tv a Terr. 1 ' -7 " "f-r. '''.yJ r rj . .7- e JU-: ? - ;; c. s;: W jf t : ,',- , . 4 ' fc. . VI : -c f-H a .rater ' ir""' 3?fo' - Ati JSi - -tft -i ' "VOL. i N6. 63. a Lincoln, Nebraska, Tuesday, December 16, 1902, -PRICE THREE CENTS. fsi&m ftf . . .1 I I.- 1 K' -,i.rV Nebraskan. 1 1 1 iii 1 1 11 ii 1 twi 1 iiii 11 1 il n Af i - ' " ' .!:' rf.,.'L'''ju iu-t)Iit , ,, ,1 r1 m 1 . ( if j. r ' , i ' - . 1 V it t Ha!-' M7r, t ? t;.- I' 'a v LV7 "j ' hi .' -,; 0?fV - KiV 1 U ' ?nm AhAKfc mS& ftOTHiV MStf-At- vwTii 1 w iah -.jaoa ?Zt. 1 I W-fci S'Mvml .u jfw ni m? x i wxlin.A' WWiJiWl BENDER TO BE CAPTAIN AtWe tk; Btard Opens Ballots for FHtli Captain-Asks the Scultrs TVot Wear u Ns." At tho regular December meeting of , .the Athletic board held last night the .YttMpr for football captain wero count- A 4 jwd tho election of John R. Bender 4Munnea. gX w2 4t4Vf rtinivaltf vfArl 4 rAfiiiAal k 7'.Aii fUnlJir hftWa tint tn vor fhn 1ottir ,tr on their class hats. ;'" -ae report of Manager Bngol, con- M-1 f. . . ' tnlnfi' r rtatomfnt. of rccnlntft and Vt(lt expenditures for the post' season was rl1. z'.j nrt.. - n.nn ..!... IUJIilvu jut! luaungut viw auiuui- yicd o.'Baake an offer to Illinois for i'a Thanksgylng game. The present ln- Idicatlons'aro that Illinois wll play here ion. that date'. It was' also airreed to ;'8abii a ; "jjroposftlon tt Colorado for an October date in Lincoln. The board t..'cltUfl tp hvo thjj annual Missouri q m this city. Will $& matter of voUng "N'a" to the tniB:jileT8 yrho have woi, first tfpaoes n iper-conegiaie tournaments tAwaVprcsonted by Manager Peters of the ' iTgnnui association, aqd the board voted HplN.'JeUcr to Messrs. Farnsworth i JTrtkht and Fallor. r'JujiJQtll.Qtibo baseball team iior'aHorthoas.tern trip. jIVTlie raanagor .and members of the it6m''wtio"aro entitled to them will bo ivtrw?tt n-1-" .... ii 11 ryffwni nroTfin nnnrmn r Tho board decided to take put !?,000 ra.ncei on ao granaswuiu, an m- rea-Vif-T'l.OflQ over what is now car Wfn SvAiMmltteo consisting of Professor' ;. Dr. Clapp, and Mr. Ringer, was. Mihted ip revise the constitution jrr smn nave a RMPPJy oi me same pnniuu, .! rJPfiB'.hiillilintr anil p-rnnrwlR rrmmirtfi tllraUthprIzcd to construct a property iug unqprJhp grandstand, the cost iwncn is not to exceea wo. Tihpl(?ct4op of manager and asslst tinanager was deferred until the BU , 04vemr hspects cadets. yernpr-SyajB,e, Inspected the bat- illOTiin;UieJ,Arm9ty. last night. The iTictJonwft8 mere informal, as the Ut'rniiiBBftAnt'a. tvnrn tint AYnmlnpri. MmiHWHI VHO ii vmisu. !tr tMDMfton Jthe, governor made a rW addrNj ;expreaslhg pleasurp In. - . . "' t ma. '.fTi-nrii i .. . . v .. ,i"r ! '.( " a.m. n f rif wing opatiauon ana compii nted,e;cadetS"On their work. He iV that' he wMf proud, of them and phafeth, t acvuf6n the men that ftwoul'nWet Have cause to regret KK' .-'i:j.i'nV i- j.ti .."'i...ii.. jtghercpnia'tjdahfc: ytii Captajnr- ;vTe&"7gaVe ratflrif ormal Vtm.wm Settlement flay Report. The College Settlement is rejoicing over the financial success of tho "David Oarrick" play. Although the proceeds wero not as great as was hoped for, the amount that tho College Settlement has realized is a neat sum, and will do much toward finishing tho homo of the organization on 20th and N streets. The total receipts for the play were $352. After all bills have been met, which Include expensed 'for the opera houBO, costumes, advertising, posters, and other items, the College Settlement will realize dbout $100. The tour that the dramatic' company is making among the towns of the state fs not under the auspices of the Col lege Settlement. It Is hot expected that anything will be made qut of the trlp. If the proceeds pay expenses the com pany will feel well pleased. PHAMATIC CLUB. The "t)av.Id Garrick" Comedy