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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1903)
fc- .- M' 1" VJ.. " ''' 'l'l'" "''' fV""" Tji-. ' THE DAILY NEBRASAN. i -i " la The Improved BOSTON GARTER The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Name " BOSTON I GAirrCR " is lUmpcd I on every loop. The EbKI CUSMJON . button! CLASP , ues tlat to the Ice never ySIipj, Tears nor Unfastens. SOLD CVCnYWHCRC. Mmpie pair, diik we. a OUonZ5c m Malkd on rtctlpt of prlct. ' ! GEO. raosT 00., ICakm Doaton, Uaa.,t7.a.A. 'Every Pair Warranted3M DU TEIL CI6ARS "THAT'S ALL" Columbia National Bank1 Of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital. $100,000.00 Officers: John B.Wright, Presi dent; J. H. Westcott, Vice-Presi dent; Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-Presi dent; P. L. Hall, Cashier; W. B "Ryons, Assistant Cashier. DR. J. R- HAGGARD. Physi cian and Surgeon. Special atten tion paid to diseases of females and rectal diseases. Rooms 212 to 214 Richards block. Residence 13 10 G street. Office telephone 535. Residence telephone L 984 Teeth filled without pain DR. A. B. AYRES, DENTIST A libera discount to students. 141 So. 12 in St., - Lincoln, Neb BOWLING ALLEY 8 ALLEYS. Standard and Regula tion in evejy particular, 12 10 O street. H. C. THOMAS, Propr ietor Yule Bros. Laundry 15H O Stfee. TdL 754. Originators of theldoa of sending homo work satisfactory mTEHGOLLEGIATE BUEEAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME. 00TEELL & LEONABD, Albany, N. Y. Makora of the 0AP8 GOWNS and HOODS to Univ. of Nebraska. Univ. of Minnesota, Univ. of Chicago, Univ. of Omaha, Cor nell, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Leland fltnnfnwl IT nf P WeleBley, fiyrn Mawr and the others. tlllnBtrated bulletin, samples, etc-, upon request. IHBhHH NOW ISJHE TIME ! SANDERSONS Are Selling All Their Shoes 10 to 50 per cent Discount Local and Personal Oliver Theater Pharmacy. Saturday "2" o'clock. Masquerade suits at Ludwtg's. Restaurant Unique, 1228 0 street Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 So. 11th. C. E. Brown, dentist. Burr block. Eat at Hendry's, 129 North Eleventh. Cameron's lunch counter, 118 So. 11th. A few of the professors will excuse their classes from examination. The R. & C. barber shop, 1144 O St. Seven chairs. The finest in the city. Mr Shedd, of Ashland, has been vis iting his sons in Lincoln for several days. The Junior Boys' basket ball team had their picture taken Saturday for the Sombrero. Neatly furnished rooms, and board, at 1236 T street. Gentlemen preferred. Mrs. G. A. Jost. Miss Lydia Rheem of Minneapolis, Minn., has been the guest of Miss Hen rietta Rees since Saturday. $3.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. 13th St. Students are cordially invited. Little Gem hot waffles served at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 North 13th St. We have a large student patronage. Mr. Peters, the university florist, was appointed judge of the floral exhibits at the State Horticultural Society con vention. Mr. J. W. Harrison, si, was his associate Judge. Misses Pauline and Leah Myer en tertained Friday evening at their home in South Lincoln. The guests were entertained by music and cards until a late hour. Ices and other delicacies were served. Mr. George Tunlson won the firstp rlze In whist, and Richard Fallis the consolation. Direct from We have just received a large shipment of FINEWRITING PAPER and TABLETS Direct from the Factory, and we are enabled to make you PRICES WAY DOWN. Come in and look over the line at THE CO-OP Junior Basket Ball The Junior basket ball men prac ticed Saturday nt 1 p m. Prospects nre favorable for n good team. Among (hose who were out arc Myers, Blck ford. Tyner, Ludden, Newton and Noyes. Every Junior with nny basket ball ability should come out and help develop a winning team. Whist Tournament A Pan-Hellenic meeting was held at the Delta Upsilon house Saturday night. The entertainment was In the form of a whist tournament. The fra ternities represented were divided Into two divisions, thos; north and those south of R street. The north division was successful, winning Uie tourna ment by a score of forty-eight points over their opponents. Mrs. Adams of Hooper, is visiting her daughter, MIbb Lita Adams, this week. The Y M. C. A. Advisory Board had their picture taken for the Sombrero Thursday. Miss Cieone Moore, a Trl-Delta, has been ill for a week past, being at one time threatened with pneumonia. The University Club gave a dance last Friday night at Fraternity hall. Twenty-five couples were present. Miss Delia Wolfe of College View, and Miss SSusle Castle of Lincoln, have registered for work In the School of Music. Professor Caldwell is reading proof of matter contributed by him to the International Encyclopedia, which is now in print. Delta Upsilon gave an informal par ty Friday evening at the chapter house. About twenty couples were present and spent the evening in dancing. A unique feature of the entertainment was that the music was furnished by colored musicians, who kept the house merry with their songs between the dances. Cultivation of the Orchid. An authority on the orchid says an amateur cultivator often falls, not so much through want of attention, but through overattentlon and a disregard of nature and her laws. the factory CALIFORNIA SSSSSi PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS VIA The Burlington EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. Only $5-00 for a Double Berth an $4000 for a R. R. Ticket Lincoln to Los Angeles Call and get full information. Depot, 9th and P Streets. City Office, 10th and O Streets. CAPITAL CAfE Open All Night Meals 15c and Upwards E. J. FRANCIS, Successor to FEANOIS BEOS., Prop'r. 121 North 11th Street. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Desiqns Copyrights Ac Anyone Bonding a sketch and description may quickly aaoertAln our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable, Communica tion itrlctiroonDaentiai. HAnUDUUft onraieau ent free. Oldest agency for secu ring-patent. Patent taken through Munn A ign Hunn uo. ra reoelre nxcial nolle, without charge. In th Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Targeat cir culation of any sclenttOo Journal. Terms, 93 m roar : four months, L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co 36iBro.dw.,, New York Branch Office, to K Bt Washington. D. C. rcLviN MAR LIN SRSfMiSS For Trap or Pttld Shooting, combine the elegance of outline, perfection of balance, case of taking anart and Quality of finish of the best double runs with the superiority In slf htlng and shooting of the single bsrrel, and also possess tbe rapidity of tire and tnsgazino capacity or MArlLIN REPEATING RIFLI COe 120'page cat alog of anas and ammunition, colored cover by Ostbaus, milled for 3 tumps. a mamum rma Anus 00., Nkw Havin, Or. iJSEIiE JMaAa BaW M. If ifl I IWUI VvSbsV&w Vi wv' ilffftir 7B TTJy Ttt' Af r VViR&BBVBat w Lto3sl (Jftlr Mr AW) limnWAWl JCoiJF lB1 4 BBlli ASM JKVBTsMBBm -Crt J0J9M IVfrs' BBA rSBBsPsBBBBKRmSBBBm ll l.'l BVJ IcVBBBsEisBBTHiflBBKsa jSV-dHW M 1 rj- r- "I . .M .. V I ,N ' '! r. uv :-r;K&r -tit.? tf "Z r "T - ;-"-t'w ?-V; . r , , & LA