'-jm' 'jTrWSBP W i Vr' " , 3 " "'J fl JU v' ' ,.: -r1T- ?.,i-iiflrf..rfjf', V ' ''. -- - -'-" -J' WWiM i ftTrfS7 THE DAILY NEBKAbKAN, I? t p J, r I h : t- i ? f ml. v.. 0 K I WW. New Pool Parlor 138 So. 11th Street. All Students are cordially invited to while away the time here. Checks given on all games. D. O. tIPER, Propr. EAT AT THE Merchants Dining Hall 1042 P STREET. LINCOLN. - NEBRASKA. The Only Up -to -Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in Town. No Saloon At tached. Tables Newly Covered. Powell's, 146 N. 11th. Phone L664-. The first National Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $200,000; surplus, $100,000; pro fits, $18,319; deposits, $2,589,093" b. H. Burnham, prest; A. J. Saw. yer, vice-prest; H. S. Freeman, cashier; H. B. Evans, asst. cash.; Frank Parks, asst. cash. United States Depository. Official Bulletin. This column 1b devoted mainly to notices of the university. All depart ments and student organizations hav ing notices to publish Bhould leave them either at the executive ofllco, at the ofllco of the paper, or hand them to unyone connocted with the paper. All announcements should be In by 6 p. m. xxocxccccococxxxcococ NOTICE. Seniors In the engineering depart ment are not required to write Junior or Senior themes this year. THE REGISTRAR. The annual Harvard-Princeton bato will occur on December 12. de- Tho Dramatic club will present "Da vid Garrlck" at York' on the 20th. All the votes for candidates for foot ball captain muBt be in by the twelfth. There are seventeen eligible voters. The regular monthly mooting of the Athletic board will take place In Dr. Clapp's ofllco next Monday evening. NOTICE. Students are again notified that all men taking gymnasium work muet take a physical examination. A" thoso who have not yet been examined must report Immediately. GET SENIOR HATS. Tho senior cap committee urges all who Intend to purchase hatB to leave their orders at once with some member of the committee or with President Buck. Orders should be In this week so that tho hats can be secured before the holidays. Mr. Robert Cuscaden of. Omaha, who has just returned from Europe, has consented to play at tho "Chick" Shedd benefit. Mr. Cuscaden Is a brother of Mr. Fred Cuscaden, law '02, and has returned from a four years' sojourn In Berlin, studying violin un der tho famous master, Wltek. This will be another attraction for the al ready well-planned benefit concert for Mr. Shedd. Mr. Starr wll sing at a recital at the Christian church' Friday, December 12, Prof. E. H. Barbour will deliver a lecture Friday evening at tho Vino Street Congregational church of this city on "The Bad Lands of Nebraska," On Saturday night tho Palladlan de bating olub will debat the question, "Resolved, That the direct primary system should bo adopted In Nebraska. Dr. Clapp has now two classes for flold events which spend half their time on floor or field practico jind the other half in class and lecture work. Professor Cook of the history depart ment, Is preparing an article on "Amendments to the Constitution" for publication In "The World of Today." DOMESTIC HAND LAUNDRY NOTICE. Call at Y. M. C. A. rooms and get a copy of the student's hand-book free. We arc busy people, 1ED1 D St, - Phone 274 Shirts, 4c Collars-1 l-2c. Cuffs, 3. Nothiug Cheap but price. Work Called for and delivered. DEANS' OFFICE HOURS. Tho deans of tho various colleges may bo found In U. 104 at tho hours noted herein. Each studont should feel free to consult tho dean of his collego In regard to his work, absonce from class, etc. Dean Sherman, 10:30-11:30. Dean Bessey, 11:30-12:00. Dean Davis, 2:00-3:00. Dean Ward, 11:30-12:00. NOTICE. Hereafter the basket-ball class will