j '" 3 T ..fryM'Sj IW flli-W THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. I , .a u Y f r tW .' u .? r . In, ' us ft yt RL- x' r r t ' i' i , 1 - It- -jV r v w 4 . n h? n iff II - 111 I 7 mil mLA ':- M etit it the Merchants Dining Hall 1042 P STREET. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. Weber Suitorium Students, Youi Clothes Need . Pressing. Corner Utli r.nd () Streets. Official Bulletin. TIjIh column Is devoted mainly to notices of the university. All depart ments nnd Btudent organizations hav ing notices to publish should leao them either at tho executive ofllce, at the office of the paper, or hand them to anyone connected with the paper. All announcements should be In by 6 p. m. senior PICTURES. Tho Senior pictures must be taken at Townsond'H by January lfith. Perfect Alignment The Only Up-to- Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in Town. No Saloon At tached. Tables Newly Covered. Powell's, 146 N. 11th. Phone L664. The First National Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $200,000; surplus, $100,000; pro fits, $18,319; deposits, $2,589,093; S. II. Burnham, prest; A. J. Saw. yer, vice-prest; H. S. Freeman, cashier; Bt .B. Evans, asst. cash.; Frank Parks, asst. cash. United States Depository. STUDENTS' BARBER SHOP John Marshall has been the Students' favorite barber for eight years. Now with MARSHALL & RICHARDS, 139 So. 13th Street. NOTICE. Junior basket-ball mew meet In the Armory Saturday at 1 p. m. sharp. SOMBRERO HOARD. The Sombrero Board will meet Mon day at 10 o'clock In U. 208. Y. W. C. A. The regular meeting of the Y. W. C A will be held In Union ball Sun day afternoon at 4 o'clock. MIhh Helen Woodsmall Is to have charge. Special music by Miss Mabel Stephens. PERMANTLY SECURED BY CORRECT MECHANICAL FEATURES The New Century Typewriter is direct in action, faultless in construc tion and wholly satisfactory in operation BOOK OF THE NEW CENTURY MAILED FREE. AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO., 415 So. 151 h Street, Omaha. VWfc vols. jij Translations ! I Litcraf. vc. Inter. inc ir. $i so. 147 jj!' Dictfqnaries j!f (Icrmin, French. Italian, Spanish, 4-ptitt, Gr;cc tAA,. an. I $1.). Completely Parsed Caesar, i! NOTICE. MIbs Ilerron vrill offer next semes ter a new course, Ijibor Problems. It la open to all students who have taken course 1. The claHB will meet Tues days and Thursdays at 3 o'clock. NOTICE. Students may enter the College of Medicine the second semester begin ning February 2. U03. HIGH GRADE CHDCDLATES Sold only by HarleyDrug Co., 11th and 0 Streets BONBONS THE UNION PACIFIC IS KNOWN A8 i. 1 ;. v arerd Ae- v Jpook I. Iluson ttc' Jm,9i inteitrtrif trjMUlftUon tile ii jranlaititn, tvety s.vi'vl emitetefy ijr.H ' i Completely SeannH an ncfidr E(5ok L 51 ,,?! v. ? a HJND3 & NOEL.", rubuhm. 4-5 f-ia-YS'MCoofli'r 1 &'.. ot. , N.V City Sctfooibookt of a'lisbl the saionesio . . v...'.-.-.. rjfom&g& CfflffBK!S?ggg tfJaJUft& Sqjr 4PutPBrs$ J'KGM THu 5JT0RV To YOUR HEAD. One Profit ONE PRICED ONE QUALITY. CUAffANTKD ATS ,J7'3P ""WmoOn NOTICE TO SENIORS. All Seniors who would like to take part In the class play and who havo not been assigned a part please see MIbs Howell at once. 3t COLLEGE SETTLEMENT. The College Settlement has rooms for students who will assist with the settlement work. Call at the settle ment house, 200 South Twentieth street, evenings. C. E. PREVEY. 1 he Overland Joute AND IS THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO ALL PRINCIPAL WESTERN POINTS. 5 "5 Via Omaha THE UNION PACIFIC IS 204 miles shorter to . 278 miles shorter to . 278 miles shorter to 358 miles shorter to So.lt Livkc City Sivn Francisco . . Los Angeles . . . Portland The Success a ',0FTHE CENTURY, Brimful of TYLE. Students! Decorate Your Rooms! AH ARTISTIC POSTER FREE. Send us your name on a postal card and we will mail to you free a new brilliantl colored Washburn poster (sue 12x18 indies). This oster is the creation ol the Viking's Head Studio, and has been pronounced exceedingly bright and clever. It represents a pastoral scene, a rabbit enanioted of the music of a mandolin. Write 'oday, this offer maj not appear again. lYOH & HEALY, 17 Adams St., Chicago. Makers ol the World-Famous Washburn Guitars. Mandolins, Banlos and Zithers. