The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 23, 1903, Page 4, Image 4
a.;,-" '"' r"- ' ssrwrrKTT&&.- THE tAILY NEBRA8KAN. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS i. 4 1 Weber Sultorium Students, Your Clothes Need Pressing. Corner Hth and O Streets. The Only Up -to -Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in Town. No Saloon At tached. Tables Newly Covered. Powell's, 14t6 N. 11th. Phone L664. The first National Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, 200,000; surplus, 100,000; pro fits, 18,319; deposits, $2,589,093; b. H. Burnham, prest; A. J. Saw. yer, vice-prest; H. S. Freeman, cashier; H. B. Evans, asst. cash.; Frank Parks,- asst. cash. United States Depository. in-"----------- ! 2- I D i I 1 ji 1 1 it 1 ,!i Z Translations Llfcral, joe. Interllnfcar, $1.50. 147 yoU. ictionaries German, French, Italian, Snanlah, Latin, Greek, fa.oo, and $1.00. Completely Parsed Caesar, Book I HatonarA page, inttrlintar translation, literal translation, and wry w ord ctmftettfy pa rsed . $ 1 . 50. Completely Scanned and Parsed Ae- ndd, Book L iso. .ffWjM , 1900. , HINDS &7 NOBLE, PuMlshm, , 4-3-6-it-is-M Cooper Institute, N. Y. City. Sckolbookt cj all fublitktrt at ont tttrt. Official Bulletin. This column Is devoted mainly u, uotlcoe of tho university. All depart ments and student organizations hav ing notices to publish Bhould leavo them either at tho executive ofllco, at the ofllco of the paper, or hand them to anyono connected with tho paper. All announcements should bo In by G p. m. xxxxxoxxcxcxocxcocxocxc TO ALL INSTRUCTORS. Examination questions for mimeo graphing must be in at least forty eight hours before they are needed. MARIE JENSEN. U. 105. li)TH CENTURY ESSAYISTS. With the instructor's permission, students may take Eng. Lit. 3C (the second semester In the Nineteenth Contury Essayists) without having taken Eng. Lit. 35. M. M. FOGG. PRELIMINARY DEBATES. Tho preliminary debates will take place on January 30 and 31. NOTICE. Junior girls do not meet today. The business to have been transacted at the meeting will be disposed of in the Ju nior class meeting this morning. FRENCH I. If twenty students desire French I next Bomester a class will bo formed for 10:30 o'clock. Please report by Wednesday. January 27, to CLARA CONKLIN. Y. W. C. A. Meeting of tho Young Woman's Christian Association will be held Sun day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Miss May Irwin, chairman of the Union City MlsBlon, will speak. 8peolal milBic has boon provided and it Is hoped that a large number of our young women will bo present. REGISTRATION. Registration for second semester will bo as follows: Freshmen and 8ophomores Jan 26 (M.). 27 (T.). and 28 (W.) Juniors, Seniors and all others Jan. 29 (Th.). and 30 (F.), 8 to 12 a. ra., and 2 to 4 p. m. Each Btudont muat present before registering receipt from sccrotary treasurer for incidental fee paid. t THE REGISTRAR CLASS IN SCIENTIFIC GERMAN. Provided enough students wish to take up scientific German next semes ter, I Bhall arrange a class to be regis tered for as 4b, reciting at 9 o'clock. Tho credits are to be tho same as for course 4a. All who wish to enter this class will please potify me on or bo foro Tuesday, January 27. I must have this Information In order to know whether the class needs to be arranged for. LAWRENCE FOSSLER. JUNIOR8. Class meets this mornjng at" 10 a. m., in L. 109. Important business will be transacted relative to spaoe In the Ju nior Annual. . , MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. If fifteen or more students desire it, a class In mechanical engineering 3, forgo work, wll be organized next se moater to meet 1-5 Friday and 8-12 Saturday with a lecture to be arranged. Students desiring this work should see Professor Richards or Mr. Votaw at once. GREEK IN ENGLISH. Greek 31, a three hour courso, will be offered during the second semester. It is based on the study of English wordB derived from the Greek, with especial reference to modern