Co., which showed at Ashland last Saturday night, ;were not well pleased with the small crowd, but were satisfied that they just made expenses. After the play Mr. Booth, Mr. Moorehouse and Mr. Clark were entertained by Mr. George Shedd, who came up from Lin-? coin, to see the play. The company Is billed for york Friday, and for Fait-, bury Saturday. They are also planning to go to Hastings Thursday. , Caldwell's Ailr, . Professor Caldwell's paper before the recent meeting of the state superin tendents on tho advisability of matri culating into the university any pupil merely on presentation of fjtlr years' credit from any accredited school "with out any specification of subjects, has arouo bo much general interest in the state, thai ho has been asked to re present It before the meeting of the state teachers' association in' January. 'Winter tarift7Ct)irse "" Th6 winter coyrso In agriculture will begin January 5, 1903., A large lum ber of subjects are pffqrqa foij InsrUc 'tlon, cpjisfstlng pf soils, Qold crojps, and farm managemetit, butter a'nd cheese making, breeds and breeding of Hvo stock, orcharding and gardening, dis eases of live stock, English and shop work. r The course of instruction alms to give the student tfuch. information and training as will Increase his earning capacity as a farmer add to Interest him in agriculture so greatly that ho will have a strong desire to make farm ing his life worlt. "There la rttfwia" special dalrycoprsei is ,av practlcalv buEthorotfgh .study of. all sjibjec-TelRUppihe .'dairy fri. dustry, Including ;.hutter and Hcheee; making; tbia carp,- piariagement .and Judging of dairy StpcJt testing ;o'f milk and cream,' aid subjecrelatlng to city milk supply. Practical science is applied lu.Pll .the operations, m No examlriatlons. for e4trahcesxare "Billh Grant,','&r Pmplpyod witl tho B. -mm irirtliis cityrf' ITe-ia from January 5, 1903,-tP MarcK t7&03, in order uppjy';(manyd'emandjl of Btudpri.and'lryinenr ,ThV;couTse BASKET BALL OUTLOOK Only One ON Man Back en Team Chapel to Be Used for Practice Trip Being Arranged. If Nebraska docs not have a good basket ball team this year It will not be owing to lack of material to pick from. Thirty-six men were out for practice Saturday afternoon and four lively games were played. Several pt the men who have been showlhg up best were tried on the first team $nd everybody played hard ball. Hereafter. vthe men will practice goals during con-, vocation and at odd times. New bas kets will be purchased and -placed In the new chapel so two games can be played at once. The man can also drop Into the new chapel and practice goals. when the gym is occupied by classes. Another ball will be purchased soon, which will greatly facilitate matters; With Dr. Clapp to coach the team a good team will certainly be developed from such a large class. The basket ball class now jneets In the Armory at 3 o'clock on Saturday. About twenty-five, men are trying for the team and good work Is being dono. Only one member of last year's team Is in school this, year, and tho team will practically be made upof ,new material. is captain, arid Hilt ner, manager. The schedulQ' of games j for th,e season Is not yet completed, but Manager Hlltnqr Is arranging for sev eral trips, and) a good schedule will undoubtedly be submitted. . -; The first basket ball team will play tho Y. M. C. A. team, Thursday night, while the Second squad te'am will play the Lincoln high school. Stock Judging Parliament. The Hvo stock Judging parliament will rapet at the university farm from January 23 to January 31 ,1903.