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. C. L. Dean, instructor In mechan ical engineering, will offer the follow ing new courses next semester: Mech. Eng. 26, Air tirakea in Theory and Practice, Mech. Eng. 28. Locomotive Design; Mech. Eng. 30. Railway Equipment. For further particulars l-egnrdlng these courses see Professor Richards or Mr. Dean. GRADUATE CLl'B. The tnasurer of the Graduate Club wishes to call the attention of the members to the fact that the annual assessment for lDOli-'OII is now due In order to expedite collections an assist ant treasurer has been appointed for eat h of the buildings, namely, Prof Paul Grunrman, University hall; Dr. T. L. Uolton. library; Mr II. S. Evans, Mechanic Arts; Dr. Geo. Con- dra, Nebraska hall; Miss Mary L. Eossler, Chemical Laboratory; Miss Rachael Corr, Experiment Station. It. S. HILTNER. 12 hours quicker to So.lt Lo.ke City 16 hours quicker to Sa.n Fra.ncisco 16 hours quicker to . . . Los Angeles 16 hours quicker to Portland THAN ANY OTHER. LINE. Electric Lighted ''miis Dail IN. lull iiifurm.it ion clicciliilh fmnishcil on .ii!ioii ion 10 E. B. SLOSSON, Agpt. m The today. THE. NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION IS The Authority of the E-ngllah-Spcahlna World All Good Thine nnist win upon tholr uierita. Tins 1.NTEUNATION w, hiw won a urvivc distinction and Is In more gunenil u o ttmn any other work of lta kind. Ttm Now Kjlltion luu 2.1IM pngt llh 6300 tlluitratlons kuj U prlutej frum now plate throughout. 2 t,(mO nt w wird and phraM havo recently Invn addtMl under lue edllorfeinp or tv. l. uarrm, i u u , 1-1..1J , kj n vouiniuiouer oi iuciua. LET US SE.ND YOU FREE "A Tost in Pronunciation" which affords a pleasant and in itruct.vc evening's entertainment. Illustrated pamphlet also tree. WEBSTER'S 1 G. 0 C. MEKK1AM CO., aprlnnl lold, Maas. I INTEltNATlONAL DICTIONAnY "WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL fRirasimiOTffliriREtav- Cike Chih will sing at chapel The Sigma Chis and Phi I'sis hold a howling contest tonight at the Thomas alleys. Seveial new books appear today on the shelves of the Library. Among them are: "The Finances and Public Works of India," by Sir J. Strachy and Lieutenant General R. Strachy; "Eth mology," by Kearne; "Life of Gen. A. S. Johnston"; "Scientific Lectures," by Sir John Lubbock and a book on "Chinese Immigration," by Sewnrd. AX AV 5V X AX AX AV A AX At AA. ?0 U-IM-DEE. If p A new Co eil has allkfhtetl In town. " t' .llee. II plUI UU In -in i,i to-latesi tailor made cown.U-pl de-l-4a I ftV a 110 wy rtic WHO, alio prcx it, too. You never saw siuh a holla Iki loo CIIOHUS II pi dec I dee I ill I etc. Her voire Is Uear as a soaring lark's. And hrr lt is like those trolley car spaiksl When 'cross a muddy street she flits, '1 he hoys all have connexion fits I The turn of her head turns all ours, too, '1 here's always a strife to sit In her iew ; t 1 is cnoui;u to make a parson drunk, m To hear her sliij; old co ca die lunk I I'll llm.M I, ml lllr (ilk.. IB,U u.a.. 1 r t I ri. T" 1L ,..-. .....,. u.ti.i ,,u. .isb.i, yj t 1 I li I , 1,1 'n and NBW wonus, catchy, up to date, to many TO?1 11 others of the tiopular tun rAMILIAK TUNHS. lie TI ' M sides 01 11 PA VOKITKb , and also many NKW SONI.S P If I". P. S0W08 OF ALL THE COLLEGES. Gwiii. 0 Price, $ijo, pottKitd. ixxj, HINDS & NOBLE, Publisher. New York City. Schootbookt of alt publisher 1 at on store. kte AX? AX : A X? A V AX- AV4VAt :AA-4X-&:& l.t Ufip&StXAX-A P. alike aulUble tor the collegUa ol Y1Iyj?.nVnownd the AVt Haven VnUn ay ' I he question oi tvMat in nJZX-WU give a frunJU solved by .1 . ",r ALH,THE COLLEGES which is alike suitable for th. 11... the fori muslc- " A II IU uvii, . -n i .... ..w vlt, an lu OLD tottrt j and the son Ft toiubi at tl ti. ....-..: , komtgft tm any home any tuArrt HINDS Ai NOBLE. PublUher m l-6--n-l3-U Cooper Institute. NwYotr - i i M?i: ISTUMHtK f. 1 avj j.. iitintirt Vi mil 'irfSjsj, !-;.' .'"