V" 'M - ,.,-,.,. . -.- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. V'v r !' !' I r ' I f - v r 4v V, A' (.' 1 1 'V L h 'a it" - BT -IV Weber Suitorium Students, Your Clothes Need Pressing. Corner 11th and O Streets. The Only Up -to -Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in Town. No Saloon At tached. Tables Newly Covered. Powell's, 146 N. 11th. Phone L664-. The first National Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $200,000; surplus, $100,000; pro fits, 18,319; deposits, $2,589,093; b. H. Burnham, prest; A. J. Saw. yer, vice-prest; H. S. Freeman, cashier; H. B. Evans, asst. cash.; Frank Parks, asst. cash. United States Depository. I!! " Translations i Literal, 50c Interlinear, $1 so 147 volt. Dictionaries German, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Greek, i oo, and $1 oo. Completely Parsed Caesar, Book I lias on each page, interlinear translation, literal translation, and every word completely parsed $i 5a Completely Scanned and Parsed Ae neid, Book I. $1 50. Ready .1 ugnstqoa. HINDS & NOBLE, Publishers, 4 5-6-H-13-14 Cooper Institute, N.Y. City. SchoolSoois ofalluil shers at one store. hi !i! ! " ! Official Bulletin. This column Is devoted mainly u, noticou of tho unlvoralty. All depart ment and student organizations hav ing notices to publish should leave tliom either at tho oxecntlvo office, at tho ofllco of the paper, or hand them to anyone connected with tho paper. All announcements should be In by 6 p. m. cccocoocxxxxcxcooodc NOTICE. MIbh Hcrron will offer next semes ter a now course. Labor Problems. It is open to all students who have taken course 1. Tho class will meet Tues days and Thursdays at 3 o'clock. AMERICAN HISTORY Tho following courses In American history may bo entered the second se mester Courses 6 and 3Ga, Mr. Cook; course 2, Mr. Aylsworth; courses 2 and 8, Mr Porslngor, course 24. Judge Pound, course 40, Professor Caldwell NOTICE. Students may enter tho College of Medicine tho second semester 1-egln-nlng February 2, U03. :J S -rutomrsA From the Factorv to your Head. ONE PR0FlT&" ONE PRICED ONE QUALITY. GUAffANTKD ATS ,iuwa3?P,M)thsuiat GLEE CLUB NOTICE. Tho Gleo Club wll moet tonight at the usual place at 7 p. m Notice change of hour Other important matters. The Slices cOFTHt. CENTURY. Brimful of TYLE. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. C. L. Dean, Instructor In mechan ical engineering, will offer the follow ing new courses next semester: Mcch. Eng. 2G. Air brakes In Theory and Praitice, Mech. Eng. 28. Locomotlvo Design; Mech Eng. 30. Railway Equipment For further particulars regarding those courses see Professor Rlt hards or Mr Dean. Students! Decorate Your Rooms! U ARTISTIC POSTER FREE. Send us your name on a postal card and we will mail to you free a new brilliantly colored Washburn poster (size 12x18 inches). This poster is the creation ol the Viking's Head Studio, and has been pronounced exceedingly bright and clever. It represents a pastoral scene, a "abbit enamored of the music of a mandolin. Write today, this offer may not appear again. LYON & HEALY, 17 Adams St., Chicago, Makers ol the World-Famous Washburn Guitars. Mandolins, Banlos and Zllhert- We promptly obtain U. B. and Forolgu IrfllHUM Send model, sketch or photo ol Invention for f roe ro port on patentability. For free book, How to Secure YD inC lllDl0 ""e Patonu and I HAD MA it IV 0 to MVJU.1HJ in.rvi. in vi OpposU U. S. Patent Offlos WASHINGTON D. C. wf GRADUATE CLUB The treasurer of the Graduate Club wishes to call the attention of the members to the fact that tho annual assessment for 1902-'03 is now due. In order to expedite collections an assist ant treasurer has beon appointed for each of the buildings, namely, Pror. Paul Grumman, University hall, Or. T. L. Bolton, library; Mr H. S Evans, Mechanic Arts; Dr Geo Con dra, Nebraska hall; Miss Mary L. Fosslor. Chemical Laboratory, Miss Rachael Corr. Experiment Station. R S. HILTNER. Tho Palladlans and Dollans are go ing to play basket ball next Fiiday night. The University will bo In evidence at the reception to be given Hon D. E Thompson next Thursday. The class In political economy 1 will meet In the art room In the library next Wednesday Instead of the chapel, where It has met during the art exhibition Perfect Alignment PERMANTLY SECURED BY CORRECT MECHANICAL FEATURES The New Century Typewriter is direct in action, faultless in construc tion and wholly satisfactory in operation. BOOK OF THE NEW CENTURY MAILED FREE. AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO.,415 So.l5ih Street, Omaha. THE UNION PACIFIC 18 KNOWN AS he Overland foute AND IS THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO ALL PRINCIPAL WESTER.N POINTS. 