The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Gbe Datty IRebraeftan
A Aonnollrlntion of
Tlio Hcsporinn, Vol. 01. Tlio Nolinwkan, Vol. 12,
Bcnrlotnnd (Jrnnm.Vol. 4.
granaglntt Editor O. E. Pmrfinoim
aslnvRS Manngor - p P. Dnrrr
Nctvb Win, Crwo
BOOlOty Wm. A. Shock
Athletic A. I. Myers
Lltornry ..... j),n d. ftlco
Omoc: 200W. Unlvomlty Hnll. Phono A 1230
PoHt Offlco : Station A, Box ID, Lincoln
Enter 1 at tlio postofllco at Llnaoln, Nobroslca,
oh Hpoond olatw mall maitur. -
editorial Remarks
,y Wanted Patience.
Btudonta and faculty havo both
probably missed tho calls of Nobraskan
reporters. So have we. Tho second
semester's work of tho journalism
class, through Its changed field of
operation, deprives tho paper of some
four editors and twenty-flve reporters,
whoso efforts contributed largely to
the excellent "local and personal" ser
vice of last semestor's Nobraskan.
Naturally, this abrupt breach of for
merly useful relations has somewhat
upset the service for this semester.
Reporters are hard to get for olther
love or money at any rate, for tho
amount of monoy Tho Nobraskan Is
able to offer and tho reorganization
of the reporters' staff Is being carried
out undor severo discouragements.
However, If our readers draw heavily
upon their Block of patlenco In our
bohalf, wo hope to reward them by
a return to tho old standard within the
next week. Meantime, any news left
at the offlco or handed to any of the
staff wherever met will bo most grate
fully appreciated.
Under this head The Nobraskan
will be glad to recelvo student com
munications at all times, oven when,
as in the present instance, it is Itself
tho chief sufferer thereby. It is re
quested that all such contributions bo
signed, merely for tho Information of
the editor, and not necessarily for
Looking down O street from 27th
this morning at seven-thirty o'clock,
one saw an Interesting and peculiar
sight. It looked something Hid a tun
oral procession but moro like u Btreet
carnival. There wero slolghs, buggies,
delivery wagons, vans and pedestrians.
The University BooK Store
We haoe in stoch all Boohs and Materials used
at the Unioersity. Also Instruments used in
Mechanical Draining, Zooldgy, Botany and An
atomy: jfi Tablets, rapeteries, Unioersity Pin
Hat Pins. Fobs and Sooons. Waterman Foun
tain Pens in large quantity, j. The Unioersity
ren, trie oat uuiiur pen muue. uec our special
prices on Cioil Engineering Boohs.
hc Scarlet and Cream Store
Gbe ails
forming what looked like a continuous
lino from 27th to the postofflce.
Tho complaints one hears against
tho Lincoln fraction Company are
manifestly unJMtJr. If tho cars had
not cleared tho snow awfty by running
at Intervals how could all these peo
ple havo walked to their places of
business through tho Bnow drifts?
"Oivo tho Dovll his dues" is a very ap
propriate maxim to apply hero.
0. J.
One not acquaintod with tho facts,
on reading tho articlo placarded so
glaringly on tho first page of Tuesday's
Dally, would get the Impression that
thoro was a want of harmony and co
operation between the executive de
partment and the faculty body. Sup
posing that such want of harmony ex
isted which we in the University know
is not the case would it be the duty
of our college paper to publish it from
the house tops?
J. F.
Not So Bad as That.
Ernest Dessey writes under date of
January 31, from PIttsfiold, Mass.:
"1 have received no Nebraskans
since January 14 and miss them very
much. I hope you have not had to
suspend publication."
The announcement In the last num
ber of The Nebraskan boforo examina
tion week that tho paper would take a
vacation until the beginning of tho
socond semester, appears to have
missed a good many of our outside
subscribers, and numerous inquiries
like tho foregoing have reached ub.
