vt """Li ir. ji ',1 J"- r ' -v - tiS . THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. Ht-I i I1'A Hf I EAT AT THE R-T; n Merchants Dining Hal . . ' -v '" -PTr : ft 1 1. . rar -' Y. k i - .' B t )'- K r 'tf . i KM ft'. ' ' ?' $ I; M i - .i I M r- HA ;m ' II fe. iiV?.WT.,,J.7x3 iflsreiWrT i 4ri .. mxj --" : TrfiJTL 'n r- "i lt'-.tt1 - "-' iMia. ii Students and Co-Eds This space is bought solely to remind you that there is nothing desirable for holiday gifts that cannot be found in the grand holiday stocks on our two floors. Special holiday displays in every department. See specially the handker chiefs, neckwear and hosiery in the ladies' furnishing departm't. The item of money saving is a big argu ment for you to trade ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. 1221, 1223, 1225, 1227 O STREET 1042 P STREET. LINCOLN. - NEBRASKA. Fun with a Phonograplw. LUIS Ul' 11. See them at GUTIIERIE'S, 1540 ' O Stkkki. Bicycles repaired. The Only Up -to -Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in Town. No Saloon At tached. Tables Newly Covered. Powell's, 146 N. 11th. Phone L664. This column is devoted mainly io notices of the university. All depart ments and student organizations hav ing notices to publish Bhould Jeao them either at the executive office, at the office of the paper, or hand them to anyone connected with the paper. All announcements should be in by 6 p. m. XXOCOCKC?CXCXXCCXXCOCX NOTICE. Soniors in the engineering iepait ment are not required to write Junior or Senior themes thiB year. THE REGISTRAR. WITHDRAWAL, FROM CLASS. No student may quit a class without permission from the dean of his col lege. Such permission must be pre wiucd to th'ri office immediately that Ihr instructors may be notified. Any i-tudent dropping a class without such I crmlBslon becomes liable to immediate oii.pciiHion from the university. H. O. 8HEDD, Registrar. JUNIORS. Juniois meet Monday, December 8, at 10 a. m., in IT. 20G. NOTICE. FreBhmen meet in II. 206, Tuesday. December 9, at 10 a, m. "DAVID OARRICK" PARTIES. Societies and Fraternities who wish to attend in boan'8 should leave their names and number of tickets wanted at the resit-trar'B office- at once. JUNIORS, ATTENTION There will be a claBB meeting In U. 206 Monday, December 8, at 10 a. m. A basket ball team manager will be elected and Borne important business in regard to the clasB debate will be transacted. A. I. MYERS, President. DEANS' OFFICE HOURS. The deans of the various colleges may be found In U.,.104 at tho hours noted herein. Each student should feel free to consult tho dean of his college In regard to his work, absenco from class, etc. Dean Sherman, 10:30-11:30. Dean Bessey, 11:30-12:00. Dean Davis, 2:00-3:00. Dean Ward. 11:30-12:00. NOTICE. Hereafter the basket-ball class will meet on Saturday at 3 p m. JUNIORS ATTENTION. Juniors meet in U. 206, Monday, 10 a m. A basket-bnll manager will be elected and some Important business in regard to the class debate will be transacted Class enthusiasm for the girls' tournamentwlllbe aroused. A. I. MYERS, President. The ballots for the election of foot ball captain will be given out today, each voter is entitled to withhold his ballot five dayB. The English club will meet next Sat urday evening at Miss Hayden's studio. The legal fraternity of Phi Delta Phi will give an informal dancing party at Walsh hall this evening. The Eleventh Hour club will go as a box party to "David Oarrick." RETURN THE BOOK. Will the party that took an English literature note book from the desk In the postofnee please return it. NOTICE. StudentB are again notified that all men taking gymnasium work ivnut take a physical examination. A" thos who have not yet been examined must roport immediately. GET SENIOR HATS. Th'o senior cap committee! urges all who tntend to purchnso hatB to leave their orders at once with some member of the committee or with President Buck. Orders should be In this week so that the hats can bo secured 'before tho holidays. NOTICE. Call at Y. M. C. A. rooms and get a copy of the student's hand-book free. fre-nch students. Students desiring beginning Fronch tho Becond semester will please report at room 301, University hall. CLARA CONKLIN. HIGH GRADE CHDCDLATE5 HDNflQN5 Sold ojily bfl Harley Drug Co,, lltjf and 0 Streets Perfect Alignment PERMANTLY SECURED . BY CORRECT MECHANICAL FEATURES The New Century Typewriter is direct in action, faultless in construc tion and wholly satisfactory in operation. BOOK OF .THE NEW CENTURY MAILED FREE. AMERICAN WmriNtf MACHINE CO., 415 So. 15th;Strcct, Omaha. The First National Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $200,000; surplus, $100,000; pro fits, $18,319; deposits, $2, 589,093c b. H. Burnham, prest; A. J. Saw. yer, vice-prest; H. S. Freeman, cashier; H. B. Evans, asst. cash.; Frank Parks, asst. cash. United States Depository. DOMESTIC HAND LAUNDRY 1601 D St, - PJiojie 274 Shirts, 4c. Collars. 1 l-2c. Cuffs, 3. Nothing Cheap but price. Work Called for and delivered. Agency at The Co-Op. J. WILSON, Proprietor. THE... NORTHWESTERN ...LINE E., E. & M. V. R'Y. Best Line to- ST. RAUL f, BLACK HLLS CHICAGO 1024 O St. - 1024 O St. E. R. Butler, R. W. MoGinnib, I C. T. A. Qen'l Agt, ,) .ifr-i .. . tuus foJS,. r ' . 1 jr. 1 V" Lt JUiuLuaCjk.vWPT Vu.