Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1903)
tj mi tr '. ; THE DAILY NEBRASAN. CALIFORNIA i Get Another Man Interested In the Daily Nebraskan He Should be A Subscriber Only One More Week of SANDERSON'S DISCOUNT SALE DON'T MISS IT! Local and Personal Oliver Theater Pharmacy. Dr. Bontz, Dentist, Eleventh and O. Saturday "2" o'clock. DU TEIL CI6ARS "THAT'S ALL'' I Ml 1 I Masquerade sulta at Ludwig's. Restaurant Unique, 1228 0 BtreeL Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 8o. 11th. C. E. Brown, dentist Burr block. Columbia National Bank Of Lincoln,- Nebraska. Capital, $100,000.00 Officers: John B. "W right, 'Presi dent; J. H. Westcott, Vice-Presi dent; Joe Samuels',, $d Vice-Presi dent; P. L. Hal,. Caekicr; W. B. Ryons, ASsiBtant Uastaer. ; I J DR. J- A- HAGGARD. Physi cian and Surgeon. Special atten tion paid to diseases of lemajes and rectal diseases.. , Rooms 212 to 214 Richards block. Residence 13 10 G street. Office telephone 535. Residence telephone L 984. Teeth filled wiUioiit pain OR. A-BLAyRES, DENTIST A libera discount to students. 141 So. J2TH St.. - Lincoln, 'Neb Eat at llendry'e, 129 North Elovqnth. Cameron's lunch counter, 118' So, 11th. Dr. Ketchum, Oculist, Richards blk. Glasses fitted and guaranteed. Miss Eva McCune, '00, Is vlBltlng her brother, C. C. McCuno. Mr. Eddy Meyer, the football cook, has been engaged by the Sigma Alphs. E. P. Sweeley of Omaha, Is visiting, his Bon Fred at the Alpha Thcta Chi house. MM Students, do you want to earn some money? If so, address F. H. Loper, Lincoln, Neb. Mr. Arthur E. Welch, of Osceola, Is here visiting friends. ' The R. & 6. barber shop,' 1144 O St. Seven chairs. The finest In the city. BOWLING ALLEY 8 ALLEYS. Standard and Regula tion in every particular. 12 10 O street H. O. THOMAS, Proprietor Yule Bros. Laundry J5J4 O Street. TeL 754. Originators of the idea of sending home work satisfactory IflT?R00LLEGIATE BTJBEATJ OF .A04DEMI0 0PBTUME. OOTBELL & LE0NABD, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the 0APB GOWNSandHOODB to TJniv. of Nebraska. Univ. of Minnesota, Univ. of Ohioago, Univ. of Omaha, Cor nell, Tale, Harvard, Princeton, Leland Stanford, U. of P., Welosley, JByrn Mftwr and the others. Illustrated bulletin, samples, oto. upon roqtiCBt. 1H.S SSSS mhht -VgBSSSSSfSSi U 1" ' $3.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe, 11716. 13th"st. Students are cordally lrfvlted. r" . " . , s v T . s v. Little Ctom hot waffles .served at-the Merchants'. Cafe, 117 North 13tfc St. Wo havo a lnrgo Btudent patronage. ,- Mr. Chapln, Phi Psl, of Omaha, now In the employ of the Cady Lumber Co., Is visiting with his "frat" brothers. , It may please many to hear that F. HopklnBon Smith will he In Lin coln next Thursday. He will give a locturo In the Y. L C. A. course. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS VIA The Burlington EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. 0nlV $5-00 for a Double Berth an $40-00 for a R. R. Ticket Lincoln to Los Angeles Call and get full information. Depot, 9th and P Streets. City Office, 10th and O Streets. CAPITAL CAfC Open Closing out of U. U. horn's old book, store. books at Os- U. N. books closing out at Oaborn's old book store. Save by getting hooka while they last at Osborn's old- book store. Ail elementary course In astronomy is offered tho second semester. Dance, away your troubles ,at the Of ficers' Hop, Tuesday night of examina tion week. The address given by L. C. Burnett