j"l f i. "' i' ' Tii..i.ii..,iim"MtoI i ii'fi-yi ii -- Sj . . I r FVji.fi, H" ') .'i4..i Jf ,r -- W -- '. -r ' y-" " . 'lu 1 c? l ' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN W r if 1 t "sT . 4 ' f 'r4 ' r K5 ,V fA 1 .; ( v u ,v 'J V 1 ( 5 A-" rh 7 " r 'I I V, 5' i i The Dally rTebraskan A Newspaper Devoted w tuo Interests of tho University of Nebraska. Published at THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA A Consolidation of THE HESPERIAN, VOL. XXXI. THE NEBRASKAN, VOL. XII. THE SCARLET AND CREAM, VOL. IV. Robert T. Hill Managing Editor Jobn F. Tobln NewB Editor Win. Caae Associate News Editor ASSISTANT EDITORS: R. A. McNown. Carlton C. Wllburn. Wm. A Shock. C. C. McCuno. REPORTERS. J. D. Rice. John R. Bender. E. F. DavlB. A. I. Myers. Henrietta Rees. P. P. Duffy . Advortlsrhg Circulator Fred K. Nielsen. OFFICE Second Floor of University Hall. POSTOFFICE ADDRESS Station "A," Box 13. Presbyterian Reception The Presbyterian church received the student of the various educational in stitutions b tho'clty last night In the parlorB rif the church. The Prcsfeyte rfan students of tho Lincoln BuHlnesB College, the Lincoln Academy, the Uni versity and other student members were Invited to enjoy an evening with the church people and to make the ac quaintance of each other. The Invita tions were well received and a good crowd attended. The evening was most pleasantly and profitably spent and all who were present express themselves as highly pleased. Hobson to Lecture Hon. John A. Hobaon, a prcr.ilnent English economist, will lecture before the School of Economics at Wisconsin University during the first three weeks In March. He will also deliver three lectures which will be open to the pub lic. Mr. Hobson is the author of "The Evolution of Capitalism" in two vol umes, and "Economics of Distribution," two widely used text bookB. He 1b also author of "John Ruskln, Social Re former." Mr. Hobson Is spending the winter In this country. He has already lec tured at John Hopkins University and will deliver a like course at the Universities of Chicago and Califor nia. Entered at the Postofilcc at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second class mall matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATE $2 Per Year. Convocation Announcements Convocation announcements for the week: Friday MubIc. Thursday Mr. Mcintosh of Omaha The other mornings wll be taken up by gentlemen prominent In the vari ous state societies which meet in Lin coln this week. A large number of out-of-town vis itors have been observed on and about tho campus since last week. These are for the most part men who nre more closely Identified with farm life, and hence have not tho opportunity to Inform themselves concerning the University as an educational Insti tution. All students would be doing a good thing If they paid all the attention possible to these men. When you see one with an inquiring expression on his face offer to inform him. He will appreciate your courtesy and perhaps aid the University some day. There is a tendency shown by stu dents to pass by strangers upon the campus and about the University with a self-important air which is not al ways pleasing to the outsider, and which calls out more or less unfavor able comment. Legislators who do not strongly sup port tho University or oppose it are (onstantly on the aler to find Haws In the college life. Many men feel that an education In worth nothing since they have got along without It. This narrow minded view must give place to a broader one before the University can gain a deserved solid position be fore the people of the state. Carrlcker to Leave Mr. Carrlcker, assistant In the en tomology department, will soon sever his connection with the University. II will spend a few days with his foiks at Nebraska City, and on Thursday, accompanied by Mr J C Crawford, jr . of this department and Mr M. M. Zlminer, formerly of the- University, now of Nebiaska City, ho will leave for NNow Orleans, from whence he will set sail on the steamer Olympla for Port Simon, Costa Rica. From there he will proceed to Puntarenas, on the Pacific coast, where he will have his headquaitors. He lu tends to be gone for several yeais, essentially on business, but also for scientific re search. Mr Carrlcker will be missed greatly by the University student, but espe cially by Professor Bruner of the en tomology department. D. W. Pierce will fill the vacam-y made by the loss of Mr Carrlcker. We wish Mr. Car rlcker and his companions a pleasur able and piolltable trip. The bowling match between the Phi Psi's and the Alpha Theta Chi's result ed in a victory for the Phi Psi's. The total number of pins knocked down by the Phi Psi's was 1,845, while the Alpha Theta Chi's scored 1.711. Scribner made the high score 198. yzmm GRADE nuTOLATES iJpH n n c NtiDNb Sold only bu Harleu Drug Co,, llUiajid D Streets - " - Whether jN BULK BRICKS OR INDIVIDUAL MOULDS FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAMS arc admittedly the finest. Your patronage solicited as we know we an please you. The Franklin Ice Cream and Dairy Co. Office and Factory, 133 South 12th Street. Phone F205. A G, SRALDNG & BROS. Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies. BASE BALL - LAWN TENNIS FIELD HOCKEY - - GOLF OFFICIAL ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS Illustrated Catalogue of Sports Mailed Free to Any Address. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New ork. Chicago. Denver. Buffalo. Baltimore. Professor Metcalf, who was In the department of botany last year, in tends to be In Lincoln next week to take hlB examination for the doctor's degree. The oldest college of law under the stars and stripes is in the city of Ma nila. This law college existed one bundled and fifty years before Harvard endowed the law department. The Dally Iowan. The trustees of Lafayette College have received the gitt fiom Mr. James Henwlck Hogg of a handsome build ing for the use of the Y. M C A It was opened October 22 with an address by Rev. James Dalcom Shaw, of New ovi. Charles A. Scott, who is in charge of the government forest leserves in Nebraska called at the rooms of the department of botany a day or two ago, in order to consult some of the books on forestry. He is greatly Inter ested In the new course in forestry In the University. WT TRADE jjS f& M Chicago College of Dental Surgery (Dental Department of Lake ro.csl L'nlvcrsliy.) Twentieth Annual Course of instruction will begin nbont Oct. lbt, 1901, ending about Mny 1st, 1U02 For cntnloguo giving full information rcciirdiniz courno nml for drscrintivo book- "AU work unci no niny mn08 JncK a dun noy." U-t, nddross Tbncolluo bund of It plict)H and tho vnrloim cIiiiwoh -rnninu in annnuv n altnrnnto In Riving monthly ontortnlnrncnta In- DR. TRUrYJ AN W. BROPH Y.LJOan, eluding musical, literary and hocIuI featuroe. Wood & HorrlBOn StS., Chicago. '- mammjJ&: Our graduates succeed because we prepare them to do something Oar Methods, Courses of Study, and Equipments arc Unexcelled. We help young1 peoplo who desire to succeed. EXPENSES LOW. COURSES THOROUGH. Write for Catalogue. Lincoln Business College 0 0 Lincoln, NebrasRa, YQU'RE-NOT-NEXT I A V T.r.r TK- I..L "- :t - : j. v t "f lH..l,.i,lwtl,'y1.yi. "r! s-iw -.