the city. Full line Manufacturers' Sample Shoes at half prjee. Webster & Rogers. kle Gem hot waffles served at .the Merchants' Cafe, 117 North latn at. We have a largo student patronage. Dr. C. J. Christiansen, 'Q0, who is practicing at Hamp.ton, Nebr., visited University and other frion,ds Jn the J city the last week of last semester. Professor Dann reports enthusiasti cally of his class in Italian art Twenty-three students have registered for tho work, which Is a noteworthy and gratifying increase over tho showing of last semester. The study is a com paratively now one in tho University, having been taken up for tho first timo last year. But it has now passed beyond the experimental stage and 1b firmly established as one of the most substantial and humanizing studies. Under the capable instruction afforded every phase of the subject is brought put and discussed, an,d its fullest pos sibilities developed. The work this Semester is of speciaL.interest and will pot fail to commend itself to those who can appreciate the beauties of art. The Nebraska basket-ball team won the first game of their western trip by defeating Donver Unlvorslty Tuesday night at Denver by tho declslvo score of 43 to 29. As tho detailed report of tho game failed to reach us in timo for today's issue, wo regret that we cap only fur nish a mere announcement of the out come. Tho men put up a good gamo and Captain Hewitt filled his position at center in an excellent manner. Denver Beemed dissatisfied with her showing and challenged Nebraska for another game Monday night and of fered a guarantee of opo hundred dol lars. Tho challenge was accepted and tho game will be played on the return trip. The following games will be played before the team comes home: Colorado College at Colorado Springs, University of Colorado at Boulder, High School at Greeley, and the Young Men's Christian Association at Chey enne, Wyo., and Denver University at Denver. The men who were in tho game Tuesday night for Nebraska are: Cap tain Hewitt, center; Forguson and El liot, forwards; Benedict and Hoar, guards. $100 to $ 150 a ypar more than tho aver ago paid teach ors In tho elementary schools, ovon In Ohio. In tho Indus trial and commercial world thoro aro always attractive promlums fpr skill and educated brains. Tho patrons of tho school, tho public at largo, need to bo reminded of theso things. As Dr. Elliott has put it, wo need to double tho revenue provided for our public schoolB. We believe tho timo la speed ily coming whon teachors will rccolvo salaries moro nearly commensurate with tho great Importance of jtholr la bors. But wo must havo bettor quali fied teachors teachors whP can easily demonstrate to tho public that thoy aro oarning moro than they are receiving. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street. C. E. Brown, Dentist. Burr block. Fiogenbaum's Pharmacy, 13th and O. Teachers' Salaries. CAPITAL CAPE A GOOD PLACE TO EAT OPEN ALL NIGHT, SMcak 1 5c and upwards E. J. FRANCIS, Successor to Francis Bros.. Prop;. m North nth Street. Prufesser Ross announces that his class in Cities will meet this semester in tho European history seminar room, jUBt off the main reading room of the library. Myron D. ElBon has been offered a position with an electrical goods con- rn In Chicago and will leave shortly BB at. I .1 t ofk 4 M t V Wk TT AVI tAtYl Aft T ajxr me mm-wmiui tuuiuicuwiuoui tcnter upon hiB duties. ACADEMY NOTES. Items on the Opening Dgys of the Second Semester. Last Sunday's Omaha World-Horald contains a pleasant and appreciative "write-up" of Erpest Ressey, '96, who has been abroad on a -collecting trip for tho United States Department of Agriculture. Professor Besaoy reports that the examinations in .his department havo been very generally satisfactory. The standings attained havo indicated -a .semester of successful work by nearly every member of each class. Frank D. Burr, hist ye.ar a student '. i j .: i. iv., kin the engineering uuyuriuiut u. wo Inlvalty, now holds a lucrative posi tion"' ttO" -LOUge, mum.. jrav win charge of tho electrical plant of that place, which runs the mines and lights the city. Even the Daily reporter occasionally. ' finds a funny vspot In tho day's experl tenco. Yesterday afternoon, after