literary and sci entific terms. It Is intended primarily for those who wish to obtain In one se mester, a fair knowledge of the Greek element In our own language. No previous knowledge of Greek 1b re quired for this course. Clqss will meet M . W , and F. at 3. In U. 201. NEW COURSE IN CHEMISTRY. The department of Chemistry offers an elective course In the chemistry of foods and beverages. It will be given by J. M. Nelson, chemist of the State Food Commission. Special attention will bo paid to tho detection and determination of adul terants and preservatives. Tho object of the course is to train the student In the analytical work required by pure food legislation. , H. H. NICHOLSON. GET YOUR CHARTS. The following named men will please call for their charts at the Physical Director's office: W. J. King, A. L. Helmrod, W. J. Falrchlld, A. I. Myers, S. C. Lambert, L. S. Krake, Geo. L. Sullivan, E. T. Callings, E. F. Myers, G. E. Hendricks, C. M. Mathewson, A W. Sampson, W. G. Hiltner, O. E. Buckley, W. A. PoBey, Ralph Ray, E. V. Graves, N. J. Elliott, and P. L. Vance. Perfect Alignment PERMANTLY SECURED BY CORRECT MECHANICAL FEATURES The New Century Typewriter is direct in action, faultless in construc tion and wholly satisfactory in operation. BOOK OF THE NEW CENTURY MAILED FREE. AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO., 415 So. 15ih Street, Omaha. THE UNION PAClrtC 18 KNOWN A.8 he Overland foute AND IS THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO ALL PRINCIPAL WESTER.N POINTS. 3 3 Vli Ornah THE UNION PACIFIC IS 204 miles shorter to . 27A miles shorter to . 278 miles ohortcr to 358 miles shorter to Lrxke City Sblti Francisco . . Los Angeles . . . Portland 12 hours quicker to City 16 hours quickor to Srn Frtvncisco 16 hours quicker to . . . Los Angeles 16 hours quicker to Portland THAN ANY OTHER. LINE. y Electric Lighted Trains Daily Fall information chcrrfnlh furnished on UMilicxiion to . E. B. SLOSSON. Aeent. f j ft THE. NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION IS Tho Authority oi tho Ungll&h-dpo&lilns World All Good Things innnt win upon tholr merits. The Intern ation a l, liua won i irruatcr distinction und 13 In moro gonurul u?o tnan any otuer work of Its kind. Tho New Edition bu Z36t Inge with oOOO llluatrations and U printed from now piatra mrouipwui. ti,w nvw viirua inu puraaea nave recently been added under the odltorshlp of V. T. Harris, Ph.D., LL.D , U H. CoinmiMlonrr of Kducatlon. LET US SEND YOU FREE "A Test In Pronunciation" which afford a pleasant and in- evening i entertainment. Illustrated pamphlet alto Irce. WEU3TER3 1 U. O U. MCKH1AH tU., aprlnsfleld, MbSI. i INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY AI WEBSTErVS INTERNATIONAL; iK.iaa.iHraiMMikmw" ::::: :&:i:; U-1M-DEE. A new Co cil has alighted In town, U-pl-dee, U-pf-da I In in ii(-to-datet tailor made cown.U-pl-de-l-da I 1 he buys are wild, and prea la, too, You necr taw auch a hulla-ba-loo. CHOHU5. - U pl-dee Wee l-da I etc. Her voice Is clear as a soaring lark'i. And her wit la like those trolley-car sparks! when crosa a muddy street she flits. The boys all have conniption fits I The turn of her head turns all ouri. too. There"! always a strife to sit In her pew j TMs enough to make a parson drunk. To hear her slnf old co-ca-chc-lunk I Tha aboTe.aad three other NBTWvertes to U-P I DEE, ln. WBW V,"DS. catchy, up-to-date, to many other of the popular OLD FAMILIAR TtmsrSj be tides OLD FAVORITK3 ; and also many NBW SONGS. SOItps OP ALL THS C0LLSGB8. Oirrrft. 9 Price, $t JO, oilgig". jaw. HINDS ft NOBLE. Pkll.en, Ntw Ytrk City. ScAolikt eatublitJUr at oh iter. if if if if If If if, if S0N03 OF ALL THE COLLEGE! which IS alike itiltahla I tt. Ti.ri . . the pL tor tho .tudeit ol the iSxuA ' lort)ieboy(f,W) , avHifmtrlft U an, lu LJlL'A HHri)8 -ROMLX. bUh17lil' HM-1J-11-14 Cooper Inititutl ut-ir BcUoolbooka of .Jl jmUlaoara at on aUr srl j? If v s rm)t''v.''von"i bWEaELiluAJl I '"'''' JLJ.1' L.'tv1!.", iMJm j,iij Miwf in ii iuii-iii. t i-v i- I ' .i!'