:.. J! ... y A l jn.vi.iii i ! Ii III itw) TihiMilWia.WWPrjftl.vaii &..!...... . . . . -A J H -TMHK? - " V fir "K -, J:"7,-sw.- O .-. fj.JST -:.''''- -",.- '-'v' '-"- mwufcu $ The Daily Nebraskan. DCX3DES VOL. a NO, 68. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1903. THOSE JUNIOR HATS Class of '04 Causes a Sensation Upon the Campus The Hats a Striking Novelty. School of Music Notes Mr. flcorge Johnston is in Chicago for a few days. Miss Lena Frlckc visited Miss Du raont during the holidays. ACADEMY PEOPLE BUSY The class of '04 is the first to appear In class headgear this year. The girls have been wearing their caps for some time and the boys appeared in their now hats yesterday. The hatfl are de cidedly odd in color, shape and design, as the class intended they should be. They are olive green and red in color, of soft fiannel-llko material, and bear no class numerals. Being of this soft material they can be placed in the pocket or even sat upon without injur ing them and will be very easy to "swipe." The hats can be secured by calling on B. P. Tyner ai I, 102 during convocation hour. Now orders may also be left with him. 'Miss Bcsb BurniKS is visiting her sis ter in Nebraska City for a few days. Miss Lulu Crawford, a former pupil at the conservatory, is instructing a (lass of pupils at Central City, Neb. Misses Kate Gellatly of Falrbury, Maude Stevens and Pearl Younger of Ceneva, and Marie Mayland of Seward, are new students at the conservatory. Girls to See Pictures Debating and Basket Ball Receive At- tention Mr. Hodge man Surprised. The boys debating club will hold Its first meeting Friday evening at 7:30. Much enthusiasm has been developed, and a strong club Is almost assured. Bret Hart's Estate It appears that Bret Harte left an estate which Is valued at only $1,800, but he also left an estate which is in valuable, since it Is beyond price. lie was richer both In his life and in his death than a convention of multi-millionaires. We can think of no one who would be entitled to a seat in that con vention who would match him in the power to get or to give. There have been some of the class who had their start in mining CHinps, and who en joyed the experience, but Harte saw many things beyond the range of their vision. His sensitive temperament. his fancy, his imagination, not onlyj multiplied the objects, but reveled in them, responded to every touch of hu mor and pathos, to every inspiring sug gestion of man and nature. Hence the quality of his enjoyment was unap proachable, and when the period of ob servation was past there was a new en joyment In the exercise of that art which made him not only the first but probably the greatest of writers of short stories In the modern style. While the memory of the camp was growing less distinct with others, he accepted all the old pleasures by re creating picture after picture and so saved them for all time. It was thus that he built the great estate whlch compares with the estates of the multi-millionaire as his best happiness does with theirs. This Is said without any intention to disparage industrial genius, its material contrU butlons to human progress or Its pub lic benefactions. We are considering now merely the value of the possession to the Individual himself and to his future fame, and It is Bafe to say that from this point of view nine people out of ten would rather be Bret Harte than a Rockefeller or a Carnegie Chicago Record-Herald. Interstate Debates With the return of the students earnest work In preparation for the preliminary debates has begun. Sev eral men have register already and many more intend to do so. All those who are going to try for places on the inter-state teams should register as soon as possible with Secretary Meier of tho debating board. Basket ball is receiving considerable attention from the young men of the Academy, and it is hoped that a strong team may be the result. January 15th the team will play the Tecumseh high school team, which will be the first out of town game this year. PRICE THREE CENTS. To Be Worth While As was staU (1 in yesterday's Issue of the "Daily Nebinskaii," the Shedd benefit will be given Friday evening. January 9th, In Memorial hall. The business men of the city and the university professors are putting fo "th great efforts to make the entertain ment a success. What Is now needed Is support from the student body, which will undoubtedly be forth-coming. Several fraternities and literary societies have signified their Intention to attend in a body. An excellent program has been ar ranged and every student who can at tend Friday night should take advant age of the opportunity to witness a first-class entertainment and at tho same time aid in a worthy cause. The Girl's Social Hour club will take advantage of the rare opportunity to see the productions of the best Ameri can artists, and meet in the university art gallery next Monday from 3 to 4 o'clock. This vIbII to the art rooms will SHEDD BENEFIT MEMORIAL Friday, 8 P. M. HALL Jan. 9, '03. ADMISSION SO CENTS. I Postoffice Box for Cadets A large postoffice box was placed In the east end of the armory near the door, during vacation. It is to be used by the military department exclusively, in communicating with cadets. Each company has a tier of boxes arranged in alphabetical order and cadets are re quested to watch them for mail. This improvement has been needed for some time and will be welcomed by all con-corned. The Christmas souvenir edition of the Wisconsin Dally Cardinal, issued on December 22, 1902, Is very attrac tive... . . . Padlocks on Lockers Some much needed improvements were made in tne men's locker room during vacation. Tho combinations were removed from all the lockers and they were fitted with latches. Every one who UBes the lockers will provide himself with a padlock and key of his own and carry and keep the key him self. Padlocks can be secured from Jack Best. This change will eliminate to a great extent the further loss of property and confusion arising from the combination method of locking. Be sides much time will be saved. take the place of the regular weekly meeting of the club. A serious study of the pictures will be made and a profitable time is contemplated. Repetition of Ceurse It is hoped to repeat the course In zoology during the second semester and to offer the opportunity of taking zool ogy II in the summer school. This will enable those who desire to start on the six year medical course at the begin ning of the second semester to under take the work as it standB In the cata logue. No definite hour has been de cided upon It is desirable that stu dents who are planning to take this work announce their intention early in order that the most feasible hour may be decided upon, and that preparations may be made for the laboratory work. Legislative Elections At yesterday's session of the legis lature J. H. Mockett, jr., of Lincoln, wns elected speaker of the house, John Wall, of Arcadia, was made chief clerk, and A. Wlltse of Moorefleld, ser-geant-at-arms. In the senate the Important officers elected were as follows: Secretary, A. R. Kelm. Falls City; sergeant-at-arms, Capt. L. L. Russell, Fremont. The Michigan university band is now under Its own management and all re ceipts for services rendered are divided among tho members. Principal Hodgman and wife were very delightfully surprised on the Thursday evening Just preceding the holiday vacation. An onslaught was made on the principal by the students and teachers of the Academy, who, af ter taking possession of his home for a time, left a dozen solid silver Bpoons as souvenirs of the occasion, and as a token of good wishes. The affair was planned entirely by the Btudents and proved to be a perfect surprise. Military Athletics The war department has seen fit to encourage athletic exercises In the ar my, and in pursuance of this policy Major General Bates, commanding the department of the lakes, has set apart one day of each month to be devoted to athletic sports. When practicable the recreation will be enlivened with music. The Lincoln Academy girl's poster appeared just before Christmas and was distributed with the compliments of the management to teachers and students of the Academy and to superintendents and principals of the state during the association meeting. A few copies have been placed on sale at the Co-Op, and the University book store. The poster is the first one ever produced In the state by purely home talent. It is a neat piece of work and reflects much credit on those who had thp matter in hand. The drawing was done by Miss Beans, tho coloring by Miss Hayden, and the etching by Miss Cornell. How to Kill a College Paper 1. Do not subscribe. Borrow your neighbor's paper. Be a sponge. 2. Look up the advertisers and trade with, the other fellow. Be a chump. 3. Never hand In a news Item and crltlcse everything In the paper. Be a cox-comb. 4. If you are a member of the staff play pool or ten-plns when you ought to be tending to your business. Be a shirk. 5. Tell your neighbor that you pay too much for the pjiper. Be a squeeze. 6. If you can't get a hump on your anatomy and help make the paper a success be a corpse. Columbia has established a course in automobile engineering. '-,l Afl ? f ul r V- 6 r M k if, fc zL i M r -.'-) -(i h?M 'VI I H "71 v5l m ti .,''' v4 . v - - a )-;: .? . 1 I i-V ! a 1 - v. v ;Y r fJ - - Ii- jf ,- ' f . WX3Uh,V. &1&M