r- 1 v r V .V.!-" THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN. 1 , v. OLIVER THEATRE Thursday, January 15th ' THE COLOMBIA EIRE INSURANCE CO $200,000,000 Cash Capital Special Policies for Dwellings, or Household Goods. CALIFORNIA n H? tt fb A- Ai MR. HENRY W. SAVAGE Presents the Latest Pixley & Luder's Musical Comedy PRINCE OE PILSEN ioo Artists, big and small, in the Company. Special Prince of Pilsen Orchestra. The Original Cast of Principals and Ohorus In tact Direct from a Triumphant 5 months in Boston, 3 months in Chicago, where 2,000 .people saw it and sounded its praises to the skies. Galaxy of Graceful, Gor geously Gowned Girls. Prices; 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50- DU TEIL CI6ARS t THAT'S ALL it Offices: Star Building, 11th and M Streets D. E. THOMPSON, Phone President. 469. BURT W. RICHARDS, Resident Manager. Local andjersonal Oliver Theater Bharmacy. Saturday "2" o'clock. Masquerade suits at Ludwig's. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street. Eat at Don Carheron's, 118 So. 11th. C. E. Brown, dentist Burr block. Eat at Hendry's, 129 North Eleventh. Cameron's lunch counter, 118 So. 11th. Professor Fossler spok.e on the art exhibit yesterday. Columbia National Bank1 Of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $100,000.00 OmcEjRs: John B.Wright, Presi dent: T. H. Westcott, Vice-Presi dent; Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-Presi i dent; P. L. Hall, Cashier; W. B . Ryons, Assistant Cashier. DR. J. R- HAGGARD. Physi-1 oian and Surgeon. Special atten-' tion paid to diseases of females and ( rectal diseases. Rooms 212 to 214 Richards block- Residence 1310 Qc street. Office telephone 533. Residence telephone L 984. Teeth filled without pain DR. A.bTaYRES, DENTIST A libera discount to students. 141 So. 12TH St., - Lincoln, Ned BOWLING ALLEY 8 ALLEYS. Standard and Regula tion in every particular. 1210 O street. H. O. THOMAS, Proprietor Yule Bros. Laundry J5J4 O Street Tel; 754. Originators of the Idea of sending' home work satisfactory The English club met Saturday even ing In Mlsa Hayden's studio. Clinton Barr has been elected a mem ber of the English club. The R. & C. barber shop, 1144 O St. Seven chairs. The finest In the city. Guy Barnes, of '01, and captain of company D, was a campus visitor yesterday. SoroBls met In the Art hall Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Hodgman spoke on the exhibit. Jo Westover Is In the hospital. He had an operation performed for appendicitis. When you want Jt printed, remem ber we want to print It. The Ivy Press Co., 125 No. 12th. If It doesn't suit you we will do our best to make It suit. The Ivy Press Co., 125 No. 12th Bt. Clyde Finley, '02, has a good posi tion as professor of mathematics In the South Omaha high school. $3.00 commutation ticket for $2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. 13th St. Students are cordially Invited. Little Gem hot waffles served at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 North 13th St. We have a large student patronage. INTERCOLLEGIATE BUBEAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME. CI0TBELL & LE0NABD, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the OAFS Q0WNB and HOODS Harry Garrett, '02, is principal of the Roca high school. The school work there Is prospering under his management. Neatly furnished rooms and board at 1236 G St. Gentlemen preferred. Mrs. G. A. Jost. Elmer Robinson of Hartington was initiated into Sigma Alpha Epsilon Monday night. R. H. WcbboI, '02, Is editor and pub lisher of a weekly paper, The Fred erick Enterprise, at Frederick, Okla. The Lincoln Academy basket-ball girlB will play the Tecumseh high school at Tecufnseh next Saturday. Among those who have left school are the following: Miss Owen, Miss Alice Sypert, Mr. Rex Morehouse, Mr. Frank Barks and Miss Virginia Mercer. Jack