The Nr!)raskan Is glad to reply that
it has not suspended publication, and
has largo hopes of avoiding any such
fate In the Immediate future. Our
mailing list Is now In proofcss of revi
sion and correction, and within a few
days we hope to have tho outside sub
scribers supplied regularly with each
issue of tho paper. Meanwhile, In
quiries of tho above character Indi
cate an Interest In The NebraBkan
and its endeavors which is greatly ap
preciated by all connected with the
pa po r.
The Pedagogical club meets this
(Thursday) evening at 7:30 In U. 210.
Presldont Allon of the Lincoln school
board will speak on tho "Relation of
the Teacher to tho School Board."
These meotings of the cUib give the
members much practical Information
as to school life and school conditions.
Dr. Dentz, Dentist. Eleventh and O.
t . -41 , Y d
viivvK.auvu uvivz
Program for the Week
Roy. Bullock will lend tho week's
devotional exercises.
Thursday: Musical program.
Friday: A. E. Pope, of Omaha Deaf
and Dumb Institute.
Monday: Rev. L. P. Ludden.
Yesterday's Exercises:
Dean Davis gave tho convocation ad
dress yesterday, using as his text
"South Carolina." That southern
state was settled by two classes of
people the eastern part by tho "aris
tocracy" from tho coast region, and
the western or "upland" part by refu
gees from the older colonies, and main
ly Scotch-Irish In its composition. Tho
sectional separation thus begun has
lasted to tho present day, though the
establishment of the state university
at Columbia lessened somewhat tho
great divergence. Senator Tillman Is
tho present most prominent represen
tative of the "uplands" element tho
"poor white" and overseer class. The
intensity of the hostility with whjch
he was regarded by the aristocracy was
illustrated by Senator Haskell's re
fusal to sit by hiB side durlrig the
polltlcnl campaign In which Tillman
was elected, and by tho decline In at
tendance at the unlvorsity from 206 to
40 whon Tillman was elected trustee.
Professor Davis was inclined to be
Hevo that the "aristocracy" of the
eastern section had some decided ad
vantages. It was usually regarded as
Intolerant, but was In reality one of
tho moBt tolerant and liberal of peo
ples. The old Whig party had a largo
following In the South Carolina aris
tocracy for years, and numbers of Its
prominent members opposed and re
gretted secession. This liberality and
refinement was evldont in other ways.
Less attontion was paid to differences
of language and manner than In al
most any othor place. Honor was
highly esteemed and cheating was re
warded by student expulsion of the
culprit before sundown of tho day of
his crime. Altogether, Professor Davis
evidently sympathized with the eastern
Carolinians during these days of the
Tillman ascendency.
$3.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at
the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. 13th St.
Students are cordially Invited.
Compliments Condra.
Dr. Condra, of the geology depart
ment, delivered a lecture last Friday
night at St. Paul's church on "The
Physiography of Nebraska." Satur
day he addressed tho York County
Teachers' Association at York on the
Same subject. Considerable interest is
being taken throughout tho state In
this lino of work, and is especially wel
come in that it brings the University
into still larger contact and sympathy
with the local educational interests of
That such contact is appreciated is
Bhown by the following extract from a
letter of County Superintendent Bishop
to Chancellor Andrews, under date of
Feb. 2:
"The lecture, 'Geography of Nebras
ka,' given here last Saturday by Pro
fessor Condra, so delighted our teach
ers that I want to commond It to other
county superintendents. It pleased all
our teachers from primary to high
school. It is the best of the kind that
we havo had hero. It entertains, in
structs and will make more loyal Ne
braskans wherever It is given."
II California X
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Cornell, Yale, Har
vard, Princeton, Le
fand Stanford, U. of
f., Welesley, Bryn
Mawr, and the others. Illustrated bulletin,
samples, etc., upon request.
Trade Marks
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Anyono aondlna a aktoh and deacrlptlmi ty
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Scientific Hmericatt.
A handsomely Ulnstratod weekly.
I-antcst dr-
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