L v- ' Jt1 " -Hi? V1'"':''- tw--- ",' ,., yejOr-'. r-vi-''L,; ' v " "..- - : v . THE DAILY' NEBRASKAN. -rr UAi ; lttu rrtr r v ,; .l i,'' i i i' - : 1, rl 1? Ml,. w KIM New Pool Parlor 138 So. 11th Street. All Students arc cordially invited to while away the time here. Checks given on all games. D. O. PIPER, Pfopr. ' "-"' EAT AT THE Merchants Dining Hall 1042 P STREET. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. The Only Up -to -Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in Town. No Saloon At tached. Tables Newly Covered. Powell's, 146 N. 11th. Phone L664. The First National Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, aoo.ooo; surplus, 100,000; pro fits, $18,319; deposits, 2,589,093; S. II. Burnham, prcst; A. J. Saw. yer, vice prest; II. S. Freeman,' cashier; II. H. Evans, asst. cash.; Frank Parks, asst. cash. United States Depository. DOMESTIC HAND LAUNDRY 1B01 0 51, - Ptione 274 Skirts, 4c Cellars. 1 l-2c. Ciffs, 3. Nettilig Cheap but price. Work Called for and delivered. Agency at The Co-Op. J. WILSON, Proprietor. THE... NORTHWESTERN ...LINE f ., E. & M. V. R'Y. Best Line to Of f Iciar BilletlB. This column is devoted mainly u, notlcca of the unlveralty. All depart ments and student organizations hav ing notices to publish should leavo them either at the executlvo ofllco, at the ofllco of the paper, or hand them to anyone connected with the paper. All announcements should bo in by 6 p. m. NOTICE. Any student who expects to take a degree In February Ib requested to re port nt the reglstrar'e ofllco. at once. H. O. 8HEDD, Registrar. NOTICE. Tho person who borrowed Howard's Mosquito book from the entomology department will please return It at once. The1 booftV for the students In Ger man chorus have been sent for and are expected this week. The class will meet at least one hour a week, prob ably in the old chapel. LEAVE YOUR ADDRESS. Any student who has not left hiB correct nddress at tho office, do so bo fore Wodnosday. This is tho last call for the Student Directory. NOTICE. Tho Hird club will hold an important mooting Thursday. Everybody invit ed. R. A. WOLCOTT. &t;raul BLACK HILLS CHICAGO PERSHING OPEN DRILL. The Pershing Rifles will hold an open drill and spell-down on Thursday night at 8 o'clock in the Armory Full uniform will bo worn. UNION LITERARY SOCIETY Tho Unions will meet at Townsond's Thursday at 2 o'clock. Picture for tho Sombrero to be taken. Ho prompt. Order of Committee NOTICE. Tho mooting of tho University Latin club which was to take place on Thurs day night, has been postponed on ac count of the Shedd benefit, in which Home of the girls wore to take part, until after the holiday vacation. SOMBRERO NOTICE. All juniors have their pictures taken at Townsend'B before the holidays, as the Sombrero can not accept them after January 1. NOTICE. Call at tho Y. M. C. A. and got your association tickets before leaving for the holidays. These tickets are good in any association in America, whether college, city or railroad. NOTICE. All those who have ordered gymna sium suits please get them and wear tho same at class. Any suit not satis factory will be made so by calling at the physical director's olbce. SOPHOMORE CAPS. Sophomores order caps "Immediately from F. S. Harks or President Swoeloy. SENIORS. Seniors will please have their pic tures taken at Townsends us soon as possible. Senior Hook Commiti.ee. NOTICE. The class of 1902 or the Lincoln high school will hold a reunion meeting next Saturday evening, December 20, In the high school building. All are urged to attend. Jhc Improved BOSTON GARTER The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Name "BOSTON! GARTER" ! stamped ion every loop. The CUSHION , BUTTON I CLASP. Lies flat to the le never Slips, Tears nor Unfastens. BOLD EVERYWHtttt. BunpU pair, 8 Ilk Ma CoUon 24. Mined on rectipt of prle. " ISKO. r&OBT 00., SUkcra ooawm, mil., U.S.A. 