half in hours attempt to get an important telephone connection, he was rewarded the housewifely query: "Hello! iayrott hear the eggs frying." The Jrter didn't belong, and got out Registration at the Academy Is pro ceeding very slowly and tho principal is seriously considering the advisabil ity of levying a fine upon all latecomers. The shorthand class under Miss Hoffman seems assured. An excellent opportunity is afforded law students, but one of which they havo not as yet availed themselves. The students in Miss Nellio Dean's English class are onjoying a now test on extracts from standard authors, studied by the laboratory method. The matter is illustrated by artistic cuts and photogravures. TjTe debating club will meet Friday evening of this week. Tho young mon aro improving in their work and ap preciate the valuable guidance of Mr. Craft, Mr. Craft, fiowever, will be un ablo to be present Friday night. (The Ohio Teacher.) When we take into account tho in creased cost of living duo to the pros perous condition of this country for several years past, we must conclude that teachers are receiving relatively less today than they were ten years ago. When compared with salaries and incomes in other professions, the salaries of teachers aro overywhoro en tirely too low. Thero is now a Bcarcity of teachers in several countlps of Ohio. If the stringency in the supply should continue, one of two things will neces sarily follow: Tho shortago in tho supply will result either in tho Intro duction of teachers more poorly pre pared than those now engaged, or it will result in increase of salaries suf ficient to attract to the profession men and women pf skill and ability. It frequently happens in the commercial world that when there is a scarcity in a commodity tho people are forced to accept a very inferior article. How can we account for the decrease in the number of teachers who are really pre pared for tho great work? The fact is that a young man who may be mak ing ?1.60 a day in tho schoolroom finds ho can make $2.50 a day in the oil-fields, or shops, or coal-6ankB. A young man told the writer a few months ago that ho had quit teaching school to go to work In a coal-mine to earn money to take him through college! The average day-laborer in tho shops and mills and fields makes moro money than even a flrst-rae teacher. Farm hands receive from pSp) Columbia National Bank OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Capitol, $100,600.00 OFFICERS John B. "Wright, President J. H. Wescott, Vice-President Joe Samuels. 2d Vice-President P. L. Hall, Cashier "W. B. Ryons, Asst. Cashier Dr. J. R. HAGGARD 'Physician and Surgeon Special attention paid to diseases of females and rectal diseases. Rooms 2)2 to 214 Richard Block, Resi dence 13 10 G Street. Office Telephone 53S. Residence Telephone I 984. TUB ONLY UP-TO-DATB Billiard and Pool Parlor IN TOWN NO SALOON ATTACHED Tables newly covered Powell's, 145 North llth St. Phone L 664 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA ' Capital $200,000; Surplus $100,000; 'Profits $18,3 9; Deposits $2,596,093 S. H. Burnham, President A. J. Sawyer, Vice-President H. S. Freeman, Chlcr H. B. Evans, Assistant Cashier UNITED BTATfcB D&1OHITOIIY BOWLING ALLEY jB ALLEYS Standard and regulation j(n evjery particular' J2I0 Q ft. H.C.Thomas, Proprietor YgieBrosXaundryi f5f40 Street. Tet. 75f. ; ytrotk ,Hqm .satisfactory. QQ$p&&&&&$rf&&&$ A number of now courses have been established for the convenience of "conditioned" University students and regular Academy students who vare Just entering,, There is a beginning class in botany under the excellent management of Miss Edith Lathrop. There are also beginning classes in chemistry, algebra and plane geometry. JMH JB JH UBBMI JMB( JBMLJB Wi Mk JPBBJBJ ( JBJH J i wk JPPI JMBBJ JR. Sold onhj by Harley JDrug Co., Jlth & ,0 Sts vl V v i t I . 5 . i V ' fa ( I V 1 V 1L ,"?n in v. t - '., &', r Prjft'" . ? " ,.- , r M " - . 4 ,, .1; r . f V . .1. ,. 9 K - i y,,- y yyt :?. . 'i ' . ?... tf' ."- ; z" !s" v ' . r- tea, rJf.fr I. ' TV 1 A ,. ! " nr li.i.1 b -". , JLti'i.rl 1. ' .. . .r. . - - v . M-. . . .T raIinr.', H7 E . K A A w't JMtL.i.m. . 7V " M . f. l""- ' -"imTmMi T ' mm- jj. i,i irlbiiiifAV' . J.. ,-,.: fa- ssmss f