of Nobraska lty, before' tho Agricul- turallsts Wednesday naonilncwas-rsaid- to ihavo been one of tho:aysMrvi this session. iir. Burnett recMved',2rfl' uppiuuau, cungruiuiauons ono laaanB for tho enlightenment glvem;;-Jn,M-hiB paper. A Good vBWyK Place Sv All pfflswe-rv.'rlBiBBRWjiKi KMT 1 T 1 TT'Z MaSS '( . Charles A. Scott, who Is in charge of tho government forest reserve in western Nebraska, called at tho depart ment of botany headquarters recently to consult some books on forestry in tho library. Mr. Scott spent several days In visiting tho nurseries in and around Lincoln and in Btudying tho trees in this section. Ho is stationed at Halsey. ssT wftt&frXJmdkX ; - ' 7 ...'.. 'ir ""- 1 - , Z1. EV T T7D A' 2j?'&r! rj1TrrTf .l' " - J""J. B" -'jr- i -- ' - Buooeiwor to ihahuib vuuti,, rrop'i 121 tforth llth-Street, 00 YEAR' EXPERIENCE 5WSrtt4i. Help tlie battalion officers 'celebrato tho end of the semester at their hop Fraternity hall, January 30. Mr. Jesso Bell and MIbb Ada McFall were married Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the East Lincoln Grace M. E. church. Mr. Bell Is cashier of tho Belhvood bank in Bellwood and was a member of tho '02 clasB. The Library was somewhat deserted last night, notwithstanding the ap proaching examinations. Most took the opportunity of attending the re ception to t$. 13. Thompson lield at tho capitol during the evening. A large contingent of students put themselves In evidence at tho reception. Tho American hiBtory seminar is en gaged In making Investigation as to the original election districts of the state In 1854. This work Is one of ex treme difficulty and Involves' consid erable research. Many of the volumes and records of the Historical Society are being consulted and are found to contain much valuable information on the above subject. Un account of the examinations next week and tho difficulty which would bo experienced In distributing the paper and also so as to allow the editors of tho paper a chance to re deem themselves in their scholarship on account of past newspaper inter ests, the paper will not be published until February 2. It will be ready for distribution on the first day of tho second semester. sH sis Trade Marks DESIQNS Copyrights 'Ac. m7 r an mmunlca- Anyone lending a sketch and descrtpUoa n Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether InTontlon Is probably pftUwtbIe,Coininunl iNUBuyn aeonrin nteial notice, without charge. In the UonanrlcUyeonaaeatlaL HANDBOOK on Patent ent iroo. uiaoai aoeney zor eecunngpaicni. Potent token through Munn A Co. recelra Scientific American. handsomely llluii ilatlon of any acli year 1 four raontna, HUM 8 Co- A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Tersest clr- Terms, 93 m newsdealers. 361Bre.dwar.lleWT0rK Branch Office. 635 IT BL, Wasblnston. D. 0, culatlon of any clontlflo journal. roar 1 rour roomus, 91. eoiaoyaii SSSr r mjbSSSSSSS' HWH 0RAOE CHDCDIATE5 rf" BDNBnNS Sold ouIh by Harley Drug Co.. lltjiand 0 Streets Jhe Improved BOSTON GARTER The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Name "BOSTON GARTER" li stamped non every loop. The CUSHION. BUTTON! .CLASPi Lie nu to the tec never j-t- i ySIisf, Tears nor Unrastefu, SOLD .CVCRYWHERr. Bunpl xlr, Silk BOe. a Cotton 2Jc . Stalled oa ree!n of prlc. lasa: reosr oo.jfakn SOKa, Mtu.f WJiJt. every pair Warranted 2SSK Tfrntl jjgsggZ 11 J" 1 ?mz$mmmmMnrr - ,71 ,' , r --i J ;"S o . i V r M, 'kS kM'J. - "h - ..I. lU ' ci :' . li ,.t i ;vy -R'.