meot on Saturday at 3 p. m. NOTICE. The Delian society will meet Wed nesday In the old chapel at 1 o'clock for the election of officers. All mem bers of the society aro urged to be present. Agency at The Co-Op. J. WILSON, Proprietor. THE... NORTHWESTERN ...LINE T., L & M. V. ft'Y. Best Line to ST., PAUL BLACK HILLS CHICAGO NOTICE. The committee on tho Shodd Bone fltflt wishes that all those who play a mandolin, guitar, violin or banjo would leave their names and the names of other talented persons whom they know with George Shidler. but before school closes for the holidays we want to have a heart-to-heart talk with the candy-buying students, lest they forget who we are, where we are, and what we do. We are still making chocolates, good chocolates chocolates which we believe are the equal of any on earth. We can make as good chocolate as Nebraska can grow corn, or "cornhuskers," and you know they are right at the top of the pile, even if some people do not like to admit it. If you find that our goods are not equal in appearance, in flavor and general goodness of anything beyound the Missouri, we will refund your money and ask no questions. Our goods on sale at your book stores. THE MAXWELL CO., 206 S. 11th 1426 O St. A Kausas School Boy's Definition of Pants. PANTS were made for men and not men for pants; when a man pants for a woman and a woman pants for a man they are a PAIR OF PANTS, such cases usually lead to breeches of promise. Pants are like molasses, thin in summer and thick in winter. There has been much discussion whether PANTS is singular or plural; it ap. pears to me thatwhen a man wearsrpants it is plural, but when he does not wear pants it is singular. by not let injfjWlG pant yon ? SENIOR GIRLS. Senior girls meet Wednesday at 10 a. ra.. In U. 210. SENIOR CLASS. There will bo a meeting of the Se nior class this morning at 10 o'clock In L. 109. SOPHOMORE GIRLS. Sophomore girls meet this morning at 19 o'clock in U. 210. FRESHMEN. The Freshmen meet this morning at 10 o'clock In U. 20G. 1024 O St. E. R, BOTLEB, 1024 O St. R. W, MoGinnib, Gen'i Agt. BOTANICAL SEMINAR. The Botanical Seminar will meet Saturday, December 13, at 2:30 in the botany lecture room. All members of advanced botany classes are expected to bo present. Dr. Bessey will give a discussion of the cause which have contributed to tho present condition of Nebraska forestB. Perfect Alignment PERMANTLY SECURED BY CORRECT MECHANICAL FEATURES The New Century Typewriter is direct in action, faultless in construc tion and wholly satisfactory in operation BOOK OF THE NEW CENTURY MAILED FREE. AMEttlCANWmTINGMACinNECO.,415So.15ih Street, Onfdha. Next Friday at 8 p. m., Hon. Peter Gro80up of Chicago will deliver a lec ture on "Trusts, the Next Step In the Development of the Country." Tho public Is Invited. Admission will be free to all. SPALDING'S OFTIOIAL BALL BUPPLIEB TOOT are-used by all colleges and athletic clubs, because they stand the test. Spalding's Officiajl Intercol legiate Foot Ball is used in all championship games. Price $4.00. Spalding's New Attachment for Foot Ball Tacking Machine was' invented by Mr. John McMasters, trainer of the Harvard team. It is' the best appliance of its kind ever invented. Price 15.00. Spalding's Official Foot Ball Guide for 1902. Price 10 cents. Spaldings Fall and Winter Sports Catalogue mailed free. A. G. SPALDING BROS. New York Baltimore Chicago Buffalo ( 1 ;n.'. Denver a5s: . . 3 t . .... n , , . - ..V-v -.'..-'- ' St -.,-, .',?! ' I i.L H ' . .I..-.J-.- I mi u i ii.iimlii I I.HH IM I'WIIIJll LWH I'.' WM 4' c ffcl t'., Iff t ' 'JUHfei.- iW i it l-h. 'V" ' .vlS. u."fta TWMwi "fy'tnn .iff 7 iiiTi....t.ir.i.lt ,q .',i.-W-VS -.' fyM,mmlmi wc jSj,i, .-.'