' ?. t -"V .-va THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN. " - i." i -, . . I ? , - . . , -. ' ' J J. . V it ' ' ' vr . '. Mistletoe': "Holly," -JFJalms, Perns, piobming Flowers, J-fardinei,-. skhd many other Xmas 'Pfese'nts. at CRAPfN BROS.. 127 S 13th Street. See them he- J, foe;yoo home. F,? IlfrTEROOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF m- -t "'--. OADEMIO OOBTUME. X)TBELL & LEON ABD, Albanj, N. Y 7Makors of the OAFS 10WNB and HOODB oTJniv. of Nebraska. Jniv. of Minnosota, I Iniy. of Ohioago i I jmv.oiumaoa. uor- 'hi mrlB ii Vain. TTrrWl "".i, , , . . 'rinootau, Loland IrtL ;, , - Stanford. U. of IV ". r' - m - . WeMey, ' Eyrn.Mawr and tho otbora ; . , Saturday , ''2." o'clock. f '' TIlnafMitrl Knl1ai ""omitl1no Afn. tlTWVn "' ' ' ' AAJfcUJIH dVUU U lUtOVUHl BdlUWlWl vfv roqueat. Tu ."IHi k. i 'Mll ?f- ' . n F.r T - , 1 .c i-'. . . i i " . ( M ,ii A . ! 1 - T, yi V-, V I- c Da. I. R. HAGGARD. Phvsi- . 'avJ('" ' - ... ,( 7 cian ana ourgeon. opeciai attcn- ; ." tion paid to diseases of females and v" Rectal diseases.- "iRoomS'artpa :.'? 'Richards blocks ReBidenceiIO ''& &$'' Office telephone 535. -'' r 1 DU-TEIL. CIGARS XM THAT'S ALL" v - .-e Yule Bros, laundry !54 0SlKe9. TeL754. OrtgteMtora if th Idea of Hondlnp . hm work satlalbciory wmwzr.mxmmxm rn .-i'P--"- jfc-r m P v 1 & Ladies' Tailoring College The largest and most popular institution of its kind in the West. Ladies taught to cut and make their own dresses. Positions secured for graduates. Also high-grade custom work. Call of write for booklet. MRS. B. E. HAYES, Manager, 208 South 12th Street . Beta Theta PI enjoyed the Drlvilejte i of; entertaining Judgo Pot.er Qrosacup at'dfmioy Saturday, kr, OroBa'cupTa of tho Ohlb chapter. Ah Informal recep tion was hold In the afternoon and many of the pity alumni took advan tage of tho optwrtunlty of meeting the noted Jurist. Local and Personal ' : H . Oliver Theater Pharmacy. Columbia National Bank Of Lincoln, Nebraska. f4-- cipltal, $100,000.00 ?k OicER'stJbhnBrWrightresi ;k lent: I. H. Westcott. Vice-Presi V dent; Joe Samuels, ad Vice-Presi-f4; ent; K L. Hall, Cashier; W. B i . a rs .'; k,'JK.yons, Asstsianr vasnier. ? Pay up your subscription. Eat at tho Good Health Cafe. Restaurant Unique, 1228 O street. Eat at .Don Cameron's, 118 So. 11th. .. ,6. J3 Brown, dentist Burr block. Bat at'Hohdry's,a29 North Eleventh. Ye olde Pmoke House. Np. 1207 O St. Don't wait to have tho circulator see you. Cameron's lunch fbuntor. 'lis So. nth. : iC;-"v- , . - "? . . - Call Forbes' carriages, 'li25 P street. Thong 560. ' . . . -: . v -, Dop't wait to be invited to ptibscribe or pay up. '., ' Special rates to students wishing tholr note books typewritten. Room 72, Burr block. R. P. Krlsaelbach is back in school after his siego of typhoid fever. ' A full lino of Christmas sllppors at Webster and Foger'a shoe store, 1043 O St Mrs.. Splelmann .of Chicago, a for mer university student, is visiting iff the city. Finest lino of cigars, pipes and cla8B canes at Wohlonberg's cigar store, 128 So. 11th St. Mr. E. C. Park, '02, who Js now teaching in Aspen, Colo., writes that ho enjoys his work very much. Why not batho at Chris.' place, cor. 11th and P Sts. $3.00 commutation for $2.75 at the Merchants' Cafe, 117 No. 13th st. Stu dents aro cordially invited. A large sized cut of Coach Booth ap peared on the front page of the last Saturday Ibsuo of the Courier Lindsey's For CIGARS and a Full Line of SMOKERS SUPPLIES for Xrnaf -Presents.- Call on the circulator about your subscription. If you' can't find the circulator, como to tho office. - -..,, Hair-dressing, manicuring shampoo ing and scalp treatment at Lindell hair-dressing parlors. 1236 M St. Miss Barbour has Just completed some handsome plaster casts of early Nebraska relics for Mr. Blackman. Holiday Rates ryi V ri-i f. M4 '' IMF' mr'te: y M ;y. - 1 t-7 j tr Fare i !- :-N.. ."?. Co One Round -FOR PV-Hi ? !