- It Is held In order to meet the demands of farmers who wish Information concern ing tb"c i values of different classes of market stock. A contest in Judging will take place the last day and all ' persons 'who haye taken the course, or 'who are registered In the regular course of the school of agriculture, Will be allowed to" compete. A. number of prizes have been offered by prominent 78t6ckmen of' -tho- state to those who shall make tho best records. A lecture on some subject of. practical Import ance to stockmen" wllirb'drflellv'ered An viuuuiuriHi miu uhuu ovemnK 'Oi ne vtvviv. x tcaiounuuu ico.ui ti Will UU re oi nji w'lp, eiejwine course. Governor , Gumming of Iowa lias tic ; copte tlio mvitation' to.,dellyer tho mid year commencement address. I Tho onlywpman's Jollege in, west- 'ft.ft rAattt 1 ..,. f A A .. .VlfMAMn tW w bi ,Hu.,vmuMn;jB auiuue i rth'e;;A;iprl9att :cpngp;t7pr pmen 4tt IConataktlriopleoundedita 1171. A ' f rom iWti fiico; Mrs. LlucfeoYtfcTBnltif rccolVe3 UitT' following lattflr from; MJw Nina Proy, formerly of tonyersltsr, Whp Is now engaged In (caching school at Ponce, Portti Rico. "ilLtiii Prey enclosed 'k let ter, which sho hacUreceJlved . from . a former pupil, "thlrlcen years of age. It Indicates that remarkable progress that the PorTo Rlcahs are Inkling In acQulf-' lng EngllBh. MIsb Prey says: "Ulster and I aro very nicely settled, keeping houso in Ponce, the largest, city In the Island. Wo enjoy tho so-', clety of sevonteen other American a teachers, about top missionaries, Audi' many other Americans ongagd In va- i'lOUB pursuits i ' The city proper Ib two miles from the peach and the Tavorlto amusement is. o attend tho band concerto held there.' Th, electric car runs right past our Qoor and is usually crowded on concert night., Wo enJoy attppdjng tho wo-H man's club once a week. There Is a) very good theatre arid' dancing hall, Or public library and tt beautiful plaza,' whore the entlro population promenade on Sunday evening; while the 'band fclays. Tho military officers here nro very kind and loan the government Ambulances for picnic parties. Boat ing on the bay Is also a very pleasant diversion. This city has three fine hos pitals, best In the Island. One can buy; almost anything 'here tri the line of luxury or necessity, but prlceB ara' p.Igh on almost everything. The houses have city water and electric light and; there is an Ice factory always running Here lco is one cent per pound, but where wo wero losi year it was flvo' cents. ' ;' My work is even more pleasant than,; It was last year, as I now teach all dayj in the same building. ThV honrs 'aro, 8-11 a. m. and 1-4 pf m. Three days' a week the children ore dismissed at 3 o'clock, so I can teach the teachers for an hour. Expenses are higher in", tho large cities, but we each have an idVance of $9 per month over what wo recoived lost year. Sister Is In a kin dergarten, and teaches from 8 to ll.' u. of N. Cile'lHrr' i Don't fail to secure one of the 1903; U. of N. calendars. On sale at tho Y. M. C. A. and y. W. M. C, rooms, and fVio hnnlr ofnrn .uu v w.. Uvw.y. . The front page, illustrated, by Pjrof esri sor Barbour, Is worth the price of tho yJ & calendar. Former stpdents will bo- particularly pleased with ihls.;Be'8nro' i.,-f'.i.l'," YonTnt-flonriUftllVrtvlfl -tn hW nraa. ent'.al airtiihrttfiieeti ;that ypumakajyouKfpririerjcsthderitf -- 'iii ",f riend happy by malllngr-blm'onorA ,!Ur,UJ, Wy r 'i vnvmivflKJwvibiii . . ,.:" -.uj ,m. V . " . - ' i., itu;.'., Ai , .tr,.-.uit'( .''' r.j.JKtl rtV.j.i- -A-r'o:it nrrthniNfthfaHVCft HnMnn: tn 1W Kfclrl fnf '-'?'" . -", '' ' I: - .-. . .7--' .'.. fcv.UMituiiM..iVi,i-' v . ft the Unrvers7tF:6fcNaW;ridy d- December 19,4902, At B' & &fk-'S'-Ztf' ',fl t 4rb4p;ipwlrigpap.er8Xn4re' fiT-ZM ' JSM j -Cyaiogeneels in-Planto- CpltlvatedUir - - ioi I ' - ' 1 1 ' --j :rj A iixli ' .A .ki y t) if- d ' V 4 -V -;-. . a-.. ' w r- .jti'i m 4tt . wt' it i i " Vl'M',! lf -,T ." - , Cfrl ;.v vav v " V. MT: ? ji Cranium T'r'IIl ; homo,. '!-' .'X