Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1903)
l' &- 1 -! &: ( THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. .s' 1 'l , r i ,'wi i r r i'-; L''. if. M f- h I ; ' u . ,'' -? ) t r. v Weber Suitorium Students, Your Clothes Need Pressing. Comer 11th and O Streets. The Only Up -to -Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in Town. No Saloon At tached. Tables Newly Covered. Powell's, 14( N. 11th. Phone L((4. The first National Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $200,000; surplus, $100,000; pro fits, $18,319; deposits, $2,589,093, b. II. Burnham, prest; A. J. Saw. yer, vicc-prest; H. S. Freeman, cashier; H. 13. Evans, nsst. cash.; Frank Parks, asst. cash. United States Depository. Official Bulletin. ThlB column Ib devoted mainly to notices of tho university. All depart ments and student organizations hav ing notices to publish should leavo them either at the executive ofl&ce, at the office of the paper, or hand them to anyone connected with the paper. All announcements should ho In by 6 p. m. OCXXXKXDCDXCOX0CCCXC NOTICE MIbh Hcrron will offer next Homes ter a new course, iJibor Problems. It In open to all students who have taken course 1 The class will meet Tues days and Thursdays at 3 o'clock. " " " Translations Literal, 50c Interlinear, $1. so. 147 vols. Dictionaries German, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Greek, $2.00, anil It. 00. Completely Parsed Caesar, Book I. H.non each page, interlinear translation, literal translation, and every word completely parsed. $1 50. Completely Scanned and Parsed Ae- neid, Book L $1 50 Ready A tijrust, iqoo. 9 HINDS & NOBLE, Publishers, 4-5-6-i-i3-i4CooperInstltute, N.Y. City Sckoolbooks 0 all publultei s at one store. " " AMERICAN HISTORY. The following courses In American history may be entered the Becond semester- Courses fi and 3Ga, Mr. Cook, course 2, Mr. Aylsworth; courses 2 and 8. Mr. Ferslnger, course 24. Judge Pound; course 40, Professor Caldwell. NOTICE, may enter the Students may enter the College 01 Medicine the second Bemester r-egih-nlng February 2, 1J03. 3 From the Factory t your Head, One Profit ONE PRICED UNE gUALlTY SlARANTffO ATS 7tottrs4AwfJ3P")tiU0rt The Success CENTURY. Brimful of TYLE. wKp MECHAMCAL ENGINEERING. C. L. Dean, instructor In mechan ical engineering, will offer the follow ing new courses next semester: Mech. Eng. 26, Air lirakes in Theory and Practice; Mech. Eng. 28. IxnomoUvo Design; Mech. Eng. 30. Railway Equipment. For further particulars regarding these courses see Professor Richards or Mr. Dean. Perfect Alignment PERMANTLY SECURED BY CORRECT MECHANICAL FEATURES The New Century Typewriter- is direct in action, faultless in construc tion and wholly satisfactory in operation. BOOK OF THE NEW CENTURY MAILED FREE. AMEftlCAN WRITING MACHINE CO.,415 So.15lh Street, Omaha. VU HIGH GRADE CHOCOLATES " BDNBDN5 Sold onlu bu HarleyDrug Co,, lltjiand D Streets Students! Decorate Your Rooms! IN ARTISTIC POSTER FREE. Send us your name on a postal card and we will mad to you Iree a r.ow brilliantly colored Washburn poster (size 12x18 inches). This poster is the creation ol the Viking's Head Studio, and has been pronounced exceedingly bright and clever. It represents a pastoral scene, a rabbit enamored of the music of a mandolin. Write today, this offer may not appear again. LYON & HEALY, 17 Adams St., Chicago, Makers ol tho World-Famous Washburn Quitars. Mandolins. Banios and Zithers. Wo promptly obtalu U. 8. and Foreign mm Send model, sketch or photo of lnrepllon foi iroe report on patentability. For tree book, uowioueouroTnanr U in io write Patents and I llAUll'-MAlllVO to MM il"J I M hb i i i i Opposite U. S. Patent Offlc GRADUATE CLUB The treasurer of the Graduate Club wishes to call the attention of the members to the fact that the annual asHossment for 19U2-'()3 is now due. In order to expedite collections an assist ant treasurer has been appointed for each of the buildings, namely, Prof Paul Grumman, University hall, I)r T. L. Holton, library; Mr. H. S. Evans, Mechanic Arts, Dr. Geo. Con-, dra. Nebraska