3 S Vli Ornah THE UNION PACIFIC IS 204 miles shorter to . Stxlt Ltnko City 278 miles shorter to . S&n Frsvncisco 278 miles shorter to . . Los Angeles 358 miles shorter to . . . Portland 12 hours quicker to Sa.lt Ltvke City lb hours quicker to Scvn Frcvrvcisco 16 hours quickor to . . . Los Antfoles 16 hours quicker to Portland THAN ANY OTHER. LINE. Electric Lighted Lniins Dail jV I till information c her if nil furnished on ailicanon to I v" A E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. m im THE. NE.W AND ENLARGED EDITION IS The Authority of the E.nglih-Spo&rUni World All Good Things must win upon tholr merit . Tun Inteiinationaij (ins won u trr-eatcr distinction and is in inoro iruiicr.il uo than any other work of Its kind. Tho New Edition bu 23M paco lth COOO lllui(rlloa and li printed from new nUt thrmiirhout. x,uuu nw woiuj una pnriwo nava rccrmij ixen aiiuea unosr Uii odltunhlp of W T. Harrlt, 111. I) , I.I.I) , U H CommUaloner of Kducatloo. LET US SEND YOU FRE.E "A Test in Pronunciation" which aflordi a pleasant and in (tractive evening's entertainment. lllunratcd iianihlet alto free WEBSTEn'S I G.OC. MERRIAM CO., Sprlncflold, Maaa. . INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL i NARY . IU ri H MM d riVM i tk ri rVf.l A DICT1C ikiinir-iivr-inJiwiitkr:MT AV- A- V AA- A AA. AA ? U Pl-DKE It 'if Miss Howell has Issued Invitations to the younger members of tho faculty for an "At Home," Wednesday evening, to meet Miss Puffer and Miss Roundy. A new Co-cd hat alk-hted In town. ' V plI. U .fUI Uy In ii ii-to-latcM tillor made uown.U pl-de l-la I fv nc ,vy aic wiiu, unil nc it, loo, t uu ncter taw tui.h a nulla lu loo LHOHU4 - U pUlee I dec Ula I etc. Her voice la dear it .1 toarliur; lark t. Ami Iter m It Ii like lln.se trolley car kiurkil Wlien i roll 4 muclilv ttreet the (11 ti. The Ixjyt all have conniption fit I The turn nf her heart tum all oun, too. There 1 alwat tlrife to tit In her pew j 'TU enough to maka a parmii tlrunk. To hear her tliitf old co ca chc lunk I m and nkw wOKUb, catchy, up to-date, to many flt Tl other of the popular OLII FAM11.IAK TUNBSi le- tf ' Jf tldcJ Ol 1) FAVOH1TU4 , and alto many NEW SUNOS P. t! ft P. There will be no gymnasium classes this week on account of the Farmers' Agricultural Exhibit to be held in the Armory. Every student Bhould attend this and see Nebraska's fine exhibit Friday afternoon the Alumni Girls' basket ball team played the High suhool in tho gymnasium of the new High School building. The score was 25 to 15 in favor of the latter, although the Alumni did some very good play ing. There was a good attendance of High School 8tu.deij.ts, present and for mer, as well as several outsiders. SONGS OP ALL THE COLLDOHS m Ooprichi, Price, f,i jo, fiottpaid. nou. a umuo a. huulc, ruDiiiocn, new Tor Ulty. n n Schoolbookt of all fiubltihert at one store. W Dgga Ya,.rP,e,n,CI10wancl the New Haven Union a- rhe question olxvAat in thtxeerldt five a runJii aolved by S0N&8 OF AU THE COLLEGES " which is alike suitable (or the cofieirlan of the past, for the student of the present, and for the boy (orrirl) with hopes; al.o for the m.1ir.loY,Dg ,&ter ntl lW best g-lrl." All the Nw tones, all tie OLD sonrt. t and the soneetoftdar at all the (eltiees ; , n'"""1 tift many horn any where r LtO-BOOK 8TOM. M08I0 DXALXU. &M WINDS & NOBLE. Publisher. t-6-6-12-13-14 Cooper Institute. Niw Vmv Soboolbooks of ail pubUahen at one atom C Secure a Practical Education ONE THAT WILL FIT YOU FOR REAL LIFE. Wo make a specialty of preparing young men and young women (or Business. Ours is an old estab lished Institution. Expenses low Send for Cata logue. Lincoln Business College, Lincoln, Nobrasha. f h JLui. ' "" 4." ' i3 j-, t j