The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 19, 1903, Page 2, Image 2
V' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN v 4 k K 5- V li h i The Dally Nebraskan A NrwHpnpor I)cotco . , tuo Interests of the UnlverBlty of NebrnHka. Published at THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA A Consolidation of THE HESPERIAN, VOL. XXXI. THE NEHRASKAN. VOL. XII. THE SCARLET AND CREAM. VOL. IV. Robert T. Hill Managing Editor John F. Tobin Npwh Editor Wm, Case Associate News Editor ASSISTANT EDITORS: R. A. McNown. Carlton C. Wllburn. Wm. A Shock. .'. . C. C. McCune. REPORTERS. J. D. Rico. ' John R. Bender. , ? ' E. F. Davis. , . :j . A. I. Myers. Henrietta Recs. P. P. Duffy Advertising Circulator Fred K. Nielsen. OFFICE Second Floor of University Hall. POSTOFFICE ADDRESS Station "A." Box 13. Entered at the PoBtofllre at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATE $2 Per Year. A recent Issue of the "Dally" stated thnt Mr. Doane Powell of Omaha, was working on tho Herald. Mr. Powell formerly worked on the Herald, but Is now studying art under Mr. Laurie Wallace In Omaha. As was announced In the "Daily" lost week the Debating Association has placed on sale tickets for the coming debates. Heretofore tickets have been Bold separately for each debate, but thlB year It was decided to sell a sea Bon ticket, admitting the holder to the six coming debates for 35 cents. Debating contests are never a source of profit financially, and the Debating Association is selling the six tickets at such a nominal price In order that more will attend these contests, and give the debaters the support they need. Large attendance will not only en courage the speakers. It will necessar ily arouse more Interest In the Intel lectual contests, and we should all work for such a result. There is ap parently more interest being taken in debates this year than ever before. But notwithstanding the high plane upon which debating has been placed in the University of Nebraska, and the bril liant victories of last year, there are a great many who fail to appreciate the value of such mental training. By the new plan it Is hoped that apprecia tion for real debating will become more general. The members of the faculty, fraterni ties and literary societies have mani fested the proper spirit, and all that Is needed now Is the co-operation of the student body. Dr. Harvey Link, of Millard, father-in-law of Cashier Law of the Columbia National bank, was a visitor to the Historical library yesterday. Dr. Link claims to be the oldest practicing phy sician In the state, having been a doc tor for forty-six years. A Zulu is enrolled at Columbia. Flfty-flve candidates have reported for tho Cornell baseball team. The lee fete which opened at the University of Wisconsin January 0 is a decided success. In the United States and Canada there are fill? Y. M. C. A. student asso ciations with a total membership of 38,000. According to the last census there are 98,023 students enrolled in Ameri can college, or one student to every 780 Inhabitants. Among the larger schools Chicago has shown the greatest Increase over last year. It has passed Michigan and now ranks third. With this exception the ranking of the universities is the Bame. Harvard, is first with 5,468; Co lumbia second, with 5,352; Chicago third, 4,296; and Michigan fourth, 3'7-6- " l. f Joseph A. Pipal, formerly football coach at Doane, and who was promi nent In Belolt athletics, while attend ing that Institution, has been chosen physical culture director at Bellevue. He was received with great enthusiasm by the students. He will have charge of baseball and track work and will coach the football team next season. f $ ITALIAN PROVERBS. Love knows not labor. Who sows 111 reaps 111. He who swears Is a liar. A gold key opens every door. He who buys betimes buys cheaply. He gives twice who gives In a trlca A voluntary burthen Is no burthen. He that wants should not be bash ful. An old dog does not bark for noth ing. He dances well to whom fortune pipes. Even a fool says a wIbo word some times. Don't go a-flshlng to a famous stream. Lovo, a cough and smoke are hard to hide. Let him not bo a lover who has not courage. She who Is born a beauty is born betrothed. Years and sins aro always more than owned. Love's merchandise is jealousy and broken faltti. He who laughs overmuch may havo an aching heart. Ho who does not when he can, can not when he will. A beautiful woman smiling bespeaks a purse weeping. To him who is determined It re mains only to act. A mill and a wife are always In want of something. Associate with the good and you will be one of them. When a tree Is falling, every one cries: "Down with it." To whom you tell your secret you surrender your freedom. A hundred years cannot repair a moment's loss of honor. Great cry and little wool, as the man said who shaved the sow. Marry your son when you please, your daughter when you can. He who has money to throw away, let him employ workmen and not stand bv. dpatronize our advertisers. LADIES' FOOTWEAR OF" THE LATEST STYLES STYLISH SHOES MAKE STYLISH PEOPLE See Our Complete STYLISH WOMEN WEAR STYIISH SHOES Aw It mmd ZZ FOR STYLE BEGIN AT THE FOUNDATION Line of Ladies' Shoes Guaranteed to fit; guaranteed to wear. For comfort and style let us shoe you. PERKINS &:SHELD0N 1129 O STREET Crescent Bowling Alleys 134 N Street Equipped With Brunswick Continuous Alleys Students Headquarters Moved--: r says that the sheriff moved the business center of Lincoln two blocks east. He moved us. Here's where the students and professors meet and talk it over with Tommy. He's wise. . R1GGS' PHARMACY, 1321 O Street A G. SPALDING & BROS. Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies. BASE BALL - LAWN TENNIS FIELD HOCKEY - . GOLF OFFICIAL ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS I'lustrated Catalogue of Sports Mailed Free to Any Address. A. G. SPALDING & RROS New York. Chicago. Denver. Buffalo. Baltimore. Chicago College Dental Surgery (Denial Department of Lake hoesl Unlvcnlfy.) Twentieth Annual Course of instruction will bogin nbont Oct. let, 1001, eiuliriK uhotit May 1st, 1902 I' or fMl t it Irwrnn iri virwF fnll In fnPn, n 1 1 ,7'""" ' w ii'ii iiiiui uiiiiiuu 'All work .. no ny make- Jack a dull boy." ""' .urw and for deBcriptlve book Tho colliuo band of It piece,, mid Uio varloim clutwus ' uulrt 8H ultermitM In irlvlmr uwwittttv i..iu....i.... ........ i.. n D TDIIlui ii ii iij nnrtiw m mMicuT; iaer.7.Vdiui fMtu?Sr w, L , . .uoan. "" m, narriBUii oih., VniOQgO. zmMjjA Our graduates succeed because we prepare them to do something Our Methods, Courses of Study, and Equipments arc Unexcelled. We help yoasg pefb who desire to succeed. EXPENSES LOW. COURSES THOROUGH. Write for fetalogae. Lincoln Business College fit fit Lincoln, Nebraska. h