Best found an overcoat in the gymnasium locker room a short time ago, which may be had if the rightful owner calls for It. Mr. Pillsbury, who played full on the '01 team, Is In the city visiting friends. He says Oklahoma is all right, but there Is no place like Nebraska. Stagg of Chicago Is after "Pill" to make a footbal star out of him. The basket-ball men have been as signed the foot-ball lockers. These lockers are much more convenient than the others as they are much nearer tho bath and are larger and provided with more hooks. Professor Barbour showed his class In geology 1 some very Interesting stereoptlcon views of the Giant's Causeway yesterday. Sombrero Pictures At drill Monday evening Captain Chase brought before the cadets the matter of their representation In the Sombrero. He asked each cadet to contribute twenty-five cents toward the expenses Incurred by putting their pic tures in the annual. This will Insure full page pictures which will be much more satisfactory than the half-page pictures In the Sombrero of two years ago. In that book the pictures were so small that the Individual cadets could scarcely be recognized. It Is the Intention of tho present Sombrero board to put In cuts of a size and quality that will make the military department one of the distinctive features of the book, and to that end Captain Chase has asked each cadet to contribute a small amount to pay for representation. LOST. A PI Phi pin, a small plain arrow. Finder please leave with registrar. WINIFRED HOWELLS. 1 BBBPMMMm to Univ. of Nebraska. Univ. of Minnesota, Univ. of Ohioago, Univ. of Omaha, Cor nell, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Leland Stanford, U. of P., Welesloy, Byrn Mawr and the others. Illustrated bulletin, samples, eta, upon request. Direct from the factory We have just received a large shipment of FINE WRITING PAP.ER and TABLETS Direct from the Factory, and we are enabled to make you FRICES WAY DOWN. Come in and look over the line at THE CO-OP, PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS VIA The Burlington EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. Only $5-00 for a Double Berth an $40-00 for a R. R. Ticket Lincoln to Los Angeles Call and get full information. Depot, 9th and P Streets. City Office, IQth and O Streets. CAPITAL CAfE A Good H Open Place HJh AH To Eat KmH Night Meals 15c and Upwards E. J. FRANCIS; SucoBBsor to f BAUCIS BEOS., Frop'r. 121 North llth Street. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Ijrjnjra 'Fflii AriTono sending a sketch and deecrl (oklv ascertain oar ODlnlon free w Inn la nmhutil nnlAntaliiaL Y trlHvnnnfli1TiMal UlUnUVW on Inrent tlon Trade Marks DcatQNB Copyrights Ac Iptlon may nether as tmraunlM. on Patent ! nn. fM. fll4A, ...hm tem AimMtilv tMfdnta Patent taken through Muna ft Co. reeelre special notice, without charge, la the Scientific Amcrkait. A handaomolf lllnstratod weekly. Largest cir culation of any sclentlno journal. Terms, $3 a rear : four months, $L Bold by all newsdealers. MPN&Co36IBroHBwYork Branch Office. 625 F BU Washington, D. C. AfULlN Jwl M VVLm 'if it im. MAR LIN S5oAJ4l For Trap or FMd Shootlat, combine the elegance of outline, perfection of balance, case of ttUng span anaqusuiy or noun or the best double tuns with the superiority In sighting and shooting of the single barrel, and also possess the rapidity of fidSPi nistaxlno capacity of MARLIN REPEATrNG RIFLES.. 120Qewi slog of arms and ammunition, colored cover, by Ostbaus, nailed for 3 stamps. ,9 MAstuM rtnu A.nus Co., New Kavvn. Ct. h - W t M ,si - . .-j V '.'Sl -I ri V-' ,- V3 to ' ,.;M S.1 "T.- - J1 j-n !jt ". H 1 $A t trji m A t i vS- .X Y "if K "& J .u. .,...- ff ' 1 rt?n ' 'i ' .". -T'J TTBt"" WYW- "T 7T?TX .TS . t I J 1 "t- w - i .. . 1 ,. .:,.( r ..,'.. . :i n .!3"oi'.crv ' vr. - . . axirr .-''-b - - r . ' brr- rs - ., . tM-ltMjjMsfjjjjjaajjjjjjjs