'EVEflY PAIR WARRANTED-M! Translations Literal, $od Interlinear, $1.50. itoIs. Dictionaries (.crirmn, I rrrtch, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Grtek,9..uot and Si.oo. Completely Parsed Caesar, Book L HiiBonor page, initrlimar translation, litfal (rannUiion, and t y w T-i cemf'ttljr parsed. $1.50. Comp'etrly ScumeJ and Taned Ae- ncid, Boofc I. f, m Kra,l?Avytt,i;nn. I LWD'J & NOBLE, P6b!fsK& per Iiiliuu, N.Y. City. '.n n 1 j f ' 1 hno.liookt ef ail fuil jlit 1 at fine ttorg - . ---.-.-CI . i !" Si1 ! 9 &n?3?gi5?'g:3?? -VV A: -V: : V : AX: AX: AX:l U-PI-DEE. A new Co-e ha all(hlell tn town, l' pl-cle?. U pUUI 1 .1 .1 . lo-Ijtr uUvr-aiade gown.U-pl-de-Ula I 1 he t.,y ate wilil, and ph? i, loo, Vuu never aw iuch a )iulU-b.oo. r iiouu. - U-pllee.Me.a I etc. Her voice ii clear .11 a oarinr larV'i, And her lt It like thme trolley-car tparktl When 'i n a muddy treet she dlw, I ho loy jll have conniption fits I Tho turn of her head lurnt all nun, too, I here'i always a ltrlfe to it In her pew ; ' I li enough t.i make a pa nop drunk. To hear her ng old co-ca-chc-lunk I T l- . .. .. -. . "T-'-'Te, jni inrecwner NBW.ttwIo U-PI-niiE, ,,, m and HRW words, catihy, np lolate, m many OP1 11 "1 1 1"" " 'he I"0"111' ot-" FAMILIAK TUNRS; bi. Tl ' ..Uu. ,,,.,, rAiuMiitj, auu arso many NKWSONCS. iK ff 80H0S OF ALL THB C0LLEGB8. IT 2 Cfl.rriim PrKt.-ffJO, postpaid. iwu. Mf. MINDS A NOBLU, Pnbllhr, New York City. V Schoolboeki of all fiublithcri at on it art. ft m if it 9 p. a t i--Vtr: i?n.v SPALDING'S OFFIOIAL f'OOT BALL SUPPLIES are used by all colleges and athletic clubs, because they stand the test. Spalding's Official Intercollegiate Foot Ball is used in all championship games. Price $4.00. Spalding's New Attachment for Foot Ball Tacking Machine was invented by Mr. John McMasters, trainer of the Harvard team. It is the best appliance of its kind ever invented. Price $15.00. Spalding's Official Foot Ball Guide for 1902. Price jo cents. Spaldings Fall and Winter Sports Catalogue mailed free. A. G. SRALDING & BROS. New York Baltimore Chicago Den ver Buffalo Perfect Alignment PERMANTLY SECURED BY CORKECT MECHANICAL FEATURES The New Century Typewrite is direct in action, faultless in construc tion and wholly satisfactory in operation. BOOK OF THE NEW CENTURY MAILED FREE. AMERICAN WUiriNG MACHINE CO., 415 So. 15ih Street, Omah$. SE55S5555 Rates Via 6. & M. K. H. HOLIDAYS To pointy f within 2ffi M Tho Sigma Chi'B have arranged a bpb-aled party for this evening. :ioaV O St. - 1024 OS . ;E. R- Bvwr. R- W. McGinnis, G..-T, A: Gen'l Agt. The registrar is compiling tho names ajid addresses of all tho students for during vacation. miles of Lincoln on 15. & M. R. R; SALE DATES, DECEMBER 24- AND 25, AND 31 AND JANUARY . RETURN LIMIT IANTJAR; ""yes, i rf 1 4Mf r.I7T 17TTT T T MTTOT? XX XrflTri'M 1 v ''' $ ' tho students directory to be Issued by BURLINGTON DEPOT, 7th St., bet. P Tutty QHhone . ,r .. a 1. ...Ill l. !.! ,. a-'.mK' tnO I. m. Kj. J. IL Will UC iJIIIItCU A' '.Jtlfi'W' I I --rir mTorPli -vT?t7TiTI r mil. .-Jfn vii.u'.uvix-ini. .. VJL l X x ivtCj x urriuc, vui. iijtii uitu w UEMr 'rnonc "Til ' V I I t r W 4 J fej J iii i'i I J iS v. ' . r Ik." v l..- pSp$l&&M mt "l "i'VTj4,rwNPwwaMitiiiiiiii ' "' ''."Vl.l WlHtAjhrlWHUllUMil tLs. it .." '