- i'?rr$f'H'' ,-ri -;-.' T r tB VWtwMa -f JT""nv "" V"V. t :.! f ' $& ti the DAILY NEBRASKAN. r . it s & 'i lv .- i EAT AT THE Merchants Dining Hall 1042 P STREET. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. The Only Up -to -Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in Town. No Saloon At- Tables Newly Powell's, 146 Phone L(HJ4. tached. Covered. N. 11th. The first National Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $200,000; surplus, $ioo,ooo; pro fits, $18,319; deposits, $2,589,093; b. H. Burnharo, prest; A. J. Saw. y&& vjice-prest; H. S. Freeman, cashier; II. B. Evans, asst. cash.; Frank Parks, asst. cash. United States Depository. One llllilp lie Restaurant Just Opened at 214 South 12th Street. S udents' patronage solicited. MRS. L. V. ARNOLD. Office Phone L 1021. Residence Phone, L925. Official Bulletin. This column is devoted mainly to notices of the university. All depart ments and student organizations hav ing notices to publish should leave them cither at the executlvo office, at the office of the paper, or hand them to anyone connected with the paper. All announcements should be In by G p. m. NOTICIO. A picture of Company D will be taken for the Sombrero nex Friday night. All members are requested to be present. FRESHMAN M FETING. Important meeting of the Freshman class Thursday in U. 201! at 10 n. m. C. W. M. POYNTER, M. D. 1222 O Sirii 1 . Residence 349 So. 27th Street. STUDENTS' BARBER SHOP John Marshall has been the Students' favorite bai ber for eight years. Now with MARSHALL & RICHARDS, 139 So. 13th Street. INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF A0ADEMI0 OOSTUME. 00TRELL & LEONARD, Albany, N. Y orsof thoOAPS, GOWNS and HOODS to Univ. of Nebraska. Univ. of Minnesota, Univ. of Chicago, Univ. of Omaha, Cor nell, Yalo, Harvard, Princeton, Loland 'Stanford, U. of P., Woloaley, Byrn Mawr and the others. Illustrated bulletin, Bamples, oto , upon request. VCvV rTvT 1 amw From the Factorv to your Head. One Profit One Priced ONE QUALITY. GUA?ANT0 ATS w&parsWvmd39'M)faia0rr The SUCss -wtf)OFTHE CENTURY. BRIMFUL OF TYLE. mlmmA NOTICE. Students may enter the College of Medicine the second semester begin ning February 2, liiO.'l The programs are out for the twenty fifth animal meeting of the Nebraska State Historhal society, which will be held at H o'clock p. in. on January 13 and M in Memorial hall, of the university. SENIOR PICTURES. The Senior pictures must be taken at Townsend's by January 15ith. SOMBRERO NOTICE. Because of rush of work at Town send's before Christmas, this week will be allowed Juniors to have their pic tures taken. Saturday will be the last day. Miss I'enrle V( ad lias been elected assistant principal of the Neligh schools. It is reported that Cm h Stagg of Chicago is going to try to arrange a football game for next season with some big eastern eleven Florence Hale, of University Place; Carrl "nd, of Aurora, Sadie Llvit yer, of Tenis, la.; Florence A. Click, of "Firth, have registered for music' Miss Josie Lansing, of Omaha, has registered in the University School of Music. She is a sister of Robert Lans ing, a former student in the university. Mr. Teach has been elected principal of the David City high school. He be gan bis labors in that city yesterday Mr. Teach will receive his degree In February. Sagasta Long in Harness. Senor Sagasta, so long Spain's prime minister, and well entitled to bo called her "grand old man," Is now nearly 80 years old. He began his career as a newspaper reporter. At Intervals since he wont Into poli tics he has resumed his original oc cupation as a newspaper correspond ent, but his country has had too ur gent need of his services to allow him to follow hlB favorite occupation for any great length of time. To him, quite as much as to the queen regent, belongs the credit of having preserved the SpanlBh throne from overthrow In troublous times. At Harvard a feature of the year is the annual meeting for the announce ment of prizes won by students. For mer Secretary of the Navy John D. Long was the orator at the recent meeting held in Sander's theatre. Dis tinguished alumni joined with under graduates In congratulating the prize winners. Mr. Sheldon has just returned from a trip to Chadron and vicinity, where he received many interesting things for the historical department. Among the novelties which he brought back is a "Census of the Sioux and Chey enne Indians of Pine Ridge Agency, South Dakota." This consists of 144 pages of type-written names first given in their Indian form and then In Eng lish, together with the sex andjige of each person. VbhB ' 1 VT "sT H A 'W Vst I V v FL rW V. llVISBf'ilsVuTlKllVrslSfCf ulSfksH " . . rLJir' j 5?sTSkTfl:,'vSTlssssssslsl fMfl, ))( V CtJTJ !BttiM LLrBWBsiLTssssl . . . ,. ,'h'i l . . J..T-4. . jiMlllljIilllMHil II filHlll SWMJJSWMsltiMs1sMMs1BiWMT" OAAAOAiL Is HI Chicago College Dental Surgery (Denial Department ot Like Porett University.) Twentieth Annual Course of instruction will borln nbont Oct. 1st, 11)01, oiiUuiK about May lt, 1902 l'nr rnlnlniMin iMvmir full information roRaiciiiiK oourso and for dosenptivo book- lot, addruss Thhulli1ln(hlng iwclallr (UiI(iimI forrt.nUl Initructlon tha DR. TRUMAN W. BROPHY,DOQn, LatMrnlorlo are all light and wen v.ntn.MU iu mowi... . u.-l Gn r t I r n rv . i.rtln..f Froihm.n clt at 0rtlr T-hnlc work WOOCI atn0rrl8On I8.f Cfl lOUgO. WBrnMrnmrnmrnommmmmm ft y.jA . i ". 'II l'h THE. NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION IS The Authority of the E-nglUh-SpoaKInn World All Good T1Iii(th p.iU't win ujKin tholr merits. Tint 1.NTEUNATION vi, Inw sm u Kn'iitcr distinction and is In moi-c ftniT.il u io than any other work of itw kind. The Nw Kxlltlon hu MM pairm ith 6000 lllmlratlnnt and In pnntxl from new plata thrnuKhout ls.i.000 t c nrdi and ptir-N h&vn ni-nllj txn addtwl tinder uin euiursnii ui 1 llarrl in n , m.ij , L n. Uuunaualunrr o( ttlucmtlon. LET US SEND YOU FREE "A Tost In Pronunciation" winch aTonls a plcaiant and in 6tructi e evening's entertainment. IlluMratcd pnmnhlct also free. WEBSTER'S 1 G. S C. MERRIAM CO.. Sorlnnflcld. Mttaa. i INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY ;u.i WEDSTEn'S INTERNATIONAL NARY -3 isifc hi srii1 iT i " t i ii i 'W I Chicago College f Dental Surgery (Dentil Department ol Lake Porett Unlvertlty.) The Twentieth Annual Course of instruction will tagin about October 1st, 1901, ending about May lBt, 1902. Tliroo full winter coursos of locturos nro required beforo graduation. Interaction comnlnto In every dotnil. Clinical material ubviudunt. Co lingo building and oquipmont offer unsurpnbsod facilities to tlio dental student. For nu nouueomout and descriptivo booklet address DR. TRUMAN W. BROPHY, Dean. Wood &. Harrison Sts., CHICAGO. pi LDING'S OFFICIAL FOOT BALL SUPPLIES are used K" all colleges and athletic clubs, because they stand the test. Spalding's Official Intercollegiate Foot Ball is used in all championship games. Price $4.00. Spalding's New Attachment for Foot Ball Tacking Machine was invented by Mr. John McMasters, trainer of the Harvard team. It is the best appliance of its kind ever invented. Price $15.00. Spalding's Official Foot Ball Guide for 1902. Price 10 cents. Spaldings Fall and Winter Sports Catalogue mailed free. A. G. SRALDNG & BROS. New York Chicago Denver Baltimore " Buffalo P. W. Penoon, '.02, who is now locat ed In Arkansas, was a recent visitor at the university. He nas a half owner shir) In a cotton and flour mill In that state, and reports a sucessful business. LBBkV5EWv'fijsfflVP9BrBr Perfect Alignment PERMANTLY SECURED BY CORRECT MECHANICAL FEATURES The New Century Typewriter is direct in action, faultless in construc tion and wholly satisfactory in operation. BOOK OF THE NEW CENTURY MAILEl5 FREE. AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO.,415 So.15ih Street, Omaha. A ? t 1 fiI-Vl vj; 1 U-: m - -rm- , . Jll.1 yy ,r j wjf. "'-