hall; Miss Mary I,. Fossler, Chemical Laboratory; Miss Ilachacl Corr, Experiment Station. It. S. HILTNER The Y M. V, A has under contem plation the holding of a lllble Institute next week Dean Edgren has just published his Swedish translation of several poems by Gennyron The work has been well received The king of Sweden has conferred on him the honor of the North Star The Pershing Rides will not drill next Thursday, but will hold an open' drill Thursday for examination work. Next semester it is probable that the drills will be held semi-weekly, Instead of weekly It has been proposed that every drill be an open drill, and that a silver meuai e presented to me winner in spell-down each time Captain Case announced to the ca dets Friday night that there would be no drill this week Instead he will lec ture to Company A Monday, Company C, Wednesday, and Clmpany D Friday, at 5 p. m . In the Military Tactics lec tuic room. He will discuss subjects relative to the behavior and deport ment of cadets, both outside and dur ing drill hour. The Western Reserve and Oherlin Universities are to debate the question: "Resolved, That the United States I should retain permanent control of THE UNION PAfclFtC 18 KNOWN A6 1 he (jver land oute AND IS THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO ALL PRINCIPAL WESTERN POINTS. "5 "5 Via Omaha THE UNION PACIFIC IS 204 miles shorter to . Ltvko City 278 miles shorter to . Scvn Francisco 278 miles shorter to . . Los Angeles 358 miles shorter to . . . Portland 12 hours quicker to Ltvke City 16 hours quicker to Sen Frcvnclsco 16 hours quicker to . . . Los Angeles 16 hours quicker to Portland THAN ANY OTHER. LINE. Electric Lighted 'rams Patty j lull information chceilnlh tuinihcd on .ii'l'liouioii to I a 1? 11 OT "C o r XT A .. P E. B. SLOSSON, Agent .vw J'M THE. NE.W AND ENLARGED EDITION IS The Authority of the E-ngllah-SpcaKlnu World Alt Gfod TliintrH must win upon their merits. Tub Inteunation l. Ini3 w on u jrrctcr (llbtlnct Ion and 1b in more (ronerr.l ueo Hum uny other work of Its kind. Tim Krw Edltinu Laa 2."J5I ilh 6300 lllimtrtlon uul U printed from new )UtrM thnniirliout i,(MKJ ikt,w w rtlj a'ul phr-isa ImTa rrcentlj bn added under (lie cdltonfalp of W T iUrrn, I'h I)., LI..D , U 3. Cuuimiulooer at ICducaltou. LET US SEND YOU FREE "A Tost la Pronunciation" which aford a pleasant and In structs c cvcnuiK'a entertainment. Illustrated pamphlet also tree. VrXDSTEits 1 G. a C. MERRI AM CO., Sprlnsrieid, Mass. i INTEllNATIOrJAL DICTIONARy WEBSTER'S tNTEnKMlOrUL NART I ivii m i nMM y rn.f.l n Tm u riVif .1 kfA oicnc HL111kr-lltU11fJLWlBWWHUm ax? -v: -C Ci 'tt i . I" A AV. : 7C U PI-OhE. '1 A t.. -.1 I.-- .it ...... i. . . ni.n eu lias ailVIIICil in 1UW11. V pUlce, V pi ld t UU In -.11 no to-latet tailor mile ijown.U pi-de-l-dil ft .. ,jr aic Wliu, 4IIU prCX U, lOO, You nun u a hulla-la loo. C IIOHUS U pUlee Wee l-da I etc. Her voice h clear as a toarlng lark's, Ami her lt N like those trolly-cai spirktS When 'cros a muilily street she tilts, 1 he boys all have conniption fits 1 The turn of her heMl turns all ourn. too, rherc's always a strife to sit in her pew ; ' I Is enough lu make a parson drunk. To hear her sing old co ca che lunk I ,. The above, and three other NKW ere to U-r I-DHE, Tj, Q and NKW WORDS, catchy, up-toilate. to many 1V TI others of the poular oi.u fAMILIAU TONUS, be- Tl ' M stiles OLD FAVOHITUS , anil aUo many NKW SONOS. tt 'it It I" ttf. ft 80NGS OP AM. TOB mT.T.KORS lv H Cpjritin, q Price, l-i jo, fioitpajd. uoo. W HINDS & NOBLE, Publishers, New York Cltr. uu Sckoolbooki oj all Publishers at one store. JHo It 8vs The question of ivXat in tht world ta Civ a friend Is solved by SONGS OF ALL TUP rm I cnte u.t.l. ... -III.- -. .1.-1.1 1 .. flUt. ..Kim ia uc suiiaoie io uie pa; (or the music- w , " ?vr'"r sat coaeres i m, """out rift in any heme any wJUre." , 51.B0-DOOK 8TOBM. UVBIO DXXUUtalM HINDS 6e 1TOBLE. Piihii.v,- a , it1.?lt.PLrJS1?. Nw Vowc """" w " ynouaaan as OS tore A 1 C t x. - WASHINGTON D. C. l& he Philippines." K .. .V . . A X 'V tmrtitmi Ujal awtffc