The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 18, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
I-'M-U.- ' 4 V V THE DAILY. NEBRA8KAN. 3 A. .v I.MH tbbh . h Mistletoe," " Holly," P.almS, Ferns, Blooming Flowers, Tardines. and manv other Xmas Presents, at CHAPlN BROS., 127 S. 13th Street. See them be rare you go home. JHTfiBCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF OADEMIO 008TUMIT. KJ0TBELL & LEONARD, Albany, N. Y Makers of tho GAPS JOWNB and HOODS .oUniv. of NobraBka. Jniv. of Minnoaota, Jniv. of Ohioago ' Jniv. of Omaha, Oor ioII, Yalo, Harvard Jrinooton, Loland Stanford, U. of P, WeloBloy, Byrn Mawr and tho othors. Illustrated bullotin, samples, etc uon roqneBt. D3. J. R. HAGGARD. Physi cian and Surgeon. Special atten tion paid to diseases of temales and rectal diseases. Rooms 212 to 214 Richards block. Residence 13 10 G street. Office telephone 535. Residence telephone L 984. DU TEIL CIGARS "THAT'S ALL" Yule Bros. Laundry J5J4 O Street. Tel. 754. Originators of the idea of Bonding borne work satisfactory Columbia National Bank Of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $100,000.00 Officers: John B.Wright, Presi dent; J. H. Westcott, Vice-Presi dent; Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-Presi dent; P. L. Hall, Cashier; W. B Ryons, Assistant Cashier. Holi(l(i HfllCS One Fare -FOR Round Trip ON UNION PACIFIC Within, 200 Miles of Lincoln Dec. 24, 25, 31, and January 1st. Return Limit, JAN. 2, 1903. For Tickets Call at Oity Office, 1044 O Street, or Depot, O and 5th Streets. ' B. B. SLOSbON, G. A. J J. T. WAbllJN, . x. .. KEISTER'S Ladies' Tailoring College The largest and most popular institution of its kind in the West. Ladies taught to cut and make their own dresses. Positions secured for graduates. Also high-grade custom work. Call or write for booklet. MRS. B. E. HAYES, Manager, 208 South 12th Street. A CHANOE. Tho announcement that the class of x '02, of tho Lincoln high school, will hold a reunion Saturday evening In tho high school building, la a mistake, the reunion will be hold Friday, Decem ber 10. Local and Personal Oliver Theater Pharmacy. Saturday "2" o'clock. Pay up your subscription. Eat at the Good Health Cafe. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street. Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 So. 11th. C. E. Brown, dentist. Burr block. Eat at Hendry's, 129 North Eleventh. Ye oldo Pmokc House. No. 1207 O St. Don't wait to have tho circulator seo you. Cameron's lunch counter, 118 So. llth. Prang's Calendars and Art goods at Brown's. Call Forbes' carriages, 1125 P street. 'Phono 550. Don't wait to be Invited to subscribe or pay up. Why not bathe, at Chris.' place, cor. llth and P Sts. Call, on the circulator about your subscription. If you can't find tho circulator, come to tho office. Excplslor Dairies, 1903, at Brown's Drug & Book Co. Flegenbaum's pharmacy, northwest corner Thirteenth and O streets. Brown has the flneBt perfume in tho neatest packages. 127 So. llth St. The R. and C. Barbor Bhop. 1144 O street, is the flneBt In tho city. Seven chairs. Little Gem hot waffles served at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 North 13th St. Wo have : large student patronage. The enly way to be satisfied ts to look fur yourself. We are at home for Xmas neckwear. The Toggery, 1141 O St. The floor of the gymnasium belong ing to' the city Y. M. C. A. was burned out yeBtorday. It will probably soon be replaced. Sperlal rates to students wishing their note books typewritten. Room 72, Burr block. , Finest line of cigars, pipes and class canes at Wohlenberg's cigar store, 128 So. llth St. $3.00 commutation for $2,75 at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. 