-f ri5RS5T5s; - - tf , - , - x ' -, BW3aBI S5Mi THE DAILY NEBRASAN. Up WSsmxmJ WB''Pr hhjju icijwv B Lie Hat BSIipSt ukDLaHefsV " t qMBBg The Improved The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Name "BOSTON I GARTCR" Is stamped on every loop. CUSHION , BUTTON' CLASP to inc ieo never Tears nor Unfastens. LD EVERYWHERE. BampU plr, 8Wc SOc m CoUonUc Mailed on receipt of price. ' QEO. rHOBT CO., VUkn BMtoa, Km., UJ.A. H0EVERY PAin WARRANTEO"W NOW IS JHE TIME ! SANDERSONS Are Selling All Their Shoes 10 to 50 per cent Discount Local and Personal Oliver Theater Pharmacy. Saturday "2" o'clock. Masquerade suits at Ludwig's. v DU TEIL CIGARS THAT'S ALL'0 Restaurant Unique, 1228 O Btroet. Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 So. 11th. C. B. Brown, dentist. Burr block. Eat at Hendry'e, 129 North Eleventh. Columbia National Bank Of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $100,000.00 Officers: John B. Wright, Presi dent; J. H. Westcott, Vice-Presi dent: Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-Presi dent; P. L. Hall, Cashier; W. B Ryons, Assistant Cashier. Cameron's 11th. lunch counter, 118 So. Mr. Price, of the Engineering partment, Is on the sick list. de- The R. & C. barber shop, 1144 O St. Seven chairs. The finest In the city. DR. J. R- HAGGARD. Physi cian and Surgeon. Special atten tion paid to diseases of females and rectal diseases. Rooms 212 to 214 Richards block. Residence 1310 G street. Office telephone 535. Residence telephone L 984. ,t. Teeth filled without pain DR. A.B7AYRES, DENTIST A libera discount to students. ks'i&s H1 So. 12TH St., - Lincoln, Neb Neatly furnished rooms, and board, at 123G T street. Gentlemen preferred. Mrs. G. A. Jost. Union Program The new officers of the Union Liter ary Society will give the following program tonight: Instrumental Solo Miss RoBe Yont Inaugural Speech MIbb Elizabeth Meier Talk Mr. I. von Forell Instrumental Solo Miss Mamie Eatough Original Story Mr. M. J. Brown Paper "A Sage-Brush TourlBt in the Park" C. F. Cowan Vocal Solo "A Winter Lullaby" Miss Annette. Shotwell Story Miss Gertrude Anderson Instrumental Solo Miss Postom A Critical Report.. Miss Sylvia Finlay All are Invited. CALIFORNIA a i m PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS VIA The Burlington EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. Only $5.00 for a Double Berth an $40-00 for a R. R. Ticket Lincoln to Los Angeles Call and get full information. Miss Bertha Phillips, of Omaha, vis ited University friends yesterday. Depot, 9th and P -Streets. City Office, 10th and Orataeets. CAPITAL CAfE Wilber MacDill, of Hiawatha. Kan., Is visiting his sister in the University. $3.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. 13th St. Students are cordially Invited. BOWLING ALLEY 8 ALLEYS. Standard and Regula tion in every particular. 1210 O street. H. O. THOMAS, Proprietor Yule Bros. Laundry 1514 O Street TeL 754. Originators of the Idea of sending home work satisfactory Little Gem hot waffles served at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 North 13th St. We have a large student patronage. M. D. Elson, '03, will leavo next Thursday for Chicago, where he has secured a position as electrical engineer. MIbs Margaret O'Brien of the Oma ha Public Library, was a visitor at the meeting of the Historical Society yesterday. J. A. C. Kennedy, '00 law, now a member of the legislature, Is JuBt re covering from a Bevere attack of appendicitis. E. C. Clark, of the executive office, is at present enjoying a brief vaca tion while he is indulging In an at tack of the mumps. "The Craftsman" has been added to the reading room of the Y. M. C. A. Miss Josephine Duras is now able to be up and around, after her long siege of illnesB. I' Qpen .s ( All -& ) Night 'Meals 15c and jOpwards ' E. J. FRAXIS, Bnooesaor to f RAHOIff "BEOS., Ercjr 121 North 11th Street. " Peter Nelson, the University florist, was one of the judges of the floral exhibit at the horticulture convention. The faculty and students' directory, which is being Issued under the au spices of the Y .M. C. A., Is expected to be out by the end of this week. Doane Powell, '02, visited the Uni versity yesterday. Mr. Powell Is at present engaged as cartoonist on the staff of the Omaha World-Herald. Rev. M. A. Shine, of Sutton, a new ly elected member of the Historical Society, has sent In numerous papers relating to the history of Clay County. $P IHTEBCOLLEGIATE BUBEAU OF ACADEMIC 00BTUME. TBELL & LEON ABD, Albany, -N. Y. Makers of the OAFS 00 WNB and HOODS to Univ. of Nebraska. Univ. of Minnesota, Univ. of Chicago, Univ. of Omaha, Cor nell, Yalo, Harvard, Princeton, Loland Stanford, U. of Pf Weleeley, Byrn Mawr and the others. Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc-, upon t The Phi Kappa Psls and Sigma Chls will have a bowling match tonight at the Thomas alleys. Messrs. Reed, Shrlstle, Shelmer and Scrlbner will represent the former and Messrs Han sen, Gould, Bera and Peters the Sigma Chls. The family of H. A. LongBdorf, of Bellevue, has sent to the Historical Society the minutes of a meeting of the Bellevue Claim Club, held July 1, 1856. 0O YEARS' EXPERIENCE t rMpppHV t Traoc Marks Designs ConnMHTtse. Anyone tending a sketch and description ajr nVki aartnin our onlnlon free whether as lnyentlon la probably patentable. CoBiiauntca tlone strictly confidential. .HAMMM on Patents sent free. Oldest agency tor seeartBffpaieni. onfoklr ascertain our opinion free whether I special noUee, without charge, la the Patents taken through Mann A obTreoelTO Scientific flimrkan. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation, of any scientific Journal. Terns, 93 year : four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. HUHN&Co.38IBro Hew York Brunch Offlco. C&VBL, Washington, XX O. kAfLUN Mr. C. N. Gould, '00, now professor of geology In Oklahoma, has lost by fire all of his collections and notes for the past three years. In addition to his scientific loss, he sustains a per sonal loss of about ?3,000. Direct from the Factory We have just received a large shipment of FINE WRITING PAPER and TABLETS Direct from the Factory, and we are enabled to make you PRICES WAY DOWN. Come in and look over the line at THE CO-OP rW MAR LIN SBS?AJAfc8 For Trap or Flild Shooting, combine the etegaaee of outline, perfection of balance, esse of tiklnf apart and quality of finish of the best doublexuas with the superiority la slihtfag and bootlnf of the alncle barrel, and also possess the rapidity of aloe of arms sad aismualtloa, colored cerer .by Osthaus, nailed for 3 stafsps. ejf , Man um ttna Anus Ooi, Nbw Havm( St. 1 ! r ' M ,. vi i i, 'i v. 6 U " : txs i ' ' :i Jf f ! I ; re V 1 ' - Sn H t w ft -t 0 iJ 1 rraxxx'"-511" -Z!?r?" 'WnM V ' fyXVKJZr-? - nftf.nyiyr.ji.a . f w&m .ir J