-i'df Trip :S', 111 r. 1 ' i-Mri m v & mtww Y& ttlMOO. Mlfes .f . .-r itiioln pifiMi,. -"' and Tanuarv 1st. "! . ,wm f w- -- I-Vf', ? . ? t . K.r. .. - 1. t fc m Return limit, r Miy . f fcvv. Ul$iy wmthjj E. b! MTicketSiCall atf MBWfeSWjfe Kj, A.- -. Vi'U. . FioKonbaum's .pharmacy, northwest corner Thirteenth and O sfreftts. The R. and C. Barber shop, 1144 O street, is the finest in the city, Seven chairs. The benefit concert for "Chick" Shcdd has been postponed until Janu ary 9. Measurements for the Seniors girl's caps and gowns will hot be taken until January Gth. Junior themes will not be accepted unless handed in promptly on Wednes day, the 17th of December. C C. A. Tuckcr.'Joweler, 1123 Q St, for Holiday presents Dependable goods at less price than elsewhere. Joe Schuylerman, who farmerly at tended the university, recently pur chased a farm in western Washington. Jftc Improved . BOSTON GARTER L VThft Standard' for (kntkmen V ALWAYS EASY Th Name BOSTON I CARTER" Uttmpd on every loop. rt.. Sl'i inc CUSWOW, ' auTTOHl . L.LLMaHi ;LHii(UtW(hetetfnever' slip, Tears nor IMmUai 'OLO tVtHVWflMe. SuBpbpaJr.aitkMe.'ti IMUedooMclprfirif. ato.non oo.jitkwj MHM,IUM.IVJJL OCVpny PAlf! WAHRANTEOi The. Pi Beta Phi's will be entertained next Thursday evening by Miss Jennie Barber, -in hondr of . Miss Wright, of Schuyler. In buying Xmas presents for men go where people know what will suit him. Toggery people make It a business to suit tasty dressers. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL I'OOT BALL SUPPLIES, are used by jail colleges and athletic clubs, because theysia;n4;thrtest. . Spalding'sijQBciaUvInterpoll.?giate Foot Ball. is,us.ed in all championship games. Price 4.00. .Spalding's New Attachment iQrJFoolJBallyTackmg Machine was invented by Mr. John McMaJerSj trainer the Harvard team. It is the best;iiarAce'j9.f'i8'kirrd ever invented:5 PrTceJPl5:ofc. SpaldmgrOfficilPfiorBaWGuider for 1902. Price 10 cents. SpaldingsrJTall and Winf er'Sports Catalogue mailed free. ,- y,ie .. rrte . ft SPALDING f . if Ll J . Tilt' w , m. . N6w Vorkf-f Jap ' , ; Chicago Penver virViiTtirriore cunaio . WrrjA9i-.'. . .... 1 r 1 s. pKBI1 y. rr rr HBrF M-5ilfifl0svww JSiiawWv?tf i. rjiw-L: f ni lUBtLH iiE3 at nil rami ri . iIP,'.wllT' .' ArjL , liMMQ BOWLING ATT;KV ALLEYS. ; Standard an&Regula-' tion In, : every ."particular. kato'O street,"' 4'. " '-,' . ;. . ' ittiri fn lifKafiH fl Civtoit 7 &. O, mOUAS; Ope ftipite Restaurant Just Opened at 212 Siutii f 2th Street. S udents' patronage solicited. MRS. L- ARNQLP. . Office Phone L xodi. Residence Phone,'L925 C. W. M. 'OYNTER, l. D.. 1233 O Street. Residence 349 So. 27th Street. STUDENTS' BARBER SHOP John Marshall has been e Students' favorite barber for eight years Now with MARSHALL, RICHARDS, 139 So. 13th Street. Teeth tilled without pain 1 .. , V "f 'f4 I'STi . f ' V Vi . (' n iflS . ' . .?! . t."n :! -Jf. ! Y0 ' -. '; " :A "O -,r .' . f l "' . i. -1 . . ., 1 . . , ..-," -i '-J , ' .i-.J !..". ', . N.VJ '1 j.nl : lf"X .) . ,:.i 'vj ' -vr V ' - r. ' HH .r ("V "VKl ' Ml J.-5 ;5-- A- r. - it ' . J V 1. m. tfS-ft r- &: 'J -; . "' SMJf m u JF7 -'i' Cvl .a 'i T '. . .r :-'? -''. ;.'!a . . . !", ... - i. - ; v'r; '.. OR. A. B. AB;ES, A libera discbuptto etudeat. . v'. 141 So. I2TH St., - Lincoln, Neb .:,;OT 1 z r. m ' v'wr, V4 Sn Ross Electric MM'i r' i. :..'Jm TTII w . t. O-- 1? ' -fcci y - . Lighting; pynkmos and 'Motors' ' v: : A ''SSl 'Rlpr.trir. .QmnV laV nA T .' . !. . anpwbinauon fixtures, -; ,V v -V BOWLTNri ATT;PV...fi . ; w , rJV y.j 1 ;,C T, A. hOlQ-OJl, lUHmrwmu umiv v v . -? Proprietor., ;..,, vl. sw. r -" r-w -" 'WXIIi... --.-.' . .!,. J K .. 'J- . .V ."r .v . f1 L...fc 3V-. kM ".' .. rf..-, . ..V:,. .. ,jf ' - -'faif f r iViitM MB I ks) taJuftu jr t-,-iiJ.' .i-.-A. jir JMl'1l2nHiS ' i ' .- . .-' . 1 ,t . . ' . i .,-, V.V... . M JHilJf.il-- - ' ' ... -i., SB!' 7 l .( - . r ' i.F - ' . . ". .. .JT1 DW .'k.. V2... ? iV. . -. u..l riii,..r f----" 1 iiri - iiiir t r rfm 4 m rtiw