The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 16, 1903, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan.
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VOL. 2. 75.
Closing Program Tomorrow Miss
llayden Discusses Art
and Artists.
The art exhibit will close Satiirday
night and the Association Is putting
forth its beat effects "to havo A fitting
climax to the most successful exhibi
tion in the history of the- organiza
tion. . .
The attendance has been very good.
Not only have- the ndulta taken ad
vantage of the opportunity to view
the works of the greatest American
artists, but more school phildrenhave
attended this year than ever before.
Tho consensus of opinion seems to in
dicate that this year's exhibition is
superior to lts predecessors.
All the expenses have been paid and
all additional funds received will be
used to purchase pictures for our gal
lery. In order that as many as pos
sible may., bo satisfied with tho elec
tion, patrons of tho exhibition aro
asked to vote for their favorite paint
It Is expocted that many students
win visit? the exhibition today and to
morrow, the closing days.
Tho public is urged to attend to
morrow night A program lias ueen
arranged for tho occasion. Short
talks will be given by F. M. Hall. Miss
Hayden, Dr. Fling, Miss Walsh, Pro
fessor Barbour and Professor Hodg-
Miss Hayden spoko entertainingly
. last evening at the art exhibit. She
first took up the question, "How the
artist conceives his subject" She
rioted tho difference between great and
inferior pieces of work. She Illus
trated the point by reference to the
work of Milet, tho great French art-'
1st He was not so strong In coloring
and drawing as in showing humanity
overcoming the soil.
One man may bo superior In tech
nique and yet not be able to paint a
great picture.
She mentioned Chas. Warren
Eaton's "A Bruges Canal," and spoko
of' tho skilful manner In which tho
artist realized the'same light through
out tho picture. The speaker compli
mented very highly John W. Alexan
der's yprk, "GreenBow," Lon -account
of Its remarkable lines and color.
Sho also "mentioned XoulB Mnrata
"Andaluza," and "The New Book," as
being .exceptionally beautiful and Instructive
Admission, 60 cents.
Horticultural Society
The Horticultural Society adjourned
Its mid-winter session yesterday at
noon. An Interesting program was
carried out In tho forenoon and spirit
ed discussions followed each paper.
Tho program Included tho following
papers: "Tho Composition- of Arsen
ical Insecticides Now on 8alo in Ne
braska," by Professor 8. Avery; "The
Evolution of tho Plum," by E. D.
Cowles; "Diseases of the Peach, Plum
and Cherry Trees and Fruits," by T. J.
Prltchard; address by Lawrence Bru
ner; "The Commercial Sldo of Horti
culture," by G. S. Christy; "Our
Peaches," by L. M. Russell; "The Best
Advice for Tree Planters," by G. A.
In the short business meeting sev
eral matters of Importance were dis
cussed. A motion to pass resolutions
favoring a bill to prevent tho spraying
of fruit trees while In full bloom was
laid on the table. Tho bill alms at
protection to the bees of the state,
which are destroyed by tho solutions
used in spraying. An attempt was
made to recommend to the legislature
the passage of a bill fixing the stand
ard bushel for apples at forty-eight
pounds. This also failed.
Georgetown University Desires to
Meet Nebraska In Debate
Other Debates. "
The Debating Board Is in receipt of
another challenge for debate from tho
Georgetown University School of LaW,
Washington, D. C. Last fall a chal
lenge waB received from thlB Institu
tion, but for financial roasons Nebras
ka replied that the proposition could
not be considered.
Tho challenge now at hand strongly
urges Nebraska to accept and Is in the
nature of a compliment to Nobrnskn,
whose fame in debate last year- has
apparently reached the eastern col
leges. Recently the Georgetown Uni
versity thrashed Wisconsin and the
latter Is asking for another opportuni
ty to show hor prowess. Georgetown,
however, refuses to accept Wisconsin's
challenge until It Is certain that a de
bate can not be arranged with Ne
braska. She "would like to debate
Nebraska because of her reputation."
The society decided. to put the ex
hibit of flowers and fruit next year on
O street instead of at the university.
The object of UiIb move was to place
the fruits where larger crowds could
see them.
Tho first biennial jreport of tho Ne
braska Public Library Commission, of
which Mr. J. J. Wyer is president, has
just been published. Tho law creat
ing this commission wferit Into effect
Juno 28, 1901, and active work was be
gun the "following Novomher. This
report gives a brief summary of the
rjv fission's work, Its purpose, and
."' nendix containing . a list of Ne
ttie Colleie Song
In answer to soveral inquiries con
cerning tho prize offer for the best
college Bong, we will say that "some
gentlemen connected with the Faculty
offer a prize of ?100 to the student
or graduate of the University of Ne
braska who will write an original
University of Nebraska song, which a
committee shall agree to be of suf
ficiently high merit to deserve such a
Dean Sherman and Professor Fossler
will act on the committee and they
will select a third member to act with
them.- Mbre detailed conditions will
be announced In Tho Dally Nebraskan.
Tho offer holds good until May 10,
1903. All manuscript must be handed
to Dean Sherman on or before that
Nebraska is urged to send a speedy
reply In order that "negotiations al
ready entered Into with other colleges
can be broken off," providing tho Ne-bruska-Georgetown
debate 1b arranged.
The Debating Board has the matter
under advisement. Some members are
In favor of accepting the challenge'',
others are of the opinion that It would
be better for Nebraska to meet univer
sities of the middle west. The Board
has written Georgetown for specific
terraB as to tho time of holding a de
bate and as to the financial aspect of
the matter. It is possible that the
two institutions may meet In debate
this spring.
Tho Georgetown Law School ranks
high In the debating world, being in
the class with Columbia and Pennsyl
vania. A large majority of her stu-.
dents are college graduates.
Missouri has chosen tho negative
side of the question as to the Inimical
influence of trusts.
Agricultural Association
Tho Association of Agricultural
Students, present and former, will be
held January 19-24. AH of Its meet
ings take placo lri'JJiq old chapol of
University hall. Thlgram for
Thursday, January 22, Is a'flfclows:
Address of Welcome d!sjj&
Chancollor E. B. Andrews
Paper H. W. Davis, Lincoln4, Nob.
D, M. Do Camp, Clearwater, Neb.
Paper Henry C. Classman, Omaha.
The annual business meeting of tho
assoicption will bo held Thursday
ovening at 8 o'clock and a Bhort pro
gram will be given.
Annual Address, "Possibilities of tho
South," Dr. W. A.rDalikymplp, Baton
Rouge, La.
Address, Prof. T. L. Ha&kerpf the
Minnesota Experiment S&tlon.
H. L. WllBon, of Papjtfllon, Nob., Is
president and L. A. Tories, of Laurel,
Neb., is secretary andtreasurcr of tho
association. Quite a largo number of
Nebraskans will bo hereto attend' tho
meetings. '
Mrs. SawyerSpeaks .
Mrs. Sawyer, of this city, gavo an in
teresting talk vesterdav mornlnc at
convocation on tho "Life and Charac
ter of' Susan B. Anthony."
This woman, said Mrs. 8awyer, has
won & place In the minds of posterity
that will alwayB enduro. Her great
ness is contained In the great good
-tfiat she was able to do for others. In
almost overythlng she can bo hold up
as an Ideal. Her greatest ambition
was to do good and to show other
women that In many Instances their
rights are Infringed upon by man. Sho
taught women that theywere slaves
through choice, largely;" that In most
cases they forged tho chains that
bound them In servitude. Sho hold
out to woman the fact that tho great
sceptre of responsibility was to be
placed in her hands if the affairs of
the world were to be conducted as thoy
should be.
Mrs. Sawyer said that while oppor
tunity counted for something, useful
ness counts for more. It will do us,
but little good to learn the problems of
life If we can not apply our knowl
edge bo as to make the world hotter.
In all these respects Suskn B. An
thony's life was a success, it being ono
of true service to others.
Mrs. Sawyer Is (i very able and In
teresting speaker and holds the atten
tion of her audience as few can.
.' i
) , Mbraries.
The Wisconsin Glee Club will give a
concert at Columbus; Wis., next Fri
day. This Is the first of a series of
concerts which tho club will glvoj'n
cities throughout the state.
Colorado selects her team tonight.
KansaB, who has the affirmative of
tho "Compulsory Arbitration" ques
tion, is well pleased with her side.
Tho Yale-Harvard debate will occur
at Cambridge March 23. Harvad will
announce tho question February 9 and
Yalo will have choice of sides.
lnlm Debate
The Union, boys will debate the fol
lowing question tomorrow night: Re
solved, That tho Constitution of Ne
braska should bo amended to extend
tho right of suffrage to women.
Affirmative Kelsor, Buckner, Cat
Hn. Negative Sward, Cronln, Culver.
All are Invited,
Since 1890, 250 Harvard graduates
havo completed the course "in three
years. One-fourth: of the class of '01
I did so. j1 . '
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