13th st. Stu dents are cordially Invited. Hair-dressing, manicuring shampoo ing nnd scalp treatment at Lindell hair-dressing parlors. 123G M St. C C. A. Tucker, Jeweler, 1123 O St., for Holiday presents. Dependable goods at less price than elsewhere. A full line of Christmas slippers at Webster & Roger's shoe store, 1043 O street. A nupiLer ot go'rt nnd silver fish will be placed in the aquarium at the green house before long. Are you Interested In boxing? If so, why don't you Join the Y. M. C. A. and get into tho boxing club. More neckwear for Xmas to a square Inch and nicer than ever happened be foreat The Toggery, 1141 O St. Mrs. Wllklns has returned to the city and will be pleased to board a few of her old friends at 454 No. 16th St. Rates $2.75 per week. Obtain the neatest thing ever offered as a Christmas present to your friends. Tho University Seal. See Roy Blck ford, or obtain them at tho Co-Op. A $35 smoking set given away next Saturday evening at Frod A Powoll's. A ticket on this set freo with every 25 cent purchase. Oliver Theatre Cigar Store. By mistake the reception given to the basket ball girls was reported to have taken place Tuesday afternoon. It was given yesterday afternoon In the domestic science rooms by Miss Pound and Miss Barr. An Informal luncheon will be served by the officers In the recent lnter-class tournament to tho girls of the class teams Friday noon In the Armory. Players arc asked to be on hand In the rest room at 1 o'clock. USE COAT ROOMS. The men's coat room In the bnsement of the mnln hall has been opened up and It Is now unnecessary that students should have their belongings laying around loose or hanging on promlscomi hooks about the university buildings. This check room Ib open from 7 o'clock in the morning until 0 In the evening. All men should take notice of this. F. I. Disney, a grnd Kite of the law di-hool. who is county attorney nt Shos hone City, Idaho, Is In Lincoln on business. OARITAL OAFE. 121 North iillllii 0pcn Meals 15c and upwards. E. J. FRANCIS, Successor to f BAN0IB BROS., Proper. Lindsey'& For CIGARS and a Full Line of SMOKERS' SUPPLIES for Xmas Presents. One MlPite Restaurant Just Opened at 214 South 12th Street. S udents' patronage solicited. MR L. V. ARNOLD. Office Phone L 1021. Residence Phone, L925 C. W. M. POYNTER, M. D.. " 1222 O Street. Residence 349 So. 27th Street. STUDENTS BARBER SHOP John Marshall has been the Students' favorite barber for eight years. Now with MARSHALL & RICHARDS, 139 So. 13th Street. Chancellor Andrews address tho stu dents of the high school Wednesday morning. Owing to the annual "Skip day" the Seniors were not present to hear him. Professor Luckey will leave for Bos ton next Saturday, where he will de liver a series of lectures on education nt Harvard University. Hrf Intends to vifctt a number of tho eattfrn uni versities while away and will return about the 6th of January. Teeth filled without pain OR. A. B. AYRES, DENTIST A libera discount to students. 141 So. X2TH St., - Lincoln, Ned-- Ross Electric Go. mS. nmwm. mm HDtDLATE5,"BDNBDN5 Sold only b.n flarleyDrug Co,, Utjiajid 0 Streets Electric Supplies, Wmdov Lighting, Dynamos and Motors,. Electric Signs, Gas, Electric and Combination Fixtures. 122 N. 14.T11 St. - Tel. 374c BOWLING ALLEYS ALLEYS. Standard and Regula tion iq every particular. 1210O street H. O. THOMAS, Proprietor. .v ' " vl " i'l .m ' "Scl ;i t ? V 1 1 " rr-J h'?N' 3' 'rtW' i4 .jt it 1 E i j , 1 n ' M 4 -. 11 bi . 1 M -. i 'i:l r : ! M 'ii 4 v A W 1 c 1 1 ' ;V i . - VI !, i V , ., "'r if ' "t m - t .. ,'V" ; .Cl.' ' -. t . '.:'.tJ' & 4 .,' .,Vi y'r' . .! . t